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Ditch the Desperation and Recognise Your Worth
Episode 1699th May 2024 • Unleashing Brilliance • Janine Garner
00:00:00 00:12:32

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You are not desperate - you are a hot commodity. But are you struggling to see, and therefore price, yourself accordingly?

I've been having so many conversations with clients over the last couple of weeks who, as a result of current market conditions and economic challenges they’re witnessing, are starting to get desperate in how they propose to work with their clients.

Today, we’re talking about self-worth and the crucial choice we all face: ditching the desperation and recognising your true worth. We’ll discuss:

- Owning Your Value

- Embracing Service

- Avoiding Short-Term Fixes

- Focusing on Building Trust 

Remember, you are absolutely a hot commodity, and you need to own that. You need to own what it is that you do, the outcome that you can create for your clients and you to step into that power. Your clients want to work with the person that is the best for their business - and why shouldn’t it be you? 


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Janine: [:

And we don't want to go there, right? So today I want to talk about how to become a hot commodity versus being desperate. Now, as an example, a couple of weeks ago, I was having this conversation with a client of mine. She'd shared that she'd organized this fabulous free event around 60 people who turned up and they'd loved.

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And the magic happened when she shifted the conversation. With those clients from buy, buy, buy, and a desperation to one of how can I help you? You see what happens when we have that type of conversation is service opens doors, connections actually deepen, and more information was actually shared. And for this particular client, that shift from being one of desperation of how can I convert this into sales actually resulted in a diary full of client and. work now being committed to for the [00:03:00] rest of the year. She actually ended up making way more sales than she thought by shifting her focus from one of desperation into being one of service. And instead of being desperate, what happened in this Grand business symphony is that the service levels that she offered changed the nature of the conversation and actually did result in sales.

Because desperation is actually the wrong conversation. You are not desperate. You are a hot commodity and deep down, you know this. So the question that I want to ask you to reflect on this week is why do you keep groveling for work? Why are you having that frantic scramble for deals, for sales, and for achieving that bottom line?

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I totally appreciate that the ongoing negative media is having a significant impact on public and business confidence. We're seeing it. We're seeing budgets being cut. We're seeing decision making taking longer than usual. And maybe some of your clients don't have the money that it seemed that they once had.

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And they know this, so there's still money to be spent. The question or the challenge for you isn't one about going into desperation mode, but it is more about having a measured approach rather than reacting impulsively,you know, carefully analyzing what you think could be the root causes of the challenges that they're facing right now.

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Is a need for an immediate solution that will solve their short term problem. For example, one of my clients recently, one of my, retained loyal clients that I've been working with for going on 10 years now, this client works in big business and it's a global organization. And despite running a long term and annual league leadership program with them for the last nine years, this particular year, their budgets have been cut and cut from way up.

And instead of walking away, what I entered into was a conversation that was in service. How can I help you right now? What is the challenge you're currently facing? How much budget do you actually have this year to signal to your leaders, a continued commitment to their development? How can I help you?

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The second thing I want you to think about is it's so important to avoid short term fixes. What I'm seeing is a lot of hasty price reduction happening. And whilst that may provide temporary relief, it doesn't necessarily address the fundamental issues. Desperation doesn't work and it only leads to a race to the bottom.

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Big retail brands in the UK throughout Europe and here in Australia. And what that has meant for you can work out my age is I've actually lived through and worked through two GFCs already. And what I saw in retail over that period is significant slashing of price points. What we saw was a race to the bottom.

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It's actually about understanding how awesome the outcome of working with you is, how amazing the solution is that you have. And as opposed to a conversation that is about price and racing to the bottom, this is a conversation about the investment that people are going to make to achieve the outcome that they want.

It's got to be an outcomes based conversation. The other thing too, the final thing I want you to think about, the third thing here is that when we have a conversation that is based on strategic partnership, that is based on working together, when we have a conversation that is open and transparent, that actually builds trust.

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You can either choose, you see, to be desperate, Or you can choose to value your work and value your worth. My message today is one of ditching the desperation because desperation leads to undervaluing. And it's like selling a Mona Lisa for pocket change, worried that the frame won't sell. Instead, I want you all this week to think about how can you embrace service?

. But you are in fact, a hot [:

And how can I make sure that I am taking a more measured approach to my conversations. And rather than reacting impulsively, I am getting curious about the challenges that they've currently got and how I, and what I do can help them find an immediate solution to the problem that they are experiencing now.

Once again, you are not desperate. You are absolutely a hot commodity, and you need to own that. You need to own what it is that you do, the outcome that you can create for your clients, and you need to step into that power and become that hot commodity, because your clients want to work with the person that is the best in their business.





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