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Dilyana Mileva Discusses Breathwork And Yoga As A Natural Solution For Menopause Symptoms
Episode 5113th June 2023 • The D Shift • Mardi Winder-Adams
00:00:00 00:26:49

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This is an amazing episode featuring Dilyana Mileva, an expert on sleep, breathwork, and yoga as a holistic way to address the symptoms of peri-menopause and menopause. Dilyana shares her journey from a yoga teacher to a menopause specialist and her own experience with overcoming hot flashes, mood swings, and sleep challenges.

She advocates for alternative methods like yoga and breathwork instead of medication and emphasizes the importance of focusing on emotional and mental health during menopause. The discussion also covers different types of yoga, with an emphasis on restorative yoga and the benefits of relaxation and breathing techniques for stress management.

We talk about the myths about peri-menopause and menopause. Dilyana discusses using the breath as an effective way to address stress, and emotions, and to impact the hormonal balance in the body, particularly in reducing the effects of cortisol.

Tune in for a conversation about redefining menopause and taking control of your health using natural, effective methods.

About the Guest:

Dilyana Mileva is a passionate and dedicated holistic practitioner, yoga and breathwork teacher, sleep expert, and menopause coach. She is known as an expert in relaxation and holistic approaches to your health and wellness. She is the Host of the Make Easy Menopause Podcast and an International Speaker. Her PROVEN process Works with your mind, your body, and YOUR spirit to facilitate your beautiful being to bring itself in alignment with your highest intention of Thriving More in Midlife.


For Dilyana’s free gift: 3 Steps Toward Menopause Symptoms Relief


To connect with Dilyana:



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About the Host:

Mardi Winder-Adams is an ICF and BCC Executive and Leadership Coach, Certified Divorce Transition Coach, and a Credentialed Distinguished Mediator in Texas. She has worked with women in executive, entrepreneur, and leadership roles navigating personal, life, and professional transitions. She is the founder of Positive Communication Systems, LLC.


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Mardi Winder-Adams:

Welcome to the D shift podcast, where we provide inspiration, motivation and education to help you transition from the challenges of divorce to discover the freedom and ability to live life on your own terms. Are you ready? Let's get the shift started. Hello, and welcome to another episode of the D shift. And as women, sometimes life changes are more troubling than we would like them to be. And menopause is one of those situations that's typically difficult for most women. So I happen to have a woman on this show who is phenomenal. Her name is Dilyana Mileva. And she is a holistic breathwork and yoga teacher. But more importantly, she is asleep expert and menopause specialist. So Giuliana is also the host of a podcast that I'm going to encourage you to check out called menopause made easy. So we could all use some of that menopause made easy. Good. So, Dilyana , thank you so much for being here. And can you tell us a little bit about yourself and your area of expertise?

Dilyana Mileva:

Yes, I specialize in woman health. I started as a yoga teacher, in it myself experiencing some tiredness, exhaustion and brain fog, also a travel of sleep. And when I went to see the doctor, they they told me that I'm too young to be in menopause. But they refuse to discuss the possibility that time in perimenopause probably, and they wanted to prescribe me antidepressant a sleeping pill. But I believe that it's not the solution and of the root cause is that making the research and start to experiment with my yoga practice with my exercise of with my diet with my wife style. And finally, when we find the bread, that changed my wife, actually that saved my wife. Because it's helped me to connect better in with my soul to connect with the source to become more wine to connect with the body in my higher self became more grounding and in peace. And then it started to help also with the hot flashes with night sweats with mood swings, and also with sleep. So I with all my knowledge and expertise, research that I did in the work that after that I did with my clients, I was drawn to share this information with as much possible people. And then I started speaking in the stages in watch my podcast. And I am happy to support every woman with any information and it's possible to that she feel again, confident and take few that she take control back in her wife feel good about herself. And most of our guests become more energized, both visualized and really well feel good about herself. Yeah. And that's

Mardi Winder-Adams:

so important because let's face it, menopause for most women, I know for me, it was something that I didn't really have like perimenopause, I just all of a sudden one day woke up and had every possible symptom of menopause. You know, I mean, I've realized it was perimenopause, but it really fast like it didn't, you know, some people just gradually little changes other people kind of experience it at once. And you said something that I think is really important. And we've had a couple of other guests talk about this, that the first thing that your doctors want to do your medical doctors when you come to them and say you're having these symptoms, it's antidepressants and sleeping medication. So can you talk a little bit about how yoga breath work, and I know you deal a lot with with the healing through breathing, right? How does that how does that offset or how is that a more effective option for many women than dealing with over the counter or prescription medications?

Dilyana Mileva:

Yeah, because the emotional aspect of the menopause is less spoken in mental health also is less spoken and they are related. So most of the people talk about physical symptoms, but they don't talk about how really woman feel this mood swings and how what's the trigger them and the major factor is really the stress and the higher cortisol if you cannot manage the cortisol that affects also other hormones estrogen and progesterone. They start to diminish anyway But when cortisol not in balance, ln a normal level, that can affect everything can also adrenal glands. It can be also reason of our exhaustion, extreme fatigue, it that's also related to chronic stress that we experiencing all in our life nowadays, from all so many aspects environment, society, work, family, in everything was happening outside in now in the world. So the stress management, and it's really the key are in route to solve to solve the problems actually learning the stress management techniques in natural way, and focusing on the breath. So, you know, when you're overstressed and really, in Skyper, I can't, it's hard to say emotional, you want to psychologists often say, take a deep breath in, you need to pause, really be more aware how you breathe in how you feel. So acknowledge our feelings, accept our feelings, our emotions, and most of Important also is to talk about these things with our loved ones, with the with the friends, with the family, with the people who you trust, so that you can feel supported. And notice you light in a one, if you understood and also kind of know that you're not alone in this world you're going. And if you have this understanding and support, it can be easy. But most of our work with these tools that I teach, it's which is very, very easy just to become more aware of how to use the mindfulness, the present moment in breathing, so that you can control this rollercoaster this up and downs this emotions in this this anxiety also, that can be created. And but most of all the stress level and the cortisol level.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

You know, that is that is such a powerful tool to have. I started yoga very late in life. And I was amazed within I would say a couple of weeks of going to the yoga studio. This was before COVID. Right? So we were actually going in the studio. And it was amazing how even in a couple of weeks I could feel my overall stress and anxiety level, even when I was doing yoga had just dropped a lot. Is that is that a fairly common experience for most women that are maybe are late getting to yoga, or maybe just trying it for the first time?

Dilyana Mileva:

Yes, because when you do the yoga and the movement, the idea is really to connect our body with our breath in that moment, you're really in the present moment you're connected. And then anxiety in whatever it's the trouble issue you have you just disappear. So it's really a big shift before your request. And after your request. They also before the breathwork session and after breathwork session you have very few really in peace. Most of most common feeling is the beasts that feel people feel white, more white. So this release this tension, this pressure that we have often. And they feel really more open more white more, more with ease. If you say and you're more happy. Awesome.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

Yeah. So tell. Can you tell me a little bit about the difference between yoga and breathwork? Because I realize they're not two different things. But I'm not sure that that I would be able to define what the difference is. So can you can you share that? Because you're the you're the

Dilyana Mileva:

difference? Is this. The breath work is a part of yoga. So meditation is a part of yoga, yoga, as you as you know, maybe don't know, is the unit union union with the breath, Are you new to the body union with the higher self with the universe. So it's really a science in it connect the mind with the spirit with the breath in the body. But breathing is really a aspect of yoga in the somoni and many styles that really focus on the breath. And also bred help with to become this peaceful mind state that is easy to meditate. So it's easy when you connect with the breath. It's easy to do the exercise because it's more fluid is more when you don't put so much effort when you use the breath to perform the exercise. In same time you feel more relaxed, it's easy to meditate so that it's kind of a circle with all these elements. It's encoded, but just breathing session is more fun. goes on just using the breath, you're gonna use the boat use the movement with the breath, it's kind of moving meditation or something like that.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

Right? And I was gonna say, and I didn't word that question very well, but I think you gave us a really good answer, even though I didn't do a very good job there. But I think one of the things that I've noticed, and I, I now make it a point, wherever I travel, I find a yoga studio and I try to go and just participate in a different in a different training, because there are so many different styles and types of yoga. And what I found is there seems to be, there's almost like a Western version of yoga, where it's more about the physical and, you know, they don't really talk about the breath, it's more can you do a you know, can you do an arm stand? Can you do a balance? Can you do a, you know, there's all kinds of it's more of a physical workout, as opposed to like you say that, that aligning of the breath and the spirit and the body and the mindfulness practice, do you see a difference between those,

Dilyana Mileva:

the only difference that they don't emphasize so much in the fire, the philosophy of the yoga, because there's a few Sufi study that they do also. So they wouldn't how to use the breath and emphasize because it's really the vital force, the prana is the energy. So this energy is everything, it's kind of based on everything in our life in, in how you live, and also how you do the exercise. So why force is really vital to in in western tradition is kind of more because it's more of a fast pace, environment. And they like also the style of more cardio style, more physical style, more, you know, but there's many other style, which is restorative yoga, which more slow down, relax, and hold little bit longer the posture and then you you just be more in the position, then you can have more time to breathe, of course. So, so there's also in yoga when you also it's a small space. Also, when you focus more on deep tissue work in there is also yoga nidra, where you're kind of lay down and you kind of guided meditation in you come to the state between sleep and awareness, in kinds of you really relax your brain, it's kind of breath, body scan meditation, use the breath, you focus on different parts of the body, you relax every part of the body, it's kind of very, very relaxing. And I emphasize to this time, this most wall space more relaxation, more breathing oriented style, not so much fastbase Cardio physical, even though I like to combine fitness with stretches and I also suggest to have a some strength and exercise because we lose the muscle mass during after 40. So you need to strengthen for sure, but not be kind of moderate bounce between stretching strength, and really more emphasis little bit more in relaxation in more this whole soul space movement is I know that it's not for everybody. Many women like more physical, really physical activity, really more fitness orientated, more jogging. And I say yeah, that's okay, it's good to combine, it's convenient to have this combination. If you can combination between two is the best. Because right now in the after 40 You need more, reset more relaxed, you need to slow down because our metabolism slowed down too. And you need to really just body need more rest. So more relaxation gonna bring more peace and bounce this cortisol and not push up the cortisol too much. So I really suggest more breathing more meditation more swallow space yoga, like restorative yoga, yoga nidra, etc.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

That yoga nidra is really amazing. I did the first time that it was suggested to me I thought I'm gonna go to a yoga class and lay on the floor and use the pillows and you know, they say the the lady that did our said, if you want to bring a blanket even because you can get actually you're not going to be physically moving around the studios warm and all that stuff. But the first time I went I kind of went like well, I'll give it a try but holy I was so relaxed. I don't think I've ever felt as at peace as when I finished that class. It was it was truly eye opening and something that you know, I don't know that I would have done it before if I hadn't had a friend really say you're gonna love this. You need to do this. That's Oh, yeah, that was fantastic. So do you find that do you get? Do you find that that? long does it take? Let me ask this this a different way, how long does it take for women to start seeing a reduction in those menopause symptoms, if they start doing the yoga, the breathwork, the, you know, the coaching services that you offer to really guide them into that space.

Dilyana Mileva:

Or if they stopped every day, if you create this routine for every day, for a little bit, at least in the morning, in the evening, they can start to see the shift and result in a week, it's just very fast, they're gonna see even during the day, how that that shift their state, the mental state and their energy, state, how they feel about themselves. And so much just introduce this, start this routine in the morning in the evening and create this habit to be in the moment to be to use this mindfulness to use this breath. It's can be really very, very fast.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

So how long when you say practice in the morning practice in the evening? How, how long? Like, are we talking about an hour? Half an hour? 15 minutes? What No,

Dilyana Mileva:

no, they can start within minutes, they can start in the beginning, if you're really beginner, you just to start to the foundation, create the routining just come to the hobby to do that. You can start to 1015 minutes in the morning, get 1015 minutes in the evening. That's enough.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

You know, and that's amazing. Because, you know, again, going back to when I think of yoga that I used to hear about 20 years ago, 25 years ago, it was like these long, 90 minute classes, and you you know, it was like Bikram yoga where you had to do all the poses exactly the same way and all that kind of stuff. This is not what you're talking about, you're talking about really deep relaxation, deep breathing, bringing, reducing your stress and anxiety. And it does take a whole lot of time. That's the amazing thing.

Dilyana Mileva:

Yeah, if you like if you feel really good, you can extend Of course, you can start with a bit more a little bit more, because I think if you start really fall in love and like the what brings to you, you're gonna love to do more. But that if you're concerned about the time, if you're always busy, I think you just bring you're in the right state, it's just to be to begin, it's just enough 10 minutes.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

And you know, the thing is, is if you think about all the things you do during the day, that you don't really have to do, like scroll through your Facebook for 20 minutes. What about just using that time to work on your own health and well, wellness like that? You anybody, I'm sorry, I'm gonna say this, it'll probably upset people. Everybody can find, I don't care what you do, everybody can find 10 minutes in the morning, 10 minutes in the evening to do something that's going to give them the ability to sleep through the night, to feel good about themselves and not to deal with those hot flashes and all that other nightmare stuff that we have to deal with going through menopause.

Dilyana Mileva:

Yeah, can't say if you don't have 10 minutes for yourself, you don't have life.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

You don't you don't because you know, and I think I think the thing is, is we all we all can find the time if if it's a priority, and that's just whether you can make yourself a priority or not. Yeah. So

Dilyana Mileva:

yeah, your health is really, really important.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

When Where do women tend to come to you, when they're first starting to experience these symptoms, or after they've tried, you know, the 51 different quick fix things that are flashing across Facebook and that the health food store is trying to push and that you know, their doctors are trying to do? When do you when do women finally realize, okay, there's got to be a better way to do this and come in and work with you.

Dilyana Mileva:

They usually don't realize that this is the reason they, they need just a way to how to say to relax or to feel good about their physical form or physical shape. Kind of, oh, maybe you just really find a piece but they don't realize actually that they, they're in this stage that their body want from them this they really, if you don't have this time and they then don't find this solution for themselves. They're really gonna struggle. It just their bodies start to show them that okay, this is the time that you really have to take care of yourself. So they come in different stages, actually. They give absolutely different stages they can be really in a pre menopause as much earlier don't realize that the shift start changes and they need a little bit of change their approach of their lifestyle and exercise, they can be right in the middle, in the menopause or after menopause. They just need more relaxation and more time for themselves. There's just different stages different reason to come to me, it can be sleep, it can be anxiety can be depression, it can be just feel pain in their joints or they feel pelvic pelvic floor problem is so much different problems they can experience to start working for solution, they come to kind of yoga, yoga, breathing exercise, nowadays very breathwork is very modern things. They, they have so many styles, they have so many different types and techniques and things. But I think that I experiment with everything but I'm more classical way of pranayama of yogic tools. But really if the eyes sometimes they work with men to not only meet a woman where men who is in the midwife and experiencing midlife crisis, sure. It's happened also because they also have trouble to sleep, they also have some emotional challenges, and they need to, to find this piece. So I help N men to if they're going through anxiety, if they have trouble to sleep if they have these challenges, too. So yeah, it's different stages when they realize okay, I need really, to take myself priority. And to do for me and for my health. And you know, different things speak for different people, some like more fitness, some like more, like Tai Chi Chi, Gong, yoga, meditation, breathwork, they say everything for every for everybody depends what type of personality they are.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

Right, and I'm guessing, you know, most of the people that are listening here are either thinking about divorce, going through divorce, or just getting out of divorce the process. That's a whole other level of stress. And so if you're already and I'm just going to speak from a women's woman's point of view, if you're already say Peri menopausal, or, you know, in menopause, and then you add all the additional stress of dealing with the divorce, dealing with finances, dealing with legal fees, having to sell property, blah, blah, blah, you're just looking at ratcheting up that cortisol level and way more symptoms, way more problems going on.

Dilyana Mileva:

Yeah, because can be challenging how you think about ourselves in this stage of life. So mindset, it's really also base of the everything. So to learn to love yourself more in this time, it's so vital. Because, yes, very often all the symptoms of stress and anxiety in high cortisol, everything is come from our perspective, our approach of how you see the aging process, how you see the changes, and how you look on our self. So if you start to look at ourselves in more positive way, you have more self love, self compassion, a little bit more that can help with other with how you deal with the symptoms, and everything else, all the tools and relaxation can also after to support you. But first, we start with mindset with a little bit more self love more nurturing, that you just need that right now to prioritize yourself.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

Such an important message. So Giuliana, we have covered a whole bunch of information here and very valuable information. Thank you for sharing this. I mean, you're such an expert on this. So I really appreciate this. What do you think is the most important thing for anybody listening to this podcast to remember about the message you want to share?

Dilyana Mileva:

Find the community find like minded people who like you experienced the same things I talk with like minded individuals so that you can feel supported so the support it's really important find that that can be coach that can be family member can be friends can be just woman group, or whatever you like to have a hobby and then you have kind of together some sisterhood or whatever you feel speak to your soul or to yourself, but just find this community find the support to to help you with all this.

Mardi Winder-Adams:

I love that message that is so important. And because we can sometimes just isolate ourselves and like ah, I don't want to deal with this. So that's that's really, really good bits of information for people. How can how can anyone listening who wants to learn more about what you do or wants to work with you? What's the best way for them to reach you?

Dilyana Mileva:

Um, they can reach through my website, menopause support There have my podcast, they can listen to my episode there, they have a contact, they have a free gift that they can download three easy steps how to alleviate 21 symptoms of menopause with three breathing exercise so that they can start right away to help themselves. And also they have a way to the email me or just for make a phone call whatever they like. I'm also on LinkedIn, if they're professional and they want to connect on LinkedIn, they can connect there also, but through my website, it's also also the best way to learn a little bit about my work and myself and connect with me




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