Impact Driven Branding
Rich Kozak pt 1
Rich Kozak is the Founder & CEO of and he has been helping people to define and launch their brands - and then marketing their brands, for over 44 years. As a Certified Global Branding Consultant with partners worldwide, Rich defined brands and their language for companies impacting 100’s of various industries.
Rich is also the host of “The Impact Brand Doctor,” where you can get insight and strategy nuggets from Rich’s 45 years of experience. Amen!
Rich is about launch a new book, “Impact Driven Branding: 7 Step to Ensure YOUR Brand Impacts People’s Live’s and the World.”
First question I always start with is this. Other than that brief information I just shared, can you share with us in your own words, “Who is Rich Kozak?”
Most people think of their brand as their logo, the colors used in the website and promotions, etc. But building a brand actually goes deeper than that, correct? Can you share why that is a misconception that is simply another way of saying “marketing” and how that is not truly branding?
You share the four things that will help make a brand come alive. Can you share those four things with us?
- Keep the brand congruent with the heart of the founder.
- Always be consistent across your whole brand.
- Use unique language that transfers energy.
- Make sure the brand is recognizable.
You also share that the brand should create an umbrella effect that no one else will be able to compete with because it is uniquely tied to YOU…I’m talking here, of course about the person you’re helping… But how can we FIND that type of brand that defines only US and nobody else?
Do we need to be careful about NOT following the crowd? Is it a fallacy of “if everybody else is doing it – this must be what I need to do, too?”
What does it mean to “create an intangible brand promise?”
So, basically, and I’m just generalizing here… a “brand” is a perception of what other people think about you and / or the business?
Many of our listeners have businesses where they are trying to do God’s work in and through their business. When does branding become God’s work and not just our own?
I urge you to drop down into the show notes right now and click the links to get in touch with Rich. If anything, just to ask a question and get some clarity on how to develop your brand. I highly, highly recommend you hire his services if you are in a position where you need to develop your brand and take it to a higher level. Amen!
Rich’s LinkedIn:
Podcast: “The Impact Brand Doctor Podcast”
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