Hey It’s Brian -- Typical sports guy, I grew up in the 80s and 90s loving Georgetown Basketball -- watching Alonzo Mourning, Dikembe Mutombo, and even Patrick Ewing play games against Syracuse was like a dream Saturday afternoon for me in the winters of my youth.Funny thing is as a sports fan you don't think of schools as institutions of higher learning, you value them by the stregnth of their teams. You know what I never realized back in that time - Georgetown is one of the best schools in the nation. I know that now, that’s for sure. And the good news is, you can get a Master’s from Georgetown and open up doors in your sports career. Georgetown offers a part-time Master's in Sports Industry Management that prepares you to excel in the global sports industry. Ideal for working professionals, the program offers flexible options to take classes online, on campus, or through a combination of both—so you don't have to interrupt your career to earn your degree. You'll leave the program with the communication, business, and leadership strategies that position you for success.To learn more about the program, you’re invited to attend an upcoming webinar on Tuesday, October 29, at noon Eastern Time. Visit to RSVP.And the Work in Sports podcast is brought to you by the Work in Sports Academy -- 4 online courses built by yours truly to give you the insight and knowledge into getting hired in the sports industry. It is competitive! It is hard to get in! But trust me, when you do, you are going to love it...and getting into a career you love is worth the effort. Check out our online courses that will give you a leg up - visit today!Alright, let’s start the countdown….Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp VP of content and Engaged Learning for and this is the Work in Sports podcast…Sorry for being a day late everyone -- my apologies -- trust me my intent is to always do a Monday and Wednesday episode… but you know, life and work and stuff. A lot of questions have come in recently about the validity of using a competency based resume rather than a traditional style. I have some thoughts on this technique, but before i get into the subject I reached out to 5-6 of my friends in the industry directly connected to talent acquisition -- these are the people on the front lines of hiring, who look at resumes and evaluate candidates all day long. I want their thoughts and feedback before I start telling you my thoughts -- because in all honesty, the thoughts of Mailynh Vu with the Cleveland Indians and Colleen Scoles with the Philadelphia Eagles and Mark Cosacarello with the USGA are far far more valuable than my thoughts. So hold on for that...expect it soon. I’ve also been working really hard on guest booking the last few weeks -- long time listeniners of the podcast have noticed I’ve rerun a couple of our all-time best the last two weeks, Leigh Steinberg and Mike Judge -- this is happening as I ramp up a new wave of guests on the show. We’ve got some really cool guests coming down the line which have me really really excited.But -- that leaves us to today and a great question that came in from Justin in Ohio -- Justin writes in:“Hey Brian huge fan of the show, I’ve listened to every episode, in fact when I have long drives I often go back and pick a few episodes to listen to again. I like your style and it’s easy to engage with your content and learn important techniques that help my career.One question I wonder if you could expand upon is the importance of soft skills and how you can sell them on a resume, cover letter and in the interview process. I find it hard to show how great of a team player I am, but I know it is incredible important."Great question Justin!There are two major parts to the hiring process -- competency and cultural fit. Or you could call them hard skills and soft skills… but i kind of like competency and cultural fit...sounds better to me.