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Tips to Get More Customers (And Attract your 'The One')
Episode 517th October 2022 • Wala Kang Benta - The Podcast • Airon Dela Cruz and Jungie Gumiran
00:00:00 00:35:22

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Wouldn't it be nice to not rely on stores/apps in selling your products and services online? The whole Shopee issue would not bother you as an online seller.

Have you ever wondered why no matter how perfect a product and/or service is, simply putting it on the market is not enough to make a sale? What could be missing?

Also, do you know why big brands like Nike still market their products and services even when they're already household names? Is it really necessary to spend on marketing when you're one of the best-selling shoe brands in the world?

Join Airon and Jungie in their first episode post-podcast launch to learn about the most overlooked step in marketing: Acquisition. 

What you’ll learn in this episode?

  • Why do you have to always start with why in everything you do
  • Reasons why it’s important to analyze the needs and wants of your target market
  • How listing down details about your ideal client/audience (and even future jowa) can help you find them

Valuable Client Acquisition Tips:

If you want to know the importance of acquisition in your business, here are four (4) tips you can use to level up your acquisition game.

Tip No. 1 - Connect with them on an emotional level first and then justify the sale with logic later. How? By sharing the relevance of your product/service and why they should buy them. The two easiest emotions used to achieve this is PAIN and FEAR.

USE THIS SKILL WITH CAUTION because knowing how to start with emotion allows you to ethically/unethically manipulate people around you into buying your product/service. Also, it will not work if you use emotion alone, that’s why it’s important to highlight features and benefits after.

Why is it important to know their deepest, darkest desires and pains? So you’d know which product/service feature to highlight that can help them overcome it.

Tip No. 2 - Identify your ideal audience/customer/client OR your client avatar. Why is it necessary to identify them? Once you’ve identified them, it’s easier to find them, and messaging will come easier, a.k.a. how you communicate with them.

Why can’t I just sell to everyone? Because in reality, you’re not everyone’s cup of tea. You only have a specific set of people to focus on and market to. Each target market has its own desires and speaks its own language as well.

How do you create your client avatar? By identifying who you created the product/service for and why you created it in the first place. The more specific, the better.

Tip No. 3 - Know your channels a.k.a. social media platforms. Because the best acquisition channel/platform for your business depends on your audience, your resources, and your overall strategy.

If one channel doesn’t work for you, or if it’s not producing results, then it won’t be too impactful to focus solely on that channel, so you should diversify. Also, you’re not at the mercy of only one online selling platform.

When should you diversify? Whenever your capacity allows it. If it will require you to give up what you love, don’t. If you’re in only one channel and you got what you need, that’s enough. Make sure you maximize its powers and you don’t have too much that you can’t handle them anymore.

Tip No. 4 - Identify the words they use or how they communicate with each other. Use the words that your ideal market uses to describe their problems or dreams. It’s easier if you’re also part of the target market, but how do you do it if you’re not part of the target market? By doing research and creating an avatar based on their demographics (age group, gender, life stages, niche-specific).

They have certain words they use and they communicate a certain way. And if you can communicate like them, it’s easier to penetrate their market because they will treat you as part of their tribe and connect with you emotionally. When the message is more powerful, the acquisition, consideration, and conversion will be much easier because there are emotional connections and familiarity.

These tips will help you not only get more eyeballs on your product/service but also help you find your target market and communicate better with them. If you have tips to share on how to have a good acquisition strategy, please share them on your social media and tag us, so our audience can learn more ways to acquire leads better.

Key Takeaways

May mga business kasi na feeling nila kahit wala silang gawing marketing effort to acquire new customer, people will come, or ‘yung customers nila will come naturally d’un sa business nila. That strategy kasi won’t guarantee ‘yung increase or even maintain profits over time, kasi nga walang bagong customer. - Jungie Gumiran

Even big businesses, mga tipong Nike, Under Armour, Juju, they still spend money on acquisition. That’s a lesson for all of us na hindi por que kilala ka na, or sobrang ganda ng brand mo is magiging complacent ka na.” - Airon dela Cruz

Alam mo maraming brand or product dito sa Pilipinas nagbebenta sila sa Lazada or Shoppee. Gawa sila ng store and they expect customers to come. And then, magtataka sila, “Bakit wala akong benta?” Eh, wala ka namang ine-exert na effort.” - Jungie Gumiran

“People don’t buy for logical reasons. They buy for emotional reasons.” - Zig Ziglar

Resources/People Mentioned:

Connect with Airon dela Cruz

Connect with Jungie Gumiran

Connect with Wala Kang Benta - The Podcast

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