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One mistake that can be so easy to make is focusing on one aspect of our financial life. In doing so, we can miss opportunities as well as take on unnecessary levels of risk.
In the latest installment of Path to Abundant Living, Matt and Scott explore methods to avoid that problem and address the full range of financial concerns through wealth planning.
Ultimately, it comes down to analyzing your full financial picture! While investment management plays a role in this conversation, your advanced needs are also considered, like wealth protection, tax mitigation, estate planning, and charitable giving.
Sit back, relax, and enjoy another enlightening episode that provides a complete overview on wealth planning and its importance.
0:06 - Overview on the topic of the day
1:52 - What is wealth planning?
3:53 - A common technique across wealth planning efforts
6:03 - The various types of trusts that exist and why they're a nice wealth planning tool
7:40 - How life insurance is also a unique tool within the wealth planning toolkit
9:59 - How might wealth planning address concerns for business owners?
13:21 - What someone should be looking for in a wealth manager
14:05 - A deeper dive into these principles that comprise a great wealth manager
19:44 - Closing remarks
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