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Podcast# 251 Earnest Truth: Improving Your Quality of Life, by Telling the Boss to go Fuck Themselves!
Episode 25121st August 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:35:56

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The Earnest Mann Show: Stop Being a Corporate Slave and Reclaim Your Dignity


Hello folks! Thank you for tuning in to another episode of the Earnest Mann Show. Today, we're diving deep into the topic that's been on everyone's mind: work culture and the grind. You know, that 9-to-5 hustle that leaves you drained and questioning your life choices. Let's get into it.

The Corporate Grind: A Modern-Day Slavery

We've all been there. You're always on time, you're polite, you're good at your job, but your boss still isn't satisfied. They want you to work faster, harder, and longer, all for the same pay. It's what I like to call wage slavery. You're not a human to them; you're a production unit.

The Illusion of Hard Work

Many of us have been conditioned to believe that working hard is the key to success. But let's be real, folks. The harder you work, the richer they get. You're running around like a headless chicken, stacking boxes, filling reports, and for what? A pat on the back? Nah, that ain't it.

The Power of Slowing Down

Here's my advice: Slow down. Talk to your coworkers, be human for a second. You're not a robot programmed to maximize someone else's profits. By slowing down, you're not just reclaiming your time; you're reclaiming your dignity.


So, the next time your boss tries to whip you into submission, remember this: you're a human being, not an android. Don't let them grind you into the ground. Tell them to go fuck themselves, in your own creative way, of course.

You can go to my website - - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

My website is a work in progress, I update its content as time allows as I am a just a one "Mann" show - ha ha, so check for new things periodically, you will find interesting and entertaining things there.

Please consider, that by visiting the website and supporting this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!

Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


01:24 hello folks and thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again it is Monday we made it hope you had a great weekend and this is episode number 251 Earnest truth improving your quality of life by telling the boss to go fuck themselves this is something um um I had several people ask me to talk about was work I know this is going to sound strange that here is Monday and maybe by the time you hear this you will have finished work but believe it or not it's this is good this is going to be a good thing because we're actually going to talk

02:29 about ways of improving your quality of work to making it better and that's what this is is all about because the thing is you got to work at some point in our lives most of us vast majority of us we have to work it's um well that's why it's called wage slavery you know uh yeah I mean certain many many businessmen uh they don't do work uh they lie cheat steel connive and As Trump likes to so famously point out they work deals but that's not work you have somebody as an example who is um you know picking fruit or

03:27 vegetables in a field all day or splitting wood with an axe things of this nature not swindling all day long or sitting at a keyboard um and I'm not I'm saying we all have to do our work I'm not saying that if you work have to work a bureaucratic job or at a keyboard that you're unworthy I'm mainly directing that to all of the financial swindles but most of us just have to do the work but here's the thing now just picture this little scenario this could be fun could be funny open your mind laugh damn

04:22 it now let's say you work for me we work in a warehouse and you're always on time and you're polite and you're good to me but I feel as though and I own the place that you never work fast enough you know you lolly gag you make jokes with the other employees you're generally friendly and kind of relaxed no no no that simply won't do so I proceed to beat your ass with a whip there's no getting I've got you cornered in a room somehow you know this is a fantasy so just walk with me just bear with me okay

05:18 forget OSHA and the 6:00 news and everything just just say just do this um yeah but I totally beat your ass I beat your ass seriously to the point where you're just huddled in a corner and all you could do is is I beat you to the point you're just crying and and screaming and saying I'm sorry I'm sorry I'll do better I'll do better just stop beating me and um you know is what many people would do is at least say that until their ass can get up and get the hell out of there and run out the door and then be free or

06:06 whatnot but what if you actually did what you know you said you were going to do and you tried to um you know you you you tried to Plate me in other words you actually bowed down and you um decided uh that you were just a terrible piece of [ __ ] and that you deserved your ass whipping and you were going to try to improve and you know be more productive less joking with friends all that in other words you completely capitulated to my wants and desires as the owner just to kiss my ass because for some reason you felt that was the right

06:56 thing to do well unfortunately over the last what I've witnessed over the last 30 years collectively that is what most Americans have chosen to do now whether or not this correlates with um the increasing numbers of women in the workforce or not I certainly suspect it does but maybe not I'm not citing any hard scientific evidence I do know when I worked my jobs as a young man and if the boss um won too many times um you know crossed me the wrong way um I would either you know knock the

08:02 [ __ ] out of him and leave or just leave or possibly do both depending on the severity of how much of an [ __ ] he was being again now go forward to this what has happened what has been generated and created today I mean if you did something like that oh my God they would have they would have the the Army and the Navy and the National Guard and you'd be arrested and thrown in [ __ ] prison for 50 years and and all that that's what I mean by a coward that means to be you know to be hunkered down to coward which is I guess related to

08:49 cowardly but to coward to stoop down that's what the workforce has done and also what I noticed and I I watch I got this thing I do I've been doing it for a long time and I'm fairly good at it some people say quite good I observe and I take notes I take notes when I have thoughts and all the people all around this land the way they work I'm talking about people work in warehouses warehouse food districts targets uh Target stores um you know Home Depots they become goddamn robots there's no friendliness there's

09:48 no it's just you know Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam production and that's not normal it's not the least bit normal um one of the things that I noticed directly when I was moving many many years ago moving around the country a lot and I was um working in various businesses and you know doing restaurant uh Warehouse business things of this nature and I noticed there was a huge difference in the way the workers worked in the South yes I'm primarily not exclusively but I'm primarily talking black

10:42 folks how they worked and how they worked up north and particularly you know the northeast or the Northwest and the white folks that worked no absolutely no doubt about it they would just they would just produce they would just run rings around them and you know with uh you know the black folks sit and shuck and Jive and laugh and you know they'll pick up this whatever it is and they'll tote it over there but they're not going to do any squirly [ __ ] they're not there and just just pick it up and there and run and

11:27 and go over and get the next one and uh-uh and uh at one point is people that would say oh they're well they're just lazy um they're you know they're just trifling they're just lazy they ain't got no gumption it's like No actually they're intelligent it's you white folks that don't have any [ __ ] brains you're running around like a squirrel getting your group of nuts over here and then you move to the next thing and you go over there and you go and you fill up that and you stack

12:23 all those boxes up okay then no says well it's good work Johnson then get over here oh we got some more boxes to stack yes sir you see and many people you know I you're listening to this many people say oh I knew that I you would be surprised how many people don't and really don't and so my thought is that everyone that does this that doesn't know because they don't have any intuition they don't stop and think about what the hell they're actually doing why am I running my literally

13:17 running my ass off across this where and running and run run run run run run run run run and up down the stairs and through and around that's what a [ __ ] rat does and you know this is what something that's you know relatively brainless does and runs all around as quickly as humanly possible for what real reason there is none other than being told as though you were a child and pat on the head you're doing a good job Susie or Johnny or whatever the hell your name may be um all this does is enrich them and

14:08 burn you out cuz when you've been doing that [ __ ] most of your life you hopefully get wise but I'm telling you this and this is how my attitude changed because I was you know so proor worker because I come from that I come from that neck of the woods but then again on the other hand if the workers are so incredibly [ __ ] stupid that they refuse to see and act accordingly when they're being taken advantage of ain't nothing I can do about that and then as time passed when I noticed this and then I you know I talked to some black folks

15:13 and I said hey you know I I kind of noticed this thing and and of course you got to break it the right way and talk about it you know the right way you don't there's nothing there shouldn't be anything offensive but you never know so you you know you just you you have to say it the right way and most of the time they would just chuckle they would just laugh as though it's a it's a it's a known it's an Open Secret to them and they'll be like yeah yeah yeah we know all about that NOP no no I ain't doing that [ __ ]

15:57 no no you you you're you're going to have to you're going to have to kick in a few more dollars in my way we ain't doing it or as we like to say today it's above my pay grade and if that isn't a sign of intelligence I don't know what is um yes the simple fact is that whether or not you want to admit this it's like screw the government because the government's In Cahoots with them it's all one big thing together it's not there to help you or protect you it's to help

16:49 them so forget about forget about that you're going to have to do this yourself each and every one of you and tell a friend and each and every one of you do this thing it's real simple really simple and every business owner every corporate person that hears me saying this well let's just say they're not going to have warm fuzzy feelings towards me but uh yeah what you want to do okay is do everything that as slowly as you can and comfortably and talk to a coworker for a few seconds here and there you know talk to him about the

17:40 game for 30 seconds maybe not when the boss is right there but try to have some something that's called being human something I haven't seen cuz when I go to all these places you you know out there like you know a Lowe's or a Home Depot even the women was swinging around these pallet jacks and it but all of them moving I don't know like I don't know like just [ __ ] slaves running and everything they're doing and why because this is the reason they want the production of two or three people out of each

18:32 person thereby once again maximizing their profit and if you happen to be for instance young you know if you're in your early 20s or younger hell maybe even in your you know early 30s and your first if your kneejerk reaction to what I'm saying you but I don't mind that's not the [ __ ] point here let me get that I don't mindz I don't mind doing this hey I can let that oh it's okay I don't mind you're being a squirrel there's a difference between being helpful which you should be

19:31 helpful yeah I mean if you see an elderly person for instance and they need help get to the curb you should help them you should open um a a door for them there's things you should do to help strangers here and there but mainly you know you're over the topness of your energy and your time should be for your friends and family and this job that you do that as far as your life is concerned you know what it is it's digging a hole and then an hour later filling the hole back in that is basically what it amounts to

20:23 every [ __ ] D your everything that you do essentially that's what it B down to okay okay so then you have the obligation I guess to yourself which you know reflects on us and everything else you're doing if you step back and you look at this and you say okay well I just dug all the hole the dirt out of that hole and then an hour later the boss comes over and says okay that's great job now I'll take all that and put it back in I am actually uh referencing um the torturous scene out of the old movie with Paul Newman when he was in

21:13 prison called cooland Luke and this was one of the tortures that uh he was breaking the rules so the idea was to break him and so one of the scenes one of the parts of the movie for you youngans out there was that from sun up to sun down all he did was dig a big hole and then take that dirt and put it back in the hole and to do that from sun up to sun down and then the next day and the next day and the idea is if you look at something and it is ultimately futility and it has no real meaning I don't mean the [ __ ] that

22:09 they feed you about it's I mean it's real meaning and the real meaning at the end of the day is how much money are you making and their real meaning is how much money they are making from you now if you are I'm of the opinion I know I fully take the responsibility of this I'm I'm going to say this and I know it's probably going to piss a lot of you off and I that's okay I'm a big boy I can handle it on the other hand though I feel that it needs to be said and also there's a hell of a lot of

22:58 people people out there that I think will also agree if you are doing something that is ultimately futile in your life that means ultimately it has no point you dig out the hole you fill the hole you dig out the hole you fill the hole regardless of how many times you can do that you may still be making your 12 135 $17 an hour whatever your current pay is now of course this is really simple the boss would like you to do 50 holes a day they would like you work so so hard and so quickly till you drop dead then they will quickly replace you

23:57 with another production unit and it just repeats itself if you are one of those people that is idiotic enough not to see this then I feel nothing for you you deserve your fate there I said it but as far as the rest of you are concerned that get it um yep you're still on the clock you're on the same payment plan and what you want to do any way as as as you know be creative be creative about this in football that's why they call if they're winning and they only have two minutes left or something to win the game and

24:50 they just take the ball and they go down on their knee it's called running out the clock and the battle is to run out the clock as long as you have to do this miserable [ __ ] that's your goal so their goal is to threaten with firing you or any or or Mak or saying well you're a lazy ass or you're slow or you know any anything cuz as the Taskmaster of for the company and that's you're not you're not dealing usually typically nowadays we're dealing with since we're dealing with a

25:30 corporation and you're dealing with their hired dog dogs that make a little bit more money sometimes more a whole lot more sometimes not so much more but they're there to bark you and beat your ass and keep you in line to keep the production going so they'll use every trick in the book on you and it's your job for yourself to not do that and you know what happens as a consequence you start feeling better about yourself you start feeling better about yourself and you might even think you might even begin thinking deep down that

26:24 I'm a human being godamn it I'm not an Android so as far as the production is concerned you can tell them to go [ __ ] themselves and you'll feel a lot better of course I'm not saying that when you're immediate manager is standing right there you probably don't want to just stand right there and say hey go [ __ ] yourself but there's other ways you could say it because here is the deal you see some managers actually retain themselves some Humanity you know some of them get it they're doing their thing and they

27:26 know what is expected of them but also they're not uh they're not uh corporate you know little fascist running around some are total corporate ass kissers and you know just you know the type absolutely despising and Despicable people but that's that's how they get their rocks off with the little little teeny tiny teeny bit of [ __ ] power that they are given and they will you know take that to the hilt as far as they can um and others or not and you could tell the difference you have to feel out this

28:19 whole thing yourself but for instance in the area that I live in here in Salem Oregon and we have um one of the big Supermarket chains here is called WinCo now if you want to see people this is not I'm not talking about that they're bad people but I'm talking about a companies whose psychology has worked so well that that I'm talking about the ones who are you know on the floors and and the ones running and stalking and whatnot um they they run to the point where I mean it's it's just absolutely

29:11 it's it's sad that's sad because they they are they almost run everywhere they're going and you know what they have a fairly High turnover rate cuz they can't keep them cuz people just [ __ ] this I'm not you know same thing as Amazon it's the same deal because they want that maximum production and the only one you know what the only one by and large the only one that could do anything about this in your particular situation is you and as soon as you do I'm telling you you will begin to

29:59 feel better about yourself you might even recapture some dignity some long perhaps some long lost dignity they don't want you to have any dignity they just want whatever it is I don't care if you're flipping burgers or doing [ __ ] at your desk where they can really time time you walking around or however it is they do it these days I see that uh certain ex accounting report there oh said that you're running behind 17.

30:59 89% let's try to get those reports done okay but my main thing is since I don't and you know I no longer I'm not a part of that world but I'm just talking about regular fairly young people everywhere I go every big every one of those businesses that I mentioned um you would think you would think where they're working and what they're doing the godamn house is on fire and it's not you people are working way way too hard what their ass needs to do and what of course they companies need to do is hire more people and take the workload from you

31:59 but they don't of course they don't want to do that it is easier for them to just grind grind your ass into the ground to wind you up like a key like a little robot D you go Sparky and get you loading up those [ __ ] boxes up on those shelves or whatever it is you're doing not you and the added benefit to them in addition to that is you don't have any time to think about anything because they don't want you to think they want you to not think and if you're stupid enough to be there or other

32:55 circumstances that force you to to be there because everyone that does this or has to be someplace are not necessarily stupid I don't want to be come across as I'm being insulting but what I'm the point that I'm trying to say is that if you don't recognize this and you keep taking this [ __ ] and you have no plan to do otherwise they absolutely don't care if they put you through that for the rest of your life until you die I've seen it too many times in my own life so the idea here is in improving your

33:45 life and I'm sure if you've got um you know if there's a will there's a way and hopefully you'll thank me for it or I mean let me know leave a comment like I always say leave a comment do you think I'm you know spoton and you agree with me or do you think I'm crazy as cornflakes and and that's you know but say something because as I can tell you one thing I'll ended with this that you know as far as the government and OSHA no no that's that that is um that's that's an afterthought that's

34:36 something there but the power of those guys it's pretty it's pretty damn few and far between these days because now the government doesn't give a [ __ ] Biscuit Company definitely doesn't give a [ __ ] biscuit what they do care about like I said is working your squirly ass to death take care I'm going to tell you three good reasons why you should listen to the earnest man show when you're constantly being told and sold by the 6:00 corporate news squirrels urgent breaking news but you don't know it's really a [ __ ]

35:25 biscuit when you begin to suspect that those well-paid corporate talking head news actors speaking to you simply read the script they're given are trying to give you a shit biscuit and when you realize that the stories of these so-called news anchors regardless if they're acting the role of being on the left or the right have absolutely no real concerns for your life but are definitely Force speeding you a shit biscuit now I'll admit I may not speak as eloquently or professionally as those folks but at least I try to tell you the

36:10 truth as I see it not reading a damn script handed to me like a train monkey that's why you should listen to the earnest man show and that's no shit biscuit



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