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A Guide to Gain Help From Spirit Guides to Manifest a Life Narc Free with Tammy Mastroberte
Episode 8314th March 2024 • Empath And the Narcissist: Spiritual Healing with Human Design from Narcissistic Abuse & PTSD • Raven Scott
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Have you ever found yourself second-guessing your every decision, doubting your intuition, and feeling unsure of your own perceptions?

If you're an empath who has experienced narcissistic abuse, these feelings are all too common. Narcissists excel at undermining your self-trust, leaving you feeling lost and disconnected from your inner guidance.

But fear not, for help is at hand. By tapping into the wisdom and support of your spirit guides, you can begin to rebuild your self-trust and reclaim your life and power back to manifest a life of your dreams.

Our guest today and I explored all the ways we can ask for the signs, talk to Spirit, and know the signs they are sending to us to know we are on the right path.

Tammy Mastroberte is a best-selling and award-winning author, spiritual teacher, and wellness expert. Her mission is to help people use the simple and practical tools that are right at their fingertips, to thrive in everyday life, and creative positive changes.

Tammy’s upcoming book, The Higher Help Method: Stop Trying to Manifest and Let the Universe Guide You (April 16 2024, Sounds True) is a powerful guide for creating the fulfilling life we all strive for. Preorder here now.

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A guide to gain guidance from spirit guides to manifest life narc free with Tammy Mastroberte



Raven Scott: Can I hit record? There, go.



Raven Scott: Okay. No guys gotta do it.



Raven Scott: Okay.



Raven Scott: can you still hear me? We're recording now. Yes, sounds good. So good to have you here, Tammy, it's so nice to meet you.



Tammy: Thank you so much. It's great to meet you as well.



Raven Scott: I'm excited. We're gonna be talking about how to manifest juicy things in our lives, and like, put



Raven Scott: the crappy stuff behind us. And you are an expert in that. So I'm I'm really excited to ask you some questions. I've I've have prepared for you. Yes.



Raven Scott: So I wanna ask you very, very first question before we get into like how you got into this work. I saw one of your videos on your Youtube channel. And it said, Why, feeling stuck is a good thing.



Raven Scott: Can you elaborate? I was like, I love that title we have to ask for that question.



Tammy: So I think most people that are stuck are miserable because they're stuck right. And I used to feel the same way. Because you're like, why are things not changing? I'm trying so many different things. Am I doing something wrong. It must be me or the universe doesn't like me, or whatever it is.



Tammy: And I have actually learned to shift my way of looking at being stuck, because I believe that life is just a continuation of getting stuck and figuring things out and moving forward, and then getting stuck and figuring things out and moving forward. And I feel like that because II feel like the universe, God, spirit, source, whatever you want to call it.



Tammy: your angels, your guides all encompassed into that. I believe that getting stuck is what pushes us to make the changes we need to make. Getting stuck is what leads to the growth. It's what leads to us



Tammy: getting into a better place, because if you were not stuck, if you were just happy and content, or just mulling through your life and like things are okay. And I'm not that you're not. Where is the motivation to do something different? Where is the motivation to change and to move forward. Right? So I almost feel like



Tammy: the universe is like, Okay, you're hitting this bump, because now it's time to reevaluate. Now it's time to grow. Now it's time to accelerate yourself and get yourself to that next level. Find that next partner find that next job, find that paycheck that's gonna pay you more. And if and



Tammy: it's, it's in that stuckness that you can get excited. Because if you're stuck, that means something amazing is waiting in the wings for you, and you can use this as an opportunity to create more and to create better and to create bigger.



Raven Scott: Hmm!



Raven Scott: And so true. And it is a cycle. and without, unfortunately, without pain and discomfort, as lazy humans will not shift or change. Yes, it's so funny, because I always say to people like think about when you got fired from a job right? And you realised thought it was the worst thing in the world. I got fired, or I got laid off. The company did a bunch of layoffs.



Tammy: But the way that I look at it that is, the universe was like you weren't doing it, man. You weren't making the change. You weren't. There's this amazing thing waiting for you. And I needed to get you out of there. So how many times, if you look back when something horrible has happened, and you can say, Well, oh, my gosh! But look at the next job that I got, and I got paid more money, and I met my future husband, or I met my best friend or I met. You know, whatever experience happened to me, and something good comes out of it.



And so I feel like



Tammy: the universe will send us these little pushes, these little nudges, these little I'm feeling stuck. I need more. I want more, and if we don't do anything about it, it will slap us, you know, with something like, Hey, you've been fired, or hey so and so is leaving this relationship or whatever. And it's like we look at it as this horrible thing. But it's really trying to help you.



Raven Scott: Yeah, I it's like, just recently I kinda experienced a bit was like.



Raven Scott: it's like a bag of rocks just smacking you against the head. With all these truth rocks. It's like. why, why do I have to wait so long? Or why does it have to take this much like pain for the awakening, for the truth to finally like



Raven Scott: shift. But every time it's been like I've leveled up after each bomb has gone off. Exactly. And that's why, like, I like to teach people to sort of look back at some of those things that brought you to your knees some of those things that at the time you deemed negative, or horrible, or horrific, or you know that everything seemed to be going wrong in your life, and then look at where it brought you.



Tammy: and if you can start seeing that in your life, in your own past, because I always say I can tell you a million stories about myself or about other people. But until you experience it, it just doesn't have the same impact. So if you can look back and see those instances in your own life.



Tammy: now, when something happens, that sort of knocks you off, or you know brings you to your knees, or seems unfair or upsets you in some way. You can say, wait a second. I've been here before, and it's always led me somewhere. Good, so I can't see it now. I don't understand it now, but I'm going to trust that there is meaning somewhere in this, and it's leading me somewhere.



Tammy: and that can help you cope in times when you are knocked down it. It shifts your mindset. So that maybe you're not going to spiral in the same way that you had in the past



Raven Scott: and have you experienced, obviously you've experienced this. But



Raven Scott: was there some type of knockdown that shifted you into this work and writing your first book, the universe is talking to you.



Tammy: Yes, yes. So for me, the biggest knockdown that I got was a that really shifted me, cause I grew up in a in the Catholic faith. I went to school through eighth grade Catholic school until I hit high school, and then I went public but I grew up in that faith, and then I kind of fell out of it a little bit. And then, when my mother passed away suddenly from a brain aneurysm 3 days after Christmas when I was 22 years old, and she was 53,



Tammy: and it was just there 1 min, said goodbye to her, left the house gone the next.



Tammy: It. It really kind of threw me into. And I always say, like, I always feel like it's like divorce or a death of someone, or, you know, a disease like getting a diagnosis in some way right? That kind of knocks us into like a spiritual path in some way. And so for me, her death sort of knocked me into like. Well.



Tammy: what do I believe in? And where did she go? And how does this work, and what happens after we got. You know, all those questions that you sort of have. That's what I think sparked my path of discovery. Looking back, there were breadcrumbs that the universe led



Tammy: to actually assist me after her death that I didn't realize until after that, which is why I always say it's helpful to look back.



Tammy: But it was really her death. And then all of these signs that we kept getting to go to this medium, which back then this was, let me say, my gosh! 24 years ago. So this was before, like mediums were mainstream and on TV. And it was like, you can become one too. And we all have this ability. Nobody knew that right? So we just knew about this one medium named George Anderson. And we actually knew about



Tammy: him again, because 6 months before my mother died, a friend of my sisters brought one of his books to our house, and we literally had a whole discussion about it with my mother, and then, after she died, he just started showing up everywhere like lifetime did a special on him, and I think Primetime did something where they hooked him up to a machine to see what his brainwaves were like when he was doing a read just all this stuff. And then we heard him on the radio, and then he showed up






Tammy: in our in II we're from New Jersey. So he showed up in New Jersey, and like finally, my sister was like, mommy wants us to book with this guy, and I'm a skeptical Virgo. So I was kind of like, I don't know. But eventually we did book it, and it took 10 months to get the reading, and everything was done



Tammy: via mail right. There was no online paypal. All kind of stuff didn't exist. And so it took 10 months, and we went, and that 1 h session with him that I still have the tape recording of was completely rocked me and open like just I always say it opened a door that I could never close again, because now it's like you see things in a whole different way right? And that, I think, was the catalyst for me to just become a sponge like I just thought



Tammy: I need to know more, and I need to understand more. And and it just kind of opened it all up for me.



Raven Scott: Oh, my gosh! So many signs over and over.



Tammy: Yes.



Tammy: I'm so sorry that you lost her at such a young age and so suddenly. Yes, yes, but honestly, even that, looking back.



Raven Scott: I know there is a reason for that right? Because it pushed me into doing the work that I'm doing now. I had no idea at the time we never really know at the time where it's leading us. But looking back, I feel like it was supposed to happen to bring me to doing what I'm doing now that maybe I would not have done had that not happened.



Raven Scott: Yeah.



Raven Scott: I'm sure you would not have, because there would be no reason why exactly. It would be maybe a little bit different, but not like specifically emphasizing on spirit guides and and asking them to call in and help you. Yeah, because she's here. You don't need help from the other side. Correct? Yes. Oh, my gosh!



Raven Scott: Well.



Raven Scott: so then



Raven Scott: I guess you would call that. That's your spiritual awakening, and your sister kind of prompted you guys to do all that. So was it fairly quick. I've heard that some spiritual awakenings can take up to 5 years, maybe longer, or did that kind of like catapult it into a quicker spiritual awakening for you.



Tammy: I definitely think it catapulted it, because at the time I was well, I was 22 when she died, and most of my friends at that time were just, you know, going out and partying, and not that I wasn't partaking in as well in my twenties, but I just seem to be set off on this path earlier than I think most people, and so it was hard for me to find people my age that were interested in it, or



Tammy: understood it, or even cared about it. Now that I'm in my 40 s. It's very easy, because everybody you know, all of my friends have caught up, and everybody is very open and more into it now, and I think even just not even my age, but just the evolution of time has kind of opened more and more people up. But I think that's definitely it catapulted me into it, and I think it just opened me up to this thirst, for I've always had the thirst for understanding. I've always questioned everything I still do.



Tammy: and drives my husband insane, but I do, and so I think we can't help. I tell him that all the time like, please just bear with me. It has nothing to do with you. It's me. I question doctors. He won't even let me go to a doctor with him. He's like you're I can't.



Tammy: So. But that's just who I am right. And so I think it led me on this search, and I think it's just accelerated since then. And



Tammy: now I'm like 20 something years into it, and I think I'm further along in my forties now than I would have been had I not started in my twenties. So II really think there was. Don't get me wrong. I've been learning and growing continually. I don't think it was like. All of a sudden I was awakened, but I think each little thing led me to the next step, led me to the next step, and I just have kept following where I was being led.



Raven Scott: Yeah, it leads you to a mission. Yeah, like, you have the dark night. You have this bright. the bright kind of



Raven Scott: feeling of peace after the dark night. And then, yeah, you you focus in on your mission. So what were you majoring in college? And something before this happened? And they completely shifted.



Tammy: Yeah, well, interestingly enough, and I do believe the universe sets us up for exactly what we're going to do. I was majoring in English writing.



Raven Scott: so there was, and I specifically went to the college that I went to in New Jersey because they had a you could either major in English lit, or a track of English writing, and not every class actu, every school had a writing path, and this had a writing path. I had no idea what I wanted to do with that path.



Tammy: I just knew that I was good at it, that it came easily to me that teachers told me that it was something that was I was particularly good with, so I just knew I wanted to do something with it. I don't know if I wanted to go into publishing and or magazines, or I had no idea but that's what I went to school with. And then actually my senior year of high School High School, my senior year of college. I wound up getting a job at a magazine part time as an editorial assistant



Tammy: that brought me into the magazine world. And that's where I lived for a long time, even starting my own magazine at 1 point, which was a spiritual magazine. I don't publish it anymore, because I moved into other stuff. But again, not knowing I was ever going to write a book just thinking I wanted to work in the writing world.



Tammy: and it just set me up to eventually start my own magazine and starting that magazine, put me out there in the world. And then that led eventually led me to start teaching things and eventually led to the book. And now the second book.



Tammy: And aren't these books like babies? They're just like such a problem. Yes, they really are. They're so. And and it's funny, because in the publishing world everything I always say everything takes forever cause. I was writing the book at this time last year. And now it's finally, you know, this. My new book is finally coming out, and so it's it takes forever. But it's such a it's so exciting. II can't even begin to explain, because you you put so much work into it, and you put so much of your heart into it, and you and



Tammy: I am a Virgo. So I like to just make it so that everybody can take it, and and, you know, have a magical experience from reading it, and so it's just so exciting to see it go out there and then to get the feedback from people like I think I don't even think at the time how how much it's going to affect people until I hear back from them. And they're like, Oh, my! Gosh! Your book blah blah blah! And I'm just like, Wow, like, you know, it's amazing that I was able to put this out there. And it really is, it's like a birthing process. You're right.



Tammy: Yes, and then a nurturing growth process, too. Yes, 100. I have learned so much and grown so much as a person just through the publishing process. And and you know, clearing my own fears and all of that, it's just it's teaching me. And then I always find like when I learn. Now I know what I need to. Now turn around and teach other people.



Raven Scott: Yeah.



Raven Scott: So then, do you think



Raven Scott: you know you said that. Yes, like you would not have gone into this work. So you're grateful for the unfortunate circumstance that your mother did pass unexpectedly.



Raven Scott: I know some empaths still here, dealing with



Raven Scott: being maybe fallen prey to a narcissist or experiencing abuse like it doesn't really feel good to say to them like, oh, well, everything happens for a reason like how would you answer that? And do you think that that particular instance would happen for a reason?



Tammy: II honestly believe



Tammy: in my experience and in what I, when I teach other people what I hear back from them, there is always a reason for everything. We cannot always understand that reason when we are going through it.



Tammy: but often it is in the looking back that we can understand. So when you are in the midst of something. It is very hard to see the meaning and what you're supposed to learn from it, because you're in the midst of it, and emotions are high. And as an empath, you're feeling your own emotions, you're feeling everybody else's emotions. You're feeling the global world's emotions right? And so it's like, it's extremely hard to see anything clearly when you are emotionally involved.



Tammy: I will say that there there is always a reason. So I know people who were empaths, and were involved with narcissists, and they will say.



Tammy: Well, I got my son, or my daughter, or my whatever out of it, and so that that is my reason. They've also learned so much about themselves. They have grown, they've learned to use their voice. They've learned to stand in their power. They've learned to love themselves. They've learned to be able to take back control and not be affected. They've learned to deal with their own ability to be an empath, but not get sucked into things.



Tammy: So I just feel like, even even if if we're talking about a parent-child relationship, because I know a lot of children are involved with with parents like that.



Tammy: I just feel personally



Tammy: in that. Even that child is learning, and there is. There is a reason for that experience, and I believe, even going back, that we kind of choose before we incarnate into this body, we sort of choose what we're who our parents are gonna be and what we're gonna be what we're gonna experience. Because maybe there are certain lessons we are gonna learn. And maybe even your role is teaching that parent in some way without you even realising it. You feel like you're suffering, but you're also teaching that parent or giving them an experience to learn in some way.



Tammy: So again, when you're in it, it's very hard to hear, but I find it's actually extremely empowering



Tammy: when you can turn it from I am a victim to. I am going to take this experience, and I am going to say you know what it happened for a reason I'm going to learn from it. I'm going to move on from it, and maybe I can even help other people with it, or do something with it to come from that empowering place. So again, hard to hard to hear. But



Tammy: look at it as more empowering. If you can start viewing it that way, because when you are empowering yourself. You're much more open to being able to grow and to learn and to move to a better place.



Raven Scott: I love that you. You brought in the juicy bit I was hoping you would. It was like, well, you know, your soul probably picked, you know your parents and incarnated in this, because that perspective.



Raven Scott: Div.



Raven Scott: Honestly helped me



Raven Scott: remove a lot of the anger and the upsetness at the stage that was set for me to fall into whatever situation it was situation I was in, you know, with my ex. And then I wouldn't have a book. I wouldn't have this podcast and of course. I would not have my children in my in a relationship that I have



Raven Scott: exactly because the timing literally worked out perfectly.



Raven Scott: and all the times that I tried to leave and I couldn't. I'm not a failure. That was just part of the stage that was set up for the timing for it to work out to meet up with my current partner



Tammy: correct because most most empaths I think that I have spoken with in the past that are in that type of situation. They have tried to leave many times in the past, or they've tried to get away. And then all of a sudden they realize.



Tammy: well, then, I had my child, or then I had. And it was like, Okay, well, so you were. You were probably contracted to do that, and you really couldn't break away until you did that, and then you did that. And now you were like, oh, you know, you're able to see things more clearly. So do I recommend staying in any type of an abusive relationship. No, and I don't think the universe wants you to either. However, if we are trying to find that reason, and we are looking for that



Tammy: situation. Looking at that, you can understand



Tammy: how much you've learned and how much you actually did get from it. And then, when you're able to get out of it, you can spend that time healing from it and growing from it, and never getting into that situation again, because you've learned that lesson exactly. Yeah, exactly. Love that.



Raven Scott: And so speaking of the karmic path. how do we? There's a lot of



Raven Scott: questions I get. It's like. How do I know? How do I trust myself and I? That's why I'd love to dive in with you now about like spirit guides and the universe speaking to us like, how do we know it's the universe? How do we not know? It's just like serendipity, or just random by chance, like.



Tammy: tell us more about right? So I



Tammy: I believe the universe doesn't make mistakes, and I believe that it's always guiding us, and I believe that it's always trying to help us, and so we may miss



Tammy: some of that guidance, and we may miss some of those signs, or we may even question some of that guidance or some of those signs. But what I have found is, the universe will never give up on us.



Raven Scott: So



Tammy: oftentimes, when it's trying to get through to us. In some way it will repeat



Tammy: things over and over. It will repeat patterns. It will repeat the name of a book, the name of A, podcast. The name of a doctor? It will. You'll continue to hear themes over and over again. And why do I keep not just the algorithm?



Tammy: Well, it depends on where you're hearing it from. If you're in the grocery store and you overhear something that's not the algorithm right? And that's and and what I find, is especially when we stop and ask the universe for help or support. Right? The universe is always communicating with us through ideas that pop into our mind that we think we're brilliant



to you know, through specific signs or synchronistic experiences, or synchronistic meetings or opportunities that come out of nowhere or overhearing the conversation, or a person that comes in out of nowhere, and seems to have the exact answer that you need, and you can't believe it was that easy.



Tammy: So it's always sort of trying to guide us. And and even if we like so many people, I think, are afraid to take action because they're afraid of what's on the other side of that. They're afraid of



Tammy: the uncertainty of it, or the fear of doing something. And then what if I do the wrong thing. And so what what I say to that is, you really can't mess it up because the universe is like the GPS in your car on your phone now. And it's constantly will reroute you. So if you go the wrong way, it'll throw up a roadblock and it'll turn you into it in in, you know, in another direction. And so I just feel the universe is always speaking to us in some way. However.



Tammy: when we actually ask for the help when we ask for the strength, for the clarity, for the healing of our heart, for the ability to use our voice and speak the things we need to speak for, for the protection of our own energy as an empath. When we ask for that help, the universe will. And when I say universe, I mean your angels, your guides, all of the higher helpers, goddesses! I still call in saints from the Catholic faith. Right? They're all sort of on the other side, we're all connected.



Tammy: And so when you ask for that help, the the the universe immediately starts to put the wheels in motion. It immediately starts to line up those people, line up those opportunities. Throw that book in your face over and over again. Give you that sign. Give you that idea where you get to a point where you're like, oh.



Tammy: I keep hearing about something, or, Oh, my gosh! You know I always say to people when you say, like the weirdest thing happened to me, or the strangest thing you know. I was just looking for this, and I overheard so and so in the Starbucks, and I can't believe that this and you start sort of seeing these things come together. We think it's chance. We think it's luck. We think it's a coincidence! That's a big word everybody uses.



Tammy: There are no coincidences, especially when you ask for the help things start lining up to make it easier for you. And if you question something coming in like, I'm not really sure if this is the way that I should go, you just simply ask, you know what I'm getting? I feel like this could be a sign. Can you do something to reinforce it? Can you send me another sign. Can you do something else



Tammy: to make me know that this is truly the way that I need to go? But it's all about asking and then opening, like the first book the universe is talking to is all about opening up and understanding and receiving those signs. The second book, the Higher Help Method, is all about actually the other side of the communication, and how to ask for help and sort of utilize the energy around you.



Raven Scott: to move your life forward and to stop trying to do it on your own, because we were never meant to do anything on our own. I don't know if that answered your question because I feel like I went in 12 direction. I love it. There's so much there to unpack. And I like, I wanna talk about all the different spirit guys which we will. But what I was thinking was



Raven Scott: this experience you had the recording from the medium like, were there specific things that you remember that really impacted your belief system and perspective on like, you know what I absolutely know, 100%. The universe doesn't make mistakes. And these are not coincidences from the reading.



Raven Scott: from like what maybe what your mother said to you.



Tammy: There were a couple of things, I think one of the things she said to me, and she must have said it 3 or 4 times, probably knowing that we needed to hear it 3 or 4 times was.



Tammy: I know you missed me. I know you want me back. If I wasn't supposed to be here I wouldn't be here if I wasn't supposed. I know you physically missed me, but I have not left you. I'm closer to you than you can imagine, but if I wasn't supposed to be here I wouldn't be here. And she said that over and over again. And I was like.



Tammy: Okay, okay, so there's so then she's supposed to be there. So then this wasn't a this wasn't an accident. This wasn't a horrible thing, that her life was disrupted and our lives were disrupted. So that was one thing and the other thing that she said, that I actually put in in the universe is talking to. I think I ended it with it because it was such amazing advice. And and to think that my mother spent the time during this medium ship reading, and again she probably knew I would use it. Someday I didn't, you know, back when I was 23, or whatever. But



Tammy: she said



Tammy: the way she explained, it was once once she passed there was like spirit guys that she met. Then there was some type of a life review that they brought her through, and in that Life Review. They ask you some questions sometimes, and one of the questions they asked her was, Why did you



Tammy: not accept the joys in life that came to you?



Tammy: We're so quick as human beings to accept the bad to accept the negative.



but we don't



Tammy: truly accept some of the joys because we're just waiting for the other shoe to drop. We're waiting, you know, we a joy happens, and then we're like, Oh, what's coming next? Right? Because we just sort of get conditioned that way. And she said.



Tammy: if a joy. The well, the higher guide said to her, If joy comes to you, accept it, because if it comes to you, you deserve it, and you should accept it, and you should celebrate it. And I remember her saying that and it and it kind of stuck with me because I felt like



Tammy: Number one, she was saying, like, I wouldn't be here if I wasn't supposed to be here. So there's there's stuff going on that you don't understand, but it's it's going on for a reason. And then that accepting the joy thing, I think was just this amazing thing of her saying like, if good things are happening to you. They're supposed to be happening as well. Right? So accept it. Stop rejecting it. Stop moving on to the next thing and not celebrating it. Stop interrupting the joy for fear that something



bad is coming behind it. And I think so many people live that way. And so those, I think those 2 things stuck out with me, and I think they they led me to this like, Okay, everything truly does happen for a reason. And



Tammy: as I went forward. I started learning more about because I used to get signs from my mother all the time. But then I started really realizing



Tammy: the whole universe is is helping us and our guides, and our and and all of these, what I call higher helpers are available to us to guide us. And I started noticing synchronistic experiences happening, and things that seem to be like set up. And how could this? This is so crazy! How could this have happened like this? You know there must be a higher hand in that. So I think



Raven Scott: things that she said in that opens me up to start exploring more if that makes sense. Hmm, yes, it does, and I think what she said is exceptional advice for so many of us who are



Raven Scott: open hearted, who are constantly introspecting, because that's what we do, and then we're conditioned by the nurses is to be like, oh, we're not good enough, for I'm not pretty enough, or I don't deserve that, you know, always constantly rejecting the joys and and the accomplishments versus celebrating who you are? I love that



Tammy: yes, 100%.



Raven Scott: So ha! Like, do you know how many spirit guides there are? What different types? What does that mean? Like, what are the way that I look at it is we all have individual guides, that we, that we may know may not know, that are helping us in different areas of our lives. So we all sort of have individual guides that might be helping us with relationships. They might be helping us with business. I know many entrepreneurial friends who believe they have marketing guides right? They're just helping them with marketing. So



Tammy: so we have individuals. But outside of the individual guides. What I believe is that we have access to all of these what I call higher helpers, so different archangels that specialize in different areas different gods or goddesses from you know whether that be the Hindu religion or Greek, or, you know all these different sort of gods and goddesses that are available to us ascended masters that are available to us.



Tammy: And a, and also like I said, I always go back to my Catholic faith, and there are particular saints that I grew up with. saying, Oh, if you're if you're struggling with XY. And Z. You call in this guy like, if we lost something we would call in Saint Anthony because he would help us find it. If we wanted to sell our house, we would call in St. Joseph because he's a sane of helping, you know, helping house buyers and sellers. So I kind of grew up with that. And so



Tammy: there are these hire helpers that are available to all of us, whether whether there are individual guides or not. So I feel like there's our individual guides. And then there's these higher helpers that we all have access to that specialize in different areas that we can call on to assist us with anything in everything, whether it's something as small as I would like a parking space



close to the door, because it's raining, and I have to go to the grocery store, or I am trying to heal myself in some way, or I am trying to protect my energy because I am an empath right? So



Tammy: they are literally available for everything. And what I tried to do was was help people to know who they are, cause. The question I get from people all the time is, well, what if I don't know who specializes in XY. And Z. And I always say they know who they are, so you can just call on them collectively and say, anybody that specializes in XY. And Z. Can you help me. But but in the higher help method I put together those lists



Tammy: for people that they can call on specifically so that they can kind of harness, that energy and harness those specialized helpers in the area that they need most. Right? Like, if you needed your car fixed, you wouldn't go to the plumber. You would go to the car mechanic. That's sort of how I how I look at it. And so that's like the 2, the 2



Tammy: you know individual guides and and just all hire helpers. That's how I look at it.



Raven Scott: And do you need to say it out loud like I've heard that if you call an angel, or something that you need to say it out loud versus in your head.



Tammy: No, you don't have to say it out loud. They can hear you. I mean, they can hear you talking. Yeah, I mean my my mother, when I'll give you an example. When I went to George Anderson, she said things that I had never voiced out loud that I only thought in my head, and she like was talking about them. And I was like, wow! She really can hear the things that I'm thinking. So, even if you wanna talk to a loved one that has passed, you do not have to do it out loud. They



Raven Scott: can hear what you're saying and know what you're thinking? 100. So our personal guys are they like soul family? Are they also like past loved ones from this life.



Tammy: It could be any, any of the above. So it can be part of your soul family. It can be someone that you've never met in this life or another life, that that you have no idea who they are, and they're just assigned to you to guide you through something specific. It could be, you know, it could be any. It could be any of the above. You don't have to, for individual guides. You don't have to know all of them. I do teach people to like, meet and and know what their name



are, and things like that, and a lot of teachers do that. But if you don't know who they are, you can just call what I call calling in the collective. So the collective knows who they are. So I always say I'm calling in my angels, my guides, my loved ones who have passed on, and all those in my soul society, and that to me encompasses everybody and anybody.



Tammy: And then, after I call that in, and I tell them what I want help with.



Tammy: I then will say, and also I'd like, and I'll and I'll list some of the specialty people to say, can you help me with this specific thing? Can you help me with this specific thing? And



Tammy: it sounds simple. But when you ask



Tammy: immediately things start working for you immediately and often I have found people who try the method, the higher health method, they'll say, like, I can't believe it worked that quickly, or I can't believe the



Tammy: the way I started moving forward right? We don't instantaneously get everything we want when we ask for help, but asking for help, ignites the process that takes you down the road that is going to get you there, and not only will it get you what you want, but oftentimes, if you let it take, if you let them lead you, it will get you to something even better.



Raven Scott: Hmm! So powerful. And that is kind of how you can manifest



Raven Scott: positive change is by calling in the higher help correct? Yes, yes. W. The way that I say is, first get clear on what it is that you actually want.



Tammy: And always open. Leave that open ended. So I would like this or something better. And then you want to call in your hire helpers to assist you in this process, and when you call them in so, for people who who say, you know I don't get signs, or how do I know what a sign is, or I'm not really sure



Tammy: what I add into that calling them in, and I like to call them in every day.



Tammy: Every day I start my morning with it, and I like to call them in and say, I sort of end my prayer with please help me notice and understand the signs when they arrive. Please help me to notice and understand the signs when they arrive, and help me to take action on them. So adding that little line in not, are you asking for them, for them to help you with the situation, but



Tammy: you want them to help you notice those signs so that you can do your part in this equation because it is a it is a Co creation. You can do your part in acting on those signs, and then they can continue to guide you forward. So that's sort of the the piece that I that I always say is is makes a big. It's a little line, but it makes a big difference in the results that you get, because you do want help noticing those signs make them obvious for me.



Raven Scott: Yes. and then I've also heard. I don't know if it's some TV show or movie, or I don't know some book. I have no idea where I got this information from, so please clarify if I'm totally wrong. but



Raven Scott: to specify like.



Raven Scott: if this is correct, you know, send me a blue bird, or something random like that. Is that legit? Or is that too specific?



Tammy: No, you definitely can ask for a specific sign. I do this with, I tell people to do this with loved ones all the time, especially if they, if someone has passed on and they want to hear from them. I give. I have a book, an exercise in my universe. The universe is talking to you. Book called Assign a sign, and part of that



Tammy: is actually giving them assigned to use and asking them to use it within the next, like 3 days or so. And helping you recognize it. So you can do that. Whether it's a loved one, you can do that, whether in the higher health method, I call it a sign of reassurance. So so many of us are worried. We're doing the wrong thing, and we just want the reassurance that we are on the right path, that we're headed in the right direction, that we are not alone, and that yes, you've heard my prayers, and you're on it.



Tammy: and so we can ask for a sign of reassurance, so you can say, Send me a red rose, or send me. I've had people use animals. I've had people use songs on the radio. I've had people use so many different things, and when they ask for it, and they get specific about it, and they just let it go.



Tammy: They are shocked at at how it comes in, and and when it comes in. I always tell people don't be. Don't be so literal that like, if you ask for a red rose, you don't need to see a red rose actually growing out of the ground. Right? You can see a picture of a red rose. You can see wallpaper in a bathroom that you go into that has red roses on it. You could sit down at a dinner and open a menu, and it has a red rose on it, so



Tammy: sort of be open to how it comes through, but to me especially that reassurance I think that we all need when we are trying to make a change in our life, and we feel like it's not happening fast enough. And then we start questioning it and questioning ourselves. That sign of reassurance



Tammy: is like, it's like hitting a reset button on your, on your vibration and your and your feelings. And you're like, Oh, okay, no, I'm I am good. Alright. I can wait a little longer.



Raven Scott: Hold on 1 s. I'm going to edit part part of this part. I'm gonna get my dog down because, she interrupted you earlier.



Raven Scott: Oh, no. Did you get my dog? No, I didn't. Okay. Good. Alright. My microphone is really good. Then, okay, hold on.



Tammy: Okay. Good.



Raven Scott: I didn't think she'd bark because it's raining outside. There's no one outside. But apparently there's some brave soul outside. Oh, jeez okay, she hasn't. Does she move him



Raven Scott: alright.



Raven Scott: you little one. Okay. So



Raven Scott: that I love that. I love that so much. So my other question as you are going through all of that is. is it selfish to ask for whatever manifestation we desire



Tammy: from from the spirit guides like. Is it selfish? No, no, because here here's here's the what I believe.



Tammy: I believe, and II really have like a knowing of this cause. I've seen it in my own life. We came into this life knowing we had all of this help available? Right? Otherwise, why in the world would we subject ourselves to all of the insanity? Right like? So I feel like we knew we had this help available, and these archangels ascended masters whomever



Tammy: and and I even go outside of the norm like, if you're having a problem with your iphone, why are you not asking Steve Jobs to help you right like, because he's there and he can. You know, he can assist right? So I just kind of feel like.



Tammy: They they are there waiting for us to ask. That is what their that is what their roles are. That is what their jobs are, and they are here to make our lives easier, to make it flow to. They know that we are in a dense, you know, physical world that is not the other side's high vibration right? And so we need the assistance, and we need the help, and that is what they're there for. So you cannot call on them too much. You cannot



Tammy: ask for too much. Everything that II always ask for. I always say, obviously, if it is in my highest good or the highest good of other people involved, and this or something better. So this, or something beyond anything that I can even possibly think of with my own conscious brain in this human body, because you, the universe, knows way more than us. Right? So I would like this or something better. And then I let go of it



Tammy: right? Because if you're grabbing onto it, if you're holding on and you have a vice grip on it. Number one, yeah, number one. You're gonna block. You're gonna block it and number 2. You're not gonna be open to



Tammy: the signs that might be pointing you to something better. Right? If you feel like I just want XY, and Z, and I want it in this way, and I want it at this time, and I want it to be look like this.



Tammy: And then something is directing you to something that maybe is a little different but amazing. You're gonna completely be like, it doesn't look like this. And it's not exactly this. And so that's where that letting go, and that this or something better comes in



Tammy: to play. And and also, when you're getting clear on what it is you want. I always tell people focus on what you want, why you want it and how it's gonna make you feel. Don't ever focus on where it's gonna happen when it's gonna happen, and never figure out how it's going to happen, or you are going to limit yourself, that is all on the universe. You just literally put your order in. You manage your vibration, which is shifting your energy.



That's the third step of the higher health method. You work on your energy and keeping your vibration up so you can notice those signs and you let it go. And you let the universe do its work? I promise you it's working. If you don't believe it, you ask for that sign of reassurance.



Raven Scott: Hmm! Let it go. Yes, that's probably it.



Raven Scott: I love that. Put your order in. That is correct.



Raven Scott: And then, as I was, I was visualizing as you were talking, it's very much an energetic step of faith every day. We don't know. We can't control



Raven Scott: what's going to be. And I wonder if



Raven Scott: social media doesn't help us with that like I was just seeing something one of Amy Porterfield's ads. And it's amazing she's amazing.



Raven Scott: but I know quite a few people who have like subscribed to her programs, and they're not as rich as she is. So it's like we always think, oh, well, I can be rich like that, and none of us, my thing. but we all individually have our own unique path.



Raven Scott: so like the met, like, the methods, are good, but as long as it continues to be on our own unique path versus like, Oh, I can just be the next Amy Porter. Field, like that's like a false narrative. I feel like keeps us stuck.



Tammy: Yes, no, it definitely does. Looking. Yeah. Looking at other people, comparing yourself to other people. What I what I another way that I flip, that is, if you see somebody that's doing something that you want, or that has something that you want, and it comes across your path that is assigned from the universe that you're capable of. That is a sign from the universe that it came into your consciousness because you can do that, or something better for you. Right? So



Tammy: you can learn from other people. You can certainly learn, you know, in a business, you need to learn marketing techniques. You need to learn different things, and how and what works and what doesn't work, especially in this online world. Right? However.



Tammy: you have to do it in a way that is you.



Tammy: You still have to do that in an authentic way that makes you feel good, and the way you would call and hire helpers, for that is, you would say I would like to achieve XY, and Z, or something better. Please guide me to the right people to the right programs. Send me the ideas. Send me the specific things. I actually in the book, the hire help method. I talk about me wanting to rebrand my business



Tammy: and trying on my own over and over again, and never really sort of nailing what it was that I was trying to W. What it was I actually taught right in a way that people could understand in that brand.



Tammy: and



Tammy: I got frustrated, and I created a prayer for myself, and I started calling in specific hire helpers, and within a couple of weeks I was directed to look at somebody. No, I'm sorry I got an email from somebody that I hadn't opened their email in like a year. And it was a copywriting person. And I opened the email and I read her thing. And I was like, No, I don't want her program, but she's interesting. So I'm gonna follow her on Instagram. So I followed her on Instagram.



Tammy: and within a couple of days she posts on Instagram, how she's working with this woman to rebrand her business.



Tammy: And I thought, Oh, my gosh! So I then started following this other woman, and I thought, this is. And so I wound up working with her. So that's how that's what that's how it works. Right? So you ask for the help.



Tammy: And you say, guide me, show me, give me the ideas. Send me the signs. Something made me open that email from that woman that I hadn't opened an email from a year, not because I was gonna work with her at all, but because the universe knew in a couple of days she was gonna post on her Instagram story that I was gonna see within the 24 h before it expired, that she's working with this woman. When I wound up working with this woman, and I questioned it at first, cause I thought, well, I have a spiritual business, and it's sort of unique and blah blah blah! This woman wound up.



She used to do writing for the pur, the publisher that's publishing my book.



Tammy: and when I did, the one on one with, like the the intro with her, and she told me that I knew I was in the right place. That was my sign, right? So that is how it works is like, you ask for the help, and then the universe will guide you on the perfect path for you.



Raven Scott: Hmm.



Raven Scott: I love that personal exercise. Yeah, cause there's so many things just like we kind of doubt yourself like, Oh, I'm not sure. And this and that. So yes, there is no coincidences, only synchronicities. Correct? Yes, and those are all signs to help, you know. Yes, you're on the right path.



Tammy: and all of this can apply to all of the whatever tools that you need to find, and however you need to heal yourself on the path from narcissistic abuse as well 100. Yes, there are higher helpers that can help you on your healing path.



Tammy: Again. It's sort of getting clarity on on. Okay. What is it that I want help with? So I maybe you're out of the relationship now, and you want help being able to move forward, being able to heal, being able to get into another relationship. That is healthier. Right? So you would ask for those, you know, hire helpers to help you with that specific thing. Maybe you're trying to get out. And and you're looking for strength. And you're looking for the clarity that you need to be



Tammy: able to see what is going on so that you can get out. So it's it's really sort of looking at. What is my, what is my immediate thing that I would like help with? And and what will it look like? And why do I want this? And how will I feel when I get it?



Tammy: And then



Tammy: it's sort of asking the hire helpers to help you get there, or some some somewhere better, and as soon as you start asking the book that will help you heal the the you will wind up in in at a dinner party where you don't even know, and you're now you're sitting next to somebody else who also dated a narcissist and got out of it, and it was like, Here's what helped me like. The universe will put you in the situations to guide and assist you.



You just have to start by asking it.



Tammy: and then allowing it to guide you, and then you'll start going. I can't believe I went to this party, and I sat next to this woman I didn't know, and she helped me like, how did that happen? Well, it happened because you asked for the help, and the universe took all the puzzle pieces of your life and this person's life, and put them together so that you could get the assistance you need.



Tammy: My whole thing is stop trying to do it on your own. Stop trying to heal on your own. Stop trying to relieve relationships on your own. Stop trying to create more money on your own. Stop trying to grow your business, parent, your children, whatever it might be, stop trying to do it on your own, because when you are an especially in this situation. When you are an empath, and you are dealing with a narcissist.



Tammy: There is such an energy that is so



Tammy: toxic, and it is so difficult, and it is so draining on the empath that you have to get. You have to ask for that help so that you can either get out or move on, and this method makes it easier for you to whatever it is you're trying to do wherever you are on that path.



Tammy: This can only help you.



Raven Scott: Yeah. I always like in like.



Raven Scott: unfortunately, being an abusive relationship is the catalyst to most people that I've spoken to their spiritual awakening. Yes, absolutely such a dark energy you're dealing with.



Tammy: Yes, and it's like you get to a point where you're just like I need help. I can't do this. I can't do it on my own. Who am I? Gonna ask for help? I'm I'm just gonna look up. You know what I mean. I'm just gonna look up and say, listen, I know you're around me, and and if you're in a place where it is that dark and you are that stuck.



Ask for assign just from your collective right, ask for assign. Just say, listen. II heard this woman Tammy, and she says that I have angels and guides, and and all of these hire helpers around me. I just need assign to know that I'm not alone.



and that that reassurance, that sign that you are not alone



Tammy: can open you up to now start asking for more help and start believing that that help is going to come. And now, all of a sudden you're able to speak up all of a sudden. You're able to. You know. Change the way you're looking at something. There's there's an arc angel named Archangel Joe File, that I always tell people to call in for mindset, because that archangel she's the angel of beauty, and she can help you



Tammy: shift from a negative to a positive mindset. So if you are in a place where you're like, you know, and you don't know what to do. Start with her and say, Please help me shift my mindset from negative to positive, so that I can see more clearly, so I can see a way out, so I can see possibilities and start there and start for a sign to let you know you're not alone, and that that can be



Tammy: a huge piece that can help you start shifting and moving forward.



Raven Scott: Hmm!



Raven Scott: So perfect.



Raven Scott: And you actually have something free that people can grab that has the prayer and the other 2 steps. Yes, yes, yes, yes. So if they go to Tammi, which is my website right at the top of the page. You can get my 3 top tools for that higher communication and you will get my assign assign exercise the exact verbiage so that you can assign assign, whether it be for reassurance to a loved one, whomever to to let, to know you're not alone.



Tammy: You also get what I call my morning prayer, which I start my day with, and you know you're gonna call in Argange, Michael, for protection, to protect your energy as an empath, and I always say, please keep me from taking on any energy that doesn't belong to me.



Tammy: So starting there and then, there's always a section in there that allows you to pull in those specialized helpers. Whatever it is you might be looking for help with whether it's emotional, healing, physical healing, healing your heart protection, whatever it might be.



Tammy: So you'll get that in there as well, and then you also get a kind of like a diary almost where you can plug in some of those start following some of those signs and those synchronicities to start opening up. It's called Replay your day. And that is from my first book to start helping you to notice and track



Tammy: some of those signs and those synchronicities so that you can start training your brain to look for more of them. And eventually, when you start getting fluent in the language of the universe, it becomes a daily thing where you just kind of are asking for help, and you're getting your signs, and you're getting your communication, or you know you're getting that sign of reassurance, or whatever it might be, and it really just becomes magical, because you think



Tammy: I can't believe this was available to me all this time, and that I had this power within me to be able to to do these things, that I've been doing it alone for so long, like, what was I thinking? So those 3 things. Can 100 for free start you off doing some of it if you just if you do nothing else but start with that morning prayer. I promise you you're gonna see a difference.



Raven Scott: Hmm! Perfect



last question before we close out, and you share with us about your book and where to get. It



Raven Scott: is the most common angel they call them like angel number signs is 1111.



Raven Scott: Yes, tell us just about that, since I always see it, and my daughter now wishes upon it, too. She's so cute. She's like my friend. We saw 1111.



Tammy: Yes. Well, all I find. I believe, that all angel numbers are any kind of number pattern that you see repeating over and over is some type of a message, whether it be 1111, 1, 1, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3, 12, 3, 1, 2, 3, 4 people say, or whatever pattern. When you're seeing that particular one over and over again. I always encourage people to just go and look up.



What is the metaphysical meaning behind the angel number? Right? Because they all have different ones.



Tammy: 1111, or any type of angel number that is repeated number. I always feel like Number One. They want you to know that you're there around you, and they're trying to grab your attention in this moment. But for me, the way that I look at 1111 is, it's almost like the universe. And your angels are saying, like you're manifesting right now you're think about what you're thinking and what you're saying to yourself, because manifestation is happening around you. And so it's sort of trying to



tell you like



Tammy: things are happening faster than you think. The manifesting is happening faster than you think. Pay attention to your thoughts. What are you asking for? And and most of us are talking to the universe subconsciously, because we're not conscious about it. Right? So the higher Help method is all about getting conscious about it. And so what that 1111 says to me is like.



Tammy: it's wake up and pay attention to what you're saying. And what are you asking for? And what are you focused on? Because manifestation is happening and we're around you trying to help you. That's sort of how I interpret that. But each number sort of has its own meaning and its own message for you, and that is one of the ways that the universe will talk to you is through numbers.



Raven Scott: I love that



Raven Scott: new things are always coming around the bend is what I see and yes, I do feel supported when I see that number. And I think there's something about the feeling like



Raven Scott: it's not just like, Oh, yeah, it's correct on the clock 2 times a day like. That's not what I feel. I feel like super supported. And I feel like like this, like I'm watching you kind of like we're here. Oh, 100. There's a reason that you looked at the clock at that exact time, right? Just like there was a reason I open that email or whatever it might be, is like, we are so guided, and we just don't realize that even the actions that we are taking and where we are looking and what we're paying attention to is often being directed



Raven Scott: this has been so much fun to talk about I love talking about this kind of stuff so tell us where we can get your books. The first and the second now is coming up. When's that going to be released? April sixteenth is the hire help method



Tammy: and so both of them are available on, you know, Amazon and Barnes and Noble and obviously local metaphysical bookstores. But you know, anywhere, anywhere online. Most people I know go to Amazon nowadays, but there are even independent or indie bookshops like booktopia, I think, and things like that that you can get both of them on and both of them have within them sort of a secret website that you can go to



to get additional bonuses that will help you, including, like all the audio versions of the meditations and things like that.



Tammy: So so yeah, I still can't believe I have 2. Now, congratulations.



Raven Scott: Well, thank you so much for being here and providing us with this beautiful empowerment, energy and spiritual topic.



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