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85: How to Be a Great Host for Your Podcast Guests
Episode 8510th April 2023 • Podcast Launchpad with Angela Kelly Smith • Angela Kelly Smith
00:00:00 00:25:29

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Want to be known in the podcasting arena as a go-to show for podcast guests? You’ve got to create stand-out experience for your guests—one that makes them feel like your top priority, your best guest ever.

“The better their experience, the more likely they are to share their episode, to leave a positive review for your show, to recommend your show, and to refer other awesome guests to you.” -Kelly

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  1. How to reach out to guests in a powerful way that gets to “yes”
  2. How to give guests a concierge service when you onboard them
  3. What to do during the pre-interview stage
  4. How to make a strong impact during the actual interview
  5. What promotional assets you need to give your guests to help them share their episode
  6. How to follow-up with your guests to maintain a long-term mutually beneficial relationship

**When I’m mentioning how to personalize your email request, I should have noted NOT to include everything that I list in the episode! Pick just one way to personalize your email. Don’t write: “Kelly said you’d be great for my show. I love what you said in episode 143. Your book is awesome. I took your coaching course. And you replied to my comment on your post on April 4th”!!!**

Related episodes:

83: How to Find Awesome Guests for Your Podcast

81: How Do I Promote My Services in My Podcast?

78: How to Create Effective Calls-to-Action for a Podcast




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