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Oracle Cards & Metaphysical Tools for Healing Child Trauma Wounds
Episode 687th October 2024 • The You World Order Showcase Podcast • Jill
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Introduction to DeeAnna Nagel's Journey

DeeAnna Nagel, a certified Essential Soul Care® practitioner, shares her journey from traditional therapy to incorporating metaphysical tools like Oracle cards and essential oils in the healing process. Her unique path began as a therapist but led to a broader approach, combining psycho-spiritual methods to help others heal.

What is Essential Soul Care?

Essential Soul Care® is a psychospiritual model developed by DeeAnna, rooted in the use of essential oils and Oracle cards to support emotional and spiritual healing. DeeAnna found her calling through her own health challenges, which pushed her towards holistic practices, and ultimately, essential oils became her gateway to a deeper spiritual awakening. Essential oils, particularly in her work, act as a vibrational tool for personal and emotional growth.

Incorporating Oracle Cards in Healing

DeeAnna emphasizes the powerful role Oracle cards play in spiritual healing. While Tarot cards follow a structured system, Oracle cards allow for more intuitive freedom. DeeAnna co-created an Oracle card deck designed to support psycho-spiritual work by aligning with the seven chakras. This deck integrates essential oils, crystals, and affirmations to provide deeper insight into one’s spiritual journey.

Psychospiritual Tools in Practice

DeeAnna uses her deck in therapeutic settings, allowing clients to explore emotions and experiences in a safe, guided way. Whether through journaling or affirmation exercises, the deck offers numerous ways for clients to engage in soul study and shadow work.

The Power of Intuition and Metaphysical Healing

Intuition plays a significant role in DeeAnna’s practice. As an intuitive, she explains how she integrates her psychic abilities with her counseling background. This combination allows her to deeply connect with clients and help them tap into their own inner wisdom.

Blending Traditional Therapy with Metaphysical Tools

DeeAnna encourages therapists and coaches to explore metaphysical tools like essential oils, Oracle cards, and spiritual practices in a way that complements their professional training. This blend offers clients a holistic approach to healing that addresses the mind, body, and spirit.

Embracing Spiritual Practices for Healing

DeeAnna Nagel’s work highlights the power of integrating spiritual and metaphysical tools into therapeutic practices. By being intentional with spiritual and intuitive practices, individuals can enrich their lives and foster deeper healing for themselves and others.

The The Ultimate Soul Design Workbook - walks you through your goals & aspirations to find your soul's purpose.

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Hi and welcome to the You World Order Showcase podcast. I'm Jill Hart.


Your host, DeAnna Nagel, is joining us today. She is a certified Essential Soul care practitioner, the essential Soul Care is a psycho spiritual model that incorporates spiritual and metaphysical tools into the healing process, and she is also the host of soul portals.


Podcast, which explores psychospiritual horizons with Cedric Spire.


Welcome to the show, Deanna. I I'm really excited to chat with you about all the things. But first, why don't you let the listeners know what your background is? Because I think you have a kind of unique background in terms of your education behind what?


What got you into what you're doing today?




Yeah. Thank you for having.




So I was one of those.


You know, kids, that was.


Kind of touched because.


I kind of knew things and didn't know.


Why I knew them.


And that continued into my adulthood.


And I didn't know what to call it.


It's generational in my family, however.


One line of us going back as far as I can tell to my great grandmother, so.


At some point.




You know, I tried college and that didn't work for me, so I dropped out and joined the rock band. That didn't work either. So in my late 20s, I went back to school after having some therapy.


For my own stuff, which I always think is a good idea for people who want to be therapists.


And I decided to become a therapist myself. So I got my masters degree in counseling, became licensed. This is a very long time ago. I've been in the helping professions now for over 30 years.


And started seeing clients working in a lot of crisis oriented settings. I did a lot of clinical supervision with up and coming therapists. Still do some of that.


Became a thought leader in the field of Telemental health and online therapy traveled the United States, teaching that back in the day before the pandemic. So I was accustomed to doing things that were sort of considered outside the box.


But then I just got to a place where I wanted more and I didn't know what that meant. Even I had an illness that was an exposure to black mold. That's what caused it. So I was on my own Wellness journey trying to become as holistic as possible, which led me down a lot of avenues.


Including becoming a Reiki master and.


Then I was introduced to essential oils and my whole world shifted like essential oils were the.




Pathway the portal, so to speak.


For my own spiritual awakening.


Through the olfactory sense, it was very powerful, moved me and shook me in ways I couldn't have imagined. And so I sort of came out of the Pixie closet.


You know, thinking maybe I went to Graduate School to justify my intuition, and then I just came out and said, you know, I am an intuitive and I got a lot of Flack from my professional community. I was told I was committing professional suicide.


Side you can't do that. You're licensed therapist. This isn't in your scope of practice on.




On and I said OK, thanks. Thanks for the heads up.


And I just continued and doors have opened. I became a coach. I became a Wellness coach.


Asked to teach at a major coaching school that's ICF accredited, I teach clinical supervision, still have my hand in the therapeutic pot.


I am.


But the metaphysical and psycho spiritual places where I find home.


I got my doctorate in spiritual.


Direction, multi faith, spiritual direction.


And so I do a lot of teaching around spiritual literacy so that coaches and therapists and helpers and guides.


Understand how important it is to be.


Aware and sensitive and open to what? The clients.


Bring to us.


So that's kind of it in a nutshell.


I love how.


What we call the Woo is becoming more mainstream and people are realizing that it's not.


It's just just because you label something something doesn't mean that it's not valid and that there isn't a place for it. And more and more people are realizing that if they go to somebody who's intuitive.


They're going to get better results because.


An intuitive.


By the definition of the word feels what you're.


What you're trying to put into words rather than depending on you to explain your symptoms. They they listen to you, but they are also feeling what you're saying so that they can relate to you better. Does that make sense?


Yes, I agree with that.


Yeah, I agree. And I also make the distinct distinction that I am an intuitive, which is different than saying I'm intuitive.


Because we all are intuitive, but I use my intuitive gifts intentionally when I work with other people.


So I think that's it's, you know, it's a slight slight change in the semantics, but it's all.


A definite.


Important distinction. It's like saying we're all into or we're all spiritually connected.


Some people.


Practice it and are better at it.




Or we're all psychic. And I do believe we are all psychic. But some people really work at it and are better at it.


And can actually apply it in life rather than just like.


Saying that's what I am.


Yeah. And it and it becomes part of spiritual practice for me. It's it's part of my daily practice. I do things that naturally.


Increase and extend by intuition so.


And the next person may be extremely intuitive, but is not necessarily doing anything daily to massage that gift that we all have.




I I was recently talking to somebody about tuning forks and you know how tuning forks if you have two tuning forks and one's vibrating if you bring the other one up.


Into its proximity, they will both vibrate at the same frequency and people are like that. We all have a frequency and we need to be around things that are elevating that frequency so that we can operate optimally rather than just.


Like wandering through life and letting things influence us. Intentionality, I think is.


The key.


Yeah. And I think where frequency is involved, you know.


Well hello essential oils because that's frequency in a bottle. You know the frequency of the earth. But you know when we're.


Talking about vibration and frequency with other humans.


It's all about harmonizing. It's all about like walking in the room and not not necessarily protection, but we just harmonize our frequency and our energy with the the energy that's in the room.


And that's an intentional process.


Yeah, I love that. And I know you 2 Oracle cards. So you want to talk a little bit about that because they they just fascinate me. The whole I know, tarot and Oracle are different, but in some ways they are. They are both cards.


You're gonna want to speak to that.


So yeah, I.


I guess I've been using Oracle cards, some tarot tarot to me. Well, tarot is a more defined.


Process and and layout of the cards. There's always the same number of cards. There's the suits and with Oracle there's a little more freedom and flexibility with expression.


At least from my perspective, so I've always been more drawn to the Oracle in terms of my own use. Although I love a good tarot.




To be delivered to me. But so I did some Oracle training, Oracle card training and just really.


Enjoyed the artistic expression of an.


Oracle deck.


And there's so many decks out there, they're.




So many beautiful decks, but I wanted to create a process that included.


Some of the Psycho spiritual and metaphysical tools that people may or may not be aware of so they can incorporate it into their daily spiritual practice.


And so it's called essential soul care, because essential oils were.


Sort of the foundation of.


How this all came to be and how the deck was created. And I Co created it with Madison acreage. We have similar background she's also.


Therapist and created a 49 card deck with seven categories matching the seven chakras and creating an element around each chakra and we suggest which essential oil to use, which crystal to hold.


Affirmations that match the card's message and we have what we call Soul play and SOUL study. So if the card comes up.




You've got a sole play journal prompt that comes in reverse. That's soul study, shadow work, and a therapist or a coach can use this deck either.




OK, so here's your spread, and here's what comes up for me. Does this resonate right or they can use it as a projective tool, which is within a therapist scope of practice to do?


And so the therapist might.


Show the client a card and say.


You know, what do you see here?




Or let's do some contemplative writing pen to paper. 5 minutes. Don't stop. Don't lift the pen. See what comes up.


That's free association. Freud talked about it.


Back in the day.


So we just include a lot of tools and keywords and then the playbook or the workbook that goes with it.




Labyrinth tracing and crossword and word search and all kinds of ways to balance the right and left brain.




So it's it's not anything that's necessarily used in a linear fashion, but all the tools are there. Like what's drawing you today.




Interesting. So would.


When people do readings, would they incorporate both tarot and?


The Oracle like I my experience is that you know I watch YouTube which is probably like a lot of people's experience because, you know, for the longest time it's been like so.


Don't tell anybody. I I have cards.


You know and.


It really in when you said you you came out of the closet. It's like, yeah, you come out of the closet and you tell people, hey, I I use these things that I think they're amazing tools. And I don't think they're they're they're not the devil or you're not going to go to hell because you look at tarot cards.


They they're great tools for helping inspire you to use your own creative process to figure out what they mean to you.


This is not somebody telling you this is going to happen in your life. It's clear cut and that.


I'm not telling you your future. I'm just telling you the potential.


Right. Well, and some people do they do predictive readings.


That's, you know, I see the cards, whether Tara or or Oracle as a guide and we have free will. So even if you do a predictive reading, anything can happen. Time time is not linear. The cards don't think the time is linear.


But yeah, I think you can use Oracle and and Tara together. I do for my own.




You know, and sometimes if I use Oracle, I may pull a tarot card for clarification.


Like if if I feel like.




Like I don't want to do Oracle abuse where I'm ohh that doesn't. That doesn't resonate. Let me pull another card. OK. The card that comes up is the card that that has the message for you. So. And we even say with our deck if you.


You need clarity. You can pull another card from the same deck, or you can choose another deck.




So do you ask questions is that?


Kind of how you would. How would you would use it?


In, in what context would you use your Oracle deck for a client?


Well, so for my own personal daily practice, I pull a card every day. What the spirit universe want me to know today.


And within that next 24 hours, I'm probably going to journal about it.


You know, I may pull a card and it seems like so totally off base from anything in my life that day, but it's 24 hours later that you can start connecting the dots.


Right. So I encourage people to to really trace the synchronicities.


Because when you can trace synchronicities, you're.


On your path.


And that's expanding your intuition.


But with clients again you there's so many different.


Ways to use.


It just pull a card. What does this illustration?


Look like to you.


Or don't use the deck and just pull a journal prompt like.


Or somebody says I'm I'm in deep grief right in our deck. We have a card, the grieving heart.


So you can pull that card out intentionally.


And maybe play around with the journal prompt.


Or ask the client if they'd like to repeat an affirmation around grief.


So there's just so many ways you can use the the deck with clients without stepping out of your scope of practice without it being forecasting. That's not what we're doing.


And yet your own intuitive tools and gifts can be used. You know, I get.




We call it an intuitive hit or a download. For the most part, I'm clear, Cognizant. I just get a knowing and I just know it.


But other claires.


Pop in occasionally like clairvoyance, and I might see an image I might not know what the image is, but I might say you know what's coming to mind is.


You know, I'm seeing I'm seeing a.




A Fern? A plant.


That resonate with you, so you can still bring your intuitive gifts.


To the table.


But therapists do have to be aware of their.


You know.


Their rules of their license, etcetera. But it you can't stay in your lane.


Yeah, I it.


This reminds me of the war.


We're sure. Yeah. Thank you. Yeah. And they're.


Plot. Yeah. What do you see here?


Just everybody sees something different and it's not. It doesn't mean anything in and of itself, except for the meaning that you bring to it, and then you can explore it. And I think both tarot and Oracle cards are kind of like that. And the if you pull another one for clarity or if you pull a different card for clarity.




With the Tarot there, there are often.


Symbols and and meanings attached to different cards, so that you have a place to start your your investigation is.


Is that how you understand it too, or am I?


I'm I'm not.


I dabble with tarot. Tarot is not really my.


Instinctive go to.


But I think tarot and Oracle both have that symbolic feature. Metaphors, symbols. You know our deck is full of metaphors and symbols. We we chose monochromatic art. Black and white, mostly because we didn't. The goal is that the client.


Or the person receiving the reading.


Can interpret sometimes at a much deeper level with a simpler graphic than when they have the entire painting right.


So it's it's like a.


A blank slate to sort of build on. We give you the basic idea. And so where does your mind go with that? What senses are being kicked up when you see this image?




So you want.


To pull a card, and then we'll look at it and.


I I presume that they're going to have.


Each card has a has something that it's supposed to represent or mean, but it doesn't have to. Is what I'm think I'm hearing you say, is that correct?


Well, like you said it whatever meaning we ascribe to it, it may have a different meaning for you. So the other thing about this deck is Oracle decks are typically channeled.




So the way this deck was written literally was Madison and I.


We had talked about the concepts we wanted to include in the deck. We talked about how we wanted the playbook structured, the elements we wanted to include, but when it came down to writing the message of the card.


You know, we spent four or five days.


Huddled in A room.


Meditating. Contemplating.


Getting these messages.


And when we were all done.


We still, there's a few I know I wrote, and there's a few I know, she wrote. But overall, we don't know who wrote what.




It it's a beautiful thing, you know, to just to know that that spirit is in the room. And and I'm. I'm not orchestrating this. It's being orchestrated. I'm just the conduit.




So this is the deck.


This is the mandala that's on.


The each card.


And we'll just pull a card.


You know, what do Jill and I need to know about this experience we're having right now?


When the card that came up is.


Peaceful council.


So that's a dove.




And it says ask reveal allow.


This is the crown chakra. This is transcendence.


And the cards are numbered.




And even though I wrote the deck, I still look in my guidebook.


And the guidebook has 2 pages per card.


And the Oracle messages.


The dove is a spirit messenger. You are being reminded to rely on your guides. Ancestors, ascended masters, totems, ethereal and celestial beings are.


Available to you.


Ask source to reveal your spiritual mentors and allow remember too, your higher self is also part of your counsel.


Find it interesting that card came up because we were just talking about channeling and spirit.


The essential.


Oil for transcendence and the Crown Shockers. Frankincense.


Frankincense is everybody's familiar with frankincense as a oil for prayer and meditation, so we encourage you to anoint, literally, anoint yourself with it, or sweep your aura with frankincense. The crystal is clear. Courts.


The affirmation is.


You see this chords that I have holding in my hand.




The affirmation is I am divinely guided.


And so if you notice, when I pulled the card, it came upside down in reverse. So for an intuitive reading, that would mean let's go to the sole study prompt. It says, describe the circumstance that might have been experienced differently had you trusted your higher self.


So imagine working with a client that's. That's a beautiful journal. Prompt to.


Go a little deeper. The sole play John Prompt is who is a part.


Of your peaceful council.


Can you identify your peaceful counsel?


I can. It's Joan and the Unicorn Popsy, but.


Right. And and a lot of people, they they have a Council, they just have never called it that and they they've maybe they've not been intentional about what that means in their world.


You know, some people refer to angels or guardian angels or.


You know, those may be all be.


Part of somebody's council.


I'm sure there are more, I just.


And then.


It she is the one she showed herself to me. I I have actually a visual of.


Of her riding a a blue bicycle and it's kind of like a Toulouse, the trek image.


I don't know if.


You know who he is. But he was an artist that he's very distinct.


Images of human beings and.


That's that's what comes to me when I think of her and she brings her unicorns to visit. When I'm really stressed. It's like here, just let the unicorns stop thinking about stuff.


That's awesome.


So do you identify with the idea that your higher self is also part of your Council?






A lot of us, I mean most of us do, but we again, we don't necessarily think of it in that term in that way.


And so with each card, there's also defining moments which we consider.


Here if you're.


If you're really interested in the concepts that were presented here, then defining amendments here are ascended masters.


Yeah, Google it totem animal.


Those are potential.


Other parts of your Council.


So that's just a one card pull.


You know, as with any deck, you can do a three card spread of.


Five card spread.


You know, there's tons of beautiful spreads on the Internet, full moon, New Moon.


Yeah. And just.


You know.


One thing Madison and I wanted to imbue in the deck, though is is a sense of fun like.


You know, it's this isn't heavy stuff, this is.


It's soul play and.


Yes, there's also soul study because we all have.


A shadow side.




So it can be whatever you want it to be.


And do you sell the cards outside of?


Of actually working with people is just like something that you do on the side, is it? Or is it just strictly part of?


So when people get ahold of your deck.




The deck is available on Etsy. It's on Amazon.


That seems more user friendly and seems to be.


The place to go for Oracle and Taro, especially independent publishers, so you know, not just my deck. I encourage people to visit Etsy and just look at all look at the arrays. Ohh and there's so many of them and they're beautiful.


There's so much.


So Etsy is my favorite.


But we also you can get it on Shopify.


And if you take the course, we have a 30 hour course that goes through each card. We do a deep dive on all seven elements and chakras.


And so people who take the course.


By the deck.


We're also it's on deck able, which is.


An app for cards.


So people can if they.


Have the decodable app, they can just.






When you.


When you do the 30 hour course with you, are you certified?


Do you certify people?


Your certified essential soul care practitioner.


So that it is it a group sort of.


Modules like how does.


My courses online and self-directed so go into the learning platform and you'll read and there's a lot of introspective journaling. Of course there's some videos.




Example readings and then we have a Facebook group where people can interact and do readings with each other.


And Madison and I do a one hour.


Workshop pulling a card and doing a deep dive on that on the first Monday of every month. So there's a lot of ways the students can kind of plug in.


But we really just wanted to provide a way for.


You know, coaches and therapists and healers to.


Who have may have played with many decks, but there's something about, at least for me, knowing one deck really well.


And understanding love the lexicon behind that deck and and then you can pull and and get clarity and and include the other decks as well. But.




I found that when I learned one deck really well, that's when.


It all sort of made more sense to me.


So I that's what encouraged me to bring this to other people.


Yeah, I and I, I know, I know several other people who are have created decks and they they're all.




Different and knowing like I and I have, I have my own tarot deck that.


It's it's not right or wait.


So how you say it? It's.


It's an A nature sort of thing because I relate to that, but it speaks to me and I I I I feel like I get messages through the cards and so they really enhance my life versus.


And they they in some ways they can answer questions for you that you could be like you can have something that's nagging at you.


And you.


And you can draw card and it can kind of settle that so you don't have to think about it anymore. You can just. OK, so this is a potential answer. I'm not going to, like, push on it. It can just like be whatever it's.


Going to be.


I've been given an answer.


Instead of wondering what is the answer?


Yeah. And even when the answer seems ambiguous, you know, we all we say all the time. You can't make this up, I mean.


The cards if you if you believe that the cards are.


Divine, however, a divination tool are divinely inspired.


Then you trust the card pools.




Now, that doesn't mean you know we have to do our own clearing and make sure we're in a mindful place.


You know, like even if a friend says to me, can you pull a card?


You know, if I've had a.




Difficult day. No, I'm. I'm not in that space to do that.




Right. And as a therapist, the same thing I have to constantly make. When I was doing therapy, I had to make sure I was in the space to do that work. So it's while it's playful, it's also not something to it's something to be revered and not and and respected.


And I appreciate you pulling that card knowing that a little bit about what you said before we even started recording that you're you're in a in a space that's kind of private but.




Not unpaid.


And I think that card that you did end up pulling.


Was meant for you as well. I can like the peace aspect of it.








So I have a question for the cards.


No, I think you actually thought.


That was it.




I have a relationship with doves and birds and.




I have an experience with a a hawk. When I embrace sobriety.


I had actually had a hawk. I was standing next to my house, turning the water off, so I had my back.


To everything else and it where the faucet is is underneath the overhang, and a hawk came and was messing with my hair. But I thought it was Wasps so go like this. I could feel the weight of the bird. He never touched my head. They have sharp, sharp Cowens. I mean, if he doesn't, if he'd actually touched my head.


He would have scratched me, but he my hair was up like it is now and he I could feel him messing with my hair but not my scalp. And then.


And then I turned around and he flew over and sat on the fence that's on the side of the.


Property and was looking.


At me and I knew it was a message and it was just like.




There was no question in my mind he was trying to tell me something and it was like the next day I realized he's just saying stay the course and it was never I I haven't had any alcohol in since September 9th and I never wanted any it it just was like.


It just isn't a part of my life anymore. But it was never like I I don't ever feel like I'm denying myself. Like, I can't have any alcohol if I wanted it. I just.


And I'm it's not like I'm not around people who do drink because I am.


I just like.


So that's interesting that you bring a hawk up.


Because we have a hawk in our yard this year, we've seen them, you know, in the trees. But we have a hawk now. We also have.




And sometimes we put leftovers out, and the fox and the crows, and whoever's out there comes to the bowl, raccoons. And now.


Hawk is showing up.


And the hawk also spreads splays.


Out in the field.


Full spread all the time and I've lived in this location for 9 years and this hawk is just.


It's very prominent.


So that's called for people listening. That's the synchronicity that just occurred in our conversation.






Hawks are messengers and they.


They're they're magnificent birds, they they really are. But.


Yeah. When they come into your life, they have something for you.




They bring something.


We have other birds too. I mean, we have the Ravens or crows that are.


We have these crows. It's a crow family and and there's some dynamics going on with them. I'm not really sure what it's all about, but they they, they visit me and they they have things to say to me.


Well, crows are very.


Very talkative, at least the ones.


Here, and they're really intelligent.


Yes, they are.


Well, I mean, seriously if.


If we don't put the the bird seat out, they're practically knocking on our door.




Yeah. What are you doing?


Remember us dinner time?


We have, we have other animals too, that first too.


Yeah, the deer.




So so, Deanna, how?


How do people work with you? And I know that you have an A a free offer that you make for people.


The ultimate sole design workbook that walks you through your goals and aspirations to find your sole purpose how.


How can people a work with you be find?


Find you.


All the stuff.


So my website is.



I'm Dee at Deanna Nagel on Instagram and Twitter.


If you go to my website, you'll either see a pop up or you can go to the bottom and there's a free sign up for the workbook. It's just a PDF download.


I do not work with people individually.


In session anymore because my sole purpose now is teaching, so most people get to know me through my courses.




And again, it's not just essential self-care that I teach. I teach all manner of coaching courses, Wellness coaching, cognitive behavioral visioning.


Including complementary and and.


Alternative methods in your practice, you know, therapist as coach, ethics, clinical supervision. So.


You know, ethical use of essential oils and therapy.


So it's a wide swath of.


Courses my larger courses. If you take a 30 hour course with me, I give a free 30 minute consultation at the end. So and there's there's verbal written exchange throughout the course, so you get.


Feedback. You know, it's not a it's not, you know, check the box next. You know, take a test so it's.


All of my courses are taught from a perspective and of introspection.


So even if it's an academic topic.


Like then you're still being asked.


You know, So what? What has been your experience with you're here wanting to learn how to be a clinical supervisor, you had clinical supervision at some point. What was that?


Experience like for you?


What was your take? Go back there. Let's talk about that.




So I'm I'm just really big on.


For lack of a better word.


Self-awareness cause I think.


When we take the time to become.


Aware of what?


What gets kicked up in us? Like how does this inform your work? But how does it inform you that you you already are?


Then I think we become.


Our light shines brighter for others.


Absolutely. So mostly you work with other coaches that are trying to add to their repertoire and therapists and professionals.


And any thought? I mean like my essential soca course.


Rather than.


I have a a a young 19.


People taking that course who loves essential, I mean Oracle decks, loves tarot. She just wants to learn, you know, so and I've put a lot of intuitive people through my intuitive Wellness coaching course who may be on another track altogether, but they want to include.




You know integrative nutrition and chakras and psycho spiritual dynamics.


To to their work.




Therapist and coaches primarily. But anybody you know, I've worked with occupational therapists, physical therapists.


People who just didn't know, and they took a course and it landed them in a certain direction.


You know, a lot of people come into a course thinking this is what?


I'm going to do.


And it leads them somewhere.




And that's happened with me too. I also have a Reiki course for people who want to.


Learn Reiki one through 3 so.


Yeah, a little bit of everything.


Interesting. We'll definitely put the link to your website where people can learn more about what you're doing and connect with you over there. So what is the one thing that you hope the audience takes away from our conversation today?




Becoming and intentional and mindful about your spiritual and intuitive practices will only enhance your life and the life of others.


Because we're here to, we're here to shine for other people.




Thank you so much for joining me. This has been amazing.


To be.


Thank you. Thank you.



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