Artwork for podcast Seek Go Create - The Leadership Journey for Christian Entrepreneurs and Faith-Driven Leaders
The Biggest Lessons Learned from Living in an RV for 4 years
26th December 2022 • Seek Go Create - The Leadership Journey for Christian Entrepreneurs and Faith-Driven Leaders • Tim Winders - Coach for Leaders in Business & Ministry
00:00:00 00:51:56

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It has been four years since Tim and Glori decided to live in an RV, and as the year comes to a close, they can't wait to share what they've learned along the way.

In this special holiday episode, Tim and Glori share the advantages and drawbacks of living in an RV. They also talked about how this lifestyle change allowed them to think outside the box and why it brought them closer to God. Finally, they explain what it means to trust completely in the Lord's plan. 

If you want to know more about living the life of a nomad, this episode is for you! 

3 Reasons to Listen:

  1. Understand the pros and cons of living on the road. 
  2. Learn why you need to entirely put your trust in God.
  3. Discover how you can join Glori’s Bible reading group.


Episode Highlights

[06:44] The RV Life 

  • Tim and Glori have traveled extensively with their motor coach over the last four years.
  • However, finding one's own space and quiet can be difficult when staying in an RV.

[12:10] Think Outside the Box

  • Living in a small space forces you to think creatively. Listen to the whole episode to learn how Glori made the most of her RV life.
  • Having unlimited resources can sometimes lead to sloppiness and laziness.
  • The RV lifestyle teaches you to be more patient and to enjoy the journey.
[12:10] “But one thing that I would say, over the last four years that I've been forced to do, is that living in a small space like this[RV]...will force you to think outside the box.” - Click Here to Tweet This

[16:28] To RV or Not to RV? 

  • Tim and Glori's decision to live in an RV was not made on the spur of the moment. The couple's decision was guided by God.
  • The RV lifestyle, however, is not for everyone. 
  • Be open-minded when something is presented to you.
  • When God calls, obey.

[21:31] To a New Adventure 

  • While Tim and Glori enjoy their current home, they are also considering purchasing new farmland or property.
  • The couple is unfamiliar with farming, but they see it as an exciting new adventure.
  • However, the decision is not yet final. They are still anticipating God's plan.

[22:27] God’s Plan

  • The Lord may call us to do something we believe is impossible but is actually doable.
  • Be flexible and listen to God’s plan. 
  • Don’t lose hope. Things can always change for the better. 
[24:06] “We just want to encourage people along the way on the journey. Things can change: the culture, politics, countries.” - Click Here to Tweet This

[25:53] Trust God 

[26:45] “But I think the thing that God has shown to me time and time and time again this year is that He loves us. He protects us.” - Click Here to Tweet This
  • In 2022, Tim and Glori experienced both happiness and sadness. The emotional rollercoaster they experienced made them believe God loved and protected them
  • The Lord has a better plan for us than we could have imagined.
  • Put your faith and trust in God.  

[27:10] “His ways are bigger than our ways. And the thing he's just been telling me all year is just trust me. Trust me. Trust me.” - Click Here to Tweet This

[36:37] Glori’s Reading Group 

  • Glori invited everyone to join her "Read the Bible with me in 2023" program.
  • She learned new lessons from the reading group. As such, Glori launched a year-long bible reading in January 2022.
  • Glori, her daughter, and friends are looking forward to doing the bible study next year. 
  • Understanding the chronological and bigger picture of the bible's story is essential.

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To growing and becoming all we are created to be,


Mentioned in this episode:

Stop Reacting, Start Leading: Free 30-Minute Coaching Call

Are you leading with strategy or just reacting to the daily chaos? If you're feeling stuck, constantly putting out fires, and struggling to focus on the big picture, it’s time to take control. I’m offering a FREE 30-minute coaching call to help you shift from reactive to proactive leadership with clear, actionable strategies. Whether you’re facing new challenges or just need a reset, this call will give you clarity and direction. Book your free coaching call now by clicking the link in the show notes or visiting

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