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Ask An Expert: Laurin Wittig Is Curiously Wise-Ep: 103
Episode 10324th July 2022 • She Coaches Coaches • Candy Motzek | Life & Business Coach
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Join me as I speak with Laurin Wittig. She is an intuitive healer, a Reiki Master, a student of Soul Focused Esoteric Healing, a shamanic practitioner, a mentor to those on or just beginning a spiritual path, and an award-winning novelist. She loves to combine her healing skills and her story skills to help her clients reveal the stories that no longer serve them in mind, body, or spirit. As healing happens, new stories are revealed, enhancing, and supporting the transformation into a healthier, more joyful, and heart-centered life. This is the same journey Laurin took to health and heart-centered purpose. It brings her great joy to be able to assist others on their journeys to joy.


Featured on This Show:

Laurin Wittig:


Candy Motzek:

Hey welcome to she coaches coaches, I'm your host Kandi motsek. And I'm going to help you find the clarity, confidence and courage to become the coach that you are meant to be. If you're a new coach, or if you've always wanted to be a life coach, then this is the place for you. We're going to talk all about mindset and strategies and how to because step by step only works when you have the clarity, courage and confidence to take action. Let's get started. Everyone, and welcome to this episode of she coaches coaches, I have got a really interesting guest for you. I met this woman at a networking event and she has got a background that is going to be some fascinating for you to learn about. So without ado, let me introduce you. Her name is Lourin Wittig. She is the founder of heart light wellness and she's an intuitive healer, a Reiki Master, a student of soul focused esoteric healing a shamanic practitioner and a mentor to those on or just beginning a spiritual path for us award winning novelist. She loves to combine her healing skills and her story skills to help her clients reveal the stories that no longer serve them. body, mind or spirit. And as healing happens, new stories are revealed, enhancing and supporting the transformation into a healthier, more joyful and heart centered life. Exactly what we all want, right. So this is the same journey that Lauren took to health and heart centered purpose. And it brings her great joy to be able to assist others on their journeys to joy as well. Lourin, welcome to the podcast. I'm so excited to talk to you.

Lourin Wittig:

Oh, I am too. Thank you so much for inviting me here. It was so great to hear from you and get to know you a little bit and looking forward to our chat.

Candy Motzek:

Yeah, so tell me a little bit about how you got started. Like, I mean, with that bio, you have just done so many things.

Lourin Wittig:

I have and it's it's interesting have done most of that in the last six or seven years. But I, I guess my when I first started on the health journey, I was a stay at home mom, my youngest was very ill was born, you know, constantly sick, had life threatening allergies. And I started looking for some alternative sources of support for him because the meds were just getting worse and worse. And he was in a downward spiral. And so I serendipitously got connected with a very well trained acupuncturist and herbalist. We were in the DC area at the time. And he was a Chinese doctor working for the National Institutes of Health. And and so I started taking my son to him and then I got over my own fear of needles and had him work with me for my allergies, and found amazing relief, just amazing relief. He had both of us on a tee that we was made specifically for us and acupuncture treatments. So to shorten the story, we moved away from DC a few years later, so I no longer had access to that doctor and my health began a slow decline. As I hit menopause, it got really bad I was having to Oh, it was just nobody wants to have menopause the way I had menopause. But again, I started looking for alternative help for that and, and started to find healers who were able to help me with some of the more robust problems I was having. For example, a friend of mine put me into contact with a an intuitive healer, so very much what I do now. When my asthma was just getting so bad I couldn't I couldn't function very easily. And in our on the phone with that woman on the phone, because she was 120 miles away from me. She got rid of my asthma. And it was not a medical cause it was an energetic and emotional cause she literally she said your mother is sitting on your chest. And so I unfortunately, I'm very attuned to energy. So I feel it when somebody's working with me. And I feel it when I'm working with somebody so I could feel what she was doing. And I got off the phone going, Oh, that was really cool. And a couple of years later, I went back to her for allergies. I had actually gone into anaphylactic shock in an allergist office just getting tested for shots. And so that's where I was I was freaked out. I was like, I can't go back and do that again because it's just not it was not safe. And so I went back to this same healer and saw her in person that time and In an hour, my allergies were gone. And again, it was an energetic emotional thing. It was my belief system that everything was scary. And I was fearful of everything, which I first said, I'm not afraid to oh, wait, yes. So that was that, that time I went, Okay, this is what I want to do. And I started finding people who were doing the kind of work and who could teach me to do it. And, and since then I in 2018, I opened my own practice. And here I am, four years later. And it's, it is my real joy. I just love this work. And I will say, I come from a techie background, I was a computer trainer back in the 1980s, when it was all brand new. And I love that. So I started there, moves through the writing of the books and moved into the healing. And so yeah, and okay, one other fun thing that I like to bring up the books that I wrote, I wrote all six of them before I ever knew I had this gift. And in four of those books, there are Metaphysical Healing gifts of some variety that I didn't even know were real when I wrote the books, and most of those things I can do in a slightly less dramatic form fit my characters, but no

Candy Motzek:

music coming in.

Lourin Wittig:

But it was just it was interesting to me that that was definitely coming through my my subconscious way before I realized that consciously that it was something that I could do, and that I wanted to do. So there's my life story.

Candy Motzek:

And, and it's so interesting to me that, I mean, first, each of the sort of the gateways or the, you know, things that set you on that next part of your journey was because of a personal experience that you're having. And I know that a lot of the listeners, you know, are coaches, I've also got a number of people that just listen to this podcast, because it helps them grow as humans, and they're there. It's interesting to me, because it wasn't originally intended for that audience. But I'm so thankful that, you know, it reaches more people. But what is what is interesting is that most people who are coaches, they've had something in their life, that something is not working, whatever it is health, relationships, self worth, confidence, their career, something is really not working, and that something that's not working starts them on their path to becoming a coach. And so, you know, there's something to be said, for not fighting against these things that happen in our life. And, you know, sometimes it's easier in hindsight, but to know that these things are here for a reason, and that they're all kind of part of our path. What do you think about that?

Lourin Wittig:

I actually, I, I think about that particular aspect a lot, because what I find is that the people who come to me are people who are on a similar journey that I've been on. So they're running into things that I have experience with, for example, I had a narcissistic mother, I had an alcoholic father, you know, I had a lot of self worth issues, a lot of money issues, and I those people are attracted to me. And, and I think that happens, it's each each healer kind of has your own niche, each thing that you've been through on your own life journey. So it's your you sort of end up sort of being focused on those things, because it's what you know, and it really is always fascinating to me to, to realize I'll get a new client, I'll go and they'll go, oh, yeah, I have a narcissistic mother. It's like, yeah. So it's lovely, I find to be able to use what I've been through because it was not easy. But now I have I'm older, I'm wiser, I can look back on it and see the gifts of it, the strengths that I gained from it, the gifts that that appeared because I needed to find people who had those gifts to help me. And it's just it's it's really lovely to have that hindsight and go, okay, there was a purpose there. And I can use what I've learned and use the wisdom I've gained to help others on the similar journey. So I see exactly where you know, where the coaches would would be the same way.

Candy Motzek:

Yeah, it's very there's one other thing that I'm really curious about. This is the thing about coaches is we're always curious, we got million questions. I've shared this about how how the guides, the healers came onto your path. How did you think that happens that that white person shows up over time?

Lourin Wittig:

Well, I am a strong believer that we are guided from beyond what we can experience you know, as As our reality, and I have met a lot of guides over my, my journey to this place to where I am now. And even when I wasn't aware of them, I think they were, you know, whispering in my subconscious they were supporting me, they were guiding me they were guiding things to me. The Chinese doctor we found because my dad, I told, you know, he was aware of the problems we were having. I told him, I really would like to try and start something alternative. And he had happened to be in AAA and he had met somebody in AAA, who was just setting up a practice to help people connect to alternative practitioners. She vetted them found somebody who would work with my two and a half year old and connected us. I mean, that just was it just dovetailed perfectly. And to some degree, I had put it out there that that's what I wanted. And so then that's what I believe the guides my guides in the Universe brought to me. And I've seen that again, and again in my life where I put something out there. The one my my, my family loves is they wanted a dog and my son and I had allergies. And so I was like, well, it has to be a non shatter, it has to be hypoallergenic. I want to I want to adopt a shelter dog. I can't be you know, I had like, a list of 12 things that had to fall into place. While the we found a dog. And the only thing that was was on my list that we didn't match was the non shatter. But she was hypoallergenic. She was six years old. She was from the shelter. I mean, it just, but I kept saying to him thinking they'll never find a dog. But here's the criteria, if I'm going to accept the dog into my house, there we go. So

Candy Motzek:

yeah, I didn't realize you were actually doing the design spec. Right. I did

Lourin Wittig:

not. And clearly, the non shatter was too far down the list. Yeah. She was a wonderful addition to the family. So it was great. So yeah, I looked back and I see lots of times that that's happened to me. Yeah. So it's, it's serendipity. It's somebody stepping in, don't expect to help you out with the thing that you need at the moment. And it's amazing how often it happens. And we don't often appreciate it in the moment. So we look back and go, that was just crazy. Awesome.

Candy Motzek:

Yeah, like how does that happen? To have that place of kind of wonder. I know. I mean, I know that I use the word gratitude a lot. But there's more of a kind of an ah, you know, wonder, ah, gratitude also combined in into this place when these things happen.

Lourin Wittig:

Yeah, I'm so I'm grateful every time I get to work with a client. It's just, it's the most fun. I never thought I'd have.

Candy Motzek:

The joy park right. That's yeah. Of Your Life. Yeah. Oh, I know that you have a program. You take people through, can you tell us a little bit about it?

Lourin Wittig:

Yeah, I call it the reveal, release transform program. And it is about revealing what's Well, first of all, the people who usually come to me are coming with pain of some sort. Either it's emotional pain, or it's usually there's physical pain, too. Sometimes it's relationship pain, sometimes it's you know, it can be any kind of pain. But usually pain is sort of what gets them here. And what I've learned over the years is if somebody comes to me for one or two sessions, we get some work done, but then they don't come for a while, and they kind of backslide. And so I was looking for a way to create some momentum around the healing work that I do. And so this program is over nine weeks or nine sessions, preferably in nine weeks, but it never works out exactly that way. And once a week, we get on a zoom call, or if you happen to live where I am, you can come here, but my work works perfectly like this. But over distance or phone, I do it all the time. And every session is a combo of mentoring, and healing work. And the mentoring is sort of see where we are now what's come up, what do we need to work on? What's your what's the focus this week, I like to set an intention with the client at the beginning of what they want to accomplish, so that we can kind of focus and track on that. And it's been remarkable. I've been beta testing it for about six, eight months now. And it's, it's live, but about five to six weeks into this five, six sessions into us. There is a major major transformation. It's like we have we've undone we've uncovered down to the nugget of whatever it is that needs to be revealed and healed. I like to say we bring it up into the light so we can see it and examine it. And then we can track it. We can reveal release, then we can release the energy of that. And the other thing I love to say is you get to let go of the pain, the suffering, the betrayal, whatever it is, that's really got that You're not, but you get to keep the wisdom of it. Because that's what this journey is about. It's about gaining wisdom so that we can have a better life for ourselves, but also, so we can help others with it. And so about that five or six weeks, I'm finding that people go, you know, I can't make it next week, they need a little bit more time to process. And so we just, we take a little break, and then when we come back, then it's all about the Okay, so what do we want to put in place for this? You know, you weren't letting go of this, that's held you back? Where do you want to go? How do you want to transform this that you've learned into something beautiful and joyful and positive in your life, and every time it's just this amazing journey that I get to facilitate, because I'm not doing the healing, the clients are doing the healing, I'm facilitating it. Much like a coach, you know, facilitates those aha moments. And it's just, it's magical. It's really magical. And it was it was inspired during meditation, it was totally came to me in a meditation.

Candy Motzek:

So what's so cool, and what you just said, so about, you know, with the coaches with the aha moments, it's interesting, because as you're describing how you work with your clients, so much of that is a direct correlation between how the coaches that I work with how they work with their clients, while we've got here is, I think is a slight difference in the naming the role coaches that I work with, and myself when I work one on one with clients, we meet weekly on Zoom, a little bit of mentoring, we have some discussion, where would you like to go? We have, and, and one of the big cornerstones of coaching is that it's the client who leads, it's the client who does the thing that coach just facilitates. So I know, you are very similar to when I hear for coaching. But that's really fun. I just think that's cool. You know, you've got a particular modality that is your unique modality. And the result, just like coaching, people want more life, more joy in their life, more healing, a life of their choosing,

Lourin Wittig:

to and often more purpose. Yes, yes. Purpose is kind of a big one that comes up because they come in going, I don't know why I'm here, I don't know entire to this. And, and by once we clear stuff out, they can see, oh, here's my passion. And then that's where we start to build a story of how we can create something around that passion for them so that they can have that in their life every day.

Candy Motzek:

That's so wonderful. Yeah, it is. We sure covered it from soup to nuts. All right. This was a great conversation, and I loved meeting with Lauren. Now, Lauren, tell my audience, please, how can they find you? What's one great way that they can get connected with you? Well,

Lourin Wittig:

the best way is my website. And it is heart light Joy hearts, like your heart light, like turning on the lights and So heart light And I have a button there where you can, you can get a free free chat with me so you can get to know me and we can talk about, you know, whatever you want to. But, and there's just a lot of other things there. And I'm adding things all the time. So that's the best place to go and see what's happening.



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