Artwork for podcast Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs"  Mabe
ASK THE BOSS - Episode 67
Episode 6719th February 2021 • Ask The Boss ft. Doug Miller & Patrick "Meaty Thighs" Mabe • Core Nutritionals LLC
00:00:00 01:05:13

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3:58 What part of NC is your new gym at?

9:57 Would you rather be the greatest chess play on earth

or the greatest body builder?

13:39 Is deer antler BS? Why so much hype?

31:53 Are BCAA/EAA expensive to make?

33:31 What's the best carb source to add to a mass builder?

35:38 Have you guys ever tried a fad diet?

37:21 Still have an old bottle of Flext that expires next month. Can I still take it?

37:28 Where will the first Nutrition Corners be once you move down there?

40:48 Core Sear - Take it on non-training days and when?

41:09 What s*** could you possibly have besides home gym equipment and cabinets full of supps?

43:41 What are your thoughts on creatine? Is it necessary?

48:42 ARN and 'Merica grew fast. You thinking of more lines or taking time now to build up your three brands more?

49:34 Would you rather have a stim or pump pre-workout for the rest of your training career?

51:48 You eat 300 grams of protein - do you count trace protein?

51:55 You stay so lean for long off seasons. Is there a point when you stop in a surplus and just maintain?

52:24 If you do 5 sets of 20 per exercise, is every set to failure?

54:50 Is it seen as a requirement to be a gigantic bodybuilder to be an athlete for a supplement brand?

55:37 What's your ideal calories for a sustainable maintenance diet to look lean and muscular all year?

56:18 When it comes to building a large, wide back, what do you recommend in terms of exercises?

57:02 My legs are strong but my endurance sucks. Best method to build endurance?

57:22 Lemon Drop in Fury and Pump?

57:36 Can you stack Napalm with Pump, or is it a standalone pre?

57:47 What are your thoughts on anal swab COVID tests?

59:13 When will Sear be back?

59:44 Was the Black Friday flavor announced?

59:56 Watch any good Netflix shows?

1:00:40 Current natural anabolic stack?

1:01:22 What kind of orange flavor do you compare 'Merica Napalm Tango Foxtrot to?

1:01:32 What watch do you wear?

1:02:56 Feel like you may need to lose some size soon with age, or joints, recovery, and health still good?




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