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OSHA Quicktakes 2024 - Episode 7
Episode 7 • 30th July 2024 • Safeopedia Podcasts • Safeopedia Podcast
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Register for the upcoming LIVE webinar below

Monday, August 5, 2024, at 1 pm ET / 10 am PT


Process Safety Update: The Latest with OSHA's PSM Standard, EPA's RMP Rule, the Chemical Safety Board, and their California Counterparts

Presented by Eric J. Conn, Rachel L. Conn, Valerie Butera, Beeta B. Lashkari, and Andrea Chavez

After years of stagnation, we’ve finally seen movement on updating process safety regulations during the Biden administration. But the revamped PSM standard and RMP rules have yet to see the light of day. We’ll discuss when we might expect final rules and how employers can prepare for the new burdens they will create.

Cal/OSHA’s PSM standard and CalARP’s RMP rule resemble the federal rules but present their own unique set of compliance challenges. We will compare and contrast the rules and talk about strategies for compliance.

Participants in this webinar will learn:

✅ Review the status of OSHA’s and EPA’s process safety rulemakings

✅ Discuss the expected content of the new rules and how to prepare them

✅ Analyze other process safety related developments at OSHA and EPA under the Biden Administration

✅ Examine Cal/OSHA’s PSM standard and CalARP’s RMP rule and strategies for navigating the challenges they present

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