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Failure and Why it’s a Good Thing
Episode 1077th March 2023 • The Business Animal • Kimberly Beer
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As a small business owner, it's important to recognize the importance of failure and why it can be a positive thing. It can be easy to become discouraged when things don't go as planned, but learning from our mistakes and continuing to strive for success is key to achieving success as an animal based business owner. Failing can help us to identify what works and what doesn't, allowing us to make necessary changes to ensure the best outcome. In some cases, it can even open us up to new opportunities that we hadn't previously considered. Additionally, failure can help to foster resilience, giving us the strength to persist even when things don't go as planned. We can also use it as an opportunity to evaluate our processes and make improvements to increase efficiency. While failure can be difficult, it is an essential part of the learning process and an invaluable tool in the pursuit of success. Embracing it and using it to our advantage is the key to success for any animal based business owner.



Welcome to The Business Animal podcast. Saddle up for a


gallop to the top of the animal industry, where you'll learn how


to tame your wild business beast, with tips, techniques,


and tools that will take overwhelm to obedience school.


And have you wagging your tail with joy. And now your hosts,


Kim Beer, and Cara Taylor Swift.

Kimberly Beer:

Hey there business animals. It's Kim with

Kimberly Beer:

Be More Business

Cara Taylor Swift:

and Cara with Fast Horse photography. Hey,

Cara Taylor Swift:

Kim. Good morning.

Kimberly Beer:

Good morning, Cara. How are you today?

Cara Taylor Swift:

I'm okay, I had to take my earrings off

Cara Taylor Swift:

before we got on the call today cuz I keep forgetting I can't

Cara Taylor Swift:

wear earrings when I have my headphones on. So I have a

Cara Taylor Swift:

meeting after this. And I'm all like you probably can't tell

Cara Taylor Swift:

because you can only see like my messy hair. But I'm actually

Cara Taylor Swift:

dressed up today. And I had earrings on and I forgot I can't

Cara Taylor Swift:

wear earrings with my headphones. So did you know

Cara Taylor Swift:

that? Do you have that issue?

Kimberly Beer:

I do. I don't wear earrings with my headphones

Kimberly Beer:

either. But I am not dressed up for anything. today. I'm in my

Kimberly Beer:

chevrolet Motor Company t shirt and a pair of lazy jeans. I have

Kimberly Beer:

no plans, but meetings for the rest of the day. And none of

Kimberly Beer:

them are extremely formal. So

Cara Taylor Swift:

Oh, no, no nice. I have a fun meeting. It's

Cara Taylor Swift:

my annual I shoot for a local nonprofit every year just as a

Cara Taylor Swift:

way to give back to the equine community. And we're doing a

Cara Taylor Swift:

calendar this year. So we're working on outlining the shots

Cara Taylor Swift:

that we would hope to have for each month so that we can kind

Cara Taylor Swift:

of plan out that shoot. So I'm kind of excited. I haven't been

Cara Taylor Swift:

there all year. So I'm excited to see all the updates. It

Cara Taylor Swift:

should be a fun meeting. But I did have to get dressed up for

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

That does sound like right. I would love that. I

Kimberly Beer:

don't have to get dressed up until Wednesday, then I've got a

Kimberly Beer:

lot of stuff in Kansas City and classes I have to teach and all

Kimberly Beer:

kinds of stuff going on. So Wednesday I will have to look

Kimberly Beer:

presentable. But today, it's Chevrolet motors t shirt and

Kimberly Beer:

bare feet. So we're all good, nice. So today's topic has

Kimberly Beer:

nothing to do with any of that. Because I'm going to tell you

Kimberly Beer:

even in my chevrolet t shirt, I do not feel like a failure. And

Kimberly Beer:

that's what we're talking about today. Actually, we're talking

Kimberly Beer:

about why failure is a good thing, right?

Cara Taylor Swift:

Yeah, I think I don't know if this is actually

Cara Taylor Swift:

a quote, but maybe I just made it up. But I like to think about

Cara Taylor Swift:

it as like failures. I've known a few.

Kimberly Beer:

Oh, my goodness, and I am not going to sing

Kimberly Beer:

because that would definitely lose us listeners. Singing is

Kimberly Beer:

not my strong suit at all. But it is true. We've all had a lot

Kimberly Beer:

of failures. I was actually talking to somebody the other

Kimberly Beer:

day about my business and about business failures and that kind

Kimberly Beer:

of thing. And I was rattling off my list of failures that I have

Kimberly Beer:

had in my life financially. I have been to bankruptcy court.

Kimberly Beer:

Oh, God, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

were key you keep a tally? Yeah, well, I

Kimberly Beer:

think we were talking about think we're having

Kimberly Beer:

a discussion around resilience, which is actually in our big

Kimberly Beer:

three here. But they failures, I've known a few I have been to

Kimberly Beer:

bankruptcy court, I have stood in front of a federal judge and

Kimberly Beer:

told him I would never own a small business, it was not a lie

Kimberly Beer:

at the time, it turned out to be a lie moving forward, obviously.

Kimberly Beer:

And I recovered from that that's been well over 30 years ago. So

Kimberly Beer:

there was that at one point with this ranch, I did get

Kimberly Beer:

foreclosure papers, because I missed a large loan payment that

Kimberly Beer:

I couldn't make at the time. And I had to scramble to figure out

Kimberly Beer:

how to do that. That was right, shortly after my mother's death.

Kimberly Beer:

And I wasn't quite to the point where I had the cash flow to

Kimberly Beer:

support a large piece of acreage and my business and my bills and

Kimberly Beer:

everything else. But I came out the other side of that, okay.

Kimberly Beer:

And I can see how people would look at those things, those two

Kimberly Beer:

events and say those are failures, right? I mean, the

Kimberly Beer:

rather big public failures, actually, particularly the

Kimberly Beer:

bankruptcy was a huge failure. In the scheme of things. For a

Kimberly Beer:

lot of people bankruptcy can be extremely devastating. But I

Kimberly Beer:

think here's the key to why that wasn't a failure that kept me

Kimberly Beer:

from being an entrepreneur, again. It was in how I

Kimberly Beer:

eventually held that failure. I will tell you when I was

Kimberly Beer:

standing in front of that federal judge that day and said

Kimberly Beer:

I wouldn't own another business. I really did mean it because I

Kimberly Beer:

felt like the business was to blame for it. But I learned

Kimberly Beer:

pretty quick after that after I got a little perspective, and I

Kimberly Beer:

mean, not very long. Within a couple of weeks or months, I had

Kimberly Beer:

a much better perspective about what went wrong and how I could

Kimberly Beer:

do it better the next time. And I didn't hold on to that failure

Kimberly Beer:

as being repeatable. It was not a factor in me starting the

Kimberly Beer:

business that I currently have right now. I didn't hold on to

Kimberly Beer:

it as oh my god, I went bankrupt one time I'm gonna go bankrupt

Kimberly Beer:

again. So I think a good Rate deal of it is how you hold it.

Kimberly Beer:

Well, it

Cara Taylor Swift:

can be crippling. For some people, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

would think you know what you experienced, it can be crippling

Cara Taylor Swift:

if you don't take the time to do the work or you don't come from

Cara Taylor Swift:

a place of failure. You know, it's not a terrible thing we can

Cara Taylor Swift:

go forward from here, I could see that being crippling. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

for some people, that could mean NEVER starting again, never

Cara Taylor Swift:

trying, never realizing dreams that you have. So I think that's

Cara Taylor Swift:

why this topic is so important, because failure is something

Cara Taylor Swift:

that if you are an entrepreneur, you will experience at some

Cara Taylor Swift:

point, it's inevitable. So if you don't come at it from that

Cara Taylor Swift:

perspective, I think that it can prevent you from ever realizing

Cara Taylor Swift:

your dreams because you, you don't have the ability to just

Cara Taylor Swift:

keep going.

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah. There's a quote that says, Fear of failure

Kimberly Beer:

kills more businesses than finances ever Well, then money

Kimberly Beer:

ever will. And I do. I do truly believe that, that there's a lot

Kimberly Beer:

of people that are very afraid to fail in entrepreneurship.

Kimberly Beer:

You're very right. If you go into entrepreneurship, there's

Kimberly Beer:

failure attached to it. I'm sorry, it just is part of the

Kimberly Beer:

package. But I also think we could extrapolate that to life.

Kimberly Beer:

I mean, I don't think that there's a human being walking

Kimberly Beer:

around on the planet that hasn't experienced failure at some

Kimberly Beer:

point. And I think that the biggest thing that I want to see

Kimberly Beer:

people attached to is that failure is not always a bad

Kimberly Beer:

thing. I think that we like to attach to it as something

Kimberly Beer:

horrid, right. But it's not always a bad thing, even

Kimberly Beer:

something as bad as going through a bankruptcy. That

Kimberly Beer:

bankruptcy that I went through. It taught me how to manage cash

Kimberly Beer:

flow, eventually. I mean, it wasn't immediate. But when I

Kimberly Beer:

started another business, I got help. I did it much better. I

Kimberly Beer:

understood cash flow, I understood how things should

Kimberly Beer:

function in a business. And here's another thing it did. It

Kimberly Beer:

taught me that that failure was not the end of the world. You

Kimberly Beer:

know, what if I ended up in bankruptcy court again, I could

Kimberly Beer:

go through that it didn't kill me. And I guess we're back to

Kimberly Beer:

that, to that cliche of if it What doesn't kill you makes you

Kimberly Beer:

stronger. It did make me stronger. It made me a better

Kimberly Beer:

business person. And it gave me the skills to help other

Kimberly Beer:

business people overcome that. And I think that's so important

Kimberly Beer:

to understand that failure means you're trying failure means you

Kimberly Beer:

took the risk failure means you took a chance. And maybe you

Kimberly Beer:

didn't hit the mark this time, but you learned something

Kimberly Beer:

that'll get you closer to the next time.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Well, I like what you said, because I had

Cara Taylor Swift:

that point in here, that idea of like, what's the worst thing

Cara Taylor Swift:

that can happen if you fail? And you just said to yourself, you

Cara Taylor Swift:

know, well, I know now, what that looks like, you know, and I

Cara Taylor Swift:

think for some people listening and sometimes for myself, too, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

think about like how I have a little bit, I wouldn't say I'm a

Cara Taylor Swift:

perfectionist, but I feel a strong sense of responsibility

Cara Taylor Swift:

towards the people that I work with, towards my family towards

Cara Taylor Swift:

everyone around me, you know, that I'm interacting with as a

Cara Taylor Swift:

business person, but there are like, internal struggles that

Cara Taylor Swift:

come with that. So it's like, what's the worst thing that can

Cara Taylor Swift:

happen is an activity that I have to do sometimes, where I'll

Cara Taylor Swift:

be saying to myself, Okay, if I give this a go, what's invested

Cara Taylor Swift:

in this, what's the worst thing that can happen? And sometimes

Cara Taylor Swift:

that piece around like the perfectionism and needing things

Cara Taylor Swift:

to go well, and needing to be responsible to other people is

Cara Taylor Swift:

sometimes the hardest part for me even harder than losing

Cara Taylor Swift:

money, or harder than losing a job or harder than making a

Cara Taylor Swift:

mistake on a purchase of some kind. You know, it's the other

Cara Taylor Swift:

side of things that internal partners have in my head, but

Cara Taylor Swift:

that internal part and that perfectionism side can sometimes

Cara Taylor Swift:

be just as agonizing.

Kimberly Beer:

Well, that's has a lot to do with your

Kimberly Beer:

temperament. Cara, you are an SJ, which is in the Keirsey

Kimberly Beer:

Bates, temperament, your word, your currency in life, the way

Kimberly Beer:

you walk through life is the word responsibility. That is

Kimberly Beer:

your key word in life is responsibility. Sure, and yeah,

Kimberly Beer:

I can see where that would hold a lot. And if you judge yourself

Kimberly Beer:

is not being responsible, that is a failure, or that you would

Kimberly Beer:

consider that a failure. My hope is that you don't keep an

Kimberly Beer:

attachment to that very long that you say, Okay, I need to

Kimberly Beer:

get closer next time. That's I think the bigger thing right

Kimberly Beer:

with this that we're trying to get people to understand and

Kimberly Beer:

from two people who've been in business for quite a while, is

Kimberly Beer:

if it doesn't work out, don't go Oh, dammit. I'm gonna quit. Go.

Kimberly Beer:

Okay, that didn't work. So now I know that didn't work. I can try

Kimberly Beer:

the next thing. And that's part of how do you hold it? How do

Kimberly Beer:

you carry around Only a failure, if you carry around a failure is

Kimberly Beer:

oh, I'm a failure, and I'm never going to get it right, you're

Kimberly Beer:

never going to get it right. But if you carry it around as

Kimberly Beer:

dammit, well, that didn't work. Let me try that, again, you can

Kimberly Beer:

get a lot farther with that attitude.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And that rolls is right into our big

Cara Taylor Swift:

three. Number one, which is no one find success without

Cara Taylor Swift:

failure, just like we said, when we opened, if you are a business

Cara Taylor Swift:

owner, you will absolutely experience failure. At some

Cara Taylor Swift:

point, if you're not experiencing failures at some

Cara Taylor Swift:

point, then you're probably not stretching, you're probably not

Cara Taylor Swift:

growing, you're probably not trying out new things. And you

Cara Taylor Swift:

need to be looking at that.

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. Because entrepreneurship is a

Kimberly Beer:

lot about risk. Entrepreneurs are the risk takers in life. And

Kimberly Beer:

nothing gets furthered when you play it safe. Entrepreneurship

Kimberly Beer:

really is about getting out there putting yourself out

Kimberly Beer:

there, it is about being open to failure. And I think that's

Kimberly Beer:

another thing too, when you're afraid of failure, you're not

Kimberly Beer:

open to all of the possibilities, because you shut

Kimberly Beer:

off a tremendous amount of the possibility moving forward, you

Kimberly Beer:

shut it down, before we can ever really allow itself to evolve

Kimberly Beer:

into what it needs to be because you look at it and go, I'm

Kimberly Beer:

afraid I'm gonna fail over here at this, because it feels risky.

Kimberly Beer:

I think in life entrepreneurs, people who are drawn to owning

Kimberly Beer:

their own business, they have a higher tolerance for saying, I'm

Kimberly Beer:

going to try it anyway. Even though it looks a little risky,

Kimberly Beer:

I'm going to roll the dice, and I'm going to be okay, if it does

Kimberly Beer:

fail. And I find for myself, there are things that I look at

Kimberly Beer:

in my business that I want to try maybe different concepts or

Kimberly Beer:

ideas. And you know, I'm never short on any of those. And what

Kimberly Beer:

I'll do is I'll weigh the risk, right? What is the risk if I do

Kimberly Beer:

this? And I do ask the question, what's going to happen if I

Kimberly Beer:

fail, and I do work through that ahead of time, and then I make a

Kimberly Beer:

calculated decision to say, Okay, I'm going to try it

Kimberly Beer:

anyway. And then when if it does fail, I'm going to be okay with

Kimberly Beer:

that. I'm like, Okay, well, at least I rolled the dice, I

Kimberly Beer:

dried. And then here I am back at square one. Or I find that

Kimberly Beer:

and this is what I find more often than not, I just when I do

Kimberly Beer:

take those risks, I end up with a much bigger reward than if I

Kimberly Beer:

would have been afraid of the failure and not taking the

Kimberly Beer:


Cara Taylor Swift:

Absolutely. And I like one of the things I'm

Cara Taylor Swift:

Kim in this section here that no one finds success without

Cara Taylor Swift:

failure, one of the things that when we were kind of prepping

Cara Taylor Swift:

for this show that we were talking about is that you know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

success is not, it's not a straight road, it's not an

Cara Taylor Swift:

uphill continuous climb. It's not, you know, on the graph of

Cara Taylor Swift:

life, you're not in a constant upward trajectory, it's much

Cara Taylor Swift:

more full of hills and valleys, right, you're on your way up,

Cara Taylor Swift:

you take a dip, you're on your way up, you take a dip, and the

Cara Taylor Swift:

idea is that you're at least always moving forward, you're

Cara Taylor Swift:

always moving up, but you might have some dips in the road

Cara Taylor Swift:

there. And that's not a bad thing. Sometimes those dips in

Cara Taylor Swift:

the road, those little valleys that we get pulled back down

Cara Taylor Swift:

into are the things that are going to help realign us,

Cara Taylor Swift:

recenter us and pull us back into the things that are really

Cara Taylor Swift:

important in our business and really important to the goals in

Cara Taylor Swift:

our life. Right?

Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. And you know, what's beautiful about

Kimberly Beer:

that metaphor is if you think about it as a metaphor that life

Kimberly Beer:

has its hills and valleys, hills give you VISTAs right where you

Kimberly Beer:

can see out over a large area, and it feels fantastic to be up

Kimberly Beer:

there. But where we really feed our souls where we would get

Kimberly Beer:

nourishment, where we would always come back to and get

Kimberly Beer:

greater understanding is in the valleys, because that's where

Kimberly Beer:

the green grass grows. I mean, that metaphor is beautiful,

Kimberly Beer:

because it isn't just a straight road up. There are hills and

Kimberly Beer:

valleys in life. And both of them have their strong points.

Kimberly Beer:

That's why I say failure is not a bad thing. Failure is just

Kimberly Beer:

simply another step on the way to success. It's the value walk

Kimberly Beer:

through to feed yourself and really understand it. So when

Kimberly Beer:

you get up there to the VISTA again, you can decide where you

Kimberly Beer:

want to go next and what you want to experience.

Cara Taylor Swift:

And I think that moves us right into

Cara Taylor Swift:

resilience, which is our number to grow your resilience. And

Cara Taylor Swift:

really what that is, is it's the ability to bounce back and keep

Cara Taylor Swift:

going after a failure or after a setback. And one of the things I

Cara Taylor Swift:

think about here is, you know, failure can feel horrible. It

Cara Taylor Swift:

can feel so terrible and I mean someone I don't know about you

Cara Taylor Swift:

can but I can take it so personally and I can really get

Cara Taylor Swift:

down about it for a little while and kind of wallow and it's okay

Cara Taylor Swift:

to do that. But we have to have the resilience to move forward

Cara Taylor Swift:

to move past the setback and to not okay, that's it. I failed.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I'm closing my door. for good, I'm going back and getting a job

Cara Taylor Swift:

somewhere. And going back to the brick and mortar nine to five, I

Cara Taylor Swift:

mean, we have to have some resilience in order to keep

Cara Taylor Swift:

growing and to keep going. What are your thoughts on that?

Kimberly Beer:

Oh, definitely, resilience is a big part of it's

Kimberly Beer:

one of my Sustainable Entrepreneurship practices, it's

Kimberly Beer:

one of the biggest ones is working towards resilience. And

Kimberly Beer:

I always imagine resilience as a rubber band, right. So if you

Kimberly Beer:

stretch the first time you stretch a rubber band, it's

Kimberly Beer:

stiff and it hard, it's hard. And it's, it's a struggle to do

Kimberly Beer:

so. But if you keep stretching it, you have more elasticity.

Kimberly Beer:

And when you work, your resilience as a muscle in your

Kimberly Beer:

body, it becomes easier for you to be able to be resilient, and

Kimberly Beer:

for you to bounce back faster after a failure. So the first

Kimberly Beer:

failures hit you the hardest, that bankruptcy that I had, I

Kimberly Beer:

was in my mid 20s. When that happened to me, that was a hard

Kimberly Beer:

bounce back because it was the really the first time life had

Kimberly Beer:

stepped me on my ass. I mean, that was the hard part.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I always love that you so openly share about

Cara Taylor Swift:

your bankruptcy because I think that there are so many people

Cara Taylor Swift:

out there that would be terrified to share about a

Cara Taylor Swift:

failure like that in their business. And the thing is, is

Cara Taylor Swift:

that we have to also find safe ways to share about our failures

Cara Taylor Swift:

in order to process them in order to work through them, and

Cara Taylor Swift:

to get feedback and learn from them. And that's the thing is

Cara Taylor Swift:

that a lot of times people are only putting out their highlight

Cara Taylor Swift:

reels. I mean, we're on social media, we're reading blog posts,

Cara Taylor Swift:

we're reading success stories, all of the promising the

Cara Taylor Swift:

exciting stuff, all of the winds are out there. But it's not very

Cara Taylor Swift:

often, when people are sharing their every day life those every

Cara Taylor Swift:

day behind the scene moments that really aren't glamorous,

Cara Taylor Swift:

they're probably full of lots of mistakes. And it's probably just

Cara Taylor Swift:

kind of that more boring side of life. So we can kind of get

Cara Taylor Swift:

sucked into that. What do you think about that cam, after

Cara Taylor Swift:

sharing what you shared,

Kimberly Beer:

I think it's very true. And I think that it also

Kimberly Beer:

gives us the impression that nobody bid us fails. So if we're

Kimberly Beer:

only seeing all of the things that other people are doing

Kimberly Beer:

successfully, then it's really easy to think, Well, I'm just a

Kimberly Beer:

total failure. I see that in my clients. Because the whole

Kimberly Beer:

reason for having social media really is to always show the

Kimberly Beer:

positive side of things, you know, and people do that quite

Kimberly Beer:

frequently. And then I have clients that come to me for

Kimberly Beer:

business consulting, or working on their business plan. And

Kimberly Beer:

they're like, this is so hard for me, I'm defective, I just

Kimberly Beer:

watch everybody else do it. And it's so easy. And I'm like, No,

Kimberly Beer:

it is not easy. Yeah, you're not defective. There is you're not

Kimberly Beer:

failing, you're you're you're not even close to failing. It's

Kimberly Beer:

just this is hard. And the problem is, is what you see of

Kimberly Beer:

everyone else is all of the good things. And unfortunately,

Kimberly Beer:

there's a lot of downsides in life. And in business as well.

Kimberly Beer:

And I think it's embracing those, the shadow moments as

Kimberly Beer:

well as the sunlight as photographers were really aware

Kimberly Beer:

that the sun may be the thing that or the light is the thing

Kimberly Beer:

that illuminates the subject, but the shadows are what give an

Kimberly Beer:

image depth. And the same is true with our life. Such a good

Kimberly Beer:

point, the light illuminates us, you know, in those moments, but

Kimberly Beer:

it's our shadows that give us depth. And your failures are

Kimberly Beer:

part of that shadow.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I'm gonna interrupt you for a second

Cara Taylor Swift:

because I just read this book, and it was an audiobook and I

Cara Taylor Swift:

was needing something lighthearted. And when I started

Cara Taylor Swift:

reading the book the whole time, the book was like, one happy

Cara Taylor Swift:

thing after another. And I kept thinking, Okay, this is where

Cara Taylor Swift:

the grandfather's gonna die. Or this is where the car accidents

Cara Taylor Swift:

going to happen. Because I was constantly looking for the

Cara Taylor Swift:

moments of controversy in the book. The book never had. Yeah,

Cara Taylor Swift:

it was the strangest thing. And it was the boring book I've ever

Cara Taylor Swift:

read in my life. Because it was literally just one person's like

Cara Taylor Swift:

experience in life, but they didn't share any of the like

Cara Taylor Swift:

downsides. It was all just like, happy, happy, happy, happy,

Cara Taylor Swift:

happy, happy. And the little things that came up were very

Cara Taylor Swift:

trivial. And I remember like afterwards I was thinking about

Cara Taylor Swift:

and I was like, your story, what you share. It is, like you said

Cara Taylor Swift:

the shadows, the moments that are of controversy. Those things

Cara Taylor Swift:

are what makes all the other things so much better. And I was

Cara Taylor Swift:

just like reading the book, and I was like, I've never read a

Cara Taylor Swift:

book like this in my life and it's the boringest thing I've

Cara Taylor Swift:

ever read.

Kimberly Beer:

Yeah, but that made

Cara Taylor Swift:

me think about that the shadows.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Absolutely. I love that analogy.

Kimberly Beer:

Yes. And in any good story. You need a conflict.

Kimberly Beer:

I learned that that's like first weekend. A creative writing

Kimberly Beer:

school, you must have conflict. A good story. So that's that's

Kimberly Beer:

that's like the number one thing they teach you. But yes, in real

Kimberly Beer:

life to give our lives depths, we do experience the hills and

Kimberly Beer:

valleys like we talked about earlier. And I think that leads

Kimberly Beer:

us really well into number three, which is embrace failure,

Kimberly Beer:

welcome it kind of shift your perspective, from it being

Kimberly Beer:

failure to being a not right now, that wasn't the right idea.

Kimberly Beer:

Let me try that. Again. I have a neighbor who is a horse trainer,

Kimberly Beer:

and he works primarily with teenagers. And so we all know

Kimberly Beer:

teenagers are high drama when things don't happen quite the

Kimberly Beer:

way that they would like for them to. And he has a 15 minute

Kimberly Beer:

rule. So if you go in the show pen with your western pleasure

Kimberly Beer:

horse, and you totally fail, your horse does something

Kimberly Beer:

stupid, or you do something that causes the horse to do something

Kimberly Beer:

that's not exactly perfect, and you come out or you lose, then

Kimberly Beer:

you get 15 minutes, and you can't be mad at the horse. But

Kimberly Beer:

you can be mad at yourself, you can be mad at everybody else,

Kimberly Beer:

you can go cus go to the grooming stalls have your 15

Kimberly Beer:

minutes, but after that 15 minutes, let it go. And whatever

Kimberly Beer:

it is absorb the lesson and move on with your life. So I think

Kimberly Beer:

that that's a great practice with teenagers and adults. So,

Kimberly Beer:

and with ourselves to just say, alright, basically I effed up

Kimberly Beer:

and own it, and then move on from it. And then also, when you

Kimberly Beer:

move on from it, look back at just a moment before you

Kimberly Beer:

completely move on and say what did I learn from this? Get

Kimberly Beer:

curious about what was that moment, teaching you. And I can

Kimberly Beer:

guarantee you, when you look back at failures that have

Kimberly Beer:

changed your life, they always change your life for the better.

Kimberly Beer:

I think that when you embrace it, you really do get to the

Kimberly Beer:

point that you make the changes you needed to make. And if you

Kimberly Beer:

don't make those changes, you're setting yourself up for another

Kimberly Beer:

lesson. Not a failure. But another lesson.

Cara Taylor Swift:

I agree with that. And I think you can take

Cara Taylor Swift:

that failure and try not to take it so personally separate it

Cara Taylor Swift:

from yourself and actually look at it and say to yourself, Okay,

Cara Taylor Swift:

so what worked? What didn't work? What would I do

Cara Taylor Swift:

differently? If I had the chance? Looking back this

Cara Taylor Swift:

failure? What didn't I plan for that? I should have? You know,

Cara Taylor Swift:

was there something there? I should have planned better for

Cara Taylor Swift:

was I following my procedures that I've set in place? Are was

Cara Taylor Swift:

I stepping outside of my boundaries? Were there places

Cara Taylor Swift:

where I was where my boundaries were down? I think it's okay to

Cara Taylor Swift:

take that failure, pull it from yourself and take a look at it

Cara Taylor Swift:

and say ask yourself these questions because that is how

Cara Taylor Swift:

you're gonna break down and learn from it. I saw this quote

Cara Taylor Swift:

recently, and it was like, this isn't a one shot only world just

Cara Taylor Swift:

do better next time. And I love that because it absolutely is

Cara Taylor Swift:

the truth. Like we're constantly we're not walking through this

Cara Taylor Swift:

world. And we get one tried everything, you know, we get to

Cara Taylor Swift:

try over and over and over again. And we can do better next

Cara Taylor Swift:


Kimberly Beer:

Absolutely. And Maya Angelou, I believe is the

Kimberly Beer:

quote that says when you know better you do better. And I know

Kimberly Beer:

that is around knowledge. But it's also around failure,

Kimberly Beer:

because you learn from every single time that you try

Kimberly Beer:

something and it doesn't work out, you know better and so you

Kimberly Beer:

do better. That is a beautiful sentiment in a way to, to think

Kimberly Beer:

about that. And actually, I think a very nice closing for

Kimberly Beer:

this episode.

Cara Taylor Swift:

Excellent. Okay. So, you know, we hope that

Cara Taylor Swift:

you guys have enjoyed this episode, just to recap the Big

Cara Taylor Swift:

Three on failure and why it's a good thing, why it's a good

Cara Taylor Swift:

thing is that first of all, as entrepreneurs and just people in

Cara Taylor Swift:

general are, we're never going to find success without failure.

Cara Taylor Swift:

It's part of the journey, spend some time growing your

Cara Taylor Swift:

resilience. And just remind yourself it can feel really

Cara Taylor Swift:

terrible when it's happening. But how do we move past this?

Cara Taylor Swift:

How do we bounce back? And how do we keep going after the

Cara Taylor Swift:

setback? And then the third is just try to embrace the failure,

Cara Taylor Swift:

welcome it and flip your perspective. So we hope you guys

Cara Taylor Swift:

have enjoyed this episode today. Please let us know you can find

Cara Taylor Swift:

us on Facebook and Instagram at The Business Animal you can find

Cara Taylor Swift:

us online at the business And pretty much

Cara Taylor Swift:

anywhere that you can listen there is a way that you can rate

Cara Taylor Swift:

you can review. You can follow us you can subscribe it depends

Cara Taylor Swift:

on where you're listening. But all of those things help us get

Cara Taylor Swift:

our message our episodes out to other entrepreneurs and we would

Cara Taylor Swift:

just love your support in that way. Thank you so much. We hope

Cara Taylor Swift:

you guys are having a good one today.


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