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Podcast# 283 Drunken bar Fight and Musical Chairs
Episode 2836th November 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:16:26

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Unveiling Personal Stories & Tackling Societal Norms with Earnest Mann

Hey there, friends and followers, it’s your friendly neighborhood storyteller, Earnest Mann. Recently, I poured my heart out in episode 282, "Terror My Life", and your overwhelming response has touched me deeply. It’s a rare glimpse into my private world, and I’m glad it resonated with so many of you.

Listener-Inspired Episodes & The Complexity of Simple Explanations

Moving on to today’s episode, inspired by Dwayne from San Clemente, we dive into the quagmire of explaining the simplest things to a drunk – a task fraught with unpredictability. This episode isn’t just about laughs; it’s a critical look at societal issues, from the responsibilities of law enforcement to the inefficiencies of our legal system.

Nostalgia, Law Enforcement, and the Need for Swift Justice

I reminisce about the old New York and the infamous Patty wagons, comparing them to today's more humane police protocols. But as much as we applaud humanity, I question if our nanny state is reinforcing negative behaviors rather than correcting them. The physical pain of the past served as a deterrent – perhaps a concept we should revisit.

The Societal Spiral and the Musical Chair Economy

Lastly, I draw parallels between the drunken antics of the past and the modern-day economic crashes. The lack of real penalties for the financial bigwigs of the 2008 crisis mirrors the lack of consequences for today’s troublemakers. It’s a call to reevaluate our approach to punishment and deterrence.

You can go to my website - - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. Engage me and other listeners by leaving a comment, and/or you can reach out to me personally, via my website's contact page.

My website is a work in progress, I update its content as time allows as I am a just a one "Mann" show - ha ha, so check for new things periodically, you will find interesting and entertaining things there.

Please consider, that by visiting the website and supporting this show, you're supporting an actual person, not some mega corporation, that wouldn't know human compassion if it hit them over the head!

Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment after you listen to an episode, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know, and I'm not kidding, I have seen it time and again, so leave a comment, and maybe change a person's life for the better! Take care - Earnest

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



[Music] hello folks hope everything is going well we've got a fantastic show for you today but before I get into that I want to talk about the previous episode very briefly which was number 282 and it was the uh called the teror my life now this is very special um you see when it comes right down to it I'm a really private person and to say that I was um you know on pins and needles apprehensive about sharing this episode with you is an understatement I'm like a clam I I open up real slow low as far as personal is


concerned and I'll talk about anything you want in the world you you know that um but personal yeah that's a different matter and um anyhow I was I was just really overwhelmed by the response that I got and apparently this struck a cord or maybe it's something you experienced I don't know but I just want to thank you and if you haven't listened to it it's uh number 282 and uh you know I'm also on YouTube at teems podcast and um yeah you click on my smiling wonderful handsome face and it takes you


to everything there but anyway thank you um maybe in the future I can go uh personal again now moving right along into this episode and I think it's really good it was actually requested from a listener named Dwayne and he's in San Clemente California and this is something that he wanted to uh hear about and so with that I I said hey fine because um you know that's the way we work here is I want to hear what you want to hear and you let me know what you want to hear and so I put it out there you see something that I believe


at least that experience has taught me is how difficult it can be to explain even a simple thing to a drunk do you know what I mean you ever tried to do that good luck with that now sometimes drunks can be funny and you can get a good laugh out of them but you also know they can quickly change to the point where you have a very belligerent and uncooperative drunk on your hands and that's something not very funny or Pleasant at all I'm telling you this because I'm trying to get a little bit of sympathy


and understanding for the cop that pulls over the drunk driver because they are swerving all over the road and the cop you know politely pulls them over and he wants him to you know get out of the car and do a field sobriety test and the belligerent drunk refuses to cooperate even though they've been asked five or more times to do so now I am not a law enforcement professional and I don't claim to be in any way shape or form but I do know what I see and what I've seen by watching many of these YouTube videos where the cops


have to deal with these drunks is that these stops can take you know a half hour 45 minutes sometimes more this is absolutely uncalled for and ridiculous I believe that after a cop has witnessed a car say for example swerving and they go over to the car and it's obvious that the person's been drinking and they can smell alcohol they simply request that the person get out of the car to do a field sobriety test and get this [ __ ] moving in other words this should be wrapped up in like 15 minutes tops because all that additional time is


costing taxpayer money not to not to mention the fact of the availability you know for the cop to be out there and find more of these lunatics driving drunk on the road it's simply taking too long and they're just being a bit too you know soft and understanding you need to move this [ __ ] along and like I said I'm not the professional but I'm just saying it seems to me as though this should be able to be wrapped up in about 15 minutes uh this is one of the many reasons I decided a long time ago I


could not be a cop I would only ask twice maybe three times Max and then your ass is coming out of the vehicle and not handled with kid gloves at least one of the few benefits that age can give you is hindsight I remember being a young teenager living in New York City this is when they used to have Patty wagons now the name Patty wagons most people under 40 won't even recognize what that is or where it comes from but I know and without going into a long history lesson on the origins of the term Patty wagons I just wanted to use


it for illustrative purposes now it was basically just a big box truck similar and size to you know like a Brinks armored car and every Friday and Saturday night the patties as they were called it would make the rounds to all the various bars and throw all the belligerent drunks men and women into them and I do quite literally often times mean thrown and the more belligerent and out of control you were the more forcibly your ass was thrown into the Patty okay okay I suppose they stopped using patties because we entered the eror


where the police departments were being sued for injuries to the drunks uh you know so the arrest procedures were changed and made more Humane at least they harm some of the irresponsible idiots before I go on I want to make it clear that I am not talking about a person who is mentally ill or having a psychotic breakdown who needs to be carefully removed from the streets not only for their own protection but ours as well something else seldom done today the problem with forcing cops to be more Humane however is that not only


does this cause more time effort and aggravation not to mention public cost for police and police departments but it negatively reinforces and enables idiotic Behavior because you can be a drugged drunken belligerent or violent non-cooperative [ __ ] and not necessarily have to pay any real penalty you see physical pain is a real motivator for Behavioral change monetary penalties not so much for your actions now this is just one glaring example of the consequences of living in a nanny state of living in what has become a


very feminized Perpetual victim adult child-based society when I was uh talking earlier about the patties making the rounds to the various bars or clubs to scoop up the violent and disorderly bear in mind that generally speaking this was not for the same people over and over and over again there were always new men coming of age or maybe from another town or city that this nonsense was going on with but the thing is and I remember this very clearly it only took one or two of those incidences being thrown in the Patty to change the behavior of


course you had a a really small per percentage of asocial sociopathic or narcissistic types that always seem to have a problem respecting societal Norms but that was not the case with most people if you were drunk and disorderly it only took once okay maybe twice tops to be arrested and thrown in the Patty by beat officer Rose and you wouldn't be acting like that again drunk or not drunk I knew officer Rose and the other cops like him and I saw him in action many times as well as some of the men he arrested and even the guys I talked to


several you know days you know after the fact admitted that they were being [ __ ] and deserved what they got Rose was a good cop and a fair cop but you didn't [ __ ] with him or disrespect him in very short with everything I witnessed and the people that I talked with at that time they might have even laughed about it a you know a day or so later after they were released that's assuming that no one was seriously hurt but the physical pain of having a cop beat your ass with a billy club was more than enough to make you seriously think


twice before you decided to get drunk and be an [ __ ] again and that's my argument there was a tangible physical price to be paid and even the stupid aggressive [ __ ] eventually figured that out and stop behaving well I mean like stupid and aggressive [ __ ] now I know that many of you out there who are brave enough to be intellectually and morally honest you might be saying this you might be saying well Ernest yeah you know well that kind of policing might have been acceptable then but that could never be done


iment with Prohibition in the:


years have shown me is that when you have a society with no penalties you eventually spiral into chaos and animalistic behavior and it doesn't even matter so much if it's you know drugs or alcohol the same idea applies to other forms of socially harmful Psychopathic Behavior such as the uncaring attitudes and actions of wealthy politicians and business business criminals as well this I believe is also one of the many reasons for what I call the musical chair economy we are all circling around the opportunities and necessities of


emember the economic crash of:


does anyone remember the investment firms and Banks back then that were too big to fail and so their criminal asses got bailed out at taxpayer expense so they could waddle off into the sunset with even more millions and billions of our stolen money I do in conclusion I believe in my heart of hearts that Amer America should bring back Patty wagons to start making the rounds specifically in Washington DC where there could be a very Bountiful Hall of crooks and criminals that wear suits and have been living very high on


the hog Carefree lives at taxpayer expense for many years after all it definitely worked well as a deterrent of dysfunctional and abhorent behavior for workingclass druggies and drunks back then just think of what it could do for Washington DC today if you enjoyed this please do subscribe and hit the notification Bell because it really does help my channel grow and if you can offer some support please do so by going to the Kofi Link in the description below low anything would be sincerely appreciated last but certainly not least


if you have anything no matter how ordinary or unordinary you would like to hear or talk about don't hesitate to reach out to me and tell me what you want to talk about that's also in the description below so we can get it on the show until next time this is earnest than thank you for listening wishing your health wealth and good luck



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