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Podcast# 291 Leaving the USA. Can, could or should you do so?
Episode 2914th December 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:10:06

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Navigating the Complexities of Leaving the USA: Insights and Considerations

Hello, it's Earnest Mann, diving into the multifaceted decision-making process of potentially leaving the United States. In this episode, I respond to Daniel's intriguing query, exploring whether one can, should, or could consider moving out of the US. I delve into the various aspects, focusing mainly on the non-technical elements that are often overlooked but play a critical role in such a life-altering decision.

Analyzing Personal Reasons and Mindset for Relocation

I stress the importance of thorough self-analysis for anyone contemplating a permanent move. It's essential to weigh the implications, like the prospect of not seeing family and friends again, against your reasons for wanting to relocate. I discuss the psychological and emotional ramifications of such a choice, emphasizing the necessity of being fully prepared for all possible outcomes, including the extreme scenarios that are rarely discussed by professionals.

Cultural Compatibility and Realistic Expectations

Another critical factor in the decision to leave the US is understanding cultural compatibility. I talk about the common misconception that the grass is always greener on the other side and how this can lead to disappointment. It's vital to be aware of and respect the cultural nuances of a potential new home country, especially for Americans who have not lived abroad or do not speak the language of the destination country.

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© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show


00:08 greetings what we're going to be talking about today is the possibility of you leaving the good old USA of whether you can could or should do so I've talked about so many things concerning the US it wasn't until I got an email from a list named Daniel thank you Daniel that I decided to fill you in as I answer his question and explore the possibility of a person leaving the US permanently now there's a hell of a lot to this both Technical and non-technical but for the most part in this episode we're going to be talking

00:57 about the non-technical because actually the technical aspects are relatively easy and are really not so much a major concern as far as relocation what is of a much greater concern are your desires means and importantly and I would argue most importantly your personality and mindset one of the most important things you need to do is a fair bit of self-analysis if your intention is a permanent move fine I'm sure you have your reasons but it is of course a pretty drastic step and um it's not to be taken lightly so if for example the

01:49 prospect of never actually seeing your friends or family again really doesn't bother you because you feel the need for your physical or or psychological self-preservation far outweighs other concerns than it could possibly work for you but you would need to understand that when I mentioned a bit earlier about the prospect of you never seeing your friends or family again I was not referring so much to potential difficulties of travel or visiting I was referring to the fact that depending on many variables you could end up very

02:34 prematurely dead which I'm sure is not what you had in mind but it is one of the many factors that you need to know and therefore it needs to be talked about I'd be willing to bet that what I just said to you is not the kind of thing you'd hear coming out of the mouths of travel agents or reload location specialist but as I explain on my website under the subject of mapping your future this is what I do I don't tell you what you want to hear I tell you what you need to hear a large part of what this can come

03:19 down to is psychological compatibility versus incompatibility there is the age-old prospect of leaving that the grass is greener at the place you want to go to and then after you commit to going there and everything that entails you find out that that is not the case and the grass is really not greener then you're very disappointed or upset which is something you obviously want to avoid and a situation I want to help you avoid I don't want to sound discouraging but it has been my experience that in most cases that if you are a born and

04:06 bred American have not really lived abroad at least for 6 months let's say in another country and particularly if you do not speak the language or speak the language very poorly and you also don't really understand the nuances of a particular culture I would not encourage you to leave there are still a good number of places to live in the US and that although you may not think so could actually be a very good fit it's just that you're either not aware of them or you've taken them off your personal list of possible

04:51 places to live because you're biased based on false or erroneous information now on the other hand if you're really feel convinced in your heart of hearts that you are absolutely fed up with the social economic and political atmosphere in the US and you see no future for this country and you're like a horse nashing at the bit to get the hell out of the US then that's a different matter entirely As Long As You Are self aware of that state of mind and the reasons for it as a matter of fact it's your own

05:39 personal Clarity concerning all that that is a great predictor of not only where you will go but how successful you will be establishing your life there so if we're talking about establishing a new life outside of the US here's another aspect of the equation that few Americans not only don't consider but even far fewer actually recognize most places in the world not only don't give a about you but as far as they are concerned you are Persona NR that is to say as an American they really really don't like

06:31 you now there are many reasons for this and uh you know it's far too much to go into for this short episode but I can tell you it is uh it is a no small part to making ourselves the world's policemen and having a by and large let's drop bombs asked questions later foreign policy position and unlike your average American that has the attention span of a canary many of these places not only have memories but they have long memories so if you're expecting these governments or people to welcome you with open arms

07:19 well think again what can easily happen to Americans that live abroad is that when socially or e economically that place starts running into trouble when the proverbial hits the fan it's the expats in this case Americans who are going to be having a hard time and the reason for this is simple as it has always been in human history the son pays the price for the sins of the father and in the case of America the father has a hell of a lot of sins again I'm not trying to be discouraging can an American find

08:06 sanctuary in a peaceful life in another country well the answer to that question is both yes and no if it's done correctly with a bit of soul searching some true introspection and the right information and attitude more than likely yes yet on the other hand if you think just because you have a passport tons of money and even if you have your own aircraft or know someone who does and you've waited until it's the 11th hour to leave you are going about this in a very wrong way because there is a very big difference between

08:53 relocating and fleeing and very different plans and actions for each in very short many people believe that they have this well figured out but make many mistakes and presumptions that end up being seriously wrong and you can end up discovering a bit too late that not only were you wrong you were dead wrong now if you found this information helpful Please Subscribe and click on the notification Bell because it really does help the channel grow and if there's a subject you want to talk about well you can reach out to

09:47 me in the link below and if you would like to kick a little support my way you can also do that by going to the profi link which is also in the description below even a cup of coffee would be very much appreciated until next time this is Ernest I'm wishing your health wealth and good luck



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