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Home Buying Part 3: Timing It Right with Kyle Seagraves
Episode 3325th July 2022 • Wealth Witches • Katelyn Magnuson
00:00:00 00:32:58

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It’s very tempting to house shop online and crunch all the numbers yourself before taking any steps in buying a home, but don’t wait around just because you aren’t sure. Talk to a loan officer first and see where you’re really at. Remember, the pull on your credit will only affect it by a few points.

Talk to 3 lenders. Start with a big bank, then a local credit union, then a brokerage so you have 3 options. Your credit report will last around 4 months and closing will take about 30 days, so you have about 3 months to shop for a house once you have your preapprovals. Just make sure that you talk to your loan officer first before you make any big changes like changing jobs, buying a car, or financing a bunch of furniture.

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FTC/Affiliate Disclaimer: By using some of these links, at no extra cost to you, I may earn a small commission or referral fee, which helps me continue to produce content like this, support my business, and my team.

DISCLAIMER: I am not a financial advisor and this is not financial advice. My podcast is for educational purposes and is my personal opinion only. To make the best financial decision for your situation, please do your own research and if needed, seek the advice of a fee-based, fiduciary.

Music credit: Neon Fairies by Wolves 

A Podcast Launch Bestie production


Katelyn Magnuson:

Welcome back to our mini season, talking all

Katelyn Magnuson:

things, mortgages and home buying.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We have Kyle Seagraves here, who is a certified mortgage advisor,

Katelyn Magnuson:

licensed loan originator, and the owner of win the house.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You love a YouTube channel with over a hundred thousand subscribers,

Katelyn Magnuson:

Kyle, again, welcome back.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I feel like this is just gonna be old hat at some point.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And today we're gonna talk about all things, timing with the home loan process.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So, you know, pre-approval how the approval process works.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You know, how to really just schedule and plan for what this can look like.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

This trips up people a lot, because I think.

Kyle Seagraves:

Especially for those people who are like me, who everything has to be an

Kyle Seagraves:

calendar and be organized and have to prepare for every single step in my life.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, it can be a little frustrating because you don't have as much control over it.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, and ultimately there is this fear of.

Kyle Seagraves:

Rejection that I think prevents us from actually taking the first step.

Kyle Seagraves:

Because we have, we're listening to so much information.

Kyle Seagraves:

We're like, oh, am I ready to buy now?

Kyle Seagraves:

Or do I have enough savings or is this the right move?

Kyle Seagraves:

I am hearing stuff about the market.

Kyle Seagraves:

When in reality, there is zero risk.

Kyle Seagraves:

And applying for a mortgage and starting the conversation.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, it's kind of in a similar way.

Kyle Seagraves:

Like, I, I have a friend of mine who, uh, he just got of a relationship and

Kyle Seagraves:

he was like, oh, I I'm ready to start getting back into something a little

Kyle Seagraves:

bit, but I'm afraid of, you know, I'm not, I don't know if I'm ready.

Kyle Seagraves:

I was like, Hey, there's zero risk.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's just a date.

Kyle Seagraves:

You're not, you're not getting married.

Kyle Seagraves:

I pro like, please don't get married.

Kyle Seagraves:

The first person.

Kyle Seagraves:

Get married off the first day.

Kyle Seagraves:

Like just dip your toe in the water.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's fine.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's just a date.

Kyle Seagraves:

Same thing with applying for a mortgage.

Kyle Seagraves:

Like you can begin talking with a loan officer and it just be that,

Kyle Seagraves:

Hey, I just wanna see where I'm at.

Kyle Seagraves:

Could you, could you let me know where my credit's at, where my budget is?

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, show me some numbers so I can get familiar with this.

Kyle Seagraves:

I'm not sure if I'm ready to move forward, but I'd like to

Kyle Seagraves:

take a, a first look at this.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I think people can really be embarrassed sometimes too.

Kyle Seagraves:


Katelyn Magnuson:

where they think they are financially and what

Katelyn Magnuson:

they think that means or the story they think it tells about them.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I think that wherever you are is where you are, but knowing where you

Katelyn Magnuson:

are and like what you can afford, or if you need to make changes, or if you

Katelyn Magnuson:

need to do some work, I think can be incredibly empowering, but you don't

Katelyn Magnuson:

know unless you've talked to someone and, and started or dipped your toe.

Kyle Seagraves:

Yeah, this is why I think it's helpful to have that.

Kyle Seagraves:

I think we talked about this in the first episode, like, Hey, don't

Kyle Seagraves:

talk about your numbers with people.

Kyle Seagraves:

because like, let's only talk about numbers with people who can help

Kyle Seagraves:

us make decisions about numbers.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, because if I'm telling all my numbers to all my friends and family,

Kyle Seagraves:

and then I go and talk to a loan officer, I'm gonna have that fear of

Kyle Seagraves:

like, well, what if, what if I have to come back with different news?

Kyle Seagraves:

And they think about my situation differently or, or whatever,

Kyle Seagraves:

whatever that narrative is.

Kyle Seagraves:

When, if we're just talking with the, the people who can actually help

Kyle Seagraves:

us give us information about these numbers, uh, it takes off some of

Kyle Seagraves:

that pressure of like, Hey, the loan, officer's really there to just help you.

Kyle Seagraves:

See if you can qualify for a loan or not.

Kyle Seagraves:

I promise you, they want to help you qualify for a loan cuz

Kyle Seagraves:

they, they get paid that way.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

No loan officer gets paid by turning you down for a mortgage.

Kyle Seagraves:

So if they can make it work, they're going to absolutely try to do that.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, not to say they're gonna, like all people are gonna just push you into

Kyle Seagraves:

something that you're not comfortable.

Kyle Seagraves:

but like they're incentivized to help you get a mortgage.

Kyle Seagraves:

So they're not really there to sit and be like, haha, this

Kyle Seagraves:

about your financial situation.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, they're interested in say like, how can we help you

Kyle Seagraves:

qualify for a loan and most loan officers that I I've talked to?

Kyle Seagraves:

It's usually not just like a hard, no, it's usually like, Hey, here's the things

Kyle Seagraves:

we need to work on to begin the process.

Kyle Seagraves:

And really there is.

Kyle Seagraves:

We can do all types of exercises and planning and scenarios

Kyle Seagraves:

before we start that process.

Kyle Seagraves:

But you will learn so much about your financial situation and about

Kyle Seagraves:

the future of buying a house by just having that conversation.

Kyle Seagraves:

Because when we talk with a loan officer, not only can we see,

Kyle Seagraves:

can we get approved for a loan, but once we can, we figure out what

Kyle Seagraves:

our monthly payment's gonna look like, how much house we can afford.

Kyle Seagraves:

And then also what the upfront costs are going to.

Kyle Seagraves:

Which just accelerates your planning so much further than if

Kyle Seagraves:

you're just spending a ton of time, not actually taking that step.

Kyle Seagraves:

And we're just theoretically looking at, well, the down

Kyle Seagraves:

payment could be this month.

Kyle Seagraves:

The payment could be that all to find out.

Kyle Seagraves:

Then we get a, we apply and find out we're doing the math wrong.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

I think we can all be guilty of Zillow shopping, but not actually, you know,

Katelyn Magnuson:

understanding what we have or what we can be working with versus, oh,

Katelyn Magnuson:

Hey, it looks like that, you know, $400,000 house that you kind of had

Katelyn Magnuson:

an eye on, or that range you were looking at, that's totally realistic.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That's totally doable.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Go for it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I think it can be a really freeing feeling to be like, I can do that or I

Katelyn Magnuson:

can do that once I've done X, Y, and Z, like it gives you such a clear action.

Kyle Seagraves:

Yes, absolutely.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

Rather than, yeah.

Kyle Seagraves:

And rather than looking at like the $600,000 house and then getting

Kyle Seagraves:

approved and being like, okay, actually can't do that right now, but it's

Kyle Seagraves:

something we can do in the future.

Kyle Seagraves:

It, just, to me, I, I tell people, I use the phrase like emotional failure, like,

Kyle Seagraves:

are we setting ourselves up for emotional

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

a lot of times we are, yeah.

Kyle Seagraves:

We're kind of doing a little bit of sabotaging, um, because we

Kyle Seagraves:

were afraid to take the next.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

So with the process and getting, you know, getting started and having that

Katelyn Magnuson:

conversation, let's say that maybe they're in a spot to start moving forward, right.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Maybe what they're looking at and what it sounds like, and their

Katelyn Magnuson:

finances and their debt and their credit scores and everything comes

Katelyn Magnuson:

together and they wanna move forward.

Katelyn Magnuson:

What does that next step normally look like for.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, so I think the first thing to do is begin talking

Kyle Seagraves:

with three different lenders.

Kyle Seagraves:

I'm gonna talk with.

Kyle Seagraves:

I usually like to, uh, have people look at three different types of lenders.

Kyle Seagraves:

So one being, uh, a big bank, um, or a big direct lender.

Kyle Seagraves:

So this would be, uh, someone like, and I'm not vouching

Kyle Seagraves:

for any of these companies.

Kyle Seagraves:

Just throwing out examples.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, bank of America, Quicken loans those would be good examples of the,

Kyle Seagraves:

kind of the big companies you see have commercials about mortgages.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, the next would be a local credit union.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's gonna be local to either your city or county, your state, um,

Kyle Seagraves:

some lender that just works with a small local group of people.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, they might have some different options than a bigger national brand.

Kyle Seagraves:

And then also looking at a.

Kyle Seagraves:

Brokerage, um, brokers don't charge any extra.

Kyle Seagraves:

They don't charge anything different than with a bank or a credit union.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, you actually might find some savings with a broker or more

Kyle Seagraves:

creative options with a broker.

Kyle Seagraves:

So shopping with these three different types of lenders will allow to have

Kyle Seagraves:

a really good range of conversations and numbers to begin looking at.

Kyle Seagraves:

And it's really as simple as I can.

Kyle Seagraves:

Google mortgage broker near.

Kyle Seagraves:

Find maybe some people with good reviews, give 'em a call.

Kyle Seagraves:

Say, Hey, I'm looking to begin the process.

Kyle Seagraves:

I'm not really sure where my credit's at.

Kyle Seagraves:

Here's kind of, I'm thinking of buying a house that maybe is like this.

Kyle Seagraves:

What would be the next.

Kyle Seagraves:

They're usually gonna send you to, uh, most of the time, an online

Kyle Seagraves:

application, or they might take it over the phone and all you're doing here

Kyle Seagraves:

is you're just sharing, um, probably more financial information that you've

Kyle Seagraves:

ever shared with anybody in your life.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, it's a lot of stuff.

Kyle Seagraves:

Where do you love?

Kyle Seagraves:

Where do you work?

Kyle Seagraves:

How much do you make?

Kyle Seagraves:

How much is in your bank account, all these different things.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, and usually they're gonna ask you for documents to support

Kyle Seagraves:

what you put on your application.

Kyle Seagraves:

So if you say I make $7,000 per month, they usually wanna see

Kyle Seagraves:

the pace stub that supports.

Kyle Seagraves:

That if you say I have $40,000 in my bank account, okay.

Kyle Seagraves:

We need to say the bank support bank statement that supports that as well.

Kyle Seagraves:

I just make sure that they're giving you something that's accurate, but as we

Kyle Seagraves:

have these conversations with these three different types of lenders, it's gonna

Kyle Seagraves:

start to draw some really good questions that we might have about the process

Kyle Seagraves:

that we can ask those loan officers.

Kyle Seagraves:

And that is going to really kickstart the process after you're done with that.

Kyle Seagraves:

At this point, you should have three preapproval.

Kyle Seagraves:

Meaning you're approved for a loan and three different loan quotes.

Kyle Seagraves:

So we can see what the monthly payment's gonna look like, what the

Kyle Seagraves:

upfront cost will look like as well.

Kyle Seagraves:

Then at that point, you should be very confident about like, Hey, our

Kyle Seagraves:

financing is kind of taken care of.

Kyle Seagraves:

We did the steps, we got three yeses and we're ready to move forward

Kyle Seagraves:

with the home shopping portion.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So once that happens, and I think that we'd encountered this

Katelyn Magnuson:

potentially once, but let's say you get preapproved faster than you were

Katelyn Magnuson:

anticipating, or let's say that in the market that we have today, you then go

Katelyn Magnuson:

out and you start health shopping, which.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I think can be both the fun and the horrid part of home buying depending

Katelyn Magnuson:

on who you are and what you like to do.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But let's say you get out there and you're doing it and you are getting, you know,

Katelyn Magnuson:

past cause normally these preapprovals.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If I remember correctly, have a, a time limit on them, if I'm remembering

Katelyn Magnuson:

correctly, what happens if it's like been six months and you're still

Katelyn Magnuson:

shopping and haven't found your house.

Kyle Seagraves:

yes, if that happens, it's perfectly okay.

Kyle Seagraves:

You're gonna survive.

Kyle Seagraves:

nothing's gonna break apart.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, so use your credit report is gonna last four months.

Kyle Seagraves:

So, what this usually means is you're gonna expect to be under

Kyle Seagraves:

contract for home around 30 days.

Kyle Seagraves:

From the time you put an offer and it's accepted to closing.

Kyle Seagraves:

So that leaves you about three months to shop.

Kyle Seagraves:

If it takes longer, it's perfectly okay.

Kyle Seagraves:

Like there, there is no, there's no payment that's

Kyle Seagraves:

required up front to get it.

Kyle Seagraves:

Pre-approved if you, if a lender charges you, something like don't

Kyle Seagraves:

work with, 'em no reputable, lender's gonna charge something.

Kyle Seagraves:

And if you like, like, Hey, this is actually too much for us right now.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

You can say that and back out there's no risk.

Kyle Seagraves:

And so if that happens where you've been shopping and for a lot of people

Kyle Seagraves:

in this market, this has been happening.

Kyle Seagraves:

They're looking at homes for a few months and they can't find something that's okay.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, what you can do is talk with your loan officer and say like,

Kyle Seagraves:

Hey, we haven't found anything yet.

Kyle Seagraves:

And your loan officer might wanna handle it a couple different ways.

Kyle Seagraves:

They might ask for an updated credit report where they might put

Kyle Seagraves:

another inquiry on, if that's the case still, isn't gonna be a huge

Kyle Seagraves:

impact to your credit score at all.

Kyle Seagraves:

Maybe a couple points, that's it?

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, if that's the case, it's okay.

Kyle Seagraves:

For a lot of lenders, they'll be like, great.

Kyle Seagraves:

Just let us know if anything big changes, anything big with your credit.

Kyle Seagraves:

Big with your income.

Kyle Seagraves:

They usually won't have to do anything updated until you're

Kyle Seagraves:

ready to look at something.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, so if you're that adamant in the search process, I don't, I

Kyle Seagraves:

personally don't think you need to keep getting updated credit

Kyle Seagraves:

reports through the whole thing.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's just, if there's any big change, Hey, you know, it's been six months

Kyle Seagraves:

and then we apply it for our car.

Kyle Seagraves:

You know, we got a new car and a new credit card, then maybe we

Kyle Seagraves:

want to update the credit report to make sure it's still accurate.

Kyle Seagraves:

But for most people, it's not something they have to worry about.

Kyle Seagraves:

Just communicate with your loan officer and they'll help guide you through it.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, if you haven't found a home, like it's not like you have to go through the

Kyle Seagraves:

whole process over again, they're just gonna be updating your loan application.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That makes total sense.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And that was actually going to be a question that I asked is I think

Katelyn Magnuson:

that a lot of advice that's given out is, you know, don't open any new

Katelyn Magnuson:

lines of credit when you're in the process of buying a house, right?

Katelyn Magnuson:

No auto loans, no big furniture purchases.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So I think that, that, and you can let me know if you disagree.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I think that sound advice if you're in the, if you've put an

Katelyn Magnuson:

offer and that's been accepted you're in that, that process.

Katelyn Magnuson:

But I think if we're talking about people that are looking maybe for an

Katelyn Magnuson:

extended period of time, I would say, maybe just chat with your loan officer

Katelyn Magnuson:

before you're making any big changes that could impact what you're able

Katelyn Magnuson:

to qualify for, rather than putting everything on hold for six to 12.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

Yeah, you absolutely can still make changes.

Kyle Seagraves:

Just make sure that you do communicate those because they might change things.

Kyle Seagraves:

You know, if you get a new car, like that's going to give you an inquiry,

Kyle Seagraves:

lower, your average, your accounts increase your credit utilization,

Kyle Seagraves:

uh, and change your credit mix.

Kyle Seagraves:

So that could have a significant change on your credit report.

Kyle Seagraves:

And so that's something you can do.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, but if you're like actually under contract for a home,

Kyle Seagraves:

we don't want to change.

Kyle Seagraves:

Anything, when you're buying a house, it, introduces a lot of life change.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, we wanna buy a new house, but then you a new car to just for the commute.

Kyle Seagraves:

And then I want all this furniture and it's all this stuff.

Kyle Seagraves:

Just do it after you absolutely can wait till after you buy a home, maybe you

Kyle Seagraves:

don't have all the furniture in it's.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

You'll be alright.

Kyle Seagraves:

You'll survive.

Kyle Seagraves:

But you do not wanna derail your home purchase because you change

Kyle Seagraves:

something with your credit.

Kyle Seagraves:

So ultimately after you get a preapproval, In between that and closing on your

Kyle Seagraves:

home, you just wanna make sure that any change that you're gonna make to

Kyle Seagraves:

your credit or any big changes, like changing jobs or something like that.

Kyle Seagraves:

Talk to your loan officer before you do that.

Kyle Seagraves:

I was talking with a friend of mine who just bought a house recently and, um,

Kyle Seagraves:

he just wrote an offer to buy a house.

Kyle Seagraves:

So seller accepted it he's been under contract for maybe a week.

Kyle Seagraves:

And then he was like, oh man, I forgot to tell you.

Kyle Seagraves:

I'm about to take a, a job with another.

Kyle Seagraves:

I was like, wait, no, you're not, no, don't stop.

Kyle Seagraves:

Don't do it.

Kyle Seagraves:

Do it after just wait.

Kyle Seagraves:

Like, and so I was like, I wouldn't, you need to call your

Kyle Seagraves:

company that you're gonna work for.

Kyle Seagraves:

I was like, did you tell your company yet your company you work for now?

Kyle Seagraves:

I was like, no.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

Tell them, Hey, we need to change my start date to after the closing.

Kyle Seagraves:

And they accommodated it and it was fine, but otherwise, what would

Kyle Seagraves:

happen is it completely changes his.

Kyle Seagraves:

Even if he, even though he was making more money, it completely readjusts

Kyle Seagraves:

everything and likely he would've had to been at the new job for a minimum of two

Kyle Seagraves:

weeks, possibly a month to then close.

Kyle Seagraves:

Would the seller ex extend the period for that long another month?

Kyle Seagraves:

Probably not.

Kyle Seagraves:

They might go with another offer.

Kyle Seagraves:

Don't make any big changes to your income, to your credit or to the

Kyle Seagraves:

money you have in your bank accounts.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, until you talk with your loan.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That actually brings up a, a question B a funny story.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So I think that a lot of times with that, with the bank account, you

Katelyn Magnuson:

know, making any large changes, cash deposits, cash withdrawals.

Katelyn Magnuson:

during that timeframe and I, I will share mine.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And then I would love kind of your thoughts or guidance on that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We, we sold our, my first house in September of 2019, did not plan to buy for

Katelyn Magnuson:

six months until the spring of 2020 went to go casually, look at houses in Idaho

Katelyn Magnuson:

in the first week of October in between the first week of September and the first

Katelyn Magnuson:

week of October, I had a large photo.

Katelyn Magnuson:

That large photo shoot included a lot of cash for images and, you know,

Katelyn Magnuson:

having some fun and doing all of that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I, and my infinite wisdom was like, this is fine because we're not looking

Katelyn Magnuson:

to qualify for a home until the spring.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Then when we put an offer in the first week of October, uh, I got

Katelyn Magnuson:

to answer some great questions.

Katelyn Magnuson:

This is why I had a very large cash with cash withdrawal and then a

Katelyn Magnuson:

very large cash deposit, the same amount in a 24-hour timeframe.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I got to provide, it was actually my favorite thing once,

Katelyn Magnuson:

uh, my loan officer laughed her ass off about it when I told her why.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And she was like, yeah, I'm gonna need some pictures to just

Katelyn Magnuson:

kind of corroborate all of that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And so I sent pictures over from the photo shoot and everything was fine,

Katelyn Magnuson:

but it definitely caused a snag.

Katelyn Magnuson:

in the whole process, but I at least knew that going in.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So what kind of, you know, advice do you have for people when it comes to

Katelyn Magnuson:

large bank deposits or withdrawals?

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, yeah, the withdraws is not much of a concern.

Kyle Seagraves:

The only thing that the lender is looking at with withdraws is.

Kyle Seagraves:

Are they monthly?

Kyle Seagraves:

Are they things that happen regularly, monthly that would indicate there's a

Kyle Seagraves:

debt not showing on the credit report?

Kyle Seagraves:

That's the only thing they really care about with Charles.

Kyle Seagraves:

Other than that, you know, , I have a funny story too.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, one of the loan officers here in, in our company was, uh, people don't

Kyle Seagraves:

like sharing their bank statements.

Kyle Seagraves:

Totally get it.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, we're not really looking at like how much you go to Chipotle.

Kyle Seagraves:

I would be the most embarrassed person in

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

No judgment here.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Yeah, kind of

Kyle Seagraves:

I go too many times.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, but.

Kyle Seagraves:

We asked this lady for her bank statements.

Kyle Seagraves:

And she was like, what do you wanna see?

Kyle Seagraves:

How many, six toys I buy?

Kyle Seagraves:


Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

now that you say it, I really am interested.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, I wasn't, before your lender's not looking through like, oh, you

Kyle Seagraves:

went to Speedway and you went here and like, they don't care about that.

Kyle Seagraves:

The withdrawals are only looking to see, oh, is there a debt

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

up from the deposits?

Kyle Seagraves:

Usually payroll deposits are easy to see.

Kyle Seagraves:

We can see from a certain company, anything that's non-pay is going

Kyle Seagraves:

to have a question added with it.

Kyle Seagraves:

And it's not like this big interrogating.

Kyle Seagraves:

No, one's gonna put a big light up to you and be like,

Kyle Seagraves:

so, uh, what was this deposit?

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

It's not a big thing.

Kyle Seagraves:

They're just gonna be like, Hey, this money came in.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, we need to source it somehow.

Kyle Seagraves:

And so there's a lot of places you can get money from that are acceptable.

Kyle Seagraves:

But there are a lot that are unacceptable.

Kyle Seagraves:

Things like loans, like those that need to be added to a credit

Kyle Seagraves:

report, um, like cash advances from a credit card can't be used.

Kyle Seagraves:

Or even, you know, for a lot of people it's like, okay, I sold my truck

Kyle Seagraves:

and here's a $10,000, uh, deposit.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

Like I need a receipt to see that you actually sold the truck.

Kyle Seagraves:

And unfortunately, a lot of this has come from a lot of the money laundering

Kyle Seagraves:

rules since the Patriot act where.

Kyle Seagraves:

Banks and lenders have to report all this information of

Kyle Seagraves:

how money got shifted around.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's really annoying, but what I recommend for people, if you're

Kyle Seagraves:

gonna have, uh, deposits first, talk to your loan officer about this.

Kyle Seagraves:

Hey, is, would this deposit be acceptable if it's not acceptable?

Kyle Seagraves:

as long as you're waiting two months.

Kyle Seagraves:

The underwriter, won't see it.

Kyle Seagraves:

Cuz you're only gonna have to submit 60 days, two months worth

Kyle Seagraves:

of bank statements to your lender.

Kyle Seagraves:

So if you have a deposit before that, it's, what's called seasoned that

Kyle Seagraves:

money already sits there and exists.

Kyle Seagraves:

And the lender doesn't have to see before the two month period now, anything they

Kyle Seagraves:

see, they can question and actually subtract it from the money you can use.

Kyle Seagraves:

So for instance, Let's say we have $30,000 in our bank account

Kyle Seagraves:

and you have $10,000 in cash.

Kyle Seagraves:

And you're like, I've just been saving $10,000 in cash, which a lot of people

Kyle Seagraves:

do, uh, for some reason kind of blows my

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

The mattress money.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

yeah, I finding a lender that will accept

Kyle Seagraves:

cash is almost impossible.

Kyle Seagraves:

At this point, it can ex it exists in some of the guidelines that say,

Kyle Seagraves:

this is the way it's acceptable.

Kyle Seagraves:

I have yet to find a lender that will allow cash.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's just too risky.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, because that lender then might have to answer, what was this cash?

Kyle Seagraves:

Did you prove that, how do you know for certain that that's where it came from?

Kyle Seagraves:

And it's so hard to document because it could come from anything.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, even if we're giving like receipts and it just have very rarely seen cash work.

Kyle Seagraves:

so let's say we have $30,000 on our account and we had

Kyle Seagraves:

a 10,000 R cash deposit.

Kyle Seagraves:

What might end up happening is a lender says we can't use 10,000.

Kyle Seagraves:

We can only use 20.

Kyle Seagraves:

And if your down payment and closing costs are going to cost you 25, we need

Kyle Seagraves:

to find another way to bring in $5,000 or to prove that we have $5,000 that we have

Kyle Seagraves:

access to, which often can cause people to need things like a gift from a family

Kyle Seagraves:

member or different things like that, to

Katelyn Magnuson:

I was gonna ask about gifts from family members.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So let's say, and I, I know I've seen this come up sometimes, but let's say that you

Katelyn Magnuson:

have, you know, generous parents that are in a place to, or family member or friend

Katelyn Magnuson:

or someone that is in a place to gift you, you know, funds towards a down payment.

Katelyn Magnuson:

What would someone need to know about that or about documenting that.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

Gifting is, is really easy.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's just a small bit of paperwork, so, uh, yeah, a family member.

Kyle Seagraves:

It can't be a friend.

Kyle Seagraves:

Can't just be like, Hey, I really like you also, if you have those

Kyle Seagraves:

friends who are giving you money like that, I would love to be connected.

Kyle Seagraves:

I think we it'd be your great friends too.

Kyle Seagraves:

so it's usually has to be a family member and different loans have different

Kyle Seagraves:

guidelines, which you can look up.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

Sometimes cousins are allowed sometimes they're not sometimes,

Kyle Seagraves:

you know, all those things.

Kyle Seagraves:

so if it's apparent really easy, uh, what I recommend is talking with a

Kyle Seagraves:

loan officer to coordinate this first, what a lot of people do is they move

Kyle Seagraves:

the money around without telling me, and then like, oh my gosh, okay.

Kyle Seagraves:

We have to document it this way then.

Kyle Seagraves:

And the documentation depends on how the money got move.

Kyle Seagraves:

So if the money went from your parents' bank account to yours,

Kyle Seagraves:

let's say they gifted you $10,000.

Kyle Seagraves:

I need to see like updated bank statements.

Kyle Seagraves:

I see to see it proof of the check.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's all like annoying.

Kyle Seagraves:

The easiest thing is talk to your loan officer and what's

Kyle Seagraves:

usually best is the donor gifts.

Kyle Seagraves:

The gives the money to the title company.

Kyle Seagraves:

The title company will provide a receipt that the money's

Kyle Seagraves:

there and that's all that we.

Kyle Seagraves:

there's a gift letter as well.

Kyle Seagraves:

And the gift letter is gonna say, we, the parents give our child $10,000

Kyle Seagraves:

with no expectation of repayment and a couple other details, you know, date,

Kyle Seagraves:

phone, number, all that kind of stuff.

Kyle Seagraves:

And it's really.

Kyle Seagraves:

That basic.

Kyle Seagraves:

And for most loans you can use the gift to cover the down payment and or the closing

Kyle Seagraves:

costs, um, which can be really helpful and gifts are actually extremely common.

Kyle Seagraves:

so gifting is not terrible.

Kyle Seagraves:

It just, sometimes the issues with documentation, with something like

Kyle Seagraves:

an FHA loan, often lenders will want the donors bank statement.

Kyle Seagraves:

They wanna make sure that it didn't come from same thing, those money laundering.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, kind of policies.

Kyle Seagraves:

They wanna make sure it didn't come from some random, whatever

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

They're just saying that the deposit matches the withdrawal

Katelyn Magnuson:

that came from where you said it came from and kind of closing the

Katelyn Magnuson:

loop on the documentation for that.

Kyle Seagraves:

They need to make sure that you didn't.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

They don't wanna see the donors bank statement.

Kyle Seagraves:

All of a sudden there was our cash deposit for $10,000 and then

Kyle Seagraves:

they immediately gave that to you.

Kyle Seagraves:

Cause that's laundering.

Kyle Seagraves:

We just

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

through a donor.

Katelyn Magnuson:

we just added someone else into the loop.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

They're like you, they don't want you to try to work around the

Kyle Seagraves:

policy by doing something like that.

Kyle Seagraves:

So, sometimes the friction can happen when we ask a donor for bank statements

Kyle Seagraves:

and they throw a fit and they're like, I don't know what to tell you,

Kyle Seagraves:

but this is the only way it works.

Kyle Seagraves:

This is literally the guidelines.

Kyle Seagraves:

I don't make the world.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

I'm not doing this for fun.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

yeah, after three days of huffing and puffing, we

Kyle Seagraves:

get it through and it works that's one of the only frictions with.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I think again, the really important thing to note

Katelyn Magnuson:

here is if you just pause before taking action and run it by your loan

Katelyn Magnuson:

officer, it can save time headache.

Katelyn Magnuson:

All of that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I see that a lot and what we do, it's so much easier.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Not that we want to be here to give you permission to do or not do things, but

Katelyn Magnuson:

because we can help things flow so much more efficiently, that will save you time.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Anyone else that you're working with time and can get you to your end goal?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Cause I think all of our goal is to, you know, Loan officer's goal

Katelyn Magnuson:

is to get you into that house.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Get you funded, make that happen.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You know, our goal is to see you live out your financial dreams.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Like we're not here to do nefarious things.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We wanna see you succeed.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So let us help you succeed.

Kyle Seagraves:

That's the biggest cause of friction.

Kyle Seagraves:

Like it's the easy, the quickest way to hate your loan officer is to do stuff

Kyle Seagraves:

and then tell them after is because they're gonna be like you did what?

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

Well, now that you did that, like there's only these few options.

Kyle Seagraves:

Whereas if you told me before, we could've, you know, I had a, a client

Kyle Seagraves:

once who, the day before closing, he was like, Hey, guess what?

Kyle Seagraves:

I got a new job.

Kyle Seagraves:

What he was like, yeah.

Kyle Seagraves:

I make more money.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's not a problem.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

It is absolutely a problem.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, so we had to wait another month and guess who everyone was mad at me.

Kyle Seagraves:

when, like, we absolutely told him no,

Katelyn Magnuson:

no no big life changes.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, but I'm the issue, cuz I couldn't make it work.

Kyle Seagraves:

Like that's not how this works.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

I, I can only do what I can do within the parameters that I can work within.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Oh goodness.

Kyle Seagraves:

Whereas if he asked me, I would've said, Hey, wait a week.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

And this would, this would be a non-issue.

Kyle Seagraves:

All right.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Oh man.

Katelyn Magnuson:

No, I think the timing can be so important.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I think at the same time that it can be so important.

Katelyn Magnuson:

People also make it out to be more complicated than it has to be.

Kyle Seagraves:

Mm-hmm Yeah.

Katelyn Magnuson:

if someone, cuz we, we walk through what it looks like, right.

Katelyn Magnuson:

If someone gets approved, everything's great.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It lines up with their plans.

Katelyn Magnuson:

They're able to go house shopping.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Let's say someone comes in and you know, they, they chat with three different,

Katelyn Magnuson:

you know, lenders and they look at.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Their finance.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Isn't like, Hey, you know, to do what you want to be doing or to

Katelyn Magnuson:

afford the, the house that you want.

Katelyn Magnuson:

You know, these are some action items that you need.

Katelyn Magnuson:

This is probably a super general question, but for what you see,

Katelyn Magnuson:

what does that normally look like?

Katelyn Magnuson:

Is it normally like, Hey, we need to get your credit score up, you know,

Katelyn Magnuson:

20 to 40 points or, Hey, we need to do some debt payoff or, Hey, we need a

Katelyn Magnuson:

bigger down payment or, you know, kind of a combination of those, depending

Katelyn Magnuson:

on their personal financial situation.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

I think this depends a lot based on the location.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, for me, you know, I I'm, I'm in Dayton, Ohio, so we're kind of

Kyle Seagraves:

a kind of smaller ish Metro area with a lot of like rural around it.

Kyle Seagraves:

The biggest problem all day long is the amount of cash.

Kyle Seagraves:

People have to be able to buy a house.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, because buying house costs money up front.

Kyle Seagraves:

There are some creative ways, you know, different loans we can use to do 0% down,

Kyle Seagraves:

but there's still gonna be closing costs.

Kyle Seagraves:

And then things like a seller's market.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's difficult to get the seller to pay, you know, negotiate for

Kyle Seagraves:

them to pay the closing costs.

Kyle Seagraves:

And so that's one of the hardest things is like, everything's great, but it's

Kyle Seagraves:

gonna cost you $10,000 to buy this house with your down payment closing costs.

Kyle Seagraves:

And you sent me a bank statement that has $7 in it.

Kyle Seagraves:

So like, we need to somehow figure out how to make this work.

Kyle Seagraves:

That is the biggest thing that I see is people who don't have

Kyle Seagraves:

the savings for buying a house.

Kyle Seagraves:


Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

and I think it's, it's really scary because I see so many

Kyle Seagraves:

people who buy home and it wipes their bank account clean, um, where, like

Kyle Seagraves:

they bought, but they don't have any money left and it's not a really great

Kyle Seagraves:

financial position to be in, I think for a lot of people, um, which is why I, I

Kyle Seagraves:

feel like it is helpful to include an emergency fund in your timing, where.

Kyle Seagraves:

You absolutely can still talk to a loan officer to see those numbers, but you

Kyle Seagraves:

might take a look at it and be like, Hey, this bottom line number is gonna

Kyle Seagraves:

wipe us clean and we don't want that.

Kyle Seagraves:

So maybe we back away from the home buying for a second to save maybe

Kyle Seagraves:

three months worth of expenses.

Kyle Seagraves:

And then we can reenter into the conversation because no

Kyle Seagraves:

amount of potential appreciation in a home is worth us.

Kyle Seagraves:

Not having any money to be able to cover repairs or moving

Kyle Seagraves:

costs or anything like that.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Or health issues that come up or emergencies or a

Katelyn Magnuson:

car breaks down or anything else?

Katelyn Magnuson:

I know when I, I, I was that person with my first house.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I hated living in an apartment and I could just barely make it happen.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And I did it and I had almost a $3,000 repair that had to happen

Katelyn Magnuson:

on the house that we didn't know about six months after I bought.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So it immediately went on, on a credit card and I spent the next

Katelyn Magnuson:

three years dipping into credit card debt and then paying it all off.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And it is what it is.

Katelyn Magnuson:

It allowed me to live where I lived.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I'm grateful to it.

Katelyn Magnuson:

I've thinked it's for, you know, thinked it's for its use, but

Katelyn Magnuson:

it was really, really stressful.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And didn't have to be had I been able to wait a few more months and set a few

Katelyn Magnuson:

thousand dollars aside over that time.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And that was a big factor in this house.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We could've put just barely 20% down, but it would've wiped everything.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So we put 10% down, took the hit on the PMI, which was not that bad to then

Katelyn Magnuson:

have a much more robust emergency fund.

Katelyn Magnuson:

And it is like night and day, the, the, you know, lack of stress that we have,

Katelyn Magnuson:

and we were able to make improvements.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We were able to buy the furniture.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We were able to do the things that we wanted to do because we weren't.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So cash strapped.

Kyle Seagraves:

Yeah, absolutely.

Kyle Seagraves:

Would you like me to run through the, the timing of being under

Kyle Seagraves:

contract too really quickly?

Katelyn Magnuson:

I think that would be really helpful.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, the under contract piece goes pretty quick.

Kyle Seagraves:

Let's say we got approved for mortgage.

Kyle Seagraves:

Then we talked with a real estate agent.

Kyle Seagraves:

Cause that's the next step after that.

Kyle Seagraves:

And uh, we wanted to look for home and we're kind of saying, Hey,

Kyle Seagraves:

we want these things and we, we need three bedrooms, two baths.

Kyle Seagraves:

This much square footage would be nice.

Kyle Seagraves:

This school district be great.

Kyle Seagraves:

And our lender approved us for this and we wanna stay in that price range.

Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

We go and look at some homes, we find a home that we like.

Kyle Seagraves:

A real estate, agent's gonna help us write an offer.

Kyle Seagraves:

And the offer just basically says, Hey, we'll buy this for $400,000.

Kyle Seagraves:

We're gonna close in 30 days.

Kyle Seagraves:

We're gonna use this lender.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, we would like you to include the washer and the dryer and the, whatever

Kyle Seagraves:

that in your offer, the seller, then hopefully is gonna accept the offer.

Kyle Seagraves:

After that you have a due diligence period.

Kyle Seagraves:

This is negotiated, but usually about two weeks, uh, where you can.

Kyle Seagraves:

Have an inspection done on the home.

Kyle Seagraves:

This could be a general home inspection, could be something more

Kyle Seagraves:

specific, like a chimney inspection or structural inspection if you need

Kyle Seagraves:

something like that, an older home.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, so you have this inspection period where you can get an inspector out and

Kyle Seagraves:

then you can potentially request repairs if you need it or back out the contract.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, if you're like, Ooh, this is way too much work.

Kyle Seagraves:

We didn't expect all this.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, after the inspection, you're gonna then gonna have a appraisal.

Kyle Seagraves:

The lender's gonna have an appraiser come out, make sure the home is

Kyle Seagraves:

worth what we wanted a contract for.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, that's gonna come back.

Kyle Seagraves:

You're also gonna be working with your loan officer again to potentially update

Kyle Seagraves:

things like your bank statements, uh, your pay stubs, maybe a credit report.

Kyle Seagraves:

If it's you've been shopping for a while, they're gonna tie everything together.

Kyle Seagraves:

And, uh, they're gonna give you a document called a loan estimate.

Kyle Seagraves:

This is gonna be three days after you get under contract is when they give you

Kyle Seagraves:

that first document to finalize your.

Kyle Seagraves:

And show you like all the updated terms.

Kyle Seagraves:

And then you'll have your inspection, your appraisal, uh, at some point

Kyle Seagraves:

in the process, your entire loan fin package is gonna be finished.

Kyle Seagraves:

And this is when everything comes back, uh, your appraisal came back,

Kyle Seagraves:

all your documents are submitted.

Kyle Seagraves:

There's gonna be something called a title report that your lender's

Kyle Seagraves:

gonna get on your behalf that most people don't even know happens.

Kyle Seagraves:

Um, when they put all that together in the file, you're gonna get

Kyle Seagraves:

something called, uh, a clear to close where the lender's like.

Kyle Seagraves:

Everything's done.

Kyle Seagraves:

We're never gonna request anything of you again.

Kyle Seagraves:

We're all good to go.

Kyle Seagraves:

They're then going to issue you.

Kyle Seagraves:

What's called a closing disclosure.

Kyle Seagraves:

And this is gonna be like your initial quote, but it's gonna have more updated

Kyle Seagraves:

and finalized fees cuz every, all the third parties submitted their fees.

Kyle Seagraves:

So you'd be able to say, this is our bottom line number.

Kyle Seagraves:

Unfortunately, in the home buying process, it's not like one number and that's it

Kyle Seagraves:

through the whole process, those numbers can change, um, slightly, depending on,

Kyle Seagraves:

you know, different quotes that come in.

Kyle Seagraves:

Then usually what people do is they'll schedule walkthrough of the home

Kyle Seagraves:

about 24 hours before you close, uh, this to make sure like, Hey, there's.

Kyle Seagraves:

Damage to the home before we move in or before we close, uh,

Kyle Seagraves:

then you'll have your closing.

Kyle Seagraves:

Uh, this happens differently in different states here.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's very common for everyone to sit the closing table together.

Kyle Seagraves:

And it's like a big kumbaya moment.

Kyle Seagraves:

yeah, it's, it's a little interesting, like you say, you have the title company

Kyle Seagraves:

there, the buyer, the seller, the agents, everyone signs, exchange a check too.

Kyle Seagraves:


Katelyn Magnuson:

Oh like buyer an that is very different.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

A lot of places that happen separately.

Kyle Seagraves:

so it's kind of strange that that's happens here, but, um, then you

Kyle Seagraves:

close and then your mortgage payment is due, uh, a month minimum later.

Kyle Seagraves:

It's very confusing how this happens.

Kyle Seagraves:

So for instance, we're at June 2nd.

Kyle Seagraves:

So the first payment would not be due July 1st.

Kyle Seagraves:

it would happen, um, like.

Kyle Seagraves:

I'm trying to think of the easiest way to

Katelyn Magnuson:

First of the month, at least 30 days after the close.

Katelyn Magnuson:

So August 1st

Kyle Seagraves:


Katelyn Magnuson:

that might be still kind of convoluted, but yeah.

Kyle Seagraves:

I know it's, it's all those things like

Kyle Seagraves:

how do, how do you make this?

Kyle Seagraves:

How do I like package this in a clear sentence?

Katelyn Magnuson:

but if June, if June had 31 days and it, this

Katelyn Magnuson:

was June 1st, hypothetically, then would that be a July 1st?

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:

it'd still be August 1st.

Kyle Seagraves:

So we're in June right now.

Kyle Seagraves:

So we have to skip all of June.

Kyle Seagraves:

July gets skipped.

Kyle Seagraves:

The first mortgage payment is August 1st.

Kyle Seagraves:


Katelyn Magnuson:

But if you bought June 28th, it would still be August.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:


Kyle Seagraves:

So there's that full one month that is skipped and then you're actually

Kyle Seagraves:

paying the interest in between, you know, we'd be paying mortgage interest

Kyle Seagraves:

between June 2nd and the end of June

Katelyn Magnuson:

think that's super helpful.

Katelyn Magnuson:


Katelyn Magnuson:

Kyle, thank you.

Katelyn Magnuson:

We will be back on our next episode, chatting about.

Katelyn Magnuson:

Budget and financing and all of the financial things really, because

Katelyn Magnuson:

I think that's actually gonna be a little bit of a, a more in depth

Katelyn Magnuson:

episode with what all we have to cover.



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