Today I catch up with a former colleague, Kelsey Ferguson, RN, BSN, CCRN who started her path in nursing in the ICU at a big academic medical center, then moved to rural Washington, to try life full time in the mountains near Leavenworth to suit her lifestyle. Kelsey is a badass and an athlete of super human ability once riding her bike from Canada to Mexico by herself for 60 odd days.
Kelsey's move east brought her to a more rural setting and working in acute care. She shares why she made this move, how the transition felt and the adjustments she had to make to her practice.
Also, having just been diagnosed with Covid-19, she let's us in on that experience, how she thinks she got it and some scary revelations.
Kelsey! It was so wonderful to have you on the show! And I'm so happy you are feeling better!
I hope you enjoy this one.