Episode interview with Laurence Fuller, find his Twitter @LaurenceFuller and check out some of his works on his website
Time Stamps
[0:48 – 2:06] Laurence got into crypto in 2017. In 2020 when blockchain got one of its first big use cases in NFTs, Laurence felt connected enough to start speaking up about his interest in crypto.
[2:06 – 3:10] Kizu congratulates Laurence on his screenplay, Modern Art, which won the “Best Adapted Screenplay” award at the Burbank Film Festival last year. The film was based on his father, Peter Fuller who started, Modern Painters, a magazine that Kizu has previously written for.
[3:10 – 5:12] Laurence talks about his father who was a controversial figure in the art scene of the time due to his outspoken love for beauty during the avant-garde movement which favored more experimentalism.
[5:12 – 6:58] Caught in the Hollywood ecosystem of labor, Laurence felt disconnected from his journey as an artist. Researching his father drew him back to a sense of connection. During this research he also was inspired by the sense of community that used to exist within the art world. This is also why Laurence loves NFTs, because he feels that it embodies these values of community and belonging.
[6:58 – 10:36] Sabretooth notes that Laurence’s works, which combine poetry with neo-classical imagery set in motion, is very different from other NFTs. Laurence says that he was first inspired by his friend Sima Jo and their collaborations.
He then started posting those works on social media but notes there wasn’t really an audience. With the NFT space he feels there is finally a niche for video art.
[10:36 – 13:20] Inquiring about what Laurence thinks his father’s position would be on NFTs, it comes out that Laurence will be playing the role of David Hockney in a HBO series (due to having the best Yorkshire accent). Hockney, who was one of Laurence’s father’s favorite artists, has been really negative in his position on NFTs. Laurence feels that this is likely due to how they are portrayed in mainstream media and says that this how many people are forming their views toward the scene.
[13:20 – 19:25] Discussing the recent shutdown of Hic et Nunc (HEN), Laurence says he was drawn to HEN because it was a way for him to create his own world. He laments its termination but will now mint his works on objkt. Laurence goes on to talk about how objkt.com started as objkt.bid and was used as an auction site for HEN pieces.
Now Objkt are doing their own minting (using Tezos) and have even created a music platform with Quincy Jones. Some of the catalogue will include John Legend, Whitney Houston, Doja Cat, and The Game. One of the most recent releases was backed by rapper Chief Keef.
[19:25 – 20:09] Sabretooth says that he is hopeful regarding the continuation of the HEN community and points out that founders leaving their crypto projects is quite common in the scene ( e.g. bitcoin).
[20:09 – 26:16] Kizu brings up Laurence’s series, Rebellion Rising, (created in part to mark Caravaggio’s 450th birthday) and asks about the process.
Laurence gives a riveting summary of the rebellious life of Caravaggio and goes on to talk about how he painted himself as a witness; being part of a scene but also viewing it from the outside. How this is often captured by artist and is also the theme of the poem in this particular work. Laurence elaborates on his thoughts regarding inspiration, performance and originality.
[26:16 - 27:19] Lucian Freud has been Laurence’s favorite artist since he was 14 years old but picking a living artist, his favorite is Henrik Uldalen.