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Being Surrender - Ranjan Kumar
Episode 4319th January 2023 • The Ultimate Coach Podcast • Meredith Bell and Ipek Williamson
00:00:00 00:47:38

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In this interview which was partially recorded live, Ranjan shares his story on how he has been creating TUEIE his whole life. During his 25 year personal development journey his through thread has been surrender.

From being a monk in 1997 for four months to alternative therapies and several spiritual initiations within India to starting his professional career of speaking and training. He was constantly aimlessly chasing truth yet it remained allusive.

Professionally he was being awarded but inside he didn't value any of it nor did he feel fulfilled. He struggled to receive all of his accolades internally for twenty years. Everything came to a head in 2016 going through his divorce is what caused him to slow down. With up to six legal battles: 2 yr son, 7 yr daughter, mom 60 yr, dad 70 yr to provide and care for caused him to reawaken his spiritual practices to replenish. He was so busy doing and lost his sense of self and direction and decision making fatigue for 3.5 years and chose to surrender.

Shift started happening, winning legal battles, increase in resources and spiritual shift for total grounding.

As you listen, hear yourself in his path of surrender and see where you can create more possibilities and let go of expectation.

About the Guest:

Ranjan Kumar Varanasi is the World Expert on Authentic Influence helping Change Makers and Leaders amplify their personal impact without being sleazy and create deep impact through their work.

He is the founder of Mysticfusion International – A Personal Transformation Organization, presently working as the Digital Transformation Advocate of AKRIVIA HCM – A Multinational Human Capital Management Software Company, is an Amazon Bestselling Author, Transformational Life Coach, Professional Speaker and a Corporate Trainer. As a coach he specializes in the training and development of individuals and organization on Authentic Influence and Personal

Transformation and has shared stage with International Experts like Robin Sharma – International Leadership Icon, David Shing – Digital Evangelist and Fons Tompenaars – International Bestselling Author and Expert on Servant Leadership.

In addition to JCI Certifications, as a trainer, he is certified from American TESOL and London College of Business Sciences with an Advanced Diploma in Life Coaching from Achology – Scotland and Evercoach (Mindvalley) – Malaysia.

He began his success saga in Junior Chamber International as the Outstanding Speaker in Speech Craft, Outstanding Zone Trainer in Zone Trainer’s Workshop and made Visakhapatnam proud by graduating as the Top Outstanding National Trainer for the National Train-the-Trainer Seminar- South Batch 2015 and one of the ICONIC TRAINER AWARDEES of JCI INDIA - 2021

He has been a faculty of Public Speaking Workshops over 30 times as part of his corporate training career and has served JCI India as Pilot faculty once and as a Co-faculty for Speech Craft twice.

As a corporate trainer he has served a slew of organizations and trained clients of Insurance Industry, Diamond Manufacturers, Board of Directors of Colleges, Marketing Groups, Members of Chamber of Commerce, Members of Quality Circle Forum of India, Faculty of Engineering Colleges, and has personally touched lives of over 50 Thousand individuals through his services.

He was appreciated as one of the highest rated trainers by the Learning and Development department of HETERO Pharmaceutical Ltd.

He had worked as a trainer and Head of Training with over half-a-dozen Engineering Colleges across Odisha and Andhra Pradesh and has travelled across the country speaking and training.

In his spiritual life, he was initiated by Swami Ranganathananda – International President – Sri Ramakrishna Matt and Mission Order in 1997, got initiated into Paramahamsa Yogananda’s Kriya Yoga, Master CVV’s Meditation, and many more. All this prepared him for his inward journey.

He then continued his journey exploring energy works like Pranic Healing, Reiki Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Meditation and many more.

His four books which include ‘Hit your restart button, You 2.0 – A Crash Course In Personal Reinvention, Crack The Creation Code, and Be More Of Who You Are form a complete package of personal transformation kit – the inside-out way.

His parents and kids Ishan and Sanjitha, are the reason for him to live. And that’s why he has dedicated his book to his two lovely kids.

About the Host:

Cordelia Gaffar is the Ultimate Joy Monger. That means that she holds space for you to reveal your joy within. Joy Mongering is a word she created from several life experiences and based on her philosophy that self-nurturing is freedom. In fact she has created a process she calls Replenish Me ™ to help you transmute fear, rage and anger into Joy. In one of her eight books, Detached Love: Transforming Your Heart Do That You Transform Your Mind, she breaks down the Replenish Me ™ process through her research, client stories and her personal vulnerable shares.

She is also the host of three host podcasts. She won Best Podcast Host for her solo show called Free to Be Show and collaborates as a co-host on Unlearning Labels and the Ultimate Coach Podcast. The multidimensional genius she is, is further demonstrated as the mother of six children whom I homeschooled for 17 years. In summary, she has won multiple awards: Best Podcast Host of 2019, Top National Influencer, Sexy Brilliant Leader, and inducted into the Global Library of Female Authors in 2020; and in 2021 nominated for Author of the Year and Health and Wellness Coach of the Year and in 2022 Master Coach of the Year and Orator of the Year. She has also won the Brainz Global 500 Award of Influencers and Entrepreneurs for 2021 and won BOOKS for PEACE 2022 award, CREA Award.

She has been featured on America Meditating Radio, British Muslim TV, Spirituality Podcast, Ultimate Coach Podcast, also featured on South African radio 786, and Fox News.

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TUCP Intro/Outro:

Welcome to The Ultimate Coach podcast conversations from being inspired by the book The Ultimate Coach, written by Amy Hardison, and Alan Thompson. Join us each week with the intention of expanding your state of being, and your experience will be remarkable. Remember, this is a podcast about be, it is a podcast about you. To explore more deeply, visit the Now, enjoy today's conversation from being.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Today, I am honored and happy to introduce you to the creator of the ultimate experience India Ranjan Kumar, and thank you for agreeing to meet with me today.

Ranjan Kumar:

Thank you so much. Cordelia. Thank you so much for inviting me to having me you're here. And I'm sure it's going to be a beautiful conversation between us

Cordelia Gaffar:

100%. I don't usually do this. But I am going to read a part of your biography just so people understand who you are, and where you're coming from, of course, who your being is way more important, as we know here on the ultimate coach podcast. But for those of you who don't know, he is the world expert on authentic influence. And he helps change makers and leaders amplify their personal impact through creating deep connection in their work. He's the founder of mystic fusion International, a personal transformation organization. And he's presently working as a digital transformation advocate for the multi national human capital management software company. And he's an Amazon Best Selling Author, transformational life coach, professional speaker and a corporate trainer. He specializes in training and development of individuals and an organization on authentic influence and personal transformation. And he, I mean, it just goes on and on and on. And I was just remarking to him before we we started to record that he is like the most heavily awarded, internationally recognized expert that I know of in the ultimate coach community. So where did it all begin? What is your experience with the ultimate coach book? Did you who sent you a copy? Or how did you find


the book? Thank you so much for the introduction, Cordelia. And, you know, there's a story which goes for over two decades, even before I reach this book, or the book reaches me, in fact. So I would like to go back on this journey, to start how it all started, and how finally the book landed in my palms. And what shifted, you know, it all started about 25 years ago, when I started my journey of personal transformation. And I've been through us a serious depression. And at about two occasions, I tried, I tried killing myself, and failed, unfortunately failed. And, and then something shifted in me about life. And I launched on this never ending journey of personal growth, about in 9090 97. And I continued my quest for I would say truth, and the truth that will change me the truth that would last forever, and truth that would liberate me from within. And it was in 1997 when I renounce to my family to turn a monk in Sri Ramakrishna Mission, Hyderabad and I stayed there for a few months. And I had to rejoin my family after a few months due to some family reasons. But then my quest continued, and it changed it. It's forms and shapes and directions. and I got into alternative therapies, meditation, yoga pranayama and, and several spiritual initiations and several association with several spiritual organizations in India. And then I got into this new age, spiritual journey with, you know, different New Age meditations and new groups coming up new philosophies coming up. So I was going through, I was going through many different things. And then I launched into my professional journey, my career, and then got into speaking training. And, well, it was all going good on the outside. But I still remember if I look back, I was kind of on a sprint, I was running, I was chasing, chasing something that I didn't know what it was, and what it was about. And it was like, like, the Dash button, the closer I seemed, the distant I felt, and it continued. And I kept, I kept setting bigger goals, I kept increasing the size of my ambition, the intensity of my cheese. And for for a few years, it seemed as if everything was exactly what I had dreamed about, and what I actually wanted. And then when it and it kept growing and growing in size, there was there was this sense of hollowness, which also was growing with him. While on the outside, it seemed as if, as if, you know, I was, I was very close to my dream of success on the outside, which I would have defined for myself. On the on the inside, I felt that I was very, very far away from what I actually felt that, you know, it should fulfill my inner need of this truth, the quest of truth and the fulfillment. And then I was off every one year, two years, three years sprint, I would be rendered clueless, and nowhere. Again, back in, back in that land of no direction. Absolutely. And then I would start again, and something would attract me. And then I would start again, and it kept going on. And then on the outside, I started, I started being branded as one of the top speakers and trainers and started getting awarded for my trainings and certifications and everything. But once I would go back home, I was like, neither was a valuing my awards or success on the outside. Nor I had any clue about what exactly was I looking for? So feeling fulfilled,

Cordelia Gaffar:

you you basically couldn't receive any of the results of your labor.


Exactly. So I wasn't able to receive it. On the inside. On the outside. They were there were these fanciful awards on the outside and certifications to show on my profile, my resume and everything was good for people outside. But for me, I was I was the same dissatisfied. Who I was in 1997 or 98. And

Cordelia Gaffar:

how far into your journey are we now? Like about 10 minutes about?


It's about? It's about 20 years

Cordelia Gaffar:

old to what you're saying after 20 years of doing this? Yes, you realize continue? Yes. Yes. Okay. It's


continued for two decades. And it was after two decades, when I was going through some personal problems, and I was back into depression and back clueless as to and I had questions which I started asking that, you know, if I was so successful on the outside, then why am I not experiencing them on the inside? And why and why these these awards are rewards of all the Fanciful all those titles, do not come to my rescue when I'm in depression. And when I'm going through these Tough times. And then it started making sense, you know that these things are not what I have been looking for? Well, I didn't know what exactly I was looking for. But I knew that it was not this. It wasn't this. And that this isn't what I have launched myself two decades ago on this, on this quest of truth. And I, I kind of started slowing down on my journey. I didn't know why. But yes, I knew that I was slowing down. I started I started enjoying my myself. My moments. Not yet fully, but at least I was on that direction. And, and then

Cordelia Gaffar:

started, what do you suppose was the shift there? Like what you said you had personal issues, I don't know if you want to expound on what that was, and how it led you to choose to slow down and enjoy yourself.


Yes, it was about in 2016 when I was going through my divorce, and I never thought I would be going through that. And then I was in a legal, I was in six different legal battles. And I was I was fighting for my child custody. I have two kids, a daughter and a son. And I was fighting for the child custody. And I had two kids with me, and my younger one was just two and a half. And my daughter was just seven year old. And here I was, I had my parents, my mom, 60 years, my dad 70 years, my son two and a half, and my daughter, seven years, four months, and I was fighting for divorce. And there was a lot at stake. I had to, you know, now it was like, I had four kids at home. Yeah, with financial problems, because of different legal cases, and, you know, employment issues, and I wasn't being regular to my job, because I was being regular to the courts everywhere else. Yeah. And, you know, the legal expenses, eating away at whatever small income I had, and half the days would go to go away traveling to the courts and attending and paying to the advocates. And so there was a lot going on in life. And then you have to take care of have a baby, you know, two and a half year old baby. So here I was being a dad and a mom to my kids. And I was being a son to my aging parents. And, you know, my mom had been, uh, you know, she had gone in operation of surgery to remove to remove her left breast because she had a tumor in her less left breast. And she was she was a patient of arthritis, and she was obese and diabetic and suffering the blood pressure. And my dad, my dad had several health issues going on. So he was like, you know, in deep, deep turmoil,

Cordelia Gaffar:

so much world so much life coming at you all at once. Yes, and it looks like you didn't really have any place to go for help or any place for you. And so I guess this is when you reawaken your spiritual discovery because that would be the only way to to pour back into yourself. That's what I'm hearing is that accurate?


Absolutely, Cordelia, you know, and then when you're in a tough times, and you I've kind of disappeared from the world outside. i There were only one or two friends to reach out to and you know, you just you just are busy living but not living

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, you're busy doing


actually doing busy doing but not experiencing life as a whole. And, and I lost my sense of self kind of, you know, who I was and variables and what I left I lost my complete sense of direction. And that's when I started asking, well, I if I was on the right track, you If I had all the knowledge and wisdom that I was looking for, then why am I here? And why am I not able to experience the peace inside at least? And, and, and then I had lots of decision making to be done.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah, decision making fatigue. Yes.


And I had to be like, completely running from day to night, and then night to the morning. So it was like sleepless, sleepless three and a half years. Why and, and I kind of reached a point where I decided to just surrender and nothing else. And I decided that it doesn't make sense running when you don't get anything out of it. And I decided to kind of slow down and see what happens when I slow down. And that's exactly when life started falling into place. And things started falling into place. And one by one, one by one. I was winning all the cases with least effort. And my income started crowing. And I had a different shift. And then I came into contact with Michael Neal's work. Three principles. And, and the most beautiful book that created the shift for me first was the surrender experiment by Michael singer.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Okay, yeah.


And once I read this book, I kind of, you know, I kind of soul relaxed into myself. And then I saw and experienced the shift inside, which was now a felt experience. Yeah, I started feeling that. And for the first time in my life, I felt how beautiful it was to, to just surrender. And just let go. Of everything that was happening and what I felt of it or what I thought of it. And I got in touch with Michael Lin.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Oh, yeah, at least directly, you reached out to him directly.


So I reached out to Michael Neal. And, and while I didn't have even money to attend his coaching, or group coaching session, so I wrote to him, I requested him that this is the small amount of money that I have as of now. So would you be willing to allow me because I need it. And I got a beautiful reply. And he agreed, oh, my goodness, that's great. And, and that's when I got into a group coaching session with Michael lean. And it was for about three months. And, and that's when I got I started experiencing this inner shift of this inside out experience of life and creation of life. So that began my journey inside out. And it was all it just started, it had just started going well, when the COVID hit. And, and again, I was back in financial problems, because the you know, the salaries were reduced. And everything else was the expenses were going the same. And most of the trainings and workshops weren't there anymore. So the opportunities on the outside disappeared like that. And so kind of again, it's it started falling down and crumbling. And last year, my mom and dad both fell prey to COVID at the same time, and it was back to square one. And I was like, Why am I being tested by life again and again and again. And finally the the hospitals rejected even admission to my mom and dad, because they were they were they knew that they cannot save them and both of them are We're going to die. Why and, and my mom was in a bedroom, my dad was in another bedroom. And I along with my kids in one room, so I was attending to both my mom and dad, and I would cleanse myself up, and then come back again. And then take care of my kids go back again to my mom and dad. So this, this became, like, like a, you know, a kind of four days together. And I was, I was, like, crushed between time and space and matter. And I didn't, I didn't know what to do. And it was COVID. So there was no one around to help you to even talk to you. And people were scared. You know, so there was no help around. And, and then I lost my mom, on 28th of April last year. And I didn't even know whether I should inform my dad or not, because he was almost dying. And I was I was scared if I if I tell him if I inform him, I would lose him immediately. And we waited for about two or three hours. And then some of my good friends to join me. They helped me and if recklessly you know, although I was in a given deep trouble. There was another magic happening, that my dad who was almost going away, recovered in less than three days. Yeah. And it was so quick. Because by fifth day, he was talking to me. And he was walking. And he was taking care of himself. And unlimitedly Yeah.

Cordelia Gaffar:

What do you suppose happened for him? What was going on internally? Did you do something different? Were you meditating more? Like, where was your um, so clearly,


in fact that I was I was doing nothing. I was just crying. I was just crying.

Cordelia Gaffar:

So your surrender? You were completely in your? Yes. Oh, yes. So that fight is a miracle in itself surrenders is the thread I'm seeing here. Yeah.

Ranjan Kumar:

And surrender started not after my mom passed away. But it started the night before my mom passed away. Because the night before, my mom asked me to help me her to the washroom. And I helped her. I was I was actually just about to take my dinner. And I had food on my plate. When my mom called me. I rushed inside, and then I helped her to the washroom. And by the time she came after the washroom, she saw that I had food on my plate. And she said, Were you about to have your food? I said, Yes. And she's she said, Okay, I want to sit here. You go have your food. Right, right outside the washroom. And I said, Mom, it's okay, I'll help you to your bedroom. She said, No, no, I want to see you have your food. And I arranged a chair for her immediately. And she saw me having my dinner. And then I washed my hands. And then she said, right now you can drop me back. And I took her back and above and then I put my kids to bed. And then about 1130 in the night. I felt like meditating. I woke up. I didn't go to bed right so the kids have it. So I just got up and sat in silence meditating. And I don't remember but must be around 45 minutes when I had this deep desire to start praying.


And I started praying, praying to God, that my mom has been suffering for a long time. I don't know what destiny has in store for her or for me, but I was praying, please God, please do whatever is good for her. And I can't see her go through this. So if she's designed to come back, recovered, please do that for her. If not, please help her go through this process and phase of life. And I, about after 15 minutes of this, I started crying, crying, and I couldn't control myself for not less than half an hour of crime. And I went to bed crying, and about 330 I heard my mom's voice. I ran. And she's she, she was trying to get up. And I went close to her. And she said, I feel like going to the washroom, but I think I can't go anymore. Yeah. And then I said, Mom, it's okay. I'm here to help you. And I helped her twice. And then she left at about 815 in the morning, in my pomps, talking to me, and then and then it was a, it was a big depressive moment for me because my life collapsed in front of me, my mom was everything for me. And then I knew the next is my dad. And it was very close. We waited for about two hours. And then I said, No, I have to let him know, I have to inform him. And I informed him. I brought him to my mom's bedroom. And he saw her. He sat there for a while, and then I and then I took him back. But I could see that something was changing in him. And I saw that in just less than half an hour. He wished he had started improving. And then all of a sudden, we received help from a local doctor. And then he too said that I can't guarantee anything. But I'll give him a few injections. And if he's okay, if it's okay. He's he would be okay, if not, I'm sorry. And I think by third day, he had his food. And he started talking. And while I was going through this phase, after about 15 days, there is something important that I recollected, which, which dropped started the beginning of this new shift. And that was the last three days of conversations between me and my mom. And I have been asking my mom, Mom, do you need anything more? Do you want something? Shall I bring something for you? But my mom would only say, no, just be here. You know, just be here. No, just be here. I didn't understand at that point of time. But after 15 days, the thought of a lady who lived such a beautiful courageous life, she could have asked anything. She could have asked for any support and help and medical assistance and anything. Why would she only ask me to be there. And that brought to me a new shift kind of, oh my god. Maybe this is exactly what I should have been doing my whole life. While I was trying to run, run, run and run in order to create a great life for my mom and dad. But when my mom was leaving, she didn't ask me of any other comforts, or luxury or anything. The only thing she asked me for, to be there to be there and to be there

Cordelia Gaffar:

for your presence. That's it. That's it. And


I have this this kind of traffic started shifting for me. And then just in a few months, few days actually. I somehow got connected with the ultimate coach family Facebook group. I started reading the posts. And in one of the videos, I heard Michael Neal talk about his coach, and it was Tim Hardison. and I started looking for Steve Hardison, I could not find any video except one. And I said, Who's this man who had coached Michael Lee, and yet he isn't available anywhere online. And I don't know how magically days we're going. And then I got into this. And then Steve, got this post of free gift of this book, delivered to your email, the ultimate coach. And I opted. And then I get this book delivered. And I read it completed in 30 days. And once I completed, everything had shifted, and kind of the my whole journey of about 25 years, started making sense. And that's exactly what I would say, I fell from my head, into my heart. And more than that, for me, it was like, the dots started connecting. And I saw the possibilities of being a fantastic father, being a fantastic son, being a fantastic friend. And I said, Oh, my God, this depends on who I am being and not what I am achieving what you're doing, or what I'm doing on the outside. Well, maybe I might not have learned everything about it at that point of time. But I knew that I found the direction. And the direction was pointed inward, that it was going with it. And I started exploring leadership inside out. And and then it started and that I started getting in touch with our family group. And then one day I was interviewing LeBron ditchburn, the world's best college coach for my podcast moments with Masters. And after the interview, Levin asked me, the truncheon if you could create anything, what would you love to create? And I said, two things, Lebanon, the ultimate experience in India, and Steve Hardison in India. But then I didn't have the courage to call call Steve and ask, request him to come to India. And I know this is going to be such a huge, and I would like to say, the biggest error and the best ever being centered experience in India. It was Levin, who gave me that final nudge to call Steve and I called Steve. And here's the magic. And we are very close to that. It has become so big. We have a fantastic team now. We have everybody from across the world helping us create this, and Steve Hardison and Amy Hardison, themselves committed to come to India on 25th of February 2023,

Cordelia Gaffar:

at Mumbai, when a powerful creation and what a, an amazing journey to get there. And it's happening now. And it's happening February 25 2023. And you've created literally a worldwide team of people to support this event. So tell me a little bit more about what's going on now. Like where are you in enrollments? And how did you create this team?


Yes, you know, actually had to say, Well, I just, you know, I didn't know how I just call them and live and live and share the number contact number I called Steve. And I said, Steve, I've Rajan calling from India. And that's where it began. And he said, Yes, Rajan and I said, Steve, I want to create the ultimate experience in India. And he said, Rajan, can you call me back at he gave me a time which would be about 6am in India, and we were actually talking at about 1230 air from India. And so I didn't sleep the whole light my whole life. Actually, my dad also didn't sleep with me, you know, whole light and we were waiting. I was like, Mmm, like, am I talking to Steve Hardison? And did I just, I just see that I'm going to create this experience in India. And we spoke in the morning. And he said, he, you know, he was eagerly waiting for my call. And then he made me speak with me Hardison, and we had a fantastic conversation, and both of them and he said, Yes, we'll be there. And let's create it, and you create it. And that's how it started. But then, about 20 minutes later, Steve gives gives me a call again, him, and he said, Ron, I'm sorry, I have something to clean up. And maybe I'm not coming. Not maybe I'm not coming at this point of time. And I misunderstood what Amy said, I thought Amy was willing to or excited to come. But I see that at this point, she doesn't want to, or maybe she's not yet ready to say yes, because of the journey and the pain that we might undergo. But I want you to go ahead, and I want you to create this event. And you will have speakers from across the world. And I want you to go create it. And at some point in future, when I feel that we would love to come and then we'll give you a call and I confirm that we are coming. So for me it was like should I do it or shouldn't I for just a moment, but then I said no, he already said Rajan go create it. And I said, I am going and going to create it. And I started my journey. And very soon I created I got a reading. I started identifying people from India, who knew Steve Hardison, and I had read the book and there were a couple of names I have read them and then Steve, Steve or Amy already gave me a name Pooja and she said like she had a request that Pooja was a Pooja had reached out to me long back asking her for this permission to create this, but at that point, they were not ready. And Steve said for some reason, for some reason, they felt the possibility and they said Rajan, can you please take Pooja along with you on this journey of creation? I said yes, absolutely. Why not? And then I reached out to Pooja. And then I reached out to Saloni. And then he reached out to Yachty. And then I started building my IT team, and we had a meeting. And that's when I decided that I need to reach out to more people. And then I started reaching out to the London team. And I got connected with the London team I reached out to Fiona I reached out to Matt's events I reached out to Rocco, I reached out to Pankaj and then the journey started. And then I reached out to people from other parts I connected with Gabby Puma, I connected with others in the group. I connected with Judy tertian. And, and that's how the journey started. And then I started identity I started looking for the best place and the best venue. And finally, it was on. It was I think on on FB message in the TOC group that Steve put a message he saw all that I was doing behind and he kind of acknowledged that and he he has replied or mesh on Facebook. He said Steve and his girlfriend in India and I I got the message and I I captured it. And then I've been I declared in a big message. And then I I got my team and I got my project leader variable Guan with me. And I got everybody else and the team expanded. I and variable Guan. We started we declared it in Mumbai. And then we started connection with all the top hotels in Mumbai. And then we went started connecting with people across the world. And the excitement is so big now that we got connected with Eric low form and everybody and now we have people oh my god, a huge list of leaders from across the world. Helping us supporting us promoting the event and show Sharing, not even sharing that they are literally that doing a lot of work behind the scenes to ensure this, this really becomes the biggest ever and the best ever being centered summit at Mumbai in India. And I'm most grateful to them. And at this point, we have released the website, the ultimate experience And we have we have people registering from across the world joining us. And people have already booked their hotels, their rooms. And I think that really matters most interested people who just curious, and I know that we have plenty of time, and people are sending their messages in support. And we have a lot of people who have confirmed that trigger tickets from across the world. And indeed, India. And in fact, my team has expanded now. And we have Indians registering now, and all excited for this, maybe maybe in these recent times. This is the first ever as well, a being centered summit for all leaders to understand what is leadership inside out. So

Cordelia Gaffar:

yes, this is really truly miraculous creation Ranjan. And I want to ask you now, right after this 25 year journey, are you feeling full inside? Are you feeling deeply connected to the impact that you're making?


Just got earlier. And in fact, like everything that I'm experiencing, this is exactly what I was looking for. And what I had launched myself, on to the quest for truth. I've been I've been being a beautiful dad for my kids, a loving son, for my father, a loving friend, a different person. And yes, I'm still going through my lessons of love being the person that I create. But now I see myself on the journey. And not as if not as if it is so far and I'm there. But a it's as if it is a process. And I'm a process. And I'm in the process. So it's all here. And it's all inside out. And it's all about who I am being. It's so simplified. Now, that the question, only question that I need to ask myself is, Who am I being? And who would I need to be to create the I love to experience love others to experience through who I am being?

Cordelia Gaffar:

Can I answer that question for you? My quest?


Yes, yes, God area.

Cordelia Gaffar:

My experience of you in this conversation is that you are being congruent. And your heart and your mind are finally in alignment. And you are emanating the impact that you've always wanted to make the impact that you teach your clients, you're finally embodying that. So that's my experience of you. So my encouragement to you is to be true to that course be true to your congruence. Sustain the alignment by by slowing down in every moment and continue continuing your journey of surrender. Because that's what got you here and that's what will sustain you. Yes, Cordelia


and you know, some of the some of the fantastic life shifting life changing conversations that I've been having with Klaich mosque with Gary Mahler with Becky Robbins with Uncle Sharon, with everybody from London team with God with Gabby Kumar. But my court says with you and everybody, it's like, life is your and the only thing that I'm doing if at some moment I don't feel in alignment is dropped down into the moment. Come back to I'm to my own set. Have and just be and see what shows up.

Cordelia Gaffar:

Yeah. And then listening. Allow yourself to be free to be. Well, thank you so much for sharing your journey here on the ultimate coach podcast in for your dedication and commitment to making the ultimate experience India happen. Is there anything else? You're welcome.


I would love to see what's going to happen in India to be with us. India, India has been a land of spiritual awakening always. And this is going to be one of the history creating moments in the history of India. Because this is going to bring the best ever being shift in India, from India, across the world. And people are going to love this shift and experience which will last with their families with a walk and who they are being in whatever they will want to create as a result for themselves and their loved ones. I would love everybody to join us on 25th of February at Hotel Sahara star Mumbai. The ultimate experience the best ever being summit in India.



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