I know my website has an about me section, but it doesn’t help you really get to know me. Like who I am as a person, what shaped me.
I want you to get to know me, so I wanted to share a little bit about me as a person, as a mom, what makes me tick, what makes me excited and touch a little bit about how I got into this online business space.
So, if you’d like to know me a little bit better, here are 10 things about me.
If you enjoyed this episode, I would super appreciate if you would rate and review this show. This will also help spread the word to other moms that they can also have the ultimate flexibility by starting their own Virtual Assisting Business. 💕
Instagram @melyssamunday and @mamasmakingmore
https://melyssa.biz/Captivate-Affiliate (affiliate link)
Hey, hello.
Melyssa:Welcome to the very first episode of my podcast, like the
Melyssa:very first official episode.
Melyssa:I'm super excited to talk to you about my origin story, and I know that
Melyssa:that's not a traditional first episode.
Melyssa:A lot of people just kind of jump right into the business content.
Melyssa:And what I really wanna do is I wanna get to know you guys.
Melyssa:I want you to get to know me.
Melyssa:So I wanted to share a little bit about me as a person, as a mom, what makes
Melyssa:me tick, , what makes me, , excited and, , touch a little bit about how I
Melyssa:even got into this online business space.
Melyssa:So I'm gonna date myself here.
Melyssa:I'm gonna take it way back to, , the days when I was in college.
Melyssa:And one of the things that people did was they would send an email out to
Melyssa:all of their contacts and they would say, Hey, here's 10 fun facts about me.
Melyssa:Share your 10 fun facts.
Melyssa:And then we would all like email each other back and share those things.
Melyssa:And of course, we don't that now because we have social media and we know all of
Melyssa:the things, but, , it was fun at the time.
Melyssa:And so I am gonna share with you my 10 things.
Melyssa:I'm gonna run through those, uh, jump into them now, and then I'll share a little bit
Melyssa:about, , how I started my online business.
Melyssa:So number one, I grew up in a rural area.
Melyssa:It was made famous by Mark Twain.
Melyssa:He lived in the area, it's called Calaveras County specifically I grew
Melyssa:up in the town of Valley Springs shout out to my friends back there.
Melyssa:, so Mark Twain wrote a story about the famous jumping frog of Calaveras
Melyssa:County and in our annual county fairs, we had frog jumping competitions
Melyssa:like you would pick out your frog and you would put it on stage and
Melyssa:you would literally jump the frog.
Melyssa:I never brought home a trophy, but I definitely did participate
Melyssa:in those competitions.
Melyssa:Number two, I was student body president of my high school and
Melyssa:I graduated second in my class.
Melyssa:Growing up I was always that, , go-getter, that achiever and
Melyssa:that continues in my life today.
Melyssa:I was super into high school.
Melyssa:I liked high school and , I definitely made the most of my time.
Melyssa:Number three, I got my bachelor's in environmental studies
Melyssa:from UC, Santa Barbara and I specialized in city planning.
Melyssa:I did actually use that degree, , in my first couple jobs out of college.
Melyssa:And I later got my master's in public administration from San Diego State.
Melyssa:Thought I might kind of go into governmental work.
Melyssa:Didn't do that.
Melyssa:I don't generally use the exact things that I learned in those degrees,
Melyssa:per se in my business now, but the entire experience in a lot of the
Melyssa:collaboration, the working together with people, I carry that through.
Melyssa:And again, college was fun for me.
Melyssa:So there, there's that.
Melyssa:Number four, my first pregnancy, I was pregnant with twins and they
Melyssa:unfortunately passed away if you are someone who has experienced that
Melyssa:kind of a loss, um, whether it's a pregnancy loss, an infant loss,
Melyssa:child loss, my heart goes out to you.
Melyssa:I can sympathize, I can relate to that, having been through
Melyssa:it myself, it changes a person.
Melyssa:It definitely changes a person.
Melyssa:So then number five, I became a single mom to my four kids when
Melyssa:they were ages six and under.
Melyssa:We moved at the time we left, , San Diego, which is where we were living,
Melyssa:and we moved so that I could be closer to my family and kind of
Melyssa:have that support system for myself.
Melyssa:Number six.
Melyssa:One of the scariest slash bravest things that I've ever done is move with my kids.
Melyssa:To a new state where we didn't know anyone.
Melyssa:I bought a new house and I started my online business all at the same time.
Melyssa:Super proud of that.
Melyssa:That's been something that now is like one of my top 10 accomplishments
Melyssa:in life is, is that, that I, I pulled it off, I did it.
Melyssa:I took that leap of faith and it has paid off in spades for us.
Melyssa:Number seven.
Melyssa:Shortly after at that move I met and married my husband and
Melyssa:gained a bonus daughter when, you know, you know, it moved fast.
Melyssa:, but we knew, and so now we are a family, a blended family.
Melyssa:And, , we have five very busy and active kids.
Melyssa:Number eight.
Melyssa:This is super random you guys, but I absolutely hate belly
Melyssa:buttons, my own belly button.
Melyssa:Other people's belly buttons.
Melyssa:My baby, my kids work babies.
Melyssa:They're belly buttons.
Melyssa:I don't know why they gross me out.
Melyssa:I gag right now just even thinking about it.
Melyssa:Number nine.
Melyssa:This is kind of a list of things that I simultaneously like
Melyssa:love and hate at the same time.
Melyssa:I don't know if you guys are the same way.
Melyssa:There's some things that you're like, oh, I just love that.
Melyssa:But like also it's hard and I hate that, Family Road trips, watching my kids grow
Melyssa:up , heights, like being high, like on a hiking trip, learning new technology.
Melyssa:You seriously it is.
Melyssa:I mean, we need it, but also learning it is just not the funnest for me.
Melyssa:Social media.
Melyssa:Love to hate it,
Melyssa:Number 10.
Melyssa:This one is the most important that I wanna share with you.
Melyssa:I've been a married mom, I've been a single mom, I've been a
Melyssa:working mom, a stay-at-home mom, and an online business owning mom.
Melyssa:And I will tell you one thing, they are all equally hard.
Melyssa:None of them wins the prize for most hardest type of mom.
Melyssa:So all of you moms out there, no matter what your position.
Melyssa:They are all freaking hard.
Melyssa:It's all hard.
Melyssa:That's just end of sentence period.
Melyssa:It's all hard.
Melyssa:It's all hard.
Melyssa:It's not a competition.
Melyssa:It's just all hard . So that's my list of the 10 things to get to know me.
Melyssa:If you wanted to like send me a DM or an email and share even like your 10
Melyssa:things or your two things about you.
Melyssa:I love hearing from people.
Melyssa:I have an email list whenever someone responds to my emails, I like get
Melyssa:giddy because I just think it's so fun to connect and hear that.
Melyssa:So definitely if you wanna share, I am all open to, , receiving
Melyssa:those, , messages from you guys.
Melyssa:And now another important thing I wanna share with, about my origin story is
Melyssa:how I even came to this online space.
Melyssa:So a little bit of background, like corporate job-wise.
Melyssa:I did after college, I had, , some corporate jobs.
Melyssa:I ended up as a project manager in, , the environmental field.
Melyssa:I love that it's, that job has definitely, that experience in that position
Melyssa:has helped me as a business owner.
Melyssa:Cause it's helped me see the delegation side.
Melyssa:It's helped me manage projects.
Melyssa:There's always lots of projects in my business.
Melyssa:And so that was great.
Melyssa:, And then, When I had all of my kids and I was a single mom, I worked in
Melyssa:the corporate space as, um, an office manager and I was not full-time at the,
Melyssa:at then I was a part-time office manager.
Melyssa:But that really is what then led into this virtual assisting business that I started.
Melyssa:So I got really into loving, helping to run an office.
Melyssa:I loved the organization.
Melyssa:I would color code the heck outta things you guys.
Melyssa:At the time when I was contemplating this big move that I ended up
Melyssa:doing and was very proud of, , I started thinking I needed a change.
Melyssa:I really wanted to move out of state and I started thinking as a single mom
Melyssa:in a brand new area, how the heck am I gonna get a job where it's gonna be
Melyssa:flexible enough for me to go out and be present and, , help my kids when they
Melyssa:need to go to doctor's appointments or all of their sports and other activities
Melyssa:after school, like what kind of job is gonna give me that flexibility?
Melyssa:I don't even know how I first heard about virtual assisting, but I heard about
Melyssa:virtual assisting and I was like, huh, I'm gonna learn a little bit more about that.
Melyssa:And so I started doing the thing that I do, which is doing like a ton of
Melyssa:research, and I discovered I had no idea that virtual assisting existed.
Melyssa:I didn't know a lot of this online business existed at the time,
Melyssa:but it was fascinating to me and I was like, I could do this.
Melyssa:I can totally do this.
Melyssa:I want to do this.
Melyssa:Once I realized exactly what it meant for me and my family, it's, it was great.
Melyssa:The ability to set my own rates, to set my own hours, , to do the work that I
Melyssa:loved, to choose, to take on the clients that I wanted to take on, and to have
Melyssa:those boundaries to say, no, that's, , the kind of work that I wanna do.
Melyssa:It was very amazing and empowering.
Melyssa:And in getting to know a lot of the people in the new area that I live in, I realized
Melyssa:that not a lot of people, especially not a lot of moms, even have any idea
Melyssa:that virtual assisting is a thing.
Melyssa:They don't know that they can have this online business.
Melyssa:And now I've moved into the coaching space because I really love sharing
Melyssa:the knowledge of what being a virtual assistant is and can be.
Melyssa:And I think there's so many moms that are out there looking specifically
Melyssa:like, I need to work from home.
Melyssa:I need that flixibility.
Melyssa:And so I am just really on a mission to share with you and others that this.
Melyssa:Is an amazing opportunity, especially for moms to be able to have a business
Melyssa:that is flexible and successful.
Melyssa:So again, if you wanna share anything about yourself, I'm gonna put in the
Melyssa:show now as a link to my Instagram and I will include my email.
Melyssa:Feel free to reach out to me, and thank you for joining me in this first episode.