Writing Your Story
Melissa Krechler and Brandon Johnson discuss what inspires us to write our own stories and share them with the world.
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Guest Speaker is Brandon Johnson
Hey my name is Brandon Johnson I was in a car wreck when I was 7 years old my middle brother was five at the time he kicked out the back window. And walked down the road to our aunt's house to call 911 because I was thrown from the car and hit a tree head on giving me traumatic brain injury and I was not able to move I was not going to conscious I'm lucky to be here because he's gone number one in ambulance came and got me and they had to cut the babysitter out of the car or the with the jaws of life. She was 35 at the time and had to be taken to Spain rehab for treatment and everything else she had a mind of a 5 year old after all of this happened. Last I heard she moved off to Missouri and married to Rich Man.
At the age of 30 I started writing books and becoming author and then at the age of 35 I'm become the CEO of a publishing company we have been up and running for Three years now and we are slowly picking up business. We love to help anyone that we can it's self published so it wouldn't be in the book stores but it will be on there website. We are cheaper than anybody else and we do a good job we're not trying to break anybody's bank account we're just trying to help them out to get on the right path that they want to be on.
Website: https://evpublishing.net/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100088716425115
Email: evpublishingllc@gmail.com
Host is Melissa Krechler
Identity Coach, Spiritual Teacher, Business Mentor and Creator and Founder of The Women Supporting Women Network.
Take Back Your Life Today!
Website: www.melissakrechler.com
#gysttalivetv #gysttalive #melissakrechler #talkshow #podcast #authors #writingyourstory #getinspired #inspireothers #yourstorymatters