Sean McCormick has over 10 years of experience leading teams building successful cloud and mobile software products. He started his first cloud software company while still in undergrad at Northwestern and hasn't looked back since. He's an odd combo of a tech nerd who loves the outdoors - fly fishing especially.
Time Stamp
📍[1:22]Sean with SingleOps is with us this week...
📍[22:06]Do you know your average ticket? Do you know your average ticket for your one-time job verses recurring jobs?
📍[24:54]What is the average time it takes for you to receive payment? (accounts receivable - AR)
📍[30:06]Empowering teams with Speed & Efficiency to make teams more successful
📍[30:43]Common Plugins to CRMs are lead aggregators
📍[31:42]How Sean is seeing technology is being embraced in the Green Industry
📍[37:54]Renewal time is a perfect time for upsells
📍[38:45]Martha asks Sean about Single Ops' own company culture
📍[41:09]Using a NPS internally with your staff - your ENPS
📍[42:08]Single Ops improved health insurance benefits and converted to an employee owned business model to improve their employee satisfaction in just 6 months...