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Ep. 90 - Barefoot Shoes And Barefoot Walking: You Need to be Doing This
Episode 906th June 2024 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
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Barefoot Shoes: Unlock the Secrets to Better Health and Posture

Welcome to the Reality of Health podcast! In today's episode, we delve into the benefits of walking barefoot and wearing barefoot shoes. This polarizing topic covers how barefoot walking can strengthen your feet, enhance posture, and reduce inflammation. Learn about the drawbacks of modern shoes and discover expert insights from James Oschman and Dr. Biglestein. If you're curious about transitioning to barefoot shoes, we share brand recommendations and tips for getting started. Tune in to find out how this simple change can dramatically improve your overall health! These are the Whitin Brand, and I do make a measly commission just so you know...

00:00 Introduction to Barefoot Walking

00:49 Benefits of Barefoot Walking

01:49 Modern Shoes vs. Barefoot Shoes

03:12 Transitioning to Barefoot Shoes

09:10 Choosing the Right Barefoot Shoes

13:15 Conclusion and Upcoming Topics


Welcome healthy friends to the reality of health podcast. Today, we're going to talk about some, a little different. We're going to talk about barefoot shoes and walking on the ground barefoot, especially on the earth.

This is one of those topics that opinions will vary. Because this is really polarizing more than you might believe. So many people are either for or against this idea of barefoot walking or wearing shoes that mimic barefoot walking. That's because you have to adjust your lifestyle.

The only way to find out if it works for you. its to give it a try. Experience it didn't make your decision. Even if you did it wrong or didn't do it quite right. Whatever, if you never try or do or experience anything different, how would you ever know if it's better for you?

Now, if you want to try it. Don't worry, your feet will tighten up. They're going to toughen up. They're going to get strong. It's like what Morpheus said to Neo 📍 Did you know that athlete's feet get totally distorted and weird. Oh, yeah, it's crazy. Looking.

Didn't take many years to go barefoot style walking and not wearing those types of shoes anymore, but eventually. Their feet, go back to normal. They forced their feet into weird shoes so they can play their sport. Men do they look weird? Some crazy photos online. If you want to look that up.

We've all heard about the whole Japanese women things stuffing their feet into super small shoes.

That was a totally disgusting and apprehensible practice will sports kind of do the same thing. If you really want to know what modern shoes do your feet look up those images, you will definitely decide. Oh yeah. I'm never going to wear modern shoes again. Trust me. You better have a strong stomach.

There are fantastic research studies done on this topic. All very positive.

Your best bet is to walk on the earth.

With no shoes. So if you can do that daily. Awesome. If not, you could do barefoot shoes at minimum, and then walking on the earth as the maximum. But it shows corrects your posture.


people that never wear shoes all around the world, they have perfect posture. It will create a strong back. Your skeletal muscles get stronger. You end up with super strong feet. It'll correct. Your bunions unless you're really whacked down there. And then it's going to take a little while with some extra effort. By connecting to the earth, the lowers inflammation. Thousands of different diseases are associated with bad feet. That go all the way up the body.

James Ashman is one of the experts in this field. And. He's got lots of. Evidence proving all kinds of people, healing from all kinds of things. But leather shoes work. If you want. You can wear those. They're inducting. In other words, they keep the charge going from the earth, into your body and back and forth. Rubber shoes do the opposite.

We also can help you relax. It lowers your pain. It can really help you sleep. By really affecting your nervous system.

And when you're touching the earth or you're walking barefoot and creating all that stimulation, you can accelerate healing of injuries. If you've never seen the knees over toes guy on YouTube or any of the video platforms, I highly suggest you go watch just about every single video.

Shoe design in the modern era actually does not compliment the human foot at all. Thick flexible soles. Uh, Narrow toe box. And your heel is raised. So, not only are you wearing rubber and synthetic materials, but you're never touching the earth and you're super gushy.

They reduce your foot flexibility.

Meaning your ability to change to all environments, not just flexibility. Like you can grab your toes and pull them back. It affects your ability to jump.

Because they're trying to cushion you so much, but in reality, You don't actually use your foot.

The shoe's doing all the work. So you don't utilize your muscles, your tendons, ligaments bones. So they all just become weak. When you get all kinds of tissue issues like bunions and plantar, fasciitis, and poor posture, bad knees, bad hips, all of that stuff gets better when you learn how to walk. Barefoot.

So because your feet keep getting weaker and weaker, you have to buy more and more supportive shoes.

That gets expensive.


It first starts with the power in your feet. How was it? Your posture is so much better when you're going barefoot. Well, you're connected from your foot all the way up to your head. If you were supposed to be standing at a 12 or 15 degree angle your whole life, then God would have made your heels higher than your toes. That creates undue stress on your lower legs, above your knees. Which then makes your back half to accommodate. And therefore you have poor posture.

You absolutely must, no matter what transition slowly. Or you could just be a rebel and go for it. Your feet. Knees joints. Yeah, you're going to feel it.

You're going from a cushy lifestyle with lots of rubber and spring to a flat and unforgiving shoe. Or if you're going to go ahead and just do it and go barefoot. Well, you're going to feel it, but it's way worth it. Oh, yeah, it's totally worth it. Who doesn't love walking in grass barefoot. I mean, really? We only used to wear shoes to protect our feet. Uh, humans never, ever wore shoes all throughout history until it got to the point where they needed to protect them.

And if you're thinking you're going to look weird, well, I can't help you there, but I can help you feel better. It doesn't mean that you can't wear fun shoes here and there.

Just means that the majority of your life, you need to wear barefoot shoes or no shoes in order to increase your health. Especially for your structure and your posture. Dr. Biglestein I've mentioned before is a famous natural path. Said that your health starts with structure? I 100% agree. I've been wearing barefoot style shoes for about a year, and I love them.

I will never go back to cushy, super thick soled shoes. They create weak feet, weak posture, weak joints. From your feet all the way up to your head. They reduce blood flow in the body. Uh, they create flammatory compounds and overall they lower your general health. I'm not even going to get into all the energetic principles from things like Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine and reflexology. If you decide to go this route, no regular shoes will not fit you anymore. What you want is your foot to splay. Once it does that.

And it goes back to its normal real shape shoes. You've always worn, may not actually fit very well. So just know you want to look super cute in those heels. If you want to look super dapper in those wingtips, well, you probably won't fit the normal style. But the benefits definitely outweigh your style choice. Let's be real feet are not the most attractive body parts on people. Unless you're into that kind of thing. So to find shoes that are aesthetically pleasing is going to be difficult. That is, of course, if you care, what other people think it's that conundrum where shoes that don't look totally pleasing. And feel awesome or try and blend in with the crowd and not feel totally awesome. I see you do both. Do 80% barefoot style shoe, especially if it's a grounding barefoot style shoe. And the other 20%. Yeah.

Whenever you like. Nobody really cares all that much about what you're wearing, except you really anyway. For the times when you're going out and you need to look a certain way. Well, use the normal fashionable stuff.

Otherwise, the majority of our life needs to be either no shoes or shoes that allow your feet to act like you're not wearing shoes. They need to splay.

So that would be a zero drop heal. And if you can do it in an electrical conduction to the ground, I'll give you one of those shortly. Of course, you're going to deal with naysayers. Fact is you have to try and see if it's good for you. The problem is you're so used to using regular shoes. It's going to take a long time to decide if you really liked this barefoot style, it's a commitment. I'm not going to kid you. But I believe the benefits outweigh all the other aspects. If you consider the fact that you were not born with shoes.

And that they're manmade devices.

They disconnect you from the planet. They weaken your feet. Therefore they weakened your joints successfully up from there, like your knees and hips and shoulders and neck. They basically disconnect you from all of your human experience with the ground. Does that seem like the right way to go? Does that actually seem like the right way you should live?

And one of the coolest facts of walking on the ground barefoot or wearing barefoot shoes on a regular basis.

Is it actually has been shown to increase circulation in your face. That's awesome.

So I'm going to give you a little disclaimer, barefoot shoes are less durable. Why? 'cause they flex a lot. That'll stress the construction of the shoe, but it's worth it. They're not that expensive.

If you're hard on shoes. Yeah. They won't last as long, but just walking and doing daily stuff. The last, a long time.

Here's a couple of brands for you. Feel ground. They've got styles that actually look like normal shoes. Vivo V I V O and you've got zero. X E R O. And then if you want a cheap Amazon brand Whitin. W H I T I N.

If you need running shoes than Altra. A L T R a. They're definitely the best for any of that athletic type stuff. Vivo are a little more durable. Most of these, you can just throw it in the washing machine. Super easy. I got pretty good resistance to objects. But if you remember those Vibram that V I B R a M that brand that were black, they had the. The toes, the five toe shoe.

Those are awesome. They look stupid. Well, of course they do, because we're used to hundreds of years of fashionable footwear. But they are amazing. They absolutely work.

Should you get them? And use them. Yeah. I say absolutely try em'. Where I'm while you walk or when you go to the gym or anywhere you don't care about being fashionable. They are absolutely effective.

One of the brands that you can wear for grounding while you're just walking around naturally as a barefoot shoe, they're called Groundz, G R O U N D Z. Look them up.

Of course, you know, you're gonna start feeling aches and pains when you start wearing these types of shoes here and there it's because your body is adjusting. No reason to quit. That's not going to take that long. Once you adjust though, to barefoot style shoes with no drop, you will feel so much better.

People's all around the globe throughout history that didn't wear shoes.

They didn't have posture problems. they had, none. They don't have ankle, knee, hip, spine, shoulder, and definitely no neck issues that we have today.

The sensations and the electrical input in the terrain and the constant feedback of the surface you're standing on or walking on, connecting through your central nervous system to your brain. Which has to do its job. It's gotta be correcting you. The fluidity of everything you do every day, all day. Like if you ran 📍 through the jungle, 📍 well, you'd be dealing with all kinds of jungle stuff. If you walk through the city, everything's flat. Now you only get to build your body based on a foundation of flat. I think of like a suspension in a car, it absorbs the bumps and the angulations and the uneven terrain. But then when you cushion it a lot, you have a Rolls Royce. 📍 In other words, you get soft. Comfortable shoes. Have a side effect.

They make your body weak, especially your feet. And then that makes its way up your joints and into your structure. So when your feet can absorb what's going on, then the knee has to do work.

And then that deteriorates. And then when the knee starts deteriorating or throws off your alignment, then your hips have to do more adjusting.

And then in order to keep those in check, your spine has to take up the difference. You see your body's trying to align itself based on. Your everyday activities. All starting from your feet.

If your roof is out of alignment, it's probably because the foundation of your house isn't set properly. This is why in health. It's so important to cover the basics. This is one way you can align your structure. By having strong feet, which creates strong ankles, strong knees. Hips. Back. And then your shoulders, neck, and your elbows down into your wrists. Then. Eventually and do your hands. Think about it, the lack of connection from the ground all the way up into your brain is not a good thing. If your feet is what is touching the ground, then wouldn't you want that connection to go all the way up into your brain? All of that information and all of that activity and your nervous system is a good thing. You ever noticed children never want to wear shoes?

But, you know, you get older and you want to be fashionable, so you wear them.

A little extra thing you could do is wear toe spacers. What did you just say? Yeah, they make spacers for your toes. When you get your toe splayed out like that. It can change a lot for your health.

📍 Okay, well, that's it for today. Coming up soon, I'm going to teach you the truth about working out. It's not what you think. Thank you for listening. Take care of yourselves. I'm out.




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