Hey everybody, I’m Brian Clapp VP of Content and Engaged Learning at and this is the Work in Sports podcast…Before we get into today’s topic, I’m still a little stunned about something that happened this weekend. Longtime NFL reporter Don Banks died in his sleep at just 56 years old and the world is a worse place because of it. I didn’t know Don well, but I knew him a little. During my tenure at CNN/Sports Illustrated we would often reach out to the various Sports Illustrated reporters for more details on some of their reporting, or to get a quote from them, or have them jump on our shows live to answer a QA session.Most of these conversations were civil, well mannered and to the point. For a young producer, I was often intimidated a little, making requests of Peter King or Tom Verducci or Leigh Montville. They were all incredibly gracious with their time, but as busy people just wanted to get it done.Don was a little different. He wasn’t loquacious, not overly talkative, but he just had a different warmth to him. I remember having some technical issues once and was apologizing to him madly, and he just kept saying, it’s OK, not a big deal, don’t worry about me, just do what you need to do. He would ask you questions about your favorite team, make a comment from his reporting like -- oh they could be in for a really big year. He would make you feel like you were more important than your rank. He didn't judge you on your value to the corporate entity, he just valued that you were the person on the phone with him, and why not make it pleasant. You never felt like a means to an end with Don, just another cog in the machine, he always made you feel like you were reuniting with an old friend after you hadn’t spoken in a while. Don will be missed. Let’s get to today’s question from Ashley in California. Hey Brian -- I’m embarrassed to admit this, but after graduating in May, I’ve kind of slacked off the last two months. The summer has been great, I’ve enjoyed the beach, done some hiking in national parks and just enjoyed a life a little. August is my month to get back on track can you help me build an August game plan?YES, I CAN!First things first experiences are great and super important - now that I am in my 40’s I kind of wish I had done more exploring in my 20s. So do not apologize and do not regret enjoying your life. These experiences will last you forever. Not to get off track, but we have three pretty young kids, and we’ve made it our family mission to give them experiences they won’t forget. We go to national parks, we stay in log cabins in the woods, we go on road trips, we visit osprey nesting spots in Maine. That’s what we love to do as a family -- find out what you love, and do it. Not just in your career but in your life. That is really important stuff. You need balance. Don’t make it all about the rise and grind...because you’ll look back someday and wish.Ok, but since you are through your summer of fun...Listen in to the podcast episode for more details:1: LinkedIn Connections2: Refresh your LinkedIn profile, pictures and status - upate your resume while you ar at it.3: Clean up your social media accounts4: Organize your references5: Research your ideal companies to work for,6: Research your ideal roles and where your gaps are.7: practice your elevator pitch -- what you want. 8: Get active networking either through email or social media or events - maybe hit a conference9: Make a targeted outreach -- not a blast - to let the right people know that you are out there. 10: Interview prep -- once you start applying you could get a phone interview, or a video interview at any time, better be ready for it.That’s it for today, thanks for listening -- I have some really cool interviews coming up on the show from the NBA, UFC and MLS so subscribe and stay tuned.If you have guests you think would be great -- let me know via LinkedIn -- Dasmine Evans did that, she recommended that I look into Nicole Lynn an...