Explore the day-to-day operations with our guest, Dr. Carin Litani, who is a board-certified seasoned dermatologist and fellowship-trained MOHS surgeon in Wellesley, Massachusetts. Her focus is on skin cancer prevention and advocacy for proactive, healthy aging, which has garnered attention from patients, journalists, and Instagram followers.
In this episode, she shares her experience with managing expectations, emphasizing the importance of effective communication and transparency within her practice. Reflecting over her 15 years, she offers her wisdom on building and leading a successful medical practice. "Being a good doctor goes a long way, especially when it comes to your patients."
Furthermore, we discuss the rise of med spas and the pitfalls of pursuing quick-fix solutions. For example, attending a weekend course and saying you're highly trained. Both of us agree, that there needs to be continuous learning and dedication to excellence, especially when it comes to your face. Join us as we uncover the realities of dermatology and facial plastic surgery commitments.
To learn more information on Dr. Carin Litani:
To learn more information on Dr. Edwin Williams: