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Hidden Fruit – Robert Bass pt 1
Episode 140330th November 2023 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:26:39

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Hidden Fruit

Robert Bass pt 1

Robert experienced, not one, but two, major motorcycle accidents. This served to, let’s just say, “get his attention” focused on things that matter. The result, was answering the Call of God for his life. He started to write books and entered the ministry. Now, he is a podcaster, speaker, author of three books and a ministry leader. His latest book is “Hidden Fruit: Receive All That God Has for You.”

Help me welcome to the program, Pastor Robert Bass.

Pastor, thank you for taking the time to come on the program today. I appreciate you taking the time from your busy schedule to join us.

First question I always ask is this… Other than that brief introduction, can you share with us in your own words, “Who is Robert Bass?”

I’ve had a couple of life changing events that happened in my life prior to me answering the call of God – so I know how dramatic those experiences are. It seems like the entire world is stacked against you until there is nowhere else to turn – but look up.

Even then, at least in my life, there was no “miraculous turnaround.” But things started to take on a different perspective and, one step at a time, my life began to transform.

I’m not saying “God made this happen” type of thing. I PUT MYSELF into the position that THINGS happened. The scripture comes to mind that you will “Reap what you sow.” Even if we don’t want to reap what we have sown.

How was that with you? I understand there were a couple of motorcycle accidents that finally got your attention. Is that right?

What transformed your perspective on life through those experiences?

You said in an interview recently that people can be in a situation that is not peaceful – but you can still come away with a sense of peace. Share about that statement with us…

In Pastor Robert Bass’s book, “Hidden Fruit: Receive All That God Has for You,” you will find out how to live a fruitful life. A life of “Love, Joy, Peace,” and more. Amen!

Pastor Bass has written this book as a Father would write a letter to his children whom He dearly loves. This book, if taken in that context, will help you to be healed of your past, your past mistakes, your poor choices – all of it – and to start to produce GOOD FRUIT! Amen!  This book will help you to draw closer to God and to fulfill your destiny.

Drop down into the show notes, right now, and click the link there to purchase your copies today. In fact, get one for your pastor, too! I know he will appreciate it and the fact that you did if to be a blessing to him as well. Amen!





Book:  “Hidden Fruit: Receive All That God Has for You”  - on Amazon

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