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Thy Kingdom Come – Cedric Sydnor
Episode 146329th February 2024 • Kingdom Cross Roads Podcast • Robert Thibodeau
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Thy Kingdom Come

Cedric Sydnor

If you are a believer, you have to know that we are living in the “last of the last days” right now. Even unbelievers are sensing “something” is about to happen. They just don’t know what. 

For believers, although this situation is an answer to our prayers, there is still some anxiety over loved ones and friends that may not have given their hearts to the Lord or may just outright reject any discussion of salvation, eternity, etc.

What will happen to them?

What about our pets? Will they be with us in Heaven?

What about “second chances?”

What about those who have never heard the Gospel yet?

What about… well, the list could go on and on.

Tim LeHaye and Jerry Jenkins released a book (that was turned into a movie) titled, “Left Behind.” It shook the world with what life would be like after the Rapture. It is still a best seller on Amazon. Amen!

Our guest today has written a book titled, “Thy Kingdom Come.” It was inspired by “The Left Behind Series,” but covers a few other elements of concern along the way. 

Cedric Sydnor is the author and he is our guest today. 

Help me welcome to the program, Cedric Sydnor!

Cedric, I appreciate you taking the time to join us today!

First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Cydric Sydnor?”

You are fan of the “Left Behind Series.” But what motivated you to write your own series on the topic of the “Rapture?”

You address some topics that were left out of the “Left Behind Series.” I outlined a couple of them in my introduction.  But you say this book focuses on the “individuality” of those left behind. What do you mean by that?

Let’s take on the subject of “pets.”  What has your research found concerning “pets going to Heaven?”

What about women who are pregnant when the Rapture occurs? The babies are not yet “born” into the earth?

How about people that have not heard the Gospel as of the time of the Rapture?

You also discuss the Catholic Church in your book. What about the Catholic Church?

Is it possible for those left behind to realize the mistake they made and be given, for lack of a better phrase, a “second chance?”

Your book is about to be released, probably just before this episode is published…

Do you have a website or anyplace where we can find more information on your book?

What would you like to share with our audience that we have not yet covered?

“With a Soveriegn God there is no science fiction.

If someone has a question or would like to receive more information, or possibly to do an interview such as this… how can they do that?  How can someone get in touch with you?

I’ll put links to all of this in the show notes below.

Folks, the “soon return of Jesus” is real. You would have to be living under a rock right now if you don’t see all of the events happening around us are building to one, climatic event. Amen!

And even Jesus said, “The very rocks will cry out!” Praise God.

Drop down into the show notes and reach out to Cedric Sydnor right now. Stay up to date with his book and be sure to order it as soon as it comes out. He will let me know and I’ll send out a blast as well. Amen!




Book:   “Thy Kingdom Come” – on Amazon

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