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Episode 55 - BASEketball
Episode 5522nd November 2021 • 100 Things we learned from film • 100 Things we learned from film
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We are talking 1998's Trey Parker and Matt Stone's comedy Sports film BASEketball.

The boys are learning what happened the the Oakland Raiders, Reel Big Fish's back catalogue and Dean treats the boys to a mini game of 'Are You A Dead'.

Dean is the host of That Fking show: Part Gameshow, part chat show, all entertaining...that sounds like a decent elevator pitch. ThatFkingShow is another podcast looking to get some of that Spotify money. Join hosts former man-baby and recovering sh*tlord Boo Lemont, Art goth Nik Nak munching creeper magnet Yorkshire lass Abbie Stabby, and Fierce female pro-wrestling Amazon warrior queen Ayesha Raymond, as they talk about life, love and well... pretty much whatever task master producer ThatFKingGuy has made a trivia quiz about that week. Play along while listening to them compete in games such as "Are you a Dead?", "La La Land" and "Tuckers Luck" The only podcast gameshow dedicated to Chris Tucker.


BASEketball is a 1998 American sports comedy film co-written and directed by David Zucker and starring South Park creators Trey Parker and Matt Stone, along with Yasmine Bleeth, Jenny McCarthy, Robert Vaughn, Ernest Borgnine, and Dian Bachar.

The film follows the history of the sport of the same name (created by Zucker years earlier), from its invention by the lead characters as a game they could win against more athletic types, to its development as a nationwide league sport and a target of corporate sponsorship.

This is the only work involving Parker and Stone that was neither written, directed, nor produced by them, although Zucker himself has stated that Parker and Stone contributed innumerable suggestions for the film, most of which were used. 


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I guys an Nesho we're looking at an horn, machos fawn bog named McCarthy bleef stone in Park, Lookin N N N T it years, basketball, hello, everyone and welcome to this week's episode of one hundred things. We learned from film I'm one of your hosts and I'm a little bitch and I'm the other horse and I'm a beggar batch the bites back. I markes jump John. How are you I'm all right, ready, I'm, okay and I'm off for a week this week, so I'm just planning on drinking lots of bus. That's pretty much gonna be my way playing dead space and watching the Yujun bond that nats my plans. Okay! Well, you live in the life of Riley Leven Leven, the dream living the reader want to got a lover Pol, but I don't think on me got to be honest. Who knows you know you can always call in for a cup of low low sugar, I and brew on your way back exactly some o MIS and rules and sources for that. We that we, a greasy spin beside this he's, got very Carmilhan it. But yes, let's sit! Let's, let's stop our nonsense, because we're not alone this week we're being watched and joined and carried on with Lala by a certain Mr Dean Dean Hi. How are you doing all right pig focus? No only only my closest friends can call me pick. Fucker swain sway her. So I can call Dean is the host of a very, very funny, if not extremely not safe, for work podcast that F King Show Dean? Do you want to tell us a little bit about your you, your program and all of that nonsense? All right. I have a pitch for this at some point, but I've lost it part. Education, part, conversational, part, entertainment. I guess you could call it or some people call it in the Sayemon all bollocks. We generally, I generally pink up a quiz and presented to the other hosts or the other guests or contributors, and we lost one yeah. You Lot one of the battle, the podcast episodes. Definitely gonna Start doing some of them when we get to season free of the show want to have you to back on there against the film floggers or you be good to come back on when I'm not two bottles of wine in the way. So this is how that show ended. You can find this over at Tall Codino. That's where I, the links off of the social media and stuff, like that. This is the show subscribe like it. Try It. You might like it a smash that, like in US game, as I see, do, do it because ye it's a regular. For me, I kind of got about four and a half minutes into this week's podcast. Before I got a very long, meanderin phone call, one was in the car the other day, so I still haven't gotten around to it to the full story on that one. But it sounds like you with a psychotic. Yes, yes, like we did e end very good, cliff anger for season free, so we are going on hites for a little bit. So if you currently, it has forty episodes, you can get through fill your boots, HMM YEAH! Please do it's great and that's not just the episodes that me and John M Iturea was a fantastic Friday night. I love that John. What are we talking about this week? So that's were gone for one thousand nine hunded and ney eight basketball, okay, which I've not seen in the way, but when I watch that thought Jos, is it just to quite funny timeless, except for some of the gay panic, jokes timeless yeah, so dean? Thank you so much for bringing this one to was ninety eight John we've been to night. Yet before I'm certain of we having the so of anybody wants to see what phones were going in on thousand nine hundred and ninety eight have a lesson near a wedding singer, podcast with it all and Kayasthas of a ease music in that in that one that was a that was a lot of that. Yeah is good as good. You know the rules by now listeners unless you've never listened before. Then you know fucking clue what we're doing. We've all sat and watched the film we've all made a list of things that we wanted to learn a little bit more about. Do some research we're going to walk through the film he I'm going to walk to the film and these two a M to jump in whenever they want. We will have some bits and pieces facts informationbehind the scenes or just random thoughts that have come up. Are You, gentlemen? Both ready to start your remotes as it well read: Yeah Scotland Right, Elodie's? Okay, so we open in Yankee Stadium, Reggie Jackson, this Guy Reggie Jackson, who look I've got a level with you before before we get properly started. I don't know a lot too much about American sports right. My American sport is Hannibal. I mean sorry, football is American football. If I e work any of them yeah and a yes, that's the one and I I'm a Miami Dolphins Fan, which means that I, for about a week at the start of the season and very positive, I'm certainly going to win the Super Bowl. No for the rest of the season. I just shake my head and a disappointed. John. You don't like sports generally you're, not really a sportsman anyway. I not been brought in Policastro Ney. It was nothing. It was death thing an what's your association with the Murican Sports American sports. I tried getting into ice hockey for a bit a couple years back. I like the idea of isole know it's only port where fighting is part, the game as a trying to weed that out, but it is like you look at the history of it's like it's quite violent is quite fun. You know didn't really get very far with that, because you can't really watch it anywhere and the same thing having coupees, but I try I get into the baseball because I was in Japan for a couple of weeks and one night we was come back from the somewhere had a couple of drinks, but on TV and Japan's playing career in baseball really got into it. It s really enjoyable to watch and it's very slow, very pays you at a couple of drinks in you. It's great I've currently wearing my Hiroshima Cap, baseball, Jo wow. I did wonder what that was so yeah hey some of the best things I bought out there yeah I try and support them, but the same thing. You can't really watch over here that easily, if you, if you are interested in getting into ice socket, I do recommend going to a game because it is just as exciting when you're there I used to go and watch not an panthers when lived in the Midlands. So like we have a London team, don't we yeah, I couldn't couldn't tell you what they called anymore or all in all. I know is that not good panthers of there Nottingham G, MB, Panthers Bat back talking about unionizing again, John always with the unionized. We Open Up Reggie Jackson, batting for the Yankees. Now. What I do know about baseball is the Yankee Song Right. We have to hate the Yankees, because it's The New York team. I assume- and I think they've bought their way to a lot of titles, of something I don't know, but we don't like the Yankees. That's that's it. Even though our podcast baseball team is a Yankees of Filia. Isn't it John that really is a riders, the double a affiliate of the Yankees, which I wish I'd known before we picked them, but what ll get out eleven land, you leven yeah, absolutely she's a witch. The main thing about the men oponent a bit less a tag line yet line of the new of ow James Bomb Film. We've got a couple of facts. Last of at our start, I ca. If a sort, Yuyan kees were alleged and originally named the New York Hilanders, but the name was changed back in one thousand nine hundred and thirteen because Ne do is using Hal Anders. I don't know why Reggie Jackson's nickname was Mr October m yeah we'll get a bit about that late. Rest Yeah! I don't know much about Regie Jackson, because as soon as I went and looked him up, I actually looked up a basket Wolmar by mistake at likes. My regato you're, going to tell us about Reginald Jackson. This leave that ten, this shore, that one is they all look the same, don't hi, I lading in yea, they are going to ball involved of some subject is that's how much I do not like spots. Actually, the only sport I won't grow up grew up watching Robinia, no, not nero, because because it was my dad was always hung over and then they like noise, so cause its lacing play. We just watching the G, that's a that's! A look into the s and eight really, as that we expected. Isn't it and Tel become national sports is like darts snow up, Yep anything quiet, yea, Joe Blam, Baron Billard billiards. That kind of thing. I can tell you a little bit about this Reggie Jackson, John Thankful likes, please. He played for Oakland Baltimore, the Yankees, the California angels. It's fourteen all star titles, which I think is another smash mouth song will come to that later on at five world series championships, three most valuable players to term. I really don't like the idea of somebody being of a value he's for home, run leaders, Yankees, retired number, forty four, because of him, and for good reason, unlike Birmingham City, who recently retired a shirt for a lad that had played a handful of games for them because Birmingham city or a joke of a football club, it was inducted into the baseball hall of fame in one thousand nine hundred and ninety three, now I'm going to read you this story, the Batum as I as it was reported because this this is just the wording of this, the writing of this. At the time. It's so early S, so Jackson was a victim of an attempted shooting in the early morning, hours of June, the first one thousand nine hundred and eighteen a few hours after hitting the game, winning elevent inning home runner to a home game against the Toronto. Blue, Jays Jackson drove his vehicle to the singles bar he frequented in a push neighborhood of swinging pubs and night spots amid high rise apartments, man hands of the east side, while searching for a parking spot. He asked the driver of a vehicle that was blocking the way to move and a passenger in the vehicle began. Yelling absentes and racial slurs at Jackson before throwing a broken bottle. Its car after other passer, is recognized Jackson and began joking with him about apprehending them. One of the men in the car twenty five year old Manhattan resident Angel Viera, allegedly returned with a point. Thirty eight caliber revolver fired three shots at Jackson, each which missed the era was criminally charged. Attempted murder in legal possession of deadly weapon. News on the incident was the third ever story broadcast on CNN, which had its inaugeratin later. That day I mean that's too much going on. Then you know if that was to happen to a sports start day. I mean that like you'd, never hear the end of that, would you it's three shots is: will we get the Guy Washes with three shots at the hand, Canon so he's firing. These these home runs he's done to already goes for a third one and these kids, these coupon Rima kids, who I think, look just like the adult coop and Rebathe d. Some really good unreal, yeah they're cute enough kids, says yeah. Give us it give us a give us a third home run is no not no. Third, one he's already hit to coop. He hits it. Coop catches the ball some day, I'm going to become a big spot. Star says K, which is. This is something that I that I was tweeted about earlier one of the week now. We then have this this chap this narrator talking about the the rates. Actually Stephen Machat Y, all right WHO's, an insanely prolific, character, actor. The last fifty years he's started in TV shows from like star Skin Hush Kojak Mimi, Vice Beautin, the beast, both the original Ron, perman series and the newer one, which I didn't even know they did. It was like a couple years back SEINFELD GON to Le La Law, the XL DET space. Nine will be Texas ranger in the strain it's been in a ton of film star, ranging from Theodor Rex, the woe gobots dinosaur, buddy cop. Maybe I remember that sad lives, Cup free, three hundred watchman history of violence and the mother film has another exclamation a yeah. If you want to, for a podcast suggest this guy's career, because he's got two hundred and fifteen credits and in DB wow yeah, you know the worst. The worst thing of this is Davis. Now I have an idea for a podcast and my wife hates you, because I cannot do a third podcast suster one of my favorite horror, films, which I mentioned on. One of our shows recently were doing our top five horror films, and this was like one of the ones that always made it ponty pool and it's based in a radio station, a DJ yeah was yeah. That was a lot of fun yeah. I like one of the things I didn't know he was doing the narration on this until this podcast and I was doing with the facts for- and I realized- Oh Stephen Matty Kayano was a slow bunner, but it really I enjoyed that thing. I went. I didn't think it went because I was an fast pipes, action, zome movies, but that was proper slot bun and joy em, every minute, yeah and if you can't find it online anywhere to watch or can't find a DVD to buy, you can get the audio drama of the film on Youtube, which I was a it wasfilmed and recorded at the same time. I believe- and it was our long audio play and the long lines of awesome Wales broadcast o good God really yeah. That's that's right on my street. Okay I'll, be I'll. Add that to the to the mimory AD of things that I'll be listening to in the car next week. So this whole thing is about how sport is on its ass in America and surely you would think nothing is kind of is more prescient now than that. So it basically says that all they want to do is spend more time celebrating than they do the actual game. These American football players are doing a river doubt celebration which at the time would have been. You know very kind of Oh yeah. You know by the rive at the time was ye, but now of course, less so river dance, premed on the ninth of February thousand nine hundred and ninety five at the point theater Dublin was the Interval Act at one thousand, nine hundred and ninety four. Your revision show it has been seen by over twenty five million people- big Jesus Jesus- He a God, flatly made his money and he ah he, but he was only in it for like a yeah yeah, but his anchors gave it or something the is. Is a looks at you, your fatly. Looking you lie, you should be fat but you're, not not gonna go with Michael Fatally Joke Michael Battely, oh ileal, he'th loads, going on they're talking about. Does this the stadiums with awful names, so the color change names ones like the preparation, h, stadium and nice pad back the maxie tampon stadium at the rim. Think you know how much its gross to world wide. I dread to think more than a billion dollars, jeest seven point six million or were at that point: wow diculous amount. Monetary is its like it's crazy yeah. I think jay logs ass was less, you know, wasn't it it was con a million. I no more passes e t h the whole thing about river dances. Who is that for because i mean john yo, you've got the celtic connection. Of course you know being a scotsman yeah for you, i stuff a non it was. I don't even know who that was for it's a massive thing at a time and it's not like lane danson mars a freeze, but everybody could do it. You had to be really fast, so it was a really yeah. It was, i don't know who's directed that selling end. Do you think? That's why colin farrel so good at line dancing that is famously colin farel is a great line. Dancer is because he's irish right i go bein an is because he grew up in dublin and not on a fucking farm. The line from in bruce, which is something we have got to cover on. There really did as is going at some stadiums. I looked up. Philadelphia is the wells fargo center home with the philadelphia flyers philadelphia. I was going to say sixty nine, as that would be much better at the seventy sixes and the philadelphia wings. Nashville is the nis and micro state. A certain of the nissan stadium in his a microstation would be good, though, wouldn't it home of the tennessee titans of the nfl and the tennessee state tigers of tennessee state to university. Just where shack made all these millions charlotte is the bank of america, stadium they've also got the jerry richardson stadium and the trust field stadium, as well as the american legion memorial stadium was fucking poppies everywhere, but the yeah i mean i was astounded by how every stadium every single stadium is named after something, whereas of course in the uk, you've got a few. Stadiums have taken the opportunity to do that, but example down the road we've got. We've got carliles brunton park, which you wouldn't sponsor, i'm considering sponsor it for the podcast things probably going to cost ten quid. You know you've got celtic and rangers. Who will never do that and yes go, you know, but then you've got you've got things. You know like rother room play it some. You know some stupidly named stadium and you know people are accreton stanley who you can't afford not to, but if you did that with chelsea or spurs or man united, it would just be. You know it's sacristan, isn't it really almostt because of those big clubs? Although that doesn't stop man city with the ts leading i mean they do it arsenal as well. Wasn't it at type of course, nals the emerich yeah yeah, i mean as a forest fan. I know listeners it's a it's a sham. So as a far as fan, i don't think i've ever specifically purchased anything that sponsors forest, since it was le bat laga in the s and i used to drink a lot of the bats longer, but only because the the beer that sponsored them before no longer exists of, i guess neither does love back preparation. H, gentlemen: it's an american brand of medication made by our good friends at fizer. That's the twice on the truck. We've talked about fier in a jump yeh, that's a one! I go a we're in the dornaus old, her tea, all right. Okay, we're all you be e! Bad one, all the all the push farmers in penrith we got ours, it's using the treatment of hemoroid, of course, and emeroids are caused in part, at least by inflam blood vessels and most versions of preparation, each work by...




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