Energy Healing
Melissa Krechler and Patty Oliver discuss the different types of energy healing, how it helps you and how you can do it for yourself and others.
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Guest Speaker is Patty Oliver
Patty is a transformational energy healer and spiritual advisor. For the past 13 years she has helped clients around the world align to their soul blueprint and manifest abundance by clearing karma in their Akashic Record and teaching them to balance their chakras and manage their energy field. She offers private soul coaching with your spirit guides and has also created an online course on how to access your own Akashic Record for personal insight, guidance and self-healing.
Patty is a regular columnist for Sovereign Magazine, answering reader questions about energy healing and soul alignment. She has contributed to a multi-author book “Intuitive: Speaking her Truth” which is available on Amazon and has a forthcoming Akashic Record oracle card deck.
Host is Melissa Krechler
Identity Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Business Mentor and Creator and Founder of The Women Supporting Women Network.
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