Artwork for podcast 'Where Your Treasure Is...': The Podcast where Faith and Finance Meet
Season 2 Bonus Episode 2 – Providing Support during the Cost of Living Crisis, with Ben Clift of Christians Against Poverty
Bonus Episode16th November 2022 • 'Where Your Treasure Is...': The Podcast where Faith and Finance Meet • Simon Glazier and Bex Elder
00:00:00 00:31:51

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In this bonus episode, Simon and Bex talk with Ben Clift, of Christians Against Poverty (CAP), about the Cost of Living Crisis and various ways in which support can be provided.

Some key points covered in this episode include the following:

  • Following an entertaining difference of opinion between Bex and Simon about whether or not Simon had foreshadowed Ben Clift as their guest in this episode [00:53], Bex asks Ben to describe his role as a CAP Debt Centre Manager and what an average day looks like. [01:17]
  • Ben explains that CAP is a national/international charity which operates on a significant scale but is also able to target support very effectively within communities as a result of being based in local churches. [02:41]
  • Ben goes on to talk about the biblical principles behind CAP’s activities [04:43] and how that translates into practical support, especially in connection with the charity’s endeavours to assist people to overcome debt-related issues. [08:00]
  • In response to a question from Bex, Ben provides information about the number of people who have been helped to become debt-free as a result of their contact with the debt centre in which he works. [10:05] He also speaks about the kinds of answers to prayer that people have experienced as a result of having shared their concerns, needs, aspirations etc with members of the CAP team. [11:24]
  • A couple of questions from Simon prompt Ben to explain some of the practicalities in which CAP representatives become involved when helping clients deal with financial correspondence [13:23] and negotiations with debtors. [15:14]
  • Ben talks about the fact that many people are experiencing an uncomfortable ‘squeeze’ as a result of the Cost of Living Crisis that has been precipitated by global factors (including the war in Ukraine), inflation pressures and political turbulence. [17:27]
  • Simon explains that the ‘wealthy’ are not immune from being affected by an unbalanced budget and can certainly experience financial shock under the kinds of circumstances that are affecting so many people at this point in time. [19:37]
  • Ben talks about the CAP Money Course, which is designed to provide people with money management skills that will help them to handle their finances effectively and wisely. [22:03]
  • Bex asks Simon and Ben what they think that Jesus would say to people who are currently experiencing stress and turmoil as a result of financial pressures. [23:30]
  • Responding to a question from Simon, Ben explains how people can get involved with CAP and support its work in a variety of different ways. [26:45] (NB Such is the nature of the world at present that the details of the Prime Minister [27:58] have changed between this episode being recorded and then published, with Rishi Sunak now having taken over that role from Liz Truss!)
  • Information about Christians Against Poverty can be found at, and feedback or questions regarding this episode can be sent via email to or by contacting @whereyourtreasureispodcast on Instagram. [29:39]

Season 2 of ‘Where Your Treasure Is…’ resumes on 23 November.

This show has been brought to you by Free Range Podcasting.



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