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F.A.T. Podcast Episode 42 – Chelsea Flint
1st February 2016 • Food About Town • Chris Lindstrom
00:00:00 01:48:59

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On this episode of the Food About Town podcast Chelsea Flint (@akachela on Twitter) came over to record a wide ranging discussion all centered around some cocktails.

We started off talking about where you can find Chelsea online. She is one of the more active Twitter personalities in the ROC, both in volume and creativity and is a must follow. Beyond the typical social media platforms, Chelsea is also a part of the Exxilista podcast and is a writer on the Rochester Live show found on the YouTubes.

Among the many topics we bounced between, we talked about the oddness of meeting people from the internets, what working in a family business really means, our time spent at the University of Rochester with a focus on the food scene, and a discussion about her experiences eating and drinking through Disney.

This was a good excuse to finally meet up with Chelsea on purpose after plenty of discussions on Twitter and a few chance meetings around Rochester. The more you hang out around the city, the more you realize what a small town it can be at times. So when you see Chelsea out (easy to spot!) make sure to say hi and get to know one of the more interesting people in the ROC in person.

I hope to go over soon and get schooled by the fine ladies on the Exxilista show soon. Check out what they’re doing over there; some of the more honest podcasting going on right now in the city.

If you enjoyed this episode please share this on social media or leave a review for the podcast on iTunes to help out the podcast.


The post F.A.T. Podcast Episode 42 – Chelsea Flint first appeared on Food About Town.

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