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How to package and present your products - with Vicki Weinberg
Episode 1198th July 2022 • Bring Your Product Idea to Life • Vicki Weinberg
00:00:00 00:24:41

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This week on the podcast my focus is packaging, and how you present the products that you are going to sell. It’s an episode packed full of practical advice, that takes you through all the different things to consider when putting together the packaging for your product.

Firstly I share why good packaging matters, and how you can use it to elevate and market your brand. 

Then we dig into the practical side, legislation to be aware of, Amazon marketplace requirements to consider if you want to sell via Amazon, and where to get your packaging made.

Finally I share my top tip for how to ensure you have the best packaging for your products. 

Listen in to hear me share:

  • Why packaging is important (00:38)
  • Elevating your brand via your packaging (02:42)
  • The importance of robust packaging that protects your products (04:58)
  • Choosing and designing your product packaging (08:57)
  • What to put on your packaging (12:54)
  • Packaging legislation to be aware of (15:10)
  • Amazon marketplace packaging requirements to be aware of (16:33)
  • Where to get your packaging made (17:54)
  • Do you need a packaging designer? (19:46)
  • My final tip (21:28)


Blog: How To Package Your Product To Sell

Blog: 5 Branding Essentials For Small Businesses by Cara Sayer

Podcast: Episode 80 How To Brand Your Physical Products with Cara Bendon

GS1 Website - for Amazon barcodes


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This month’s podcast episodes are proudly sponsored by my own book - Bring Your Product Idea to Life

Have you ever had a great idea for a product? Or does creating a product to sell appeal to you? Where do you begin? How do you come up with a product idea? Or, if you have an idea, how do you know if it’s even viable? In Bring Your Product Idea to Life, I take you through the process of creating your product, step-by-step. From developing your product idea, to finding suppliers and launching your product we cover it all. The book includes advice on how to price your product, where to sell it and how to find out if anyone will actually buy it. Designed to help you make real progress, Bring Your Product to Life is both practical and motivational. Every chapter includes clear action steps, so you know exactly what to do and when. This isn’t just a book for reading - this is a book for doing.

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Vicki Weinberg:

Welcome to the Bring Your Product Ideas To Life podcast, practical

Vicki Weinberg:

advice, and inspiration to help you create and sell your own physical products.

Vicki Weinberg:

Here's your host Vicky Weinberg.

Vicki Weinberg:


Vicki Weinberg:

I hope that whenever you're listening to this, you are having a wonderful day.

Vicki Weinberg:

So this is another episode where it's just me and today we're going to be

Vicki Weinberg:

talking about packaging and presenting your products because when you're creating

Vicki Weinberg:

your own product to sell, it's really important to think of the whole package.

Vicki Weinberg:

Excuse the pun.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I'm going to start by talking about why is your packaging important.

Vicki Weinberg:

And I'm sure that, you know, you possibly noticed, but perhaps

Vicki Weinberg:

we're gonna touch on some things that you haven't yet considered.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and the first thing is that it adds to the overall customer experience.

Vicki Weinberg:

So the packaging is actually a part of what you're offering.

Vicki Weinberg:

It's an integral part of your product, and it can also help

Vicki Weinberg:

add value to your product.

Vicki Weinberg:

For example, let's take the example of a baby towel.

Vicki Weinberg:

Which is a product that I used to sell.

Vicki Weinberg:

So what do you think would look more premium?

Vicki Weinberg:

A baby towel that's packaged in a really lovely box, or if it comes shrink,

Vicki Weinberg:

wrapped, or just wrapped in clear plastic.

Vicki Weinberg:

It's exactly the same product and the difference in cost for the packaging

Vicki Weinberg:

might not be that much, although as I'm saying this out loud, I'm thinking

Vicki Weinberg:

actually probably there probably will be a difference in, in cost, but it makes

Vicki Weinberg:

a huge difference in terms of perceived value and what you potentially charge.

Vicki Weinberg:

So yes, a box might be more expensive.

Vicki Weinberg:

However, let's say the box costs an extra pound pulling figures out of the air here.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, but you could charge another five pound because it is

Vicki Weinberg:

beautifully boxed, obviously that makes it worth an ex investment.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, I'll give you a real example of something that happened to me.

Vicki Weinberg:

I bought a headband online and it came unbranded, you know,

Vicki Weinberg:

just a clear like plastic bag.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and it was sufficient because the product was clean.

Vicki Weinberg:

It was in good condition, but it didn't tell me anything about who made it.

Vicki Weinberg:

I couldn't recommend that seller to you now.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, I I'll be, I'll be honest.

Vicki Weinberg:

I bought this.

Vicki Weinberg:

I can't remember if it was on Etsy or Amazon, but I couldn't

Vicki Weinberg:

tell you who I brought from because I have no clue who it is.

Vicki Weinberg:

However, had they added a simple sticker or put an insert card in

Vicki Weinberg:

inside that would've been a really good and still quite cheap edition,

Vicki Weinberg:

but just told me a little bit about who I brought from, and then perhaps I'd

Vicki Weinberg:

remember them and then, you know, I'd be able to recommend them to you now.

Vicki Weinberg:

But unfortunately, because there hadn't been that consideration put into the

Vicki Weinberg:

packaging, um, I wasn't able to do that.

Vicki Weinberg:

So another thing that great packaging can do is give your brand a bit of character.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I am definitely not a branding expert.

Vicki Weinberg:

I should say that here I did have a branding expert, um, consultant

Vicki Weinberg:

Cara Sayer on a previous episode.

Vicki Weinberg:

And she also wrote a really great blog post for me as well.

Vicki Weinberg:

I'm gonna link both of those in the show notes, because if you are at

Vicki Weinberg:

all interested in your branding, um, these are really good resources.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and as part of that, Cara gives some really great advice

Vicki Weinberg:

on packaging, your products and the whole unboxing experience.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and I'm just gonna touch now on a few ways that your, how you package your

Vicki Weinberg:

products can really elevate your brand.

Vicki Weinberg:

So if the unboxing experience is an experience, so when customers open

Vicki Weinberg:

your product, you know, it's nice, you know, it's a pleasant experience it's

Vicki Weinberg:

much more likely that they'll, that they'll share that on social media

Vicki Weinberg:

and give you a bit of free marketing.

Vicki Weinberg:

You can add your own messaging to your packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

So whether that's a little, note, whether you want to share information about your

Vicki Weinberg:

brand values, what difference buying your product makes, um, who you are, what you

Vicki Weinberg:

are about, this is your space to do that.

Vicki Weinberg:

For example, I brought some earrings recently and there was a little

Vicki Weinberg:

card in with them that explained that because I'd placed that order.

Vicki Weinberg:

A tree had been planted on my behalf, and that was really sweet.

Vicki Weinberg:

And do you know what I did?

Vicki Weinberg:

I shared that on my Instagram stories because I thought, oh, this is so lovely.

Vicki Weinberg:

And then of course that gave that brand a bit of marketing at the same time.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I definitely think this is something worth thinking.

Vicki Weinberg:

And also just from a practical point of view, if you want to

Vicki Weinberg:

ask people to leave reviews.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you want to offer discounts off future purchases, or maybe for signing up to

Vicki Weinberg:

a subscription to receive your product regularly, whether you want to share tips

Vicki Weinberg:

on how your product can be used, maybe how your packaging could be reused, um,

Vicki Weinberg:

give any kind of useful information.

Vicki Weinberg:

This is your space to do so.

Vicki Weinberg:

So not only does your packaging serve a practical function, um,

Vicki Weinberg:

in terms of keeping products, you know, contained within something,

Vicki Weinberg:

but you've got all of that space.

Vicki Weinberg:

However, you decide to package your product.

Vicki Weinberg:

You know, whether this is a box and you've got loads of space to work

Vicki Weinberg:

with, or whether you are thinking of just adding a little card inside

Vicki Weinberg:

something that's nicely gift wrapped.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, however you do that, you've got some space to kind of get

Vicki Weinberg:

your brand messaging across.

Vicki Weinberg:

And then finally, um, I'm gonna talk about the fact that packaging also protects

Vicki Weinberg:

your product and this might seem silly because you might think, well, actually my

Vicki Weinberg:

product doesn't need a lot of packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

Maybe doesn't need any packaging, but you do need to think about how

Vicki Weinberg:

you'll protect it during shipping and storage, if that's applicable to you.

Vicki Weinberg:

And I'm gonna give a real example here.

Vicki Weinberg:

So my products all packaged in recyclable craft, cardboard boxes.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, so they were intended for gifting.

Vicki Weinberg:

So the boxes had to be really sturdy because they had to make a trip.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I knew up front that they had to make the trip from the manufacturer

Vicki Weinberg:

to my warehouse, then some went to Amazon and then finally they

Vicki Weinberg:

go to the customer who might have actually bought it for someone else.

Vicki Weinberg:

Then, you know, they'd be going on another trip.

Vicki Weinberg:

So they were getting, basically, they were getting a lot of

Vicki Weinberg:

handling, knowing that they were intended to get a lot of handling.

Vicki Weinberg:

I needed the boxes to be really, really sturdy to withhold that.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and I'm gonna be honest as well.

Vicki Weinberg:

I actually learned this the hard way because the first lot of boxes

Vicki Weinberg:

that I got, they looked really good.

Vicki Weinberg:

So they were like very similar gift boxes.

Vicki Weinberg:

They had exactly the same design and branding.

Vicki Weinberg:

They looked really professional, but they just weren't quite strong enough.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and lots of those boxes got crushed either from the trip from

Vicki Weinberg:

the manufacturer over to the UK, because they were made abroad or when

Vicki Weinberg:

they were being sent into Amazon.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and actually sometimes on the trip from Amazon to the customer.

Vicki Weinberg:

So as you can see your packaging needs to be sufficient.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and that really leads me on to my next point, which is, I know from experience

Vicki Weinberg:

that products get thrown around, they get thrown around in vans in warehouses,

Vicki Weinberg:

they get thrown over people's gates.

Vicki Weinberg:

They get rammed through letter boxes.

Vicki Weinberg:

They get left outside in the rain.

Vicki Weinberg:

And if you're sending in products for Amazon to sell via FBA, they can get

Vicki Weinberg:

thrown around a bit there as well.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, this maybe isn't the best example, but not long ago, Amazon delivered me a

Vicki Weinberg:

book and it came in a cardboard envelope and they left it set outside in the rain.

Vicki Weinberg:

No, no card came through the door.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I had absolutely no idea there was something sat out there

Vicki Weinberg:

and it ended up soaking wet.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, now that isn't the seller's fault as they trusted Amazon to take care of

Vicki Weinberg:

their product and that this is definitely, you know, something for another episode.

Vicki Weinberg:

But I only share this to highlight that if you were selling a

Vicki Weinberg:

product that it might deteriorate.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you got wet, for example, um, a cardboard envelope might be not be

Vicki Weinberg:

enough to protect it for the element.

Vicki Weinberg:

So if you were posting it yourself, you might have to add another layer of

Vicki Weinberg:

protection, or if you were sending it into Amazon, you might have to think, you know,

Vicki Weinberg:

you might also have to think about that.

Vicki Weinberg:

So that's just a, a, a practical thing to think about.

Vicki Weinberg:

And while of course you can't prevent any of the above from happening, you

Vicki Weinberg:

know, anything I've just talked about, if you package your products in a way

Vicki Weinberg:

that protects it, the best you can then I think that gives the customer the best

Vicki Weinberg:

experience that you, that you can as well.

Vicki Weinberg:

And, um, you know, this, this is all gonna help in the long run.

Vicki Weinberg:

And I should also say that this is not a rant to delivery drivers, and

Vicki Weinberg:

it's not intended as that either.

Vicki Weinberg:

I just wanna be really honest about, how you've probably seen

Vicki Weinberg:

yourself, packages can get damaged.

Vicki Weinberg:

And I guess the bottom line is this, what you cannot count on at any stage

Vicki Weinberg:

of the process, is anyone else caring about your product and the condition

Vicki Weinberg:

it arrives in as much as you do.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, other than the customer, because the customer is obviously gonna be pretty

Vicki Weinberg:

upset if they receive your products and it's not in the condition it was intended.

Vicki Weinberg:

So therefore you do need to think about the packaging and ensure it's

Vicki Weinberg:

packaging a way that will keep it protected as best you can to give

Vicki Weinberg:

the customer a better experience.

Vicki Weinberg:

And as I said earlier, this is really important, especially important if you

Vicki Weinberg:

sell a product, which is frequently gifted, because not only is it gonna

Vicki Weinberg:

be handled more, um, people tend to get more upset if they're buying

Vicki Weinberg:

something with someone else, you know, something's tended to be gifted and

Vicki Weinberg:

it doesn't look perfect because if you're buying something for yourself

Vicki Weinberg:

and you know, it doesn't look great.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, perhaps, you know, you're gonna throw the package away.

Vicki Weinberg:

It doesn't matter so much, but if you're buying for someone else,

Vicki Weinberg:

it's super, super important.

Vicki Weinberg:

So if you're selling any kind of gifted product it's especially important.

Vicki Weinberg:

So let's talk now about how do you start with choosing and

Vicki Weinberg:

designing your product packaging?

Vicki Weinberg:

So, first of all, I just want you to remember that your

Vicki Weinberg:

package doesn't need to be fancy.

Vicki Weinberg:

It doesn't need to be expensive, but it just needs a little bit of thinking about.

Vicki Weinberg:

So there were four main things I think you need to consider.

Vicki Weinberg:

So one is functionality, which we just talks about.

Vicki Weinberg:

So your packaging needs to do its job.

Vicki Weinberg:

So IE keeps the product in a really good condition.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, the second thing is aesthetics because ideally it'll look nice too.

Vicki Weinberg:

And then I guess, um, think about the purpose of it.

Vicki Weinberg:

So is your product purely functional?

Vicki Weinberg:

Is it just something to keep your product safe as we've just been talking about?

Vicki Weinberg:

Or do you want to use it to share more information about your brand?

Vicki Weinberg:

Do you want to use it to get people to your website?

Vicki Weinberg:

Do you want to educate them about your product and how to use it?

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, you don't have to do any or all of it, but it's just things think about.

Vicki Weinberg:

And then, then the last thing to think about is legislation, which I'm gonna

Vicki Weinberg:

talk about a bit more in a few minutes.

Vicki Weinberg:

So in terms of how to actually package your product, there are lots and lots of

Vicki Weinberg:

options, and it really depends on what you're selling and what your budget is.

Vicki Weinberg:

So just a few things that you can think about.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, I've just made some notes of things I thought about on

Vicki Weinberg:

the top of my head are boxes.

Vicki Weinberg:

So bespoke boxes, you might get someone to make for you, maybe a plain

Vicki Weinberg:

box or maybe a box with a window.

Vicki Weinberg:

Then there are letter boxes.

Vicki Weinberg:

So these are the kind of boxes that you can, you can, you can buy these

Vicki Weinberg:

and add, apply your own branding, or you can have them especially made.

Vicki Weinberg:

So these are the ones that fit in everyone's letter boxes.

Vicki Weinberg:

There are gift bags, so you could have like little bags made up.

Vicki Weinberg:

Padded envelopes, which you can get all kinds of different ones.

Vicki Weinberg:

Now you can get eco-friendly ones, you can get all kinds of different colors.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, so that's an option.

Vicki Weinberg:

You can also get standard envelopes.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, I used to sell my bamboo swaddles in envelopes that were made of bamboo starch.

Vicki Weinberg:

So ecofriendly but they looked sort of, they looked like plastic

Vicki Weinberg:

but they were actually not.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, you might want to use tissue paper or wrapping paper, maybe even want

Vicki Weinberg:

to get some branded wrapping paper printed to wrap your product in.

Vicki Weinberg:

You might want to use stickers or stamps to seal or personalize your packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

Maybe you want to invest in some branded belly bands or some ribbon.

Vicki Weinberg:

So lots and lots of options, depending what your product is, what your budget

Vicki Weinberg:

is and what you want to achieve.

Vicki Weinberg:

And as I mentioned earlier, you might also want to decide to include an

Vicki Weinberg:

insert with an offer at discount or a request for feedback or request for

Vicki Weinberg:

reviews in your packaging as well.

Vicki Weinberg:

And that doesn't necessarily have to be on your packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

You might just want to include sort of a little card or something, but these

Vicki Weinberg:

are all just ideas to get you started.

Vicki Weinberg:

Speaking of getting you started one of my best practical tips, and this

Vicki Weinberg:

is what I did way back when I was launching my first product, is look at

Vicki Weinberg:

how other similar products are packaged.

Vicki Weinberg:

So you can either go into a shop or you can order some products online.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, hopefully you have the intention of returning them, you know, not trying to

Vicki Weinberg:

suggest you spend lots of money here.

Vicki Weinberg:

To see how similar products are packaged and maybe get some inspiration.

Vicki Weinberg:

So you might look at what kind of packaging they use, how it's constructed,

Vicki Weinberg:

what kind of things are written on it.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, is there an insert card or a flyer that you get with it and just make some

Vicki Weinberg:

notes and I should say, and I probably don't need to say this, but please

Vicki Weinberg:

don't copy anyone else's packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

This isn't what I'm suggesting.

Vicki Weinberg:

I'm just suggesting that you do this as a starting point to get some inspiration

Vicki Weinberg:

and perhaps you don't even look at products that are similar to yours.

Vicki Weinberg:

Perhaps if you are selling a gift, you just look at other

Vicki Weinberg:

more general gifting items.

Vicki Weinberg:

It's just really to get some ideas.

Vicki Weinberg:

And when you are, you know, if you're shopping online or shopping anywhere

Vicki Weinberg:

and you get something and you think, oh, I really like how this is packaged.

Vicki Weinberg:

Make a note of what it was you liked or take a photo because when it comes

Vicki Weinberg:

to actually doing this for yourself, it's really easy to forget all of this.

Vicki Weinberg:

Like all of these things that really inspired you.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I do take some notes, um, because it is thinking about, as I say, really is

Vicki Weinberg:

a big part of the customer experience.

Vicki Weinberg:

So in terms of what do you need actually on your packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I would suggest as a minimum, you would have your logo on your packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

So, whatever you, you know, whatever kind of product you are selling and

Vicki Weinberg:

whatever kind of packaging you're using.

Vicki Weinberg:

So wherever you have, um, whether you have a special box or wherever

Vicki Weinberg:

you are using a branded sticker, I would have your logo and the name

Vicki Weinberg:

of your company so that people would know who they've ordered from.

Vicki Weinberg:

You might also want to have something on your packaging, that explains

Vicki Weinberg:

what the product is, and you might want to include where it was designed

Vicki Weinberg:

and made if that's something that is going to be useful to customers.

Vicki Weinberg:

Other things you can include either on your packaging or inside it

Vicki Weinberg:

somewhere are maybe information about how to care for your product.

Vicki Weinberg:

So for example, if you're selling garments, it might be washing information.

Vicki Weinberg:

You might want to include a printed barcode or space for a

Vicki Weinberg:

barcode sticker to be applied.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, you might want to include a call to action on your package.

Vicki Weinberg:

So leave feedback, join my mailing list, get a discount, et cetera, et cetera.

Vicki Weinberg:

And you might want to include social media links or your website address.

Vicki Weinberg:

You don't need to do any of this or all of this, by the way.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, the point of this is just really to get you started thinking

Vicki Weinberg:

about what you might like to do.

Vicki Weinberg:

I mentioned barcodes earlier, so I'm just gonna sort of very quickly mention

Vicki Weinberg:

that if you need barcodes to sell your product, um, and I can't tell you, you

Vicki Weinberg:

know, whether you do or you don't, but if you do, and you'll know if you do,

Vicki Weinberg:

if you're selling on Amazon, you will.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, if you need them, the only place you can buy them from in the UK is GS1.

Vicki Weinberg:

And I'm going to link to the GS1 website in the show notes for the episode.

Vicki Weinberg:

This is the only source of barcodes that are accepted by most retailers

Vicki Weinberg:

and marketplaces in the UK.

Vicki Weinberg:

Please don't try and buy them on eBay.

Vicki Weinberg:

A few years ago this was something that people did a lot.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and you can get into trouble that way.

Vicki Weinberg:

So please, please, please.

Vicki Weinberg:

I know it's an extra cost that you know, many of us don't need, but it

Vicki Weinberg:

really is worth it to have barcodes that you can feel confident are yours.

Vicki Weinberg:

They're registered to your business, your products, and you

Vicki Weinberg:

can use them anywhere you like.

Vicki Weinberg:

So if you need barcodes, please buy them from GS1.

Vicki Weinberg:

So I mentioned earlier about around legislation about that being important.

Vicki Weinberg:

So what I mean here, I'm just gonna touch on this briefly is that some products

Vicki Weinberg:

have rules around how they're packaged or what's included on the packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

For example, in the UK, if you're selling prepackaged food products,

Vicki Weinberg:

there are certain things that are required to be on the label.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, if your product is wrapped in plastic you require a suffocation warning.

Vicki Weinberg:

And of course there were many, many more examples I'm not gonna give here.

Vicki Weinberg:

So Google is probably a good place to start when researching this.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you Google packaging requirements for, and you type the country that you are in

Vicki Weinberg:

and the type of product you're selling, you should find some guidelines online.

Vicki Weinberg:

I would suggest trying to find the official government website on this.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you can.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, if you have any doubts, do lots and lots of research.

Vicki Weinberg:

Try and make some calls to clarify.

Vicki Weinberg:

It's definitely better to get this right initially than

Vicki Weinberg:

making changes at a later date.

Vicki Weinberg:

And I'm not trying to scare you here by for, because there are

Vicki Weinberg:

lots and lots of products that you can package any way you like.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, but it's just, it's just really worth doing a check.

Vicki Weinberg:

Just so you are clear.

Vicki Weinberg:

So anything sort of anything that's consumable generally has some rules

Vicki Weinberg:

on packaging and anything that goes anything that's topical as well.

Vicki Weinberg:

So that's used on your body will have certain rules and yeah, so it's, that's

Vicki Weinberg:

something definitely worth looking at.

Vicki Weinberg:

Something else worth thinking about is marketplace requirements.

Vicki Weinberg:

And what I mean by this is if you are looking to sell your products

Vicki Weinberg:

online, then some online marketplaces, and I'll be really honest.

Vicki Weinberg:

I'm thinking of Amazon right now, have requirements on how products need to

Vicki Weinberg:

be packaged, which Amazon call prepped when they arrive at the warehouse.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, these are mainly for the reasons I spoke about earlier.

Vicki Weinberg:

So if they think your product isn't adequately packed to prevent damage,

Vicki Weinberg:

they might return them to you, or they actually might get damaged before

Vicki Weinberg:

they manage to return them to you.

Vicki Weinberg:

So, as an example, they state that textile items must be wrapped and shrink,

Vicki Weinberg:

wrapped, or put in a sealed poly bag.

Vicki Weinberg:

Now this doesn't need to be your main packaging, of course, but if you're

Vicki Weinberg:

looking to sell a textile item on Amazon, eventually this is at least

Vicki Weinberg:

something you can factor in now while you're planning what you need.

Vicki Weinberg:

Or another example is if you are selling a product, um, that comes in

Vicki Weinberg:

a glass bottle, then there needs to be some element of bubble wrap involved.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, it's just worth thinking about if you're looking at a certain marketplace,

Vicki Weinberg:

like I say, an Amazon is a great example.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you're looking, you know, you know you want to sell your products on Amazon,

Vicki Weinberg:

I would just look upfront at what do I need to do in terms of packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

If I'm going to be sending in products for them to dispatch.

Vicki Weinberg:

And as I say, this doesn't need to be your main packaging, but

Vicki Weinberg:

it might be something you can at least think about incorporating.

Vicki Weinberg:

In terms of where you would get your packaging made.

Vicki Weinberg:

So if you're looking, having so.

Vicki Weinberg:

Okay, let's start from the beginning.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you are making a product, you you're making your product yourself or your

Vicki Weinberg:

product is made in the UK, you might find the easiest thing is to find a packaging

Vicki Weinberg:

supplier either local to you or online.

Vicki Weinberg:

And there are some really good affordable eco-friendly options available.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, or it might be that you want something bespoke designed.

Vicki Weinberg:

But I would always suggest if you can doing that local

Vicki Weinberg:

local to you where you can.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you're sourcing your product.

Vicki Weinberg:

So perhaps you're having your product made abroad, your supplier should

Vicki Weinberg:

be able to help you over themselves, or they should be able to put you

Vicki Weinberg:

in touch with a packaging supplier.

Vicki Weinberg:

Generally, if your product is being produced abroad, it is

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cheaper most of the time to get your packaging made abroad too.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, and for your product to be placed in your packaging before it's shipped to you.

Vicki Weinberg:

Not always, but most of the time.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, one thing to know is it's quite usual for packaging companies, whether

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based in the UK or abroad is to have a higher minimum order quantity

Vicki Weinberg:

than you would for your product.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, this is something I've certainly found.

Vicki Weinberg:

If this is the case, I would suggest either asking for the leftover

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packaging to be stored by your supplier.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you're sourcing your product from someone else, or if it's a

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product you're making or having made a bit more locally, perhaps you

Vicki Weinberg:

can store the packaging yourself.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, whatever suits really.

Vicki Weinberg:

But I guess what I'm trying to say is don't, if, if you can afford to,

Vicki Weinberg:

I, I wouldn't worry if the packaging orders, if the packaging quantity seemed

Vicki Weinberg:

quite high and I wouldn't necessarily suggest trying to bring them down,

Vicki Weinberg:

because it will be cheaper for you to have quite high quantities and it

Vicki Weinberg:

is fairly, and it is fairly standard.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, so don't worry about that.

Vicki Weinberg:

Okay, so next one I wanna touch on briefly is do you need a packaging designer?

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, maybe it really depends what you want.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you, if you're going to have, you know, let's say a box designed specifically for

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your product, or even if you want just a, a backing card or an insert, then maybe

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you do want this done professionally and if you do there's a few things that your

Vicki Weinberg:

packaging designer will need to know.

Vicki Weinberg:

So first of all, is the dimensions.

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And if you're not sure what dimensions you want, so let's say you're

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having something made for you.

Vicki Weinberg:

And you're really not sure what size packaging will need to be,

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ask the person who's making it and they should be able to advise.

Vicki Weinberg:

You want to have an idea on the kind of materials that you want to use?

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, things like colours and fonts.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you have this, it's a really good idea to give an idea of

Vicki Weinberg:

the kind of thing you like.

Vicki Weinberg:

And this is why sharing photos of packaging that you've seen

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or liked can be really helpful.

Vicki Weinberg:

If you have any restrictions around it's colours, for example, it's

Vicki Weinberg:

worth your designer knowing this.

Vicki Weinberg:

So for example, when I was having my boxes for Tiny Chipmunk made, um, they

Vicki Weinberg:

were in two, they were printed in two colours but if I'd gone over the two

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colours, there would've been additional, I think they were called plate charges.

Vicki Weinberg:

And so to avoid those, I stuck to just having two colors on my packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, it was obviously really important.

Vicki Weinberg:

The design I was working with, knew this.

Vicki Weinberg:

And then of course, everything you actually want included on your packaging.

Vicki Weinberg:

So any text or images or washing instructions, or do you need space

Vicki Weinberg:

with the barcode or does the barcode actually need to be on there?

Vicki Weinberg:

Whatever it is.

Vicki Weinberg:

I mean, we've touched on all of this earlier, but everything that physically

Vicki Weinberg:

needs to be on your packaging, you just need to let them know.

Vicki Weinberg:

I know this has been a fairly quick overview, but I hope

Vicki Weinberg:

it's been really helpful.

Vicki Weinberg:

I have one final tip for you, which is to start thinking about your packaging early.

Vicki Weinberg:

So that way you can find out whether you can get what you want.

Vicki Weinberg:

Because it might be that actually you think, okay, I want some bespoke

Vicki Weinberg:

boxes made, and then you go down that route and find out that actually it's

Vicki Weinberg:

gonna be, you know, it's gonna put too much cost on or it's gonna take

Vicki Weinberg:

too long or whatever it might be.

Vicki Weinberg:

And also you will find out what the costs are likely to be.

Vicki Weinberg:

So, as I said, you can factor that in and you can also then make decisions.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, Hopefully, you've heard my episode on pricing, which was, I think at least a

Vicki Weinberg:

month ago now, um, do go back and listen to step one if you haven't already, but

Vicki Weinberg:

as I say, packaging, how you package your product can make a difference

Vicki Weinberg:

to how you can price your product.

Vicki Weinberg:

Because if you have super premium packaging, perhaps

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you can charge slightly more.

Vicki Weinberg:

And so it's worth factoring all of this in when you're thinking about

Vicki Weinberg:

how to price your product as well.

Vicki Weinberg:

So, yeah, so I really hope that helps.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, hopefully you found this fairly comprehensive, even

Vicki Weinberg:

though it was a quick overview.

Vicki Weinberg:

If there is anything that I haven't covered, that you'd like to know if

Vicki Weinberg:

you've got any outstanding questions, you can email me

Vicki Weinberg:

Or you can go over to my website on and contact me there.

Vicki Weinberg:

And that's V I C K I W E I N B E R G.

Vicki Weinberg:

So have a lovely rest of your day.

Vicki Weinberg:

Um, again, I do hope you found this helpful and I will see you

Vicki Weinberg:

back here with another episode and another fantastic guest next week.

Vicki Weinberg:

Thank you so much for listening right to the end of this episode, do

Vicki Weinberg:

remember that you can get the full back catalog and lots of free resources

Vicki Weinberg:

on my website

Vicki Weinberg:

Please do remember to rate and review this episode if you've enjoyed it

Vicki Weinberg:

and also share it with a friend who you think might find it useful.



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