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5: In The Realm Of Your Angels And Spirit Guides With Valerie Wood
Episode 525th January 2023 • Mystical Sisterhood • Maureen Spielman
00:00:00 00:46:05

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Valerie Wood is a phenomenal angel channel and medium. Whether or not you are familiar with, or work with, a channeler or medium, this podcast is for you! You have a divine spark that emanates from you and your energy can merge with guidance available to you. Valerie talks about how you receive information that is unique to you and gives tips on how to access the field. Individuals can sense guidance coming to them through different modalities such as feeling, thinking, symbols, or just a knowing!


- How Valerie discovered her gifts in a Divine Feminine Workshop

- Your intuition is REAL and SO POWERFUL! And it’s IN YOU!

- Everything is energy and the Divine Spark resides in you

- Learn the different ways we receive information and how you might receive your own

- All you need to do is be open to the possibilities of a new belief

- The key to this work is CURIOSITY

- How to begin & how we can practice connecting in our daily life

- The key to accessing information (psst… have to ask!)

- How to move from external signs to internal signs

About the Guest:

With over 25 years of experience, Valerie Wood has helped thousands of clients connect with their angels and loved ones. She saw my first angel at the age of 21, and it sent her on a spiritual journey that changed her life forever! Over the years, Valerie has been a radio co-host for the All About You Show on WRMN 1410, a monthly guest on the Karen & Denise Show, and written up in “Conscious Community Magazine“. At one time her “Conversations with Archangel Michael” appeared monthly in the e-magazine Cosmic Lighthouse. Valerie has been trained in channeling, mediumship, Reiki and other modalities. Her approach is simple and straightforward, and her goal is to empower others to live through their higher wisdom.

About the Host:

Maureen Spielman is the Founder of Mystical Sisterhood, a podcast dedicated to bringing more joy,

healing and expansion to the world. She is a seasoned life coach who supports individuals through

one-on-one coaching, groups and workshops. Connect with Maureen:

● Check out her Instagram @maureeenspielman

● Learn more about her work at

● Email Maureen at to inquire about coaching, podcasting &speaking engagements

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Maureen Spielman:

Hi, I'm Maureen Spielman, and this is mystical sisterhood. I'm a soul Care Coach and lifelong learner committed to creating conscious conversations around joy and healing. Each week, I'll host healers, intuitives and other courageous women doing the necessary work of reclaiming our worthiness, honoring our intuition and letting the light in so we can more clearly see the light and others and ourselves. My intention is to plant the seeds that lead to insights and revelations. For you the listener, please join me in building this global magical sisterhood. And thanks for being here.

Maureen Spielman:

Hello, and welcome to mystical sisterhood. I'm Maureen Spielman, and I'm here today talking with Valerie wood. If you are just beginning to tune into mystical sisterhood, my vision is all about bringing together intuitives healers and other courageous women, joy, healing and revel in community and open up the infinite possibilities in our lives. To that and Valerie Wood is a phenomenally gifted intuitive angel channel and VDM I have had the pleasure of knowing Valerie for six years, meeting with her shortly after my mother died. Also checking in with her regularly when I went on my healing journey. I have learned so much from you, Valerie, over the years about angels, spirit guides, and truly owning my own gifts to tap into this realm that I certainly didn't grow up with. I hope that you will find her as I do every single time we talk to be so full of light, full of divine truth, full of healing power, and full of joy. Welcome, Valerie.


Oh my god. Maureen, thank you. I think it'd be a little misty eyed over here. Oh, my gosh, thank you so much for those kind words. It's just I you could probably see I am getting a little misty eyed here. So yeah, I always love talking to you. Because we always have so much fun even though we're talking about some, you know, really deep stuff. We still play in there. And I think it's just you know, I'm just so grateful to be here and to share that. So

Maureen Spielman:

yes, thank you so much for being here. Just to let our listeners know, I mean, my relationship with you kind of opened up when a local friend invited you to come and meet on a Sunday morning to meet with a group of individuals individually, to tap into angels, spirit guides, I'm gonna let you take the floor on all of that. But it was my first time. And I did have a really open mind to it. And I was familiar with the Akashic records and different modalities of tapping into just all this parts of the unseen world I think of it as and things that I certainly didn't grow up with. So step by step as I met, different healers and intuitives. My world just it just grew and expanded exponentially. So some of our listeners may have met with a medium or a channeler intuitive before this, but maybe not. I find your story too, of how you learned of your gifts, incredibly fascinating. So I invite you to share whatever you feel called to share around how the heck did you discover your gifts?


Yeah, how the heck right. So it is kind of funny. So I was in my late 20s. And I was probably you know, I we've talked about this before, just like you right, I was seeking I was doing different modalities, like Reiki working on my intuition and my connection. And my mom actually found my teacher. And my mom came to me in my late 20s. And she had a friend and she was bringing this quote Chandler and I had never heard of that before, right? And over to her house. And my mom had told me what channeling is. And I remember thinking, is that real? They really do. Oh, yeah. Right. Then I'm like, really, you know, and so she's like, well, we're gonna find out. And so we went and I remember sitting across from her, her name was Elmer Allah. And at that point, I was not like an emotional person or you didn't show emotion. You didn't like cry. And I remember sitting in front of her and I just had all these tears like streaming down my face. And I was asking him, like, what is happening here? Right? Like you weren't saying anything bad to me. And I don't know why I'm just sitting here crying in front of us. So she was like, nothing. You're just so open to all of the energies, right? And I was like, at that point, I kind of knew what energy was but I was still working with and I'm like, what does that mean? Right? Like, what energies are we talking about? Right? And so but I really connected with her so she became my teacher but not a channeling teacher. She just became like my mentor intuitive because I just really wanted to open up to anything spiritual or metaphysical. I'd always been into that, right. And so we had, like, every year group of women in my family always get together. And she would come and have like these weekend long workshops, and so forth. And so it was during one of those workshops of the Divine Feminine workshop and remember this really clearly, because we're sitting there. And you know, how if you have ever done any mediumship work, and for those of you that habit, sometimes the people who you're working with, the practitioner will look over your shoulder and be like, dude, like, they're looking at somebody behind you, right? And during the whole workshop, she'd be looking at over my shoulder and just smile and be like, What are you looking at? Like, who's there? And it was during that workshop that I started channeling, like spontaneously, so I had worked with energy, and he knew what it felt like to be like, added body and so forth. It's not something I ever wanted to do. Because, you know, I was into weird stuff. But I wasn't that weird, right? Like, that's really weird. It's true, but you're not used to that. And I remember feeling like I was going to be kind of pushed out of my body, or pass out one or the other. It just felt like I needed to go my spirit needed to go. And I was like, No way. And how am I doing that? Like, that's way out of my comfort zone. I didn't want to do that. And of course, my mom and my aunts, all the women were like, That's great. And my teacher was, well, Marilla was so supportive. She was like, you know, what, we've, we've learned what channeling is what it is, and it's safe for you. Let's do it together. And so I was like, fine, I just assumed that I was going to be channeling who she channeled and it wasn't angels, right. And so when I, when Archangel Michael came through, which is who we started channeling, I just remember like a big rush of energy, and it felt like a tidal wave hitting me through my back. And I just remember his energy, just filling up my whole body thinking what the heck is happening. And when she asked them, you know, who's here? I just heard the word St. Michael. And I was just like, hold my gosh, what do I do with that? Right? And so And of course, because that's what she did. She was a trance channel. She was able to help me through that for years. And she's since passed away. But she just tells me on the other side now,

Maureen Spielman:

so Wow, that's a fascinating, fascinating story. Yeah,


yeah. And that's actually how I started was before I even started doing mediumship work, I started doing trance channeling, and then mediumship, I think all channels do mediumship work. So it's really anyone on the other side, any loved ones, and so forth. And that just started coming naturally to right, it would be like, Oh, your Grandma's here or your mom's here on top of that. So, you know, that just kind of imagine, came naturally with the process.

Maureen Spielman:

So well. And I love that too. Because what I hear you saying is, you were into metaphysical teachings you were you knew about energy, when these gifts came at that point in your life. So that leads me to think that there were signs along the way that we're preparing you to discover these gifts,


that you're oh my gosh, more than you know me so well. And you're so wise and you're so intuitive in your own right. So that is true. So looking back when I was 21, I actually saw my first angel. And I was with my husband were camping. And he's from Chicago. So he was not a camper, and so forth is the first time we've ever gone camping. And we're sleeping in the middle of night and I saw this big shining bright light coming up to 10. And I'm like Mike, wake up, right, like, and his name is Mike named after Archangel Michael. Go figure talk about serendipity. Right. Yeah. And so I was like, something's cool is happening out there, right. And he would not get up. And so I unzip the tent. And I was 21. So I was really, really young. I insert the 10. And I walked out and above this beautiful tree was this angel that hovered. And I remember thinking, oh my gosh, we're at the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my life. And at that point, she showed me a picture of Mike and I were probably in her 80s Right when we're old and we're together. And I remember the only thing that I could think of I was like, oh my god, I look like my grandma


human part kicks in, right? And you're like, oh my gosh, I look like my grandma stored here. Right?

Maureen Spielman:

Yes. That's so beautiful. And with those experiences, we never forget them. They stay with us. And it really sounds like that brought up a lot of emotion in you and was just such a an amazing experience to see that to witness it.


Yeah, you never forget that. I always thought at that time. And I still think this is true. But especially at that time, I always thought people had these woowoo or mystical experience. answers that they just didn't talk about. Right? Especially, you know, I'm in my 50s. So being in your 20s, people didn't really talk about that stuff, right. And we didn't have the internet back then. And so I just thought, everybody has their own mystical experience, people just don't always share it. So I didn't really think anything about angels after that, right. I've never really seen angels. And so, you know, fast forward years later, when I'm in my early 30s, that's when I started channeling and I was like, wow, so when you ask, you know, can you see sign? I can see its eyes. And I could see how all of my path leading me up to where I needed to be.

Maureen Spielman:

Yes, yes. So beautiful. I think that something that I've learned to tap into over the years, and I think that you've definitely helped me and other friends working in this realm, is that my intuition is so powerful. And to our listeners out there, who are listening to even this conversation about intuition. What do you want them to know? I, because I can say for myself, I didn't, again, what I learned as a kid, we weren't talking about intuition a lot. So I feel like a lot of these sorts of languages that we're learning, as we get older and wiser, are really opening us up to gifts and talents and things that we can tap into to get information. But intuition was one of them, where you might say, oh, Maureen, you're highly intuitive. And I'd look at you and say, I don't think so. Because it wasn't my language to really know that.


No, right? Because we're not brought up with that. Right? I think I almost feel like in school days to teach some type of intuitive development course. So I always tell my clients is, you know, whether I'm channeling or whether I'm connected to their loved ones, you know, they're always like, how do you do that? Right? And you know, of course, I've been doing it for years. So it's practice, right? But I always say you have a bit more of a connection to your angels, to your loved ones more than I do, right? Like, they're with you, right? You just come into the room on Zoom and connecting with them. But they go with you, you have your own personal connection with them more than me. So you have the ability to tap into them actually easier than me, right? We're just not taught how to do that, or what it looks like. And you know, a lot of us who are seekers are mystical seekers. We read a lot of things, you know, we look on YouTube, and then they people have a tendency, this as well has to look like that. Right has a sound like that look like that. And I think the challenge is to find well, how does it look for you? Right? How do you, you know, how do you hear it? How do you do feel it and so forth? Like, it's always going to be personal to you. So once you kind of tap into that, I think that's just gives you a great foundation, and then you're well on your way. I mean, your proof. I mean, when I met you, I was like, Yeah, you are highly intuitive, right? And it's kind of like when my teacher told me, You're so open to the energies. I'm like, What the heck are you talking about? Yes,

Maureen Spielman:

yes. And when you work with people, and you feel their energy, you're working out like I know, you often work even over phone calls, when you do your readings are you're tapping into their energy, you're tapping into sort of just how they're operating. Tell me about that. Yeah,


so everything's energy, right? You know, even science knows everything is energy. So we have our spiritual our spirit and our container Earth and our body right one of my guides was a Japanese goddess insight and she talks about the divine spark resides within you and this body, right and so because of that, what happens is that we're at whenever we're connected your angels or loved ones, or spirit guides and so forth, that spark with inside of us is an energy right? And it kind of pushes out from inside your body and goes out and seeks right so whether you're seeking your mom, your grandma or connecting with your angels, and so forth, and then you start developing a relationship because the energy is merged together. And there's so you know, there's an exchange of energy. So when you do mediumship it's an exchange of energy I would say like in the middle between two spirits right? You have the loved one you have you and your more recent, there's an exchange of energy but you kind of meet in the middle, right and loved ones giving you energy giving you information. So in that energy is information how you get that information is really personal to you. Right and with channeling is a little bit different only because you it becomes more embodied. It feels more physical, it comes into your body, and then you can have that spirit so it's not enough you're not channeling of loved ones, right? They don't usually some sort of spirit like an angel or a guide or something. And then they come in your body energetically, right? And then you have an opportunity there trans channel where that is just, they just kind of like take, I don't want to say take over, that's not the right word, because you never really leave. They immerse their energy so much into your physical body that they can just kind of speak to through you. Or you can do more conscious channeling, which I've been doing a lot more of where you're really conscious, and you're really present and so forth. So I think the first step with anybody wanting to work with intuition is really just understanding how energy works within your own physical body, and how you're receiving that information. Right? Does that make sense?

Maureen Spielman:

Yeah, it makes perfect sense. And the way you describe it with the presencing, of how we receive information, whether it's an angel, or spirit guide, someone who's crossed over is that it's always around us. I feel like it's just universally surrounds us. So it's there for us. And the one thing that comes to mind, too, if I am transparent about my own process, is that when I was first asked or invited into these conversations, I, I didn't know my belief systems around it. So it took me some time to cross over that belief system of like, all this is real. And I have to imagine that a lot of people sit straddling the sides before they truly believe. And I think that it's when I crossed over and I can't even say when that was but I think it was just exposing myself to the conversations, working with you, just learning and then tapping in to that energy on the other side, that then I began to almost get evidence that it was real. That's true.


So that's really normal. That's actually one of the things that I get the most right, I got information. You know, I felt it. So if you're very a feeler and empathic, you'll feel it or sorry, I felt it, or I just thought it right. And then they'll be like, is that real? Right? And I hear that a lot, right. And so I have an amazing friend that actually said something to me years ago, when we were working on finding her, you know, her guide, and so forth, or Angel and her guy, and we were talking about it, she said something, and I said something to her, and she's like, I'll buy that for now. And I'm like, that's all you need to do, right? You just need to buy that for now, until you can prove it somehow or somehow validate it, right. And so I always say that, like, just bye for now. Ask them to kind of prove it to you or validate it somehow. And the more validation that you get, the more exciting you get excited you get about this right. And the more you want to know. And so you made a comment, I think that is the key for anyone wanting to do this work is that you have to be curious, right? So many people will be like, is that real? And then they? And I'll say yeah, it's real, right? Let's, you know, I'll tell you what they're saying, and give you validation. But you can do this yourself, and then they just stop, they don't get curious enough to take it to the next level. So my biggest advice would be don't stop, get really curious. Right? Because the more you do, the more you're gonna get. And the more exciting it is, you know, it's joyful. It's fun, it's playful, right? You know, you always hear about the stories of how it's supporting and healing and yeah, absolutely right. But it was fun and angels have and your guides, you know, have a great sense of humor. So play, play, curious and play. Yeah,

Maureen Spielman:

yeah. A willingness and I love that. She said to you, I'll buy it for now. Because that's all it takes. That's just let letting a little bit of that light in a little bit. Right. And who knows, when we let the light in? How expansive that light can become for us. So that's why I love with your Japanese goddess, just how you're referring to it as the divine spark. Yeah, coming from within. It's got so much energy.


That does exactly right. So, you know, when, when I was younger was always about like seeking everything out here. Right? The Divine outside, no, they always talked about, you have your spirit inside and so forth. But it's really the focus is out here, right? You meditate us out here, everything's kind of out here. And so going through the process, I'm like, it's you know, yes, or angels are out here. But all of the personal interactions, right, the personal connections, the soul, the soul connections or spirits, the spirit connection comes within you, right? They connect to that spark within you Go, and then push it out into the world. And that's how you express yourself, right. And that's how you create or go along your journey and so forth. So I love that I love.

Maureen Spielman:

And it's, in my experience, our readings, really invite me to come back to myself. And so when you have read for me, so just giving the listeners kind of an idea of that, and you can talk about it too. But I'll always receive a download of the information you're getting, either from any of your angels or guides. And sometimes my mom will come through or someone who's crossed over. And the it always leads back to me, though, in terms of I might put a question out there, and then I love it, because here's the part I have experienced with you too, is that I get off the phone calls. And I say, Wow, that was an intuitive reading. And Valerie's also like a life coach, it's amazing. Like, I'm like, wait a minute, I just had a coaching session, and I thought I was going in for an intuitive reading. But that's because, well, I was gonna say it always points back to me. But there's always takeaways to, or there's always something that I need to go, or I'm invited to go look out more deeply. And sometimes it's so funny, I'll go to you and ask the same question over and over and over and reliably, if you're not remembering the information that you gave me last time, and it comes up the same, maybe it's a worry or fear that I have. And I asked you, and then you'll say oh, they say that that's gonna be okay. Or they say this or, and then the takeaways, just kind of the takeaways are always pretty tangible. Hey, take a look at doing this. Here's how you look further into your gifts. Here's how you can practice your gifts. And I think I really agree with what you say. It's that willingness and curiosity. And then when you receive the information, to take it and begin to practice it. I feel like that's really critical, too.


I agree. So, uh, you know, 1,000%. So you'll have people who just want you to come and give them information, right? And then they leave. And that's fine, because that's all that they need. Right. But I really, really love it. Like, where my heart really gets excited is when there are people like you who are curious, right? And then just don't stop at curiosity. They, they put into practice, right? And then when they start doing that, it's inevitably that they want to know more, right? At least that's what always was my journey, you get a little bit you discover and you're like, oh, I want to know more, whether it's about you know, diving into your belief system, right? Because we all have that I mean, meet you are human. And so, you know, saying, Well, what's holding me back what beliefs holding me back. And the only way to get through that is to do the work right? And to get curious, and, you know, Michael, the angels and so forth. Don't always give homework to everybody, I'm just going to tell you that sometimes it's like now they don't need to homework, to do homework, or it's just too much, right, whatever they've given in that, in that session, is enough for them. And then there are other people like probably like you more, I know a lot of people are going to be watching this who are seekers who are mystical, you know, sisters, which I love that name, by the way. Who want like more mystical experiences, we want to have those aha moments who want to know themselves. So I love a young woman. She's wonderful. She's like, I just want to know my soul. Right? I want to know, my soul. And that makes me so happy. Right? So yes. You know, that's the exciting part. And the beauty of whatever you're doing this work with anybody, whether it's just you and your angels and guys are with you and a culture practitioner or medium or Chandler, it doesn't matter. There's always this exchange of energy. And so it's so common that when you're done with a session, you're still feeling that higher vibration, right? And you get that all the time. People leave like, wow, I felt great for you know, a few weeks or you know what I've like, and I'm just like, because, you know, it's your angels, it's your guys, they have such a high vibration. They love you immensely. And when that love exchanges and comes into your Divine Spark, right, it stays there. And so that kind of kind of feels like wow, I'm just getting a jolt of you know, plugging into their, their battery their energy system, which I love that.

Maureen Spielman:

I love that too. Who doesn't need that? Yeah. Uh, so if a listener was curious about where to begin the what if it's new to them? And where do they begin? What would you recommend?


Okay, so everything's different for everyone, right? So there are some things that are basic. So I'm just, you know, and I just know from my own personal experience, so I'm just gonna speak from that. So the way that I started out was I would be looking at science like outside of myself, right? Like, I would ask my angels and guides. I need help with this. And that is a key you always have to ask right? People will be like, how about this? And I'd be like, did you ask Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, you need a healing, whatever. And they were like, No. Or do you need that parking spot? Like, yeah, I never get a parking spot. And I'm like, Well, did you ask like, no. So that's the key you always have to ask. Right? Okay. And so I would say that and then looking. So when you ask, right, sometimes things happen right away. And there's a tendency to look for signs outside of us, right where we have, you know, the radio comes on, and it's a song from our loved one, or it's a word that we needed to hear, right, or a lot of people will get, like animal sciences, symbolism, or whatever. And so they usually start looking outside of themselves, because the mind thinks it's outside of yourself, right? And then a start issue. As soon as you start trusting that the next step I always say is that communication with spirit, because you're in your human body has to come through all of your senses. So it's right. So it's, oh, my God, I had this random, and I always say it this way, it comes randomly. And sometimes it could be really loud. But a lot of times, it's really quiet and subtle. So maybe I just had that random feeling coming to me, right? Or, in my mind's eye a picture of, you know, my grandma pop dead, or my mom or someone right? And why am I always thinking about her or something? Or you hear, right? And people will be like, Well, I don't hear angel voices, or my loved ones voice isn't like you do. But it's not a different voice. You know, when we talk to ourselves inside of our head, which I do a lot. Sometimes I'll answer outside, right? I'd be like, I'd be hearing that. And then I'll say something out, you know, out loud. And I'd be like, oh, did I just say that out loud? Right? You know, I, I think a lot of us do that. But it's your own inner voice. And so, but what happens is that it's just your own voice talking. It just comes randomly, or some people just like a download, right? They just feel like, Oh, I just know it, right? I just had that thought that just popped in. I just know it. And the idea is to pause for a moment. And to be like, huh, I wasn't thinking about that, right? I was just doing the dishes or driving in my car, grocery shopping or whatever. Why am I all of a sudden getting that feeling that thought that vision in my head. But you'll notice that it's all internal. And so when you can go from external science to really listening to the internal, your internal senses, and not like glossing over it, because we will have a tendency? Oh, yeah, I will check in with mom, right? Or I'll do this. But then we get busy is people right as humans, and then we forget about it, and then maybe another download calm. Or another thought. And as I come though, you know, we want you to share this with you why you don't you know, go here, do this, though.

Maureen Spielman:

Oh, I love that. It reminds me that we're so connected. Just, we are just this light, so connected to this, this realm. And that we get the information in different ways. And sometimes it will come through the overt signs. And those are fun to receive. Yeah. And then but getting still and getting quiet and listening in. And it feels very empowering for me to think that we could own what those gifts are. Yeah. Instead of that denial, that denial that I and I again speak for myself. Oh, Maureen, you have your intuitive, you get messages. No, no, no. But then when we can say like, well, maybe that's true. Maybe I do. It's the same as what you said before. You know, I'll buy it for now. Maybe I do. And then just gathering the ways. I think that I want to ask you a question about those voices that come. And I had put a question out to my mom, and immediately got back. I had asked, is there anything that any of my siblings need to know? And I had gotten back, your brother needs to see the cardiologist. And like you're describing I thought that's ridiculous. Listen, you know, what is that? And I decided to catalog it, because I was driving at the time. And I thought Maureen, go get your parking space and text your brother. And I texted him. And he wrote back fairly quickly and said, matter of fact, I just made an appointment. And I remember bringing that love back to you. And you said, that was information you're getting. And so sometimes it's nice to have someone to bounce it off of to because, yeah, I kind of knew, because then the synchronicity of what the information I had gotten, plus what my brother gave back to me, told me, Oh, yeah, that that was reliable. And that was some sort of download or information or that I was meant to share app with someone else. And I think you said that, to me one time, but just this element of sometimes. Well, we all have the different ways that we receive. But sometimes we maybe are a messenger of information. Like that can be one of our ways that we are reasons why we receive is that right?


Absolutely. So that's actually something I teach in my, like basic one on one science class, when we're talking about, you know, external science and so forth. And so I actually say at the end is that we ourselves, can be the giver of the sign. Right? So your angels and your guides, your loved ones will use people, including you, right, to give other people messages, because sometimes let's face it, we're here, we're in bombarded with a million thoughts and things that we have to do, right human stuff, that sometimes we just can't get a clear signal or download or hear it or feel it or we do we're not paying attention to it, right? We're just ignore it. And we, they need to use other people to give you the method. Right. And that feels really good. When you can do that. So not only is it excuse me, it's validating for you. Wow, I am intuitive. I caught that download, right, I listened to it, I pause, I always say you have to pause and pausing. I'm getting curious about it. I'm listening to it. Do I need to do something about it? And obviously, in the case of your brother, absolutely. Right. Like that's kind of important. And so, so by up his messenger validated you that you can start trusting what you're getting. Right? Yes, yes. Awesome. Validating to him, because maybe he is questioning, do I go now? Don't not go now? Am I okay, you know, and so forth. So you were the messengers. So I always say in exchange of energy, that when you're working with your angels and guides, it's never one sided. And it's not always just about you. Right? We're all connected. And so they will use you to give messages. And I think that's kind of fun. It's kind of exciting when that happens.

Maureen Spielman:

So even when we get to the often people will say, if you think of somebody, maybe reach out, like that's a sign to reach out. And another thing that you had told me at one point was, especially if you get things you said one time? Yes, two times. Double Yes. Three times. Do this. Or about that. When signs come up repeatedly? Or thoughts are?


Yeah, so if you're like me, I wasn't, I was always, it would take like 345 Actually, there's a joke going around with me and some close friends for years. So it'd be like, you know, my teachers are always say, pay attention. So if you're paying attention to the internal information that you're getting, right, you'll be able to hear them, listen to them go in the direction they need to whatever it is, right. And so the joke is, I have a message for you must not be paying attention, right? So we're human. Yeah. And I'm just gonna say even me, I'm, I've gotten really good at listening probably the first time and not always right. But sometimes if it's something really significant that they want you to know, or do or act upon, you're gonna get it. It's repetitive, right. And so, you know, that's actually a good question. Because one of the things clients will say, How do I know if it's signed for my angels, a guide or loved ones and one, it comes randomly, right? Just comes randomly, too. It can be repetitive, right? It makes you stop and pause and be like, Wow, that was weird. You know, when you get those Whoo, that's weird. That's weird, right? You hear that? A lot. That's where this way or synchronicities, right. You're at the right place at the right time. Something happens and you're just like, are you get goosebumps, right or you get that huh? And so it's it's, it's something so, you know, don't worry about if it takes Some five time to give you the information. Yes, me included. Right? It just means you're not paying attention enough. And they really want you to look at something. Right?

Maureen Spielman:

Yes. Yes. And I love also that you brought up the word synchronicity because yeah, I also think that when I was growing up, we always use the word coincidence. Yeah, that's sort of a funny one, because people were noticing them. But we in no way attributed that to a metaphysical realm or that something on the outside, which is Oh, that's just by chance. And so I know, you use the word synchronicity a lot. And can you just say a little bit more about that? Because one thing that you said that fascinated me one time was Maurene synchronicities don't just happen. You know, your angels and guides are working behind the scenes to orchestrate those synchronicities. And that made me have a new level of appreciation for the work being done on my behalf.


Yeah, you know, I'm hearing Archangel Michael disaster with my main guidance, right? And he's like, do you not? And he's very funny. So for those of you who know that part, or don't he's very funny, sarcastic when you were talking about angels and guides working on my behalf behind the scenes is like as like the Wizard of Oz. Right? And so he's like, do you know, he's like, we work hard over here? Yes. So that's actually really true. Because, you know, what, we don't have their perspective. We're not up here looking down. We don't know all of it, right? We don't have everybody's stories or, you know, see where they're gonna go. But they do. Right, they are up here, they have a better perspective. And so they will try to put you in a position or a place or be somewhere where you need to go or be in that moment, right. And so if we're not listening to those random or repetitive things, they can't just pick up your body and put you there, right. You know, you have to there's some willpower there. And so you have to be able to be like, Okay, there's some sort of agreement. I'll go here, right, or I'll be here so far. So no,

Maureen Spielman:

I love that. Yeah. Thank you for explaining that more. It makes me think of, you know, earlier when you said about the parking angels, and or asking for a parking spot, or asking even the question, what do I need to know today? Yeah, the part of that, where when you do get a response, I want you to talk about how can we show gratitude to how they've supported us? Because I feel like, that's the dialogue, we can't just put a question out, we also have to let them know. Wow, I so appreciate that. So can you talk about that? Absolutely.


So I just heard Archangel Michael say, very funny. So this was his response, right? One, you could just say thank you, right? Like it just a simple, thank you. I am grateful. But then which you heard me kind of choclo moment ago, he was like, to really thank us if there's something that you need to do, do it, right. Like if we're saying you should try this or call that person or something, it's going to be in your benefit or someone else's benefit. Right? So you know, sometimes just a simple thank you. That's all right. And, and he's just saying, and you don't even have to say it out loud. You don't even have to say thank you in your head. It's just your intention that your heart is like, pushing out and just saying, I'm grateful, like, oh my gosh, right. And so, but if there's something that you need to do, right, he's like, do it. That's how it can be good. He's like, he'll make our lives easier. He's joking. But there is that right? Yes,

Maureen Spielman:

I love it. It's, to me, it's become more and more have an ongoing conversation, or an ongoing availability on on my behalf. And, you know, maybe one of the last things that is coming to mind for me is just that idea that we are multi dimensional beings. And, you know, what, what might our listeners learn about that to kind of almost like cohesively tie it together? Because I think the way that most of us were brought up was mainly in the mind, we knew we had a body, we may have practiced a religion, but sort of bringing all of those things together. It just wasn't the framework that I sort of knew about when I was growing up, and I'm so great. Well to be learning in this phase of my life, but I think that that's an important kind of way to view ourselves and know ourselves.


So you're right. That's actually how I grew up, right? I always thought that I'm just an ordinary girl. Right? Who there's nothing really completely extraordinary. Right? I just grew up very normal, I guess you would say, right, nothing stands out. I wasn't like good at this or good at that. And so, Michaels had a scene for years that I love to say is that it's hard for a human to give up the perception of who they think they are. Right? You see a hard time giving up what you perceive yourself to be. Right. And so when we grow up, we create this identity. And our you know, it's not a spirit problem, your spirit knows who you are, it's a mind problem, right? The mind is part of the body. And so the mind only knows you and your personality, from things that you've experienced things that you experienced it, you know, things that you've seen or heard about all of these things growing up. And that's how we start the mind starts to identify itself. Right? And so for like me, and I'm sure a lot of everyone else out there, right? It's just, you know, I don't I'm not intuitive. Right? I don't have that ability, because the mind has never had that experience to look at that, or to an experience to really understand that. Yes, so I would say, Are we multi dimensional people? Absolutely. Your Spirit knows that, right? We are connected to everyone and everything, here and out there. Right? Or Spark is for it. And really, it's just a willingness to give up what perceptions we have about ourselves that will help us drive forward and have that spark get, you know, bigger and bigger, I think of like the fire with it and right just burning brighter, so you can burn brighter. Yeah, shine brighter, be more of your who your spirit actually is, it's just kind of getting out of our head and getting rid of that, oh, I'm ordinary, or I'm not intuitive, right. And that's never happened to me before. Right? So I can't do that now. And we label ourselves as right, we're the you know, the daughter or the sister or the friend's mother, whatever it is. So we put ourselves in those boxes and why those things are true. Those who we are, we are so much more than that. And I think that divine spark within us, is really about discovering who you are as a spiritual being. On top of all of those other things, right, and then some of the things that don't serve you anymore, your perception of quote, being ordinary, if that was me, if you're talking to me, that would have been right, black, right? I'm ordinary only, like, you know, saints are really, you know, good people do this kind of stuff. Right. Right. I have those thoughts. I'm not that good. Absolutely. I

Maureen Spielman:

like yes, thank you for that for myself and for the listeners, because the word that comes to mind is limit lists. And that's when we even paint the picture of what's available to us what's possible for us. And then just joining hands in this sisterhood in community in support of one another. It's just so beautiful. So I loved our talk today. And Valerie, if the listeners want to follow you discover more about you, where would they find you?


They can go to my website, Valerie hyphen, And it's ba L E r i e, I or hyphen would w o So, Valerie has different spellings. So I always like to spell it out. Right. So

Maureen Spielman:

yes, yeah. And then yeah, you mentioned that Do you sometimes do workshops individual readings How do you do work?


Yes, so for personal one on one readings, it's either in person over the phone or zoom? And energies energy because some people will be like, Can you read me on the phone without seeing me and like yeah, energy is energy right? It doesn't matter. Yeah, it's just an exchange and so yes, and I have classes I've workshops I'm going to be doing I think at the beginning of the year, maybe every something different every month, so whether it's like Sundays with the angels or at night with insight and my Japanese goddess or meditations so we have some fun things so beautifully on for the new year. Thank you so much for this. Thank you. exciting, fun. I could keep going with you. It's my sister, my mystical sister

Maureen Spielman:

will have to do a part two at some time, but thank you for for being here, thank you to our listeners for tuning in to mystical sisterhood and just learning what we're all about. I feel like we touched on joy today we touched on healing. If anything I said today resonated with you the listener, I'd be so appreciative if you would go over to iTunes, leave a review and let us know what you loved. So that being said, Thank you, Valerie. Yes,


I appreciate you deeply. So, thank you.




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