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Ep. 103 - Toenail Fungus and Athletes Foot
Episode 10322nd July 2024 • The Reality of Health • Erik Muzzy
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Toenail Fungus & Athlete's Foot: The Truth About Your Immune System

Welcome to today's episode of the Reality of Health Podcast! In this episode, we tackle toenail fungus and athlete's foot—common but frustrating conditions. I dive into popular misconceptions about the immune system, explaining how bacteria, mold, and yeast play essential roles in our health. We'll question the efficiency of antifungal medications and their side effects, emphasizing the importance of maintaining the right 'terrain' for a healthy body. Learn why breathable shoes and reducing sugar intake matter, and discover natural ways to support your body’s healing process. Join me for an informative session that challenges mainstream ideas and offers practical health advice.

00:00 Introduction to Toenail Fungus and Athlete's Foot

00:20 Understanding the Immune System

00:58 Debunking Common Myths

05:58 The Terrain Theory Explained

09:34 The Problem with Antifungal Medications

15:38 Effective Solutions and Prevention Tips

19:04 Conclusion and Final Thoughts


Welcome healthy friends to the reality of health podcast. Today, we're talking about something I know is on everyone's minds. Toenail fungus and athlete's foot. Well, I shouldn't joke. I mean, People deal with this and it sucks. So let's, let's get right into it. As you can see here. Here's a picture. And what they say is your immune system. Looks amazing. Doesn't it it's very graphical.

We even have stages 1, 2, 3, 4, and into the final thing. Your antibody. Which then helps with anything that's invading you. That's what they say anyway.

You're told. That this will stop. Mold yeast bacteria. Viruses, all of it. All right, let's explore it a little bit. I'm going to say. It doesn't do that. At all, it's actually the opposite you want.

Bacteria you want mold? And you want yeast. To a very specific level. You don't want a lot of it. But you want some of it, it's there to help you we'll get into it.

The situation is basically like this. You have antibodies. And those antibodies are like construction workers or cleanup crews. You get sick, you got to get the stuff out. Antibodies show up. They are not a reflection or the antibody of. The virus. Or whatever.

Your immune system. It's actually there.

To repair and detoxify you. If you want to actually call it. Uh, system and immune system. It's more like a mechanism. So you hear. There's lots of photos of what an immune system is. See, Google search immune system went to images. And this. Is your immune system. I just want you to look closely. And see it. Now do you see. Your immune system. I see. CG and cartoons and titles. And people doing yoga. Or whatever. I don't see in a. Oh, wait a second.

What's that? Is that your immune system? Ah, who knows? Point is I'm showing you that. This is still more theory.

You're not at war with stuff in your environment all the time. You're at war with poisons. So then I looked up. Real photos or video of immune system. That looks promising. That is CG. And again, what's that we have no idea that even though it says your misses under a microscope, we just see things doing things. But again, we got a lot of CG stuff going on. Saul. You know, CG made up.

We even have cartoons. You see a lot. I'm just pointing this out that they're trying to make it seem like you're at war. And being at war, you have to have.

Tanks and planes and bombs and guns and all this kind of stuff. That's called medicine, drugs, all of that.

You ever heard that there is such a thing as an HIV antibody?

Well guess what. If the immune system is what they tell us. Check this out. This is a finish. From Finland. It's a survey of HIV found in dogs. Yeah. Check this out. Human immunodeficiency virus, HIV. Recombinant proteins. A total of 144 dog. Sarah. We're tested and 72. That's 50% of them. Reacted to one or more HIV recombinant, structural proteins. In other words. They found HIV in dogs.

Wait a minute. I thought that that was. A liver issue. Came from San Francisco. On and on and on, you know, the drill. Huh. Interesting. I haven't really seen a lot of dogs do what they said. HIV came from.

Check this out.

The work toenail. I thought about this and I was thinking. Wait a minute. Toenail. We don't have nails on our toes. Um, yeah. Apparently. Merriam Webster. Among many other dictionaries. Says you do. Uh, nail. of a toe.

What kind of nail is that? I'm just curious, like a roofing nail or is it like a finish nail? I'm just. I actually looked this up. For about 15 minutes and all I got was a bunch of nonsense of going back into. History in the 16 hundreds and someone trying to name this thing and it went to. claws. I mean, it was crazy.

And I said, you know what, that's enough. I'm done trying to figure this out.

Let me just interject right here. There are absolutely no studies where they took. Toenail fungus or athlete's foot gave it to people who didn't have it. And they then got that disease. It's never happened. Same thing with viruses.

Goes back to the terrain theory. Let's take a look at something here. I know you don't want to see this and I'm going to just give you a few seconds. It's gross. I get it. But this is a really good representation of what actually happens in real life. This is the terrain. You have dead and dying tissue, you were poisoned. And your own Soma tits. Kids are show up.

We'll get into that in a second here. But also there's things in nature that clean you up. Things like flies. Check this out.

Okay. You got a dead rat. And then it's getting eaten by flies. Interesting. What do you think flies do? On that tissue of that rat. They will. Lay their eggs. What are those eggs? Do? They eat up the dead and dying tissue of the rat. That's called terrain. Same thing you have. If you have a compost area in your backyard that you put compost stuff in and it creates compost, right?

Breaks things down in the bacteria, that yeast mold. Stuff breaks down into its finer components. Eventually. This rat will not be there anymore. Once the larvae have eaten everything up and transform that into minerals and proteins and all kinds of stuff that then go down into the earth and then the bacteria and the virus. Not viruses.

Excuse me. The mold and yeast. Consume those micro components. Cycle of life. You got it.

That bio remediation. It's the same thing happens in your body.

Here you have. Mycozymas. I've told you about. Antoine Bechamp on the left. And you got Louie Pateur on the right ho yeah. Back then those two, they were fighting. Who's theory is going to win out. I guess what. Well, Bechamp. Lost. Y. That would be because there's no money in letting your body heal itself. There's money in. Pasteurs' system. His theory. You can put something in your body. To stop the remediation process and therefore companies can make money off you. You don't do that. In the, in the terrain theory. Just saying.

So, if you don't allow your terrain to heal you, then your problems are just going to keep coming back. You've never solved the issue. There are so many. Situations and testimonies. Of people letting. Your body heal itself. And then not only do you not get that same sickness, but sometimes you don't get any other sicknesses after that. It's amazing. All right. Here's your typical. Somatids and Mycrozyima cycle.

I, I talked about this last week, so let's just quickly go through this again. Your base somatids turn into different bacterias and then different yeast and different mycelium, which is mold to remediate that specific situation. And yes, they actually know exactly what to turn into like strep. You don't get strep in your knee.

You get an in your throat. Pretty cool.

So then we decide. That we're going to use some kind of drug or something. You've all heard of this one starts with an L. I know you've probably even maybe used it. But you have to see this to believe it. This is on Simple. Right? You've been there maybe.

I'm sorry, I got to go here, but bear with me. It's an antifungal medication that fights infections caused by fungus. Again, you're not infected with fungus. You're infected with something else. And the fungus has to clean that up.

He's tablets are used to treat infections caused by fungus that affect fingernails or toenails. And by the way, We're not going to get deep into athlete's foot because it's very, very similar. So we're just mostly gonna focus on this one, because this one's much more of a problem unless you have a serious issue with athlete's foot, but this is the one that really freaks people out is. Toenail fungus.

So we have some warnings. Call your doctor. And you see all those. But you can see, would you rather have your toenails looking weird? Maybe even lose them. Or would you ever have some of these.

And then if you're going to take this. You have to make sure that you haven't had liver disease. You also have to tell your doctor if you're experiencing or have had anything like liver problems, kidney problems, weakened immune systems. Lupus. Interesting. That's an auto-immune condition again. Not. An immune system.

It's something else. But I want to bring this up because. When you look at the side effects, this is, uh, a tablet that goes in your body. Okay. It's going to go everywhere.

So here we go. Are you ready? Call your doctor. If you have any of these symptoms. Liver damage, nausea, upper stomach pain, vomiting, loss of appetite, tiredness, dark urine, clay, colored stools, or jaundice.

Call your doctor. If you've had changes in your sense of taste or smell, mood, sleep. Daily activity, anxiousness and restlessness. I will get into why this is important and why I'm naming these off. Pale skin bruising. Unusual bleeding. Interesting.

Purple or red pinpoint spots under the skin. Rapid. Weight gain what. Wait a minute. I'm going to gain a whole bunch of weight. Because I've got. Toenail fungus. Little or no urinating. Blood. In your urine or stools. You could have the opposite weight loss. Skin sores and on and on. Common side effects, diarrhea, nausea, gas, stomach pain, or upset. Rash headache. Or abduct, uh, abnormal liver function tests. Let me tell you why this is a problem. Because what you're dealing with right now.

Is a medication. That disrupts. All kinds of areas in your body. It damages the liver. It negatively affects the terrain, which is your ability to clean up and fix yourself. And most importantly, a negatively affects your central nervous system. That's your brain organs, skin digestion, among many other things. So you're going to destroy all those areas, damage all the areas for a fungus. Erik, you don't understand if you had it, you would know. No, I'm asking you if those side effects. Are worse than. The nail fungus. Or athlete's foot. And by the way, This is not a very effective medication.

I mean, it works, but it doesn't work great. So many side effects.

Look at here.

This is the pharmacology of it. All of this right here. And the main thing to see is that it's affecting cholesterol production in mammals. So this is the, uh, Terbinafine is the chemical it's lipophyllic, which means it loves fat. And therefore it will put itself into fat tissue in order to break that fat tissue down. Sorta like. Taking a fat and using another fat too. Break the main fat down using the other one. Makes sense.

I hope it does. That's how things work in the lipophyllic world. But look at this, it accumulates. In hair, skin and nails. But guess where else? Fat cells. You see that? Fat cells.

Hmm. What. Coats, all of the nerves in your body. Fat. That's your central nervous system. What is mostly the product of your brain? Fat. That's cholesterol and you see it affects cholesterol. Hm. So if I break down the cholesterol and fat areas of my body, which by the way, make you healthy. Then your whole, body's going to break down. That's why you end up having liver. And central nervous system and skin issues and hair loss. And, and rashes. It just goes on and on. You basically are breaking down. Your nervous system in your body.

See here, central nervous system or neurological problems.


It's not worth it. Why don't you just build your terrain? It works better. It's easier. And then when your terrain is built up, you don't get things like this. So how do we fix it? Because that's what you're here for. Right. Well, now that you know the crappy stuff about it, and now let's get into the. The reason why you have it. Yep. You see it? It's your shoes.

That's the first reason is your shoes. They are not breathable. All right. You you're just stuffing your foot into materials, especially leather and these other things and synthetics, and it can't breathe. If your shoes don't breathe. It gets moist. Yep. I use that word. And guess what grows in moist warm environments? We all know.

So once this.

Mold these different types of yeast and mold that are on the feet. Once they're there. They're going to eat. And what do they eat? Sugar. Yup. They metabolize sugar and carbohydrates. So if you go on a. Low fat, high carb diet. You're going to get generally speaking, some form of candida or yeast infections all around the body.

We all know that when you have any kind of yeast infection, you want to lower your sugar. Because, what did they like to eat? Sugar. And carbs. So, if you go low fat, you have to replace that with something. Well, you're going to replace that with carbohydrates and sugar. Wrong shoes that are not breathable. And a high carb, high sugar intake. With low fat. You are going to have candida and you're going to have yeast infections. In many different areas of your body.

When they consume these sugars, what do they make? Well, they make all kinds of odiferous substances. That's why her feet stink. And so you go and you try and get the smell out of your shoes. When in reality, it's coming from your feet, you can try and deodorize your shoes all day long. It's not going to happen.

You're just going to put it right back.

Another reason to lower your sugar and carb intake. And learn the proper. Foot gear. And when you, soon as you get home, take off your shoes, you don't need your shoes on in your home.

Fungus is not the problem. It's the solution. Even if you use. All kinds of treatments. You still have to. Stop consuming the carbs and sugar and start wearing good shoes. You just, you have to do that. You got to. wear breathable shoes whenever possible, or don't wear them at all. I love this photo. I hope you see this. I mean, that's pretty wild. Isn't it? You don't need this. If you just learn how to clean up your situation. But as it looks on your toenails in this crazy photo. I could do the same thing. Inside your gut. And that would be. Mold overgrowth. In your mouth in your gut. In your armpits in the. Private areas because they want to consume sugar and you're feeding them. Just saying. Well, I hope this was a little bit informative and a little bit different than what you've heard from all the other. Tutorials on. Fungus or the feet. They want to say, you need to kill it. I say you can't kill it. Because the reason it's there is to fix the situation and your situation is sugar carbs and non breathable shoes. It's simple. Thank you for listening. Really appreciate everybody. If you feel like you want to subscribe. Excellent. Otherwise. Take care of yourselves.




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