#9: To Colposcopy or NOT to Colposcopy?: The Most Common Question I Receive
Episode 916th February 2023 • The Cervical Wellness Podcast • Denell Randall
00:00:00 00:32:32

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"Denell, do I need to have a colposcopy done?" This is the most common question I receive through my platform, and it's time to put into the record my response for everyone to hear!

In this episode I go into:

-What is a colposcopy and what does it tell you?

-Do you need to have one done and how does it help you?

-What is my view on this diagnostic procedure?

-What to consider when saying yes to a procedure, like a colposcopy or LEEP?

-I touch on some of my thoughts on the LEEP (which is usually the next step after colposcopy

-The importance of doing research and educating yourself on what is happening in this appointments and how they'll affect you

Enjoy the episode!


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