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Episode 717th December 2023 • A Wandering Daydream • Joshua Dumas
00:00:00 01:59:57

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Today’s show is birds. Just birds. I’ve pulled birdsong and calls from my own library, from the British Library, from the Library of Congress and other Pubic Domain resources and created a random collage of birds sound.

These are the common names of most of the birds you will hear:

African Paradise Flycatcher, Albert's Lyrebird, Arctic Skua, Arctic Tern, Australian Magpie, Avocet, Barn Owl, Barnacle Goose, Bean Goose, Bearded Tit, Bewick's Swan, Bittern, Black Grouse, Black Guillemot, Black Redstart, Black-headed Gull, Black-throated Diver, Black-throated Laughingthrush, Blackbird, Blackcap, Blue Tit, Brambling, Brent Goose, Bullfinch, Buzzard, Canada Goose, Capercaillie, Carrion Crow, Cetti's Warbler, Chaffinch, Chiffchaff, Chiming Wedgebill, Chough, Cirl Bunting, Coal Tit, Collared Dove, Common Gull, Common Potoo, Common Sandpiper, Common Tern, Coot, Corn Bunting, Corncrake, Crested Bellbird, Crossbill, Cuckoo, Curlew, Dartford Warbler, Dipper, Dunlin, Dunnock, Eastern Nicator, Eastern Whipbird, Eider, European Blackbird, European Nightingale, European Robin, European Wren, Fieldfare, Firecrest, Fulmar, Gadwall, Gannet, Garden Bulbul, Garden Warbler, Goldcrest, Golden Oriole, Golden Plover, Goldfinch, Grasshopper Warbler, Gray Catbird, Great Black-Backed Gull, Great Crested Grebe, Great Spotted Woodpecker, Great Tit, Green Sandpiper, Green Woodpecker, Greenfinch, Greenshank, Grey Heron, Grey Partridge, Grey Plover, Grey Shrike-Thrush, Grey Wagtail, Greylag Goose, Guillemot, Hawfinch, Hermit Thrush, Herring Gull, Hobby, Hoopoe Lark, House Martin, House Sparrow, Hwamei, Jackdaw, Jay, Kestrel, Kingfisher, Kittiwake, Kokako, Lapwing, Lesser Black-Backed Gull, Lesser Spotted Woodpecker, Lesser Whitethroat, Linnet, Little Grebe, Little Owl, Little Ringed Plover, Little Tern, Long-Eared Owl, Long-tailed duck, Long-Tailed Tit, Magpie, Mallard, Manx Shearwater, Marsh Tit, Marsh Warbler, Meadow Pipit, Melodious Warbler, Mistle Thrush, Mistle Thrust, Moorhen, Musician Wren, Nightingale, Nightjar, Northern Cardinal, Northern Nightingale Wren, Nuthatch, Osprey, Oystercatcher, Peregrine, Pheasant, Pied Butcherbird, Pied Flycatcher, Pied Wagtail, Pink-Footed Goose, Pintail, Plain-backed Thrush, Puffin, Quail, Raven, Razorbill, Red Grouse, Red-Legged Partridge, Red-throated Diver, Redpoll, Redshank, Redstart, Redwing, Reed Bunting, Reed Warbler, Ring Ouzel, Ringed Plover, Robin, Rock Pipit, Rook, Rufous-throated Solitaire, Sand Martin, Sandwich Tern, Sedge Warbler, Shelduck, Short-Eared Owl, Shoveler, Siskin, Skylark, Snipe, Snow Bunting, Song Sparrow, Song Thrush, Sparrowhawk, Spotted Flycatcher, Spotted Redshank, Starling, Stock Dove, Stone Curlew, Stonechat, Storm Petrel, Swallow, Swift, Tawny Owl, Teal, Thrush Nightingale, Tree Pipit, Tree Sparrow, Treecreeper, Tufted Duck, Turnstone, Turtle Dove, Twite, Water Rail, Wheatear, Whimbrel, Whinchat, White-browed Robin Chat, White-Fronted Goose, White-rumped Shama, White-throated Robin Chat, Whitethroat, Whooper Swan, Wigeon, Willow Tit, Willow Warbler, Wood Warbler, Woodcock, Woodlark, Woodpigeon, Wren, Yellow Wagtail, Yellowhammer, Zapata Wren


Night Songs for the Birds of North America by Joshua Dumas






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