Hello and welcome to number 65! This week I am joined by Jonny Bealby who is the founder of the Wild Frontiers Adventure Tour group. Jonny has written three books including Running With The Moon which is a cult travel classic! We guide the episode through the early years which inspired Jonny to travel in the 80s after failing to make it big with his punk rock band - The Tin Pot Gods. Then we wade through the 90s with Jonny telling us some classic travel tales. We talk about the time he rode through Angola on his motorbike during a civil war. After a terrible loss in India he talks about returning to the area including Pakistan where he got his Hindu Kush tour idea. Jonny talks about being shot at in Afghanistan when he was a guest in someone's home. We delve into the travel documentary he made about him and a random girl riding horseback along the old Silk Road. I could go on and on but you will just have to listen to hear more stories like the ones I have mentioned! A super episode with plenty of wanderlust and tips to get you started with travel. Enjoy!