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Episode 215 – Impact Radio – Tim Whitehead pt 2
24th January 2018 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:27:05

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Show Notes for Tim Whitehead Interview

Hello Everyone everywhere, this is Pastor Robert Thibodeau, and I wanted to welcome you to another DUAL BROADCAST of the “Everything Church Related” podcast and the “Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast.” You should know by now, that if we are doing a dual broadcast, then we have something special lined up for you today.

On the line with us, is Tim Whitehead, executive director of GalCom. This ministry, for 25 years, has partnered with pastors, churches and missionaries all over the world by providing radio studio and broadcasting equipment at the best possible prices to Christian radio stations. Galcom techs travel to many countries every year installing and supporting these stations.

Tim Whitehead is also one of the voices you hear on “Impact Radio,” and they are part of our Evangelism Radio family. You can hear Impact Radio from 6-630pm ET every Saturday evening.

Tim, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to visit with us today.

Tell us, who is Tim Whitehead…

Tell us about GalCom…

How did you get involved with this radio ministry?

Tell us about these solar powered radio’s..

All the radio’s are in the local dialect?

Is this a typical radio station like we are used to?

Are these station on 24/7 or just for a few hours on the air?

Who makes these radio’s?

How do you distribute these radio’s? The picture on your website looks like you are “bombing” people with radio’s!

How did GALCOM actually get started?

What does GALCOM stand for?

What are you doing in Greenland?

How many of these radio’s do you usually distribute?

Do you have any distribution channels in Islamic countries?

What are the different job opportunities to go on these trips?

If someone wanted to get in touch with you, how can they do that?


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