Tanya By Rabbi Yitzchok Minkowicz Chapter 29
How do you open a closed heart?
What happens when:
1) Your heart is closed & cant open it to serve G-D?
2) You lose your power to fight the evil inclination to sanctify G-D with things your allowed to do as your heart is closed?
First step is to to be identify the enemy which is קליפה וסיטרא אחרה not a G-Dly energy that has taken over your heart & that became who you are.
Than you can be broken hearted & be disgusted over the arrogance of the egos dominance.
Than you "Name" the enemy Bad, Wicked, etc...
Than you address the "Enemy" head on: until when will you conceal G-Ds infinite power & deny the truth.
Thru this process the G-Dly soul will regain full power & the "Enemy" will dissipate & the light of the G-Dly soul will be able to penetrate the heart thereby the heart will be on fire again with a love for G-D.
As the truth is that the G-Dly Soul is real divine energy & the קליפא וסיטרא אחר the counter G-Dly energy (Negative forces, Negative energy) is not real so the minute you expose it it goes away.
As the story in the Torah when the spies lost their faith in Hashem that he would be able to take them to Israel & once Moshe exposed the counter G-Dly their natural Faith surged & they were ready to conquer the land.
The truth is that even the Negative forces & Negative energy know that the G-Dly soul is only energy that is real & that they fully believe in G-D it's just that G-D gave them power to confuse us with Falsehood & deceit to give us greater reward as the Zohar gives an analogy of the king that hires a harlot to test his son with the ultimate goal that the son passes the test.
Live Tanya Class at Chabad Thursday Evening at 6:30P.M.
A Project of
Chabad Lubavitch of Southwest Florida
5620 Winkler Road
Fort Myers, FL 33919
A Special thanks to David Perez for Video Taping the Class
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