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EP 13 The Science Behind Becoming an Entrepreneur & the Role of Free Access to Knowledge for Innovation
Episode 1321st February 2023 • Innovation Metrics Podcast • Elijah Eilert
00:00:00 00:59:57

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Elijah Eilert is talking to Matt Clancy about what makes people become entrepreneurs and how the accessibility of information fosters innovation. The episode is guided by some of Matt's publications that he summarizes for us before discussing the findings further.

The first main topic of discussion is about the "idea" of being an entrepreneur and how entrepreneurship is contagious. The findings from various studies show that people are more likely to start a business if they have been around entrepreneurs or have entrepreneurial role models close to them. However, being around former entrepreneurs doesn't necessarily make it more likely to start a successful business. The second main topic is about the effect of access to knowledge on innovation. The discussion is based on three different papers that explore the relationship between knowledge access and innovation. The findings suggest that access to knowledge boosts innovation.




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