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Podcast# 236 Reality Lesson: You Need to Understand That Donald Trump Doesn't Matter, What he Represents Does.
Episode 23614th July 2023 • The Earnest Mann Show • Earnest Mann
00:00:00 00:32:09

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Hello everyone, thank you for tuning in. It's Friday, and this is episode number 236. Today, we're going to talk about Donald Trump and what he represents. It's been a while since I've said anything about him, but today, we're going to make up for lost time.

Before we dive into that, let's have a little history lesson. We're going back to the 70s, to the time of Richard Nixon, or as we used to know him, Tricky Dick. Nixon resigned from office over a little incident called Watergate. At that time, he was seen as the Antichrist by the youth of the early 70s. But, considering the politicians we've had since then, I'd almost be happy to have Nixon as president again.

Fast forward to the Bush era, and we thought we couldn't possibly have a president more stupid than Bush number two. But then came the Obama administration, which was intelligent but lacked integrity. And now, we have Donald Trump, who represents a big club of politicians who take care of one another because it's in their collective best interest.

Trump is facing charges of witness tampering, obstruction of justice, tax fraud, bank fraud, insurance fraud, money laundering, campaign finance corruption, rape and libel, election tampering, and incitement of a deadly insurrection to overthrow the U.S government. If any regular citizen faced even one of these charges, they would be in jail. But Trump isn't in jail. Why? Because he's part of the business, the mob business.

When you're making mobsters money, you're good. But when you become a liability, there's big trouble for you. Trump knows a lot of people and a lot of stuff. He can name names, and they don't want him to name names. So, it's a standoff.

Trump is not going to prison. He might get a pardon, like Nixon did, and waddle off into the sunset. Or, he might have a very unfortunate premature exit from the living. But one thing is for sure: his fate is not decided by democracy, but by the plutocrats and oligarchs who actually control things.

Until next time, this is Ernest Man reminding you that there are no bad words, just bad actions.

Please go to my website - - to listen to this, or any of my many other episodes. You can engage by leaving a comment, or you can reach out to me personally, via my contact page. You will find other interesting things on my website as well, but the main thing, is you will be supporting the show, not some mega corporation. Perhaps most importantly, by leaving a comment, your opinion or advice may help another person in this world more than you know!

© 2023 The Earnest Mann Show



well hello everyone thank you for tuning in or for tuning in again it's Friday yay and this is episode number 236. reality lesson you need to understand that Donald Trump doesn't matter what he represents does I realized just the other day that it had been a really long time since I had said anything about Donald Trump and I thought to myself that's really strange how in the hell did he escape my wrath I mean there's so many people that I am hard on


how is it even possible that he fell off my radar screen but no worries we're going to try to make up for lost time I got a few things to say as you probably figured out but before we get into that we are going to have a little history lesson and the history lesson I feel is really very pivotal to explaining what it is that I'm going to be talking about later um sometimes especially with you know historical material and things of that nature I mean it it's important to have an easy map to connect the dots so


to speak and we got a fair bit of dot connecting here and uh so that's why I'm that's why I'm doing it this way and also to be you know perfectly Frank with you um I do have a lot of younger listeners out there or even if it isn't for the younger listeners as for you old Coots like me who can uh grab your youngin by the ear twisting it firmly and sitting down and tuning in to this episode and say you need to listen to this junior it also helps if you're bigger stronger and you can sit on them if necessary


um but hopefully that won't be the case um this is about Richard Nixon or who we used to know as tricky dick and um the you know the release this is what is so totally bizarre that to give you some idea in these last you know 40 50 years that have passed how much the the terrain has has just utterly changed in this nation um we have moved so far to the right that I would almost I would I would be extremely happy um except if you don't count his fact


that he went crazy and did some crazy [ __ ] and ended up resigning in disgrace but if you don't count that by comparison to the to the endless series of clowns and you know disingenuous corporate shills that we've had in all this time that would be a breath of fresh air to have Richard Nixon as president again oh my God yes any day please and certainly um you know um Eisenhower yeah both who were of course Republicans um so yeah considering that amongst the youth of that time from most of the youth of that time period in the early 70s


um you know Richard Nixon was like the Antichrist [Music] so yeah I mean that should put something into some kind of perspective for you um many years later when we all had to endure the whole Bush Entourage I'm talking about Bush one and then Junior Bush too and oh my God just when you thought You couldn't possibly get anything I'm talking about number two not not as not his dad but Bush number two just when you thought it was you know utterly just unbelievable and inconceivable that you could have for a president


someone that incredibly stupid [Music] well history is an amazing thing where it goes from there because by comparison by comparison to the Bush Administration to the Obama Administration well um let's just say you know intelligence wise there was no comparison there but as far as Integrity is concerned yeah believe me I think that Obama had a few a few tricks in the crookedness Playbook that uh even Papa Bush would have been proud of and I'm I'm pretty sure he probably was um since they are um distantly related I believe


so be that as it is I um I decided that um to describe here to put this in perspective is to uh come come from this from a very unorthodox position so hold on dear hold on to your cap here this is this is going to be a bit bumpy so way back in the 70s when we had the Quaker president and it was known as Richard Milhouse Nixon and over this little teeny tiny incident called Watergate you youngins out there can look all this stuff up the long and the short of it is he begrudgingly resigned resigns from office


and uh that was on the August 8th of 74. and shortly after resigning um he uh he and the family got onto the helicopter which was on the lawn the White House lawn and uh they whisked their asses off to California where he lived so at that very moment Gerald Ford was being sworn in as the new president of the United States and that was exactly what basically took place so while um the criminal Nixon who was at that time actually a criminal he was a a fugitive on the run for I don't know no more than say an hour


so that's not too bad you know and so it was first official Act of his buddy Ford who had just been swore in immediately pardoned him that's right he was pardoned while his ass was even in Flight in the presidential helicopter to go back to his residence in San Clemente California hello folks I just wanted to take a moment to give you this brief message as you know I don't accept any third party advertising I want you to be able to listen to any and all episodes to your heart's content without that nonsense and it really is


nonsense unfortunately though I do need to keep the lights on here so I am asking for your support the best way to do that is if you're not here already go to the and you can either click on the put some food in the fridge tab or if you're interested in a little bit of merchandise it's the earnest stuff tab in either way by participating that you will be supporting the show and keeping it commercial free if you have donated already I just want to thank you sincerely that's it that's all I wanted


to say and again thank you much and this happened because they are all part of a big Club and in the big Club they take care of one another and they take care of one another because it is in their Collective best interest to do so because well if they stop taking care of one another if they stop doing the right thing then this thing's like a house of cards all the years and years of Corruptions and payoffs and schemes and various scams and all that could could just blow up all over the place and they don't want that


and so you know that's what they did and that is what I'm getting to here and trying to um set the stage as any of this concerns the the fate of Donald Trump or I should say perhaps the non-fate of Donald Trump for instance did you know that just recently but um it's it's not a case of asking or making the statement hey would you believe that he had the nerve he doesn't need the nerve Donnie doesn't have a problem with nerd because if you're a narcissist that that's not even that's not even part of the


equation it's not a question of nerves it's a question of what he think he's owed and uh yeah so he wants to he's asking that all the the criminal procedures and proceedings that basically they'd be just you know Court appearances all of it just the whole process be put on the back burner um until the next election and to be honest with you um I wouldn't I wouldn't be surprised if he did not actually get what he wanted because this this is such an incredible stall tactic that I see that's been going on


um I finally figured out what makes the most sense and that's what I'm going to tell you you see what I had discovered when I put together all of the stories and this is by this is not by no mean comprehensive this is this is just absolute Bare Bones you know the Rock Solid stuff that's Trump is facing going against okay okay we have witness tampering obstruction of justice tax fraud bank fraud insurance fraud money laundering campaign Finance corruption rape and libel election tampering incitement of a deadly Insurrection to


overthrow the U.S government the thing is this if any regular citizen had even any of those charges facing any of them just singularly not two or three or four just one of them um yeah and they were particularly disliked um and made a lot of enemies if that were the case not only with their ass long ago have been in jail but depending on the severity of the fraud um it's quite possible you could throw away the key so you have to have to ask yourself the question if everything that I just mentioned is true and if all those charges are actually


real why the hell isn't this guy in jail and I'm going to go I'm going to go way out on a safety limb here but I'm going to tell you really the way it is are you ready for this so hold on to your seats it's a big deal without going into a great backstory to explain all this in general what you have to think in terms of the current U.


S government is as a business and what it means to be a businessman now in this case when I say business or the business I'm talking about it in terms of um the mob okay and that was the whole point uh the great uh movie that um with Michael Corleone and that's going you know the Godfather again goes back to you know 40 plus years and uh you know Michael's sitting there and dragging him through the court because he had so many enemies and certain people he'd pissed off and certain people weren't paid off and it's


all about money and Corruption and he would sit there with a straight face and talk about his love of America and you know his attorney stating that he's just in the olive oil business [Laughter] yeah so all those people the White House yeah they're all in the olive oil business no one's crook nothing's connected anyone else yeah and I and every and every year on December the 25th I magically turn into [ __ ] Santa Claus and I fly around in a sleigh and give out presents down chimneys um yeah Trump or if you wish to call him the Teflon


Don I think it's a good name for him um you don't get this far unless you know a lot of people and you know a lot of [ __ ] and the fact is he knows a whole lot of [ __ ] meaning bad meaning criminal stuff in other words if push comes to shove he can name names and they didn't want him to name names and he knows that they don't want him to name names so it's kind of like a standoff that's you know that's pretty much where things have been and it's going to continue to be a standoff and they'll just keep


postponing this and postponing that and hoping and praying that he'll fall off the radar screen which he won't because he can't keep his mouth shut that's another big problem to take into consideration that he cannot and will not keep his mouth shut which ties in with what I'm going to tell you so in the business world when I say the business World in this case specifically um when I say the business the business to about mob business if you understand this mentality it's it's actually like a binary thought


process offer on good bad very polarized thinking so when you are making when when you're making Mobsters money you're making lots and lots of money you're good that's a good thing they're nothing bad's going to happen to you you're probably you know you're good you're gold because the the number one thing is money they want their loyalty and they want money and so as long as you're fulfilling that part of things you're you're good and and they can protect you in so so many


ways um on the other hand it's like everything else two sides to a coin you know this is the way it goes is that when you when the time comes that um you cease to be an asset and you become a liability then there's big trouble for you because somehow some way it can it could be made to happen in so many ways but you know you've heard it in all the movies all the mob movies sooner or later somebody is whacked and depending on the situation depending on the person themselves and what they're facing


it's it's possible that sometimes when they Overlook the whole thing maybe they're given an offer that if they do the right thing [Music] doing the right thing meaning you know politely that they agree to whack themselves that their family will be taken care of meaning no more problems but whether you decide to whack yourself or push comes to shove and they have to whack you the point is somebody's getting whacked because you can't have a loose cannon that wants to write books and everything


else they want to do and they're very much the public eye such as Donald Trump because he's he's got to be historically he's got to be one of the the greatest most obnoxious narcissist in in in in public history and that's that's basically the long and the short of it in other words Maybe This Time may possibly be given to fart around with this presidential election you know but I'm telling you right now I am predicting one way or the other um this could be the end of Donald Trump and you won't have to hardly hear


another peep in the news of him again and everything will just get real quiet and real hush hush because as I said when suddenly when you become a huge liability when you're not that that uh crazy guy that crazily Brooklyn guy who's just over the top you know when the brass is lost its shine and uh I really I I do honestly believe because you know he may he may be he may be in the most incredible narcissist in public office I've ever seen but one thing Donald Trump isn't is stupid and another thing


you can count on again this would be his choice of whether it happens to him on the outside or whether he's given the ultimatum to do it himself but one thing is absolutely for certain Donald Trump is not going to prison he's not going to spend any jail time or go to prison to stay that's not happening so whether that is for instance giving an example if they could do that with Nixon I'm talking about the get out get out of jail free pardon that Ford gave his ass if it's possible and it could very well happen this way


if Eve they say sure Donald fine yeah do your campaign We're Not Gonna We're not gonna start going to court until after that the election well you know let's say they do that and he even if he loses and he loses the election but he gets a very you know an old pal an old friend Christ maybe even DeSantis maybe Idol is possible but anyway then when it's time okay now the it's time to go to court it's time to be sentenced it's time for all this and they would just pull the same action as they did


with Richard Nixon I really believe that and he'd get a pardon and you say okay we're going to give you this pardon and you that'll allow you to want your ass to Waddle off into the until the sunset you know keep a low profile Donald we don't want you having any unfortunate accidents now how much he would actually pay attention to that well that's a different matter but he was told that's the important thing but if that doesn't happen because one in this case one just really doesn't


know and quite honestly if I don't know I tell you I don't know but if that is not the case and he actually can go to all these trials he's got for all of these different charges my God he'd have just an endless endless endless parade of Trials [ __ ] this could go this could literally go until he drops just drops dead of old age or what whatever um it's it's just it's beyond the realm of of ridiculous or um as I said the other thing that could happen and I think is much more likely is that he


will um he will have a very unfortunate premature exit from the living he will mysteriously end up sleeping with the vicious as it's called um some very bizarre mysterious fall or an incredibly weird auto accident anything like that I certainly would not put that out of the Realm of possibility so my point about all of this is again to not be so mesmerized by any of the details and anything involving Donald Trump what is to be learned here


and that I have said I don't know how many times is to demonstrate that you don't live in a democracy you live in a plutocracy and the plutocrats and the oligarchs who actually control things they're the ones who really decide what is going on and who's going to prison and who isn't and so fear not whether you love him or hate him his ass is not going to prison that much I know like I said it's very likely that um under some or like a great many mysterious circumstances he um could end up sleeping with the fishes


take care you know wherever you may be in this world and whether it be morning noon or night that you're listening to the show I do appreciate it but I would really appreciate it even more if you would go to my website because not only can you listen to all my episodes but there's just so much more going on so check it out go on over to the earnestmanshow.


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