Episode 191 Show Notes for Ted Lowe Interview
Every marriage is unique. Every married couple is unique. Sometimes, couples are
like a unique romantic, marital snowflake. Sometimes, couples are a uniquely,
unromantic hot mess. No matter where couples find themselves, they can still
experience more moments of awesome and less moments of awful in their
MarriedPeople is the marriage division at The reThink Group (also known as
Orange), a non-profit organization devoted to influencing those who influence
the next generation. Before working at Orange, Ted worked as Director of
MarriedLife at North Point Community Church in Alpharetta, Ga. And before that,
as a youth pastor at Saddleback Community Church.
Today’s guest has experienced the AWESOME as well as the AWEFULL…and in his new book, “Your Best US: Marriage is Easier Than You Think,” Ted Lowe uses humor, Biblical wisdom, research and a massive amount of practicality – Ted guides couples through four easy, doable habit (which we go over on the program today) – that will help them become their best, what he calls, their US…
The three one-liners that changed our marriage:
• We know tragedy and this ain’t it.
• We have first world problems.
• Do you want me to feel it or fix it?
Explain the barriers to having fun…
The term “US” in your book – how did you come up with that?
The best thing you can do for your kids – is leave. (How date night saves
You tell people to stop doing what the people around them are doing, stop focusing on what culture is telling us to begin developing the right marital habits that work FOR you…explain…
Great habits in marriage are relational = emotional = Awesome
Bad habits in marriage are relational as well…and therefore emotional = Awful
OK…the first of the Four Habits of a Great Marriage are:
Have Serious Fun – what do you mean by that (not about feelings, it’s about focus)
The Second is LOVE GOD FIRST…I can say amen to that…but why do you put that one second instead of first?
The third habit of a successful marriage, you say, is Respect and Love. Isn’t that two things? How can we show our spouse more respect and more love – what are some ways you recommend doing this?
Lastly, the fourth habit of a successful marriage is Practice your promise…I love this one…practicing what you promised you would do for your spouse on your wedding day. I think that is a long forgotten item in marriage…
How a 100-page marriage book changes lives.
• The one thing you can do to make marriage easier than you think.
1. What was the best piece of advice you received concerning your call into ministry?
2. “In your opinion what is the number one demonic force today?”
3. Besides the Bible, what book are you reading right now?
4. “If Jesus paid the price for all sins for all time (past, present and future), why can’t we just live like we want if we have asked Him to forgive us?”
Last Question
Book: Your Best US: Marriage is Easier Than You Think
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