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Healing as a Survivor of Sexual Assault – May Alirad pt 1
Episode 151728th May 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
00:00:00 00:25:46

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Healing as a Survivor of Sexual Assault

May Alirad pt 1

As an immigrant from Laos with her family, May Alirad was hoping to live the American dream… but, at age 7 she experienced her “first” sexual assault.  I say “first” intentionally. Because it continued by several people, on and off, until she was 32 years of age.

After 30 years of unintentionally living as a victim of multiple sexual assaults, May finally found freedom from guilt, shame, embarrassment, fear, and condemnation. This happened when she was in a prayer group and everyone was praying for her. Amen.

May went to work and actively put faith in her ability to heal and help others do the same. May is now sharing this proven, life-tested, (not time tested, but LIFE-TESTED), personally verifiable approach - with you.

She is the author of a great book titled, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor.”

Help me welcome to the program, May Alirad.  May, it is such a blessing to have you come on the program and share your story – helping, I know, many of our listeners.

First, I always start with this question. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is May Alirad?”

What age were you when you immigrated to the United States?

What was the first memory you have of the United States?

What was your family life like when you were growing up?

In your book, you share the first sexual assault happened at about the age of 7.  Did you tell anyone after it happened or did you keep it to yourself?

Age 7 is quite young. Did this continue through your childhood and teenage years?

Looking back now, why do you think you kept it to yourself all of those years?

You have a unique take when you begin to ask “Why God” let this happen to you. Can you share that with us?

What was the point when you finally decided it was time to take back control of your life and what steps did you take?

Let’s talk about your book, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor.”

One of your chapters is called “Boundaries.”  What kind of boundaries would have helped you in your younger years that wish you could have had in place?

Folks, my prayer is you NEVER have to experience things which May Alirad did. But, the fact of the matter is, many, many, too many of you – have.

But you can experience this freedom that May Alirad has. She has a calling on her life to help you “GET THERE.” Amen!  This book, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor” is part of that process of helping those of you that have been sexually abused.

Just click the links down below and reach out to May and be sure to order her book, “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor?”



Email:  may.delaocoaching@gmail.con


Book:  “Was I Assaulted – My Guide to Healing as a Survivor?” – on Amazon

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