Show Notes for Episode 15 – Interview with Pastor Ed Michael
INTRODUCTION: Pastor Ed Michael is the lead pastor at the Eastern Assembly of God in Dundalk, Maryland. He is a graduate of the “Faith School of Theology” and North Central University…he has a heart for MISSIONS…he loves to give encouragement to the church and to lead short term mission teams. He is married and has four children… AND, Pastor Ed is a part of our Evangelism Radio broadcast team as well…praise God! He can be heard on “Evangelism Radio” every Tuesday and Thursday morning from 7-730am ET. In addition to all of that, his son Jared is now entering his venue of full time ministry as well.
The Vision of the church is summed up as LIVE; LOVE; LEAD
How do you handle all of the different ministries your church has? Small group ministries; children ministry; women’s ministry; men’s ministry; Celebrate Recovery ministry; other outreaches – in addition to Missions trips?
The most memorable Missions Trip
How do you go about Church Growth and can smaller churches use this technique as well?
What is your leadership style?
Discuss your views on “Character in ministry.”
How would you give counsel to someone who came to you expressing an interest in a ministry calling?
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