While running a successful Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Practice, Kathleen Whalen went to see a Vedic Astrologer. Having a bit of skepticism, she incorporated her scientific background and tested it while receiving complex, repeatable results. It was from that Kathleen determined that it was time to redirect her career. She created Conscious Calendars, a color-coded calendar that gives you the Power Days each month, according to Vedic Astrology.
Don’t miss these Highlights:
- Using the Conscious Calendar for planning efficiencies as highlighted by red, yellow and green days of energy flow and utilizing these days to initiate our own self care
- Utilizing the calendar to help with the ebb and flow of your business, determining best days to launch products or even recognizing when sales may slow down
- Utilizing her Global Economics Course (a look at the history of stock market, the flu of 1918 and what was happening astrologically), to help entrepreneurs to pivot their business for success
- Expanding our spiritual outlook on a personal level
- Decompress and stay connected to your greater vision by doing something joyful first thing in the morning, everyday
About the Guest:
Kathleen M Whalen M.S. is founder of Conscious Calendars, a color-coded calendar that gives you the Power Days each month, according to Vedic Astrology. The Calendars have helped over two-hundred-thousand people in 184 countries make more money and increase their impact.
Kathleen helps “beginning” to “multi-millionaire” coaches and human potential leaders create products and magnetic branding using their power colors. Leaders gain the best time to collaborate, send communications or launch for greatest impact and income. Ms. Whalen uses her degree in biochemistry, medical school training, Masters of acupuncture, Chinese herbs and Ayurveda into her consulting for over 27 years. She is author of Correction - a Vedic Astrology view of the U.S. and global economic and social cycles. She gives classes with projections for U.S. markets, global jobs and social patterns to help entrepreneurs stay on top of trends each quarter.
About the Host:
Duff Gardner is an award-winning 7-figure marketer, startup founder and digital producer. Today, he leverages his 30+ years in a diverse range of businesses and his journey overcoming a series of out-of-the-blue panic attacks to help impact-driven entrepreneurs leverage the power of what he calls “startup thinking” to start, scale and serve in a big way. He is the host of the podcast Off My Duff - The Entrepreneur Podcast and Founder of the training company Offers that Sell. Duff holds an MSc. in Learning Sciences and Information Technology from Carnegie Mellon Silicon Valley, is a fierce advocate of LGBT+ rights and animal rescue, and lives in beautiful Victoria BC. His mantra is: “teach what you love, live from your truth”.
Website - https://duffgardner.com/
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