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Foster Medina Podcast Episode 01: Destinee Lashley
Episode 118th September 2024 • Foster Medina Podcast • Medina County Job and Family Services
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The Foster Medina podcast is meant to help potential foster parents learn answers to questions which might be causing fear or uncertainty as they make decisions about the future for themselves, their families, and potential foster kids whose life they could impact.

In this episode of the Foster Medina podcast, host Bryan Lefelhoc discusses the concerns and impact of becoming a foster parent with guest Destinee Lashley, who has been a foster parent for four years.

They address concerns about the impact on the current family, including children and spouses, and how fostering can actually enrich a child's worldview and increase compassion and empathy.

Destinee shares her experiences of saying goodbye to foster children and the emotional impact it has on her and her family. She also talks about the positive growth and strengthened communication in her relationship with her husband.

The episode concludes with advice for those considering becoming foster parents and the importance of reaching out for more information.


-Becoming a foster parent can have a positive impact on a child's worldview and increase their compassion and empathy.

-Saying goodbye to foster children can be emotional, but it also provides an opportunity for growth and closer family bonds.

-Communication and open-mindedness are key in navigating the challenges and concerns of becoming a foster parent.

-It is important to reach out for information and support when considering becoming a foster parent.

Helpful Links:

Foster Medina website: or

Medina County Job and Family Services:

Layne Hedden, Foster Parent Recruiter Email:





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