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Chocolate: Good for You? The GOOD Chocolatier's Guide to Raw Cacao's Health Benefits
Episode 56th March 2024 • Good in Motion • Juliette Fiszka
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Does this sound familiar?

You've been told to prioritize your health, but the hustle and bustle of everyday life leaves you feeling drained and overwhelmed. The struggle to find balance is real, and it's taking a toll on your well-being.

If you're tired of feeling burnt out and want to thrive both personally and professionally, keep reading to discover the surprising health benefits of raw cacao that can transform your life.

Cacao is more like a supplement. You eat one tablespoon in the morning. You know you did something good for your heart, it's good for your digestion, and it's good for the morning concentration that you're probably looking for. —Mara Mennicken

In this episode, you will be able to:

  • Uncover tips for achieving work-life balance and reclaiming your time and sanity.
  • Discover the unexpected health perks of raw cacao and its potential to enhance your well-being.
  • Learn simple ways to include cacao in your daily routine and feel its amazing effects.
  • Embrace the value of regular breaks and how they can boost your productivity and creativity.
  • Explore eco-friendly habits that support the planet and contribute to your overall success.

Meet Mara Mennicken

Mara Mennicken is the founder of The GOOD Chocolatier, a social enterprise dedicated to sustainable and ethical practices. With a background in community leadership and social change, Mara's journey from Germany to Canada led her to establish a business focused on creating positive impact. The GOOD Chocolatier not only offers delightful, healthy, and ethical chocolates but also integrates fair trade, organic practices, and provides employment opportunities for marginalized communities, particularly individuals on the autism spectrum. Mara's dedication to fostering social and environmental good through her business sets a remarkable example in the realm of social entrepreneurship.



My name is Juliette, and I'm obsessed with all things self development, goal setting, health and sustainability. Originally from France, I made the move to Canada with a vision to design my dream balanced life. On this podcast, I share with you everything I've learned along the way. The challenges, the less, and of course, the successes. It's also my chance to sit down with local experts, diving into the services and products that have the power to transform our lives.


So grab your favorite headphones, stay hydrated, and get ready to learn simple tips that will elevate your life. Welcome to good in motion.


Okay, so we are back with another category that I'm also really excited about. We talked about health, about sustainability and the social enterprise as well. And because I'm a consumer, I want to just to know, to challenge me a bit with my health habits, learn from others. We had countless discussions together outside of this episode where I just listened to everything you had to tell me when it comes to health habits, hopefully our listeners, too. Yes.


My next question, and I'm super excited to go more in the health benefits details of it. So what are the health benefits of raw cacao? Raw cacao is something that you probably have never tried. I know you went to the chocolate making workshop, so, yes, I gave you a piece. Amazing workshops for everybody who can hear us.


Yes. And it is something completely different than chocolate. But raw caca cow is what chocolate is made of, and that is after the stage of fermentation. So you can still have raw caca cow after fermentation? Yes, it heats up a little bit, but actually increases health benefits and doesn't burn any of the nutrients.


So I would still refer to it as raw. Some of the raw vegan foodies out there might say it's not raw anymore, but it's pretty much the seed, unroasted and unprocessed. So it's really good for the gut. Actually, I wouldn't say that's the reason people eat it. But after cacao ceremonies, after eating a lot of raw cacao, you can actually feel that your digestion is so smooth, you don't get bloated.


You actually feel just good in your stomach. So that's one thing. And the three main important organs are the gut, are the heart and the mind. I think it's our second brain. The guts, for sure.


Right. It affects your mood, affects your happiness so much. When you like people bloated, when you can't digest, you actually don't really feel good. You don't want to be around people. And, yeah, it affects the mood so, so much.


And so cacao has to offer something on all the different levels. Heart, mind, and gut. So I would say the gut is the most hidden one. A lot of people don't know that cacao is fermented. I think it was the most interesting and shocking to me because how I grew up and what I learned with just sugary, regular, conventional chocolate is like, obviously, it's unhealthy for your stomach.


You get fat. Just don't eat too much of it. But actually, raw caca cow is the opposite. It's good for your gut. That's what I love to hear.


Yeah. Things that you. Right. You don't consider. Wine is fermented too, by the way.


Perfect, right? Let me add all of this on. My shopping list right now. That's how you can start the day with chocolate and end the day with wine. So we have, for the guts, the brain, the heart.


The heart, yes, exactly. What I think is the most ancient even benefit. How people used it in medicine as well, was for the heart. It has some antioxidants in there that are catechin. So they're flavonoids and actually help strengthen your heart.


There is still, to this day, naturopaths that do recommend eating raw cacao. If you have troubles with your heart or anything. In Brazil, there's also still doctors that give you cacao for whatever problems you might have with your heart. So that is one thing that is just important to keep our heart healthy. We don't really do much for our heart directly because it's just there.


And it always pumps. And we might be grateful for it, but it actually helps strengthen the heart. All these things with flavonoids. So that is one thing. And then the mind is also.


My partner, for example, drinks raw cacao every morning. Because it just helps you concentrate. It gives you a sharp mind, a clear mind. And it also has natural serotonin and dopamine releasers. So it's a natural antidepressant.


And it helps you be more happy. It has tryptophan and teobromine, which help you be more energized. And the energy that you might think of is, I drink coffee, so it's caffeine. And a lot of people think the energy from chocolate just comes from the caffeine. But it's actually teobromine.


And the great thing about teobromine is that it's almost like caffeine plus ltheanine. And ltheanine is the energizer that's known in tea. And it's way more subtle on the nervous system. So you have all this energy in your brain, and you feel like, okay, cool. I'm actually getting a clear mind.


But you don't feel the jitters because your nervous system stays calm. And if you know about the best stages to be concentrated, I'm sure you know, Juliette and maybe some of your listeners, it's actually not the fight or flight that coffee gets us in. It's just an assumption. Yeah. Then you crash.


We crash, but at the same time, everything is faster, but it doesn't stick. Right. It's like the rest. And relax, where we can absorb more knowledge, and it actually stays with us. Our memory is there, and the fight or flood is something we can learn quickly.


No, tomorrow, we all. We know for studying, for exams or whatever, and then it's gone. But if we would do it slowly in the rest or relaxed stage, it would actually stay with us for much longer. So cacao has teobromine and something that's very energizing for the brain. But it also keeps our nervous system calm.


And it's the best day to be working in to have these happiness hormones. At the same time, you feel more concentrated, and you don't have the crash because it's a food. And we absorb it very slowly. Versus coffee, it sometimes rush to our brain and our system a little bit quicker because it's a liquid as well. And coffee, if we digest it slowly, you have a nice energy curve for 4 hours.


You go up, and then slowly, it's eventually down, but you don't really feel the crash. Yeah. So I think at this point, you convinced most of our listeners to drink ro cacao every day, just like your partner. But I'm curious for someone who has never tried cacao before or raw cacao and who may not know what it actually tastes like, because the idea, if you think about chocolate, it can be very tempting. But ro cacao has a very different taste.


So how would you prepare someone who is about to taste raw cacao for the first time? I usually say, just don't think about chocolate. It's not chocolate. Right. There's so many stages.


There's another ten stages that make it into chocolate. But if you have a quality cacao bean and a quality cacao nib, it's something between a fruit and a nut. And I would just encourage to close the eyes. Close your eyes and really just let the flavors dissolve of the natural bean. Make sure it's a quality bean for the first one, because if it's not, it might be very acidic.


So there's three main strains of cacao. I don't want to get into it too much, but some of these are very bitter. Some of them are known for low bitterness and very nutty. And then from Asia, they're more fruity. So this teriwa I talked about earlier, you have that cacao from around the world that tastes very different.


The regular one you buy in the supermarket. It should say where it's from. Because in raw cacao, it matters even more than in chocolate. Because you taste all the notes. But really, it's an experience that is very close to a nut.


Because cacao is so high in fats. But it has all these layers of fruitiness. And can have banana and bergamot, and herbal notes and fruity notes. But it's something that has no sugar, right? Of course.


Like, it's not a fruit in that sense, but it has fruity notes from the plants around. But it's not sweet. Yeah. So between a nut and a flower. Yes, and a bit fruity notes, for sure it has fruity notes.


Would you compare it at all to dark chocolate? Or is it completely different? I mean, the dark chocolate I eat is very close. But when I just think back into the feedback from people in workshops that have never tasted raw cacao before. I think you have to train your taste buds, right.


For new areas of food all the time. Like your red wine. Also, if you don't never learn how to describe the flavors and all of this, you might not know the differences so much. But if you taste it for the first time, I think the idea people have is often, oh, it just tastes like really dark chocolate. And then I asked them with a follow up question.


Okay, so what is more bitter, your dark chocolate? That it might be an 80% or 90% dark, or your 100% cacao. And 100% of the time, the cacao that is just pure cacao is less bitter than your dark chocolate. So I would say don't be afraid that it might be more bitter than a 90% dark chocolate. Because it's actually just the processing and the over roasting and burning that makes the dark chocolate taste so bitter.


It's not the raw cacao. If it's good quality, you have so many notes, but it's not crazy bitter. You have some acidic notes, which are normal with really good coffee too. But then it's also with coffee, you have the similar things. Dark roast and light roast.


Right? Think about your light roast coffee. How these flavors come out versus your dark roast taste. Very dark and a bit burnt. So it's all what our taste buds are used to as well.


But often even people who only eat commercial white chocolate end up being okay with a high quality raw cacao because it's not as bitter as you think. It sounds like it's a complete different product. At the end of the day, the way you described it, even when you say it's between, is more comparable to a nut. I found that we have a snack, or like almost candies on one side with white chocolate and then some things that's healthy for your body and your mind. So it's completely different.


Yeah. The product changes and the use. Right. It's not a treat anymore in a sense that, oh, I have a chocolate, it's a reward. And I know it's not good for me, but I'm going to have this piece because I did something great or I want to feel better or whatever reason.


Raw cacao is more like a supplement. Right. You eat one tablespoon in the morning. You know, you did something good for your heart, it's good for your digestion. It's good to break your fast with something that's fermented.


And it's also good for the morning concentration that you're probably looking for. So it's more of one tablespoon in the morning. The flavor is great if you get used to it. But I would say most people start with just, I know, this is so good for me. Let me incorporate that in my morning routine.


Yeah. So with everything that has just been said, it sounds like it takes someone with that type of educated taste to appreciate raw cacao and to understand the health benefits also behind them. So who are the people who usually consume, who come to you and buy from The GOOD Chocolatier? So we sell raw cacao nibs, and we sell our chocolate bars, which are partially raw and partially light roast. So even if you do buy our dark chocolates and even milk chocolates, you have more of those benefits that raw caca cow has.


But I'm just going to go into the raw cacao nibs now because that is very specific, different target markets. Like, I notice that it is often people who work in health sector. It's often dietitians, nutritionists, naturopath, even fertility experts. Wow, interesting. Yeah.


So you do learn, I think, eventually, throughout these studies or trainings that cacao is very beneficial for the heart. Cardiologist. I had a cardiologist in my workshop and said, yeah, we eat raw cacao every morning I teach that to my students. It's interesting to see who purchases and comes back and is really convinced. Right?


And then I would say I have my, I would say average chocolate eater and a consumer that just wants to live a bit more healthy. And sometimes, often it's people actually with, I would say, gut problems that say, like, this feels really good for me. I want to try to incorporate more fermented things. And my doctor, whoever said this is good and try to use more cacao. And none of these people, I think, start with it for the flavor.


It's often the other way around. They learn how good this really can be for your body, and then you get used to the flavor. And eventually after a week or two, you're like, oh, my God, this tastes amazing because your body just starts to crave it versus your taste buds usually crave the sweetness, but there you really feel like, I need some cacao right now. You get to love, you learn to love the flavor. That's usually what I have experienced.


Yeah. And it makes sense also with your marketing and your workshops because you spend a lot of time and again here today, this podcast, teaching, educating people about the benefits of cacao. And so it makes complete sense that the people going to you afford your products come first, maybe, or most of the time for the benefits and then stay because of the beautiful taste. Yeah, that is for the raw nibs. And I think then there's the whole my chocolate bars.


That is for connoisseurs. Like, it's for people who buy the $30 wine because they know the flavors are different. It's a treat and you do it. Sometimes. It might not be everyday chocolate just because the price point is also higher, but it's people who appreciate good quality chocolate and they know it's night and day different from your commercial chocolate.


Then it comes down to taste mostly with the chocolate bars because the experience is different. Like, the taste lingers. It has so many notes that you wouldn't expect. It's a very different experience than your commercial chocolate. So I would say that's my regular consumer that says, like, okay, it's not a supplement, but they just want a good piece of chocolate.


It's also kind of the gourmet of the chocoholics. And there's lots of chocoholics out there, actually, people who eat chocolate every single day, religiously. And eventually you upgrade. Like, okay, there's this whole world out there of craft chocolate I haven't tapped into. Yeah, just like you upgrade for wine with your $30 wine example, you upgrade for chocolate as well.


Exactly. If it's something you love, you're eventually going to figure out the nicest brands and the good quality and the flavors that you enjoy. Yeah. And speaking about actually pricing, I'm curious to know for someone who would like to take advantage of the health benefits of. I want to put everything in the same basket, but feel free to separate if needed.


So raw cacao nibs and chocolate bars from The GOOD Chocolatier. So someone who wants to take advantage of high quality cacao and keeping the budget in mind, what type of prescription, and I quote here, prescription would you recommend? Which frequency, which products, when to consume it? Do you have something to propose? So I can say what I'm most passionate about and that I always say, like, try this first.


I would say it's definitely not my majority customer. It's very a niche within my customers. But if you have never experienced the energy that you can get and the effect you can get from cacao, definitely start to try raw cacao. I think that was what was getting me hooked on chocolate. And in general, even starting a chocolate business is having this idea that chocolate is something.


Okay, I want to eat every day, but at the same time, it can be incredibly good for me. And then I started eating raw chocolate and start to incorporate that into the business. I think it's fascinating to have the effect the same day you eat something, right, because you have your superfoods, all the things that the wave came, okay, you eat more blueberries, eat more acai, more matcha, and all of this stuff. And cacao is one of those superfoods. But a lot of the other foods actually don't feel right away the effect.


But cacao, you have it in the morning, a tablespoon of raw cacao nibs, and you generally feel no stress, you feel great, you feel a little bit happy and concentrated. So I think the mix it provides, the concentration and the mood enhancement is something so beautiful that cacao can do. So I would say experience that just for the sake of feeling and being, just seeing how your body reacts and if you enjoy it. And in terms of chocolate, the price point of mine is 895 per bar. It sounds a lot for craft chocolate.


It's the lower end. A lot of chocolates. Craft chocolates, usually we have one store here in New Westminster that sources craft cacao from all around the world. They start at $12. Northwest Chocolate festival in Seattle.


There's 250 different craft chocolate tiers. It all starts at $10. So we do try to ride the path of make it something that can be in a supermarket. It's not like triple the price, but also we obviously do all the things from organic to compostable to social enterprise and quality cacao. So just buy one or two bars, right.


You don't have to eat it on a regular basis. If it comes to the health benefits, I would stick to raw cacao because it's more budget friendly. You have a pound for between 22 and $25, but it lasts you more than a month. Right. And I would say you don't have to do it every single day, but it depends how you feel about it.


And then the chocolate bar. Once you eat craft chocolate, it's just. You can't go back. It's really tough to go back and eat regular chocolate with the same enjoyment. But it's a treat.


Right. Once in a while, I would say you have it and you have friends over and you want to share something. And even as a gift, I think it's nice. Or you have people over and you have a chaku dre board, you have some cheeses or wine or write a night with your friends and some chocolates to experience that. So I think it's a lovely thing to even share with others.


And you really only need a tiny piece to feel the difference, to taste the difference. And if you can afford it, you can eat a chocolate bar every day of the chocolates I make. And there's no disadvantages, there's no side effects. You don't have a sugar drop, you don't get fat. It's just like a healthy kind of energy.


You have some kind of sugars, but it's complex sugars. And it's okay for the brain, it's okay for the body, unless you have diabetes. And so I want to say with my own budget, I started when I was a student, I only ate raw cacao because I couldn't afford craft chocolate every day, but I needed cacao every day. So I would say that's the most budget friendly. And for just a treat, a good craft chocolate is definitely once every few weeks.


It's just lovely what you can do with flavors. So the prescription is raw cacao, nibs in your breakfast in the morning, a tablespoon, and then to have handy one or two maybe cacao bars in your pantry, in your kitchen. So if you have a special occasion or maybe you need a little energy, then you can grab it and eat it. Totally. Yeah.


I love that. I think it's very doable for our listeners. I think it's actually even super amazing that cacao can have this. Right. You will always think about the healthy things as, like, it's something you don't necessarily enjoy, but chocolate, I would say it's not hard to incorporate in your routine.


Yeah. And you can remove the guilt because I feel, let's say, a bar of chocolate, and you had that guilt associated to it of, like, oh, I shouldn't. I should have just a little square or something. And to move from this guilty snack to a cacao bar, that will give you energy that is good for you. It's incredible.


Yeah. You want to make switch right now. Yeah. You still have the enjoyment, but no guilt, and you have some benefits. I think it's such a beautiful cocktail of all the good things.


And when it comes to the higher price points that you mentioned, I think, yeah, it definitely comes with education. And I love, again, that you mentioned the wine, because just, like, I think people understand why they buy organic and they understand why they will buy that type of wine instead of another one. Then it's the same thing with chocolate. It's just. Maybe it's still new for most people, but I'm sure we will get there eventually.


Yeah. So I'm curious to know, what does your conception of chocolate or raw cacao looks like? I drink some raw cacao in the morning. So you have not your nibs because you can only bite them, but you can also have a paste. Already it's pressed cacao, pretty much just with oils.


You can press it and then you can just melt it down. So sometimes I have that in the morning instead of a coffee. Does your company sell this as well? We do sell it, yes. It's ceremonial grade cacao.


So you can just take four or five of these little pressed pallets and put it in your hot water. And I would say that's for the experienced person because it takes a bit to get used to the flavors. If I don't have that, and right now I drink more coffee, but there's always a phase that it switches and have the balance. But then the raw cacao nibs I usually put in the smoothie. So one thing I struggled with when I made my smoothies is just like, I'm a fast drinker.


I drink water so fast. So also sometimes smoothies, it's just like, I have to really try to stop myself. So raw caca, cow nibs, I actually add them after blending my smoothie. So a tablespoon, and then I have something to chew, and I actually eat the smoothie however we're supposed to. So I do have the raw cacao mostly my breakfast routine.


And then. So for me, I make chocolate in the afternoon. So all my mornings are computer work, errands, meetings and all of that. And then in the afternoon it's chocolate making time. And usually around four or five, I'm just craving, like a really good piece of dark chocolate.


So that's where more towards the end of the day or later on in the day, I would more have chocolate rather than raw cacao because I actually don't want that energy anymore. Right. Like, if I'm not going to drink a coffee at six, I'm not going to have raw cacao at six. So it's then more for the enjoyment and gives me another pick me up for the six, 7 hours of chocolate making. And it's also physical energy that you feel.


So even pre workout it sounds strange, but you can have a little bit of raw cacao before working out. It's a slow releasing energy, for sure. It makes sense because I've heard many times that some people drink coffee before working out. Drinking cacao works as well. Yeah.


I would say the more pure and quality you go with chocolate, the less you want to have it in the afternoon because it's more potent. Right. It's less processed, it's less burned. There's more of the nutrients, but also more of the energizing things. And so you're just going to feel it and you don't want it to affect your sleep.


ay anywhere from morning till:


So I love that. It makes sense. Yeah. And the main important thing is, I think the non refined sugar that it's actually, you cannot become as addictive to the flavor. The flavors you taste in my cacao bars are really the cacao notes first.


So I have a chocolate bar next to me. If it's not my own, I have a piece. But then this urge comes of, even if it's craft chocolate, but then if it's cane sugar, it's like, oh, I need more. And it's just because my taste buds on steroids and I need to have more of this because of the sugar. But my cacao bars, having less sugar and having complex sugars and naturally occurring sugars, like coconut and all of that stuff.


You can put the chocolate bar aside. It's not like every time I eat chocolate, I'm just like, oh, I can't help myself. You need to eat the whole bar. Although if I do that, I don't feel bad, but it's mostly like I have control over it. It's as addicting as a lot of people say.


I eat one piece, I eat the whole bar. I would say with my chocolate bars, you don't have that. Yeah. And I agree because I remember when we bought a bunch of bars with my partner after your workshop when the first time we met that following week, after each meal, we would just share one and we would feel so satisfied. Just like sharing 1 bar, the two of us.


Yeah. We were just happy and ready to keep going with the day and not feeling addicted. We're just feeling, yeah, of course I could eat more, but I don't feel the need either. Exactly. And before I ask about where we can find your products and keep updated about The GOOD Chocolatier, I wanted to ask you if there is something you're super excited about.


It could be something that's planned, upcoming, or maybe a recent win. And it doesn't have to be related to your company. Okay. Two things I'm going to mention. Of course, my company is myself almost.


So a lot of the wins are just like, I celebrate that in the company. I think one thing that we are now at a stage that we can take the next level of scaling and that's not massive factory with liking and going global, but it's really having a distributor and a broker. So in the food business, you have your person who delivers the stores, right. And we just got accepted to Whole Foods, which is the Whole Foods in BC. Actually, I double checked, but that is super great.


And I think from the beginning, like two, three years ago, I was like, if I'm getting into Whole Foods, I know I made it. And now I know there's lots of other issues now coming up. Okay, we'll think about this later. But this is super exciting. Congratulations.


So that is amazing because I think it's kind of the standard where I want it to be. And I know that there is the consumer that's going to like The GOOD Chocolatier, but it's hard work to kind of get to that stage. So I'm pretty happy that we got into whole foods. And I think on a personal level, I learned to take a break in summer and I think that's an achievement because how any entrepreneur, if you talk to them, it's easy to work nonstop and never forget about work at all. But chocolate is seasonal and the wintertime is crazy busy.


And it's kind of from October, it's throughout April, all the holidays and then Valentine's and Easter and stuff. April, May, it actually starts to slow down. So three, four summer months, it's where I usually do strategizing, something like podcasts, planning ahead and all of that. Right? So I have time for this.


In wintertime, there's just work and getting things done and fulfilling orders. But now in the summertime also, I know that that is my time on a personal level where I can recharge and get all this energy for the wintertime. And I used to a few years ago, it was like, oh, no, it's slow. Now I have to work even harder. But that has changed completely.


And I just took three weeks off with my brothers and my dad was here and my mom is coming next week and we are going to take a few days, go to the island, and write a little bit here and there. But I think I become comfortable with taking a break. And I think that was one of the hardest things in entrepreneurship that I had to learn is like, I need these things to refuel my business and myself. And it took many years to even allow myself and feel. I've always felt so guilty when I was not working.


I actually didn't want to take time off, but I needed it. So I think I'm in a good balance now. I can take vacations and I can also work and it kind of goes together. Yeah. I love that for you.


It's actually a big win. Totally. Yeah. It's more sustainable, right? I don't want to work the next five years and then have a burnout.


Nobody wants you to have a burnout. We need cacao bars and energy. Take all the rest you need. Yeah. Thank you so much for your time today, Mara.


I really am grateful that you actually put in your calendar time to sit down. We had a very long conversation today and that you trusted me with delivering this message to our audience. And it's very special to me that we're having this first guest interview. And for our listeners, I hope that we'll have as much value as I had today with this conversation. Where can they find you?


And get updates from The GOOD Chocolatier? So the best thing is on our website for sure, even if you see our product in stores and you're listening from BC there's a store locator on our website. You can just put in your postal code and see where around you can get them. Inside stores. Our main shop is actually located inside Greens Market on West Broadway if you're in Vancouver.


So you can see us in person with storefront staff and you can shop anytime. But I would say online is definitely the best way. Subscribing to newsletter, you get a 10% off of your first order. We ship Canada wide. I know sometimes it's disappointing just to ship Canada wide and you see like, oh my God, I could buy another chocolate bar, two chocolate bars for this price of the shipping, but it's just far.


Well, makes sense. And for listeners who are not based in BC, just tell your family members or friends to go to the Whole Foods local Whole foods in BC and to get your products so maybe then it will get there faster in Ontario. Exactly. Thank you for that. Thank you, mark.


Thank you so much. Have a good day. Hi there, my lovely listeners. We've been deep diving into the world of The GOOD Chocolatier, severing every bit of information about ethically sourced and organic ingredients that make this chocolate truly exceptional. Now here's the exciting part.


I reached out to Mara, the powerhouse behind The GOOD Chocolatier, and guess what? She's treating all of you to something special. Just head over to our website,, and use the code “MOTION10”. That's motion 10 for a delightful 10% off your order. You're welcome.


But it gets even better. By treating yourself to this delicious chocolate, you're not just rewarding your body with high quality ingredients. No. You're also supporting a Canadian female owned business with a heartwarming social mission. How cool is that?


Oh, and speaking of favorites, personally, I can't get enough of the honey and dates and the matcha creamsicle bars. They're making my days way easier. So let's keep the good vibes rolling. Head over to, use the code motion ten and let the chocolate adventure continue. Find all the sweet details in our show notes.


I hope you enjoyed this episode of good in motion. If you loved this as much as I did, go ahead and rate and subscribe so you never miss an episode. This is Juliette signing off. See you next time.




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