The universe is waiting for you to put a value on yourself. If you don't learn to value yourself, don't expect to have wealth. Join Dr Demartini and discover your next steps towards financial independence.
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Compound interest, as Einstein said, was a great eighth wonder of the world.
Speaker:And if we never allow us to save and invest,
Speaker:where the compound interest can allow us to grow,
Speaker:we're going to be a slave to money all our life.
Speaker:I'm amazed at how many people fantasize about
Speaker:being fortunate and being financially independent and yet
Speaker:such a small percentage of the population actually do obtain it. I mean,
Speaker:when I looked around at the actual stats, it's about 1% or less.
Speaker:So that means there's a whole lot of people that have a fantasy about it,
Speaker:but they don't get around to doing the action steps or don't feel worthy enough
Speaker:to have it. They don't give themselves permission to have it.
Speaker:I was speaking in South Africa many years ago,
Speaker:and there's about 5,000 people in the audience,
Speaker:and I asked, How many of you want to be financial independent?
Speaker:And every hand went up, some had two hands up, some had their leg up in air.
Speaker:So everybody was exuberant about the idea.
Speaker:And then when I saw the crowd, it was rumbling. It was ah.
Speaker:And then I asked, How many of you are financially independent,
Speaker:where your passive income exceeds your active income and you're
Speaker:working because you love to, not because you have to?
Speaker:And it was interesting that the hands all went down, all but seven.
Speaker:So seven out 5,000. Now these were entrepreneurs,
Speaker:so you would think that the percentage would be much higher.
Speaker:But many of them were in their early stages,
Speaker:twenties to fifties and hadn't quite obtained that state.
Speaker:And it was really interesting to see what was really going in their
Speaker:consciousness. I then asked them,
Speaker:isn't it interesting that we have 99 to 100% of the people with their hands up,
Speaker:but less than 1% actually kept them up?
Speaker:And that was a bit disheartening. They're kind of like, Oh.
Speaker:And I said, Wouldn't it be nice to know why?
Speaker:And so I basically asked them a question, to write down on a piece of paper,
Speaker:blank piece of paper. And you can do this if you want.
Speaker:And imagine that I gave you 10 million US dollars.
Speaker:Well, most people would be able to survive on $10 million,
Speaker:financially independent. Some would require way more,
Speaker:some may be less. But let's say you had $10 million handed to you,
Speaker:and it was US dollars.
Speaker:So in some countries that's worth more depending on the exchange.
Speaker:And you had $10 million. And now you asked,
Speaker:I asked you a question,
Speaker:What would you do with that $10 million in the next 60 seconds?
Speaker:If you had 60 seconds to write down the 10 things you would do with that money
Speaker:once you got it,
Speaker:let's give you 60 seconds to write as fast as you can those 10 things.
Speaker:And I had everybody write those 10 things down really quick.
Speaker:And the 60 seconds I stopped, I said,
Speaker:Now take the sheet that you just wrote it on and hand it to the person on the
Speaker:And then the person on the left calculate how much of that 10 million dollars
Speaker:is still now an asset that is going to potentially
Speaker:earn income passively.
Speaker:Because financial independence is passive income, not active income.
Speaker:And amazingly,
Speaker:20 to 80% of the 10 million was spent
Speaker:in 60 seconds,
Speaker:on consumables that depreciate in value.
Speaker:That meant that the majority of people in that room, the second they got money,
Speaker:they immediately buy things that went down in value, that depreciated,
Speaker:instead of appreciate,
Speaker:which became sort of a liability as far as financial independence is concerned,
Speaker:instead of a asset.
Speaker:Which meant that their values,
Speaker:what their priorities were, the things that were important to them,
Speaker:wasn't really financial independence,
Speaker:or they would've taken that money and bought assets to accumulate and grow
Speaker:further wealth.
Speaker:But they bought immediate gratifying consumables that went down in value.
Speaker:And most of the things they wrote down is they get that new car,
Speaker:they get those new clothes, they go on that new trip, they get that new house,
Speaker:all the things that are lifestyles, not asset accumulation.
Speaker:So I explained to them the reason why the people don't have
Speaker:financial independence has nothing to do with the amount of money they've
Speaker:earned, it has everything to do with how they managed what they've made,
Speaker:and that's based on what they value.
Speaker:And each individual has a hierarchy of values.
Speaker:And the hierarchy of values is dictating how they spend.
Speaker:So if you have a very high value on good food,
Speaker:I've seen people spend enormous amounts of money in a month on their food,
Speaker:and they can't seem to afford their rent, but they can afford their food,
Speaker:or they can afford their clothes, but they can't afford their fitness.
Speaker:Each individual will find money for things that they value and run out of money
Speaker:for things that they don't, or not want to spend on it, let's put it that way.
Speaker:So the hierarchy of your values is dictated by your financial,
Speaker:your financial destiny is dictated by your hierarchy of values and they're
Speaker:determining how you spend money. Now the question is,
Speaker:what makes us feel worthy of having a value on asset accumulation and
Speaker:wealth, so it can work for us. See,
Speaker:if we don't ever buy assets that go up in value,
Speaker:we're going to be working as a slave for money our whole life.
Speaker:And then when we're in our seventies, eighties,
Speaker:we may not be as easily able to work as hard.
Speaker:So we'll probably have a decrescendoing life.
Speaker:We'll downsize our lifestyle. But if we have, not immediate gratification,
Speaker:but long term deferred gratification and think longer term and think of
Speaker:buying assets, we'll temporarily stop the overspending
Speaker:and allow us not to live beyond our means,
Speaker:but actually to save and invest and buy assets that go up in value that give us
Speaker:dividends, capital gains, returns, and give us passive income. So we're now,
Speaker:when we're in our seventies,
Speaker:we're crescendoing and having the opportunities to travel,
Speaker:do whatever we want to do because we've been patient and allow our money work
Speaker:for us. Compound interest, as Einstein said,
Speaker:was a great eighth wonder of the world,
Speaker:and if we never allow us to save and invest where the compound interest can
Speaker:allow us to grow, we're going to be a slave to money all our life.
Speaker:Now the question is, is why?
Speaker:Why is it that some people are immediately gratifying and some people are long
Speaker:term deferred gratification?
Speaker:This is something that in my Breakthrough Experience program that I've addressed
Speaker:almost every time, for 34 almost years,
Speaker:and I watch people come in there and they fantasize about lots of stuff,
Speaker:but I'm interested in what their life demonstrates and the hierarchy of their
Speaker:values is dictating that. You know I talk about values every presentation I do.
Speaker:So I found this. So this is what you want to make sure you're write,
Speaker:even though you may have picking a few notes already. That,
Speaker:you have a hierarchy of values,
Speaker:a set of priorities that you live your life by that is
Speaker:evolving as you go through life. But at any one moment in life,
Speaker:you have a set set of values.
Speaker:Now this hierarchy values has things that are most important to least important,
Speaker:higher priority, lower priority.
Speaker:Whenever you are doing actions that are in line,
Speaker:congruently with what you value most, your self-worth goes up.
Speaker:You feel you deserve, you feel, you know,
Speaker:confidence in yourself because you're walking your talk.
Speaker:Because in your highest value you're disciplined, reliable, and focused,
Speaker:and you tend to achieve what you set out to do.
Speaker:You're more objective and you have a bigger,
Speaker:longer time horizon because you're patient,
Speaker:because you're doing something you love.
Speaker:But when you're not doing something that's high in your values,
Speaker:but something low in your values, your blood, glucose, and oxygen goes,
Speaker:not into the executive center where you're more masterful,
Speaker:but goes down into amygdala where you're more avoiding pain and seeking
Speaker:pleasure, avoiding predator, seeking prey, avoiding difficulty, seeking ease.
Speaker:And you're more likely to be in immediate gratification because you're
Speaker:unfulfilled. When you're unfulfilled, you try to fill your life with food,
Speaker:and you try to fill your life with stuff, consumables,
Speaker:where you live vicariously through other people's values,
Speaker:instead of building a brand in your own value. And so what happens,
Speaker:you now build a house and it just fills up with stuff,
Speaker:a lifestyle with stuff and food,
Speaker:because you're stuffing yourself for a nonfulfillment when you're doing low
Speaker:priority things.
Speaker:Your fulfillment level's proportionate to how high up on the values you go,
Speaker:if you feel you're doing the highest priority, you have more fulfillment.
Speaker:If you're doing lower priority, I mean, it's not hard to see. How many of you,
Speaker:think about your day when you're living by the highest priorities,
Speaker:you knocked it out of the ballpark, you feel great.
Speaker:If you feel like you've been putting out fires all day and never got around to
Speaker:doing what was important, you don't.
Speaker:So one is fulfilling and the other one is unfulfilling. When you're unfulfilled,
Speaker:you want to go and get addicted to pride, addicted to fantasy,
Speaker:consume food and consume consumables.
Speaker:So you spend your money instead of actually invest your money.
Speaker:And what's interesting is that immediate gratification costs you long term
Speaker:vision, costs you the long term gratified wealth building.
Speaker:So, and your self worth goes down.
Speaker:Because anytime you're doing lower priority things, you feel lower.
Speaker:Just look at your life when you're doing something that's not important and you
Speaker:feel like you're putting out fires, you don't feel great at the end of the day,
Speaker:so you self depreciate. When you self depreciate,
Speaker:there's a thing called brain offloading.
Speaker:And brain offloading means you tend to make decisions through other people.
Speaker:You don't feel confident in yourself.
Speaker:So you then subordinate to other people that you think have a better life,
Speaker:which they don't, but you think they do.
Speaker:And then you tend to inject some of their values in your life and try to be
Speaker:somebody you're not. And cloud the clarity of what's important to you.
Speaker:When you do,
Speaker:you bang your head against the wall trying to be somebody you're not because
Speaker:you're making decision in your own values,
Speaker:but you're trying to live in somebody else's,
Speaker:and you won't be able to sustain it.
Speaker:Think about the time when you were infatuated with somebody and you were
Speaker:enamored with somebody and you were conscious of their upsides,
Speaker:unconscious of the downsides,
Speaker:blind by an infatuation and started sacrificing the things you normally did
Speaker:to do what you think they want to do for fear of loss of them. When you did,
Speaker:you can do that for a few days or weeks maybe, but after a while you go, Hey,
Speaker:what's in it for me? I've sacrificed for you.
Speaker:And you start to build up some resentment and want your life back,
Speaker:and get back to your own priorities.
Speaker:So if you're not living by highest priority in your own life,
Speaker:your self worth goes down, you'll self depreciate,
Speaker:you'll sacrifice altruistically.
Speaker:And a lot of people are sacrificing altruistically and giving away their
Speaker:potential for earning a wealth. And so they don't have permission.
Speaker:That's why I said you got to give yourself permission to be fortunate.
Speaker:And that's not going to happen unless you're living by high priority actions
Speaker:where your self worth is up and you feel, by God, I'm in fair exchange. See,
Speaker:when you're living by your highest values, you're more objective.
Speaker:When you're more objective,
Speaker:you're not subjectively bias interpretationing of things.
Speaker:Because when you do, you tend to over, you know,
Speaker:false positive to the positives or false positive the negatives and skew things.
Speaker:Your interpretation of reality is not exactly balanced.
Speaker:But when you're living in your highest values,
Speaker:is more objective and and more balanced,
Speaker:and so you're more likely to have fair exchange.
Speaker:You're more likely not to try to get something for nothing,
Speaker:when you're puffed up, or give something for nothing when you're beat up.
Speaker:You're interested in giving something for something,
Speaker:a sustainable fair exchange,
Speaker:which increases the probability of people wanting do business with you,
Speaker:and an increase in probability that you are valuing yourself enough to save and
Speaker:invest and buy assets. And if you don't have a value on wealth building, well,
Speaker:it's not likely to occur.
Speaker:Money circulates through the economy from those who value it least to those who
Speaker:value it most.
Speaker:In the Breakthrough Experience program I watch people come in with all different
Speaker:levels of awareness financially, and finances are not the only thing
Speaker:I'm interested in, that program I'm interested in
Speaker:I have people that have different levels of awareness about what's important to
Speaker:them in relationships or social interaction.
Speaker:And so whatever's highest on the value is where they excel,
Speaker:whatever's low on the values is where they have deceleration and unfulfillment.
Speaker:So the hierarchy of your values is fulfilling all areas.
Speaker:That's why in the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:I show people how to determine their values,
Speaker:how to mold values and how to link values so they can maximize
Speaker:empowerment in all seven areas, including finances.
Speaker:Because the truth is that people deserve to be empowered in all areas.
Speaker:That's been my goal since I was 18 for the last 50 years,
Speaker:helping myself and others do something extraordinary in all seven areas of life.
Speaker:All my books, all my programs, all of Breakthrough, everything I do,
Speaker:all my seminars are all designed for that,
Speaker:to try to help people live extraordinary lives in the seven areas of life.
Speaker:You know, to develop their genius, to develop a business, develop their wealth,
Speaker:develop their family stability and intimacy and love,
Speaker:and to increase their leadership skills,
Speaker:increase their vitality and energy and beauty, and increase their inspiration.
Speaker:But when it comes to finances, we all have wealth in these areas,
Speaker:but not everybody has financial wealth.
Speaker:And giving yourself permission to have sustainable fair exchange by living by
Speaker:priority and having an expanded view of yourself and a deferred gratification
Speaker:instead of immediate gratification, and having self-worth that goes up,
Speaker:I'm very interested in helping people have higher self-worth.
Speaker:And that translates also into a greater networth financially,
Speaker:because you feel worthy of having what you say you want.
Speaker:Many people have fantasies, and when you're in your amygdala,
Speaker:you'll look for a pleasure without a pain,
Speaker:and you're not willing to do what it takes to get that.
Speaker:And so you have a fantasy instead of a real objective.
Speaker:A real objective is something that is basically you're willing to do whatever it
Speaker:takes to do it. The pain, the pleasure to do it. You know,
Speaker:I have many fantasies that I've had along my journey that I thought were
Speaker:important to me and then they faded away. Cause I realized, I'm obviously
Speaker:illusioned because I'm not really working on it.
Speaker:So I either change the goal or delete the goal or refine the strategy or
Speaker:link whatever are the action steps to get it to my values. And that's,
Speaker:I train all the people in the Breakthrough Experience all how to do that so they
Speaker:can increase the probability of achieving what they say they want.
Speaker:Because if you don't, they beat themselves up. When they beat themselves up,
Speaker:they feel unworthy. When they do,
Speaker:they offload and they inject and then they try to futility,
Speaker:have futility trying to be somebody they're not.
Speaker:You don't need to be somebody other than yourself.
Speaker:The magnificence of who you are is greater than all the illusions you have out
Speaker:there. I've been blessed enough to meet a lot of interesting people,
Speaker:a lot of celebrities and leaders and things of this nature.
Speaker:And I can tell you that they're just human beings.
they may have excelled in an area, and maybe that's a very high paying area,
Speaker:but that doesn't mean that you know, you need to be like that.
Speaker:Because the reality is you need to be yourself.
Speaker:The authentic you is way more powerful than the fantasy.
Speaker:Why be second at being Elvis when you can be first at being you?
Speaker:And a lot of times you find out behind the scenes that they're under high
Speaker:stresses. You don't want their stresses, you don't want their challenges.
Speaker:And many of them who you think are wealthy aren't even that, they're in debt,
Speaker:because they haven't gotten past their own issues inside finances.
Speaker:So just know that the hierarchy of your values dictate your financial destiny.
Speaker:And if you have a value on wealth building and you have a value on serving
Speaker:people and a value on saving and investing and buying assets, well,
Speaker:then you'll most likely put aside a portion of whatever you earn and work at
Speaker:trying to serve people to earn more.
Speaker:And patiently defer gratification
Speaker:for the objective of having your money work for you as a master and not having
Speaker:you work for money as a slave. You know,
Speaker:I didn't have an understanding really of finance until I was about 27.
Speaker:And then from that point on, I gradually developed it.
Speaker:At age 27 I was pretty good at working. I had a work ethic,
Speaker:and I had a pretty good savings ethic.
Speaker:And I would save to buy books or I would save to go to school or I would save to
Speaker:buy a car, I'd saved to get a house. But it was interesting is,
Speaker:I was saving to get stuff. And I was 27,
Speaker:a gentleman walked in my office and asked me a question, series of questions,
Speaker:that made me ground me and made me realize that if I was continuing at that
Speaker:rate, I would never have money work for me.
Speaker:And that was the beginning when I decided I was going to actually buy assets.
Speaker:And then I had to ask, am I worth that
Because a lot of times we think we want that and then we actually find ourselves
Speaker:interfering with that,
Speaker:and we're not giving ourselves permission to be fortunate. And the thing is,
Speaker:is embracing wealth is, is embracing the accountabilities that it takes.
Speaker:The accountability is to be deferred gratification and patience.
Speaker:In the Breakthrough Experience I teach people how to live congruently with their
Speaker:highest values, determine their values,
Speaker:and dissolve all the distractions that stop that,
Speaker:so they can increase the probability of building their fortune.
Speaker:And many of of my students, I mean thousands of students,
Speaker:have sent letters and things and shown the impact it's had financially.
Speaker:And it's rewarding. It's fun to read.
Speaker:I love watching and reading the letters that I get from people that said,
Speaker:I've never been able to save and now it's moving forward and now I'm investing
Speaker:and I didn't even know what investing was and now I know I'm buying index funds
Speaker:or I'm buying real estate properties or renting them out,
Speaker:or I'm buying this and that and they're learning about how money works.
Speaker:And in the process of doing that, their confidence is going up,
Speaker:they're more stable and they're more attractive. You know,
Speaker:when you ask men and women, particularly women,
Speaker:what they want in a relationship, pretty consistently they say,
Speaker:we want somebody that's physically fit and attractive, obviously,
Speaker:a search image.
Speaker:Somebody that if they were to have a child with they wouldn't go, Ugh,
Speaker:what the heck is this? Something that's attractive.
Speaker:Then you also are looking for somebody that's intelligent and they're looking
Speaker:for somebody that's got some ambition and somebody that's got some resources or
Speaker:potential resources, they don't have to take care of them like a mommy.
Speaker:Somebody that actually wants them,
Speaker:that wants to be close to them and hold them and be with them and to endure
Speaker:whatever challenges it is with together.
Speaker:They want somebody that has social savvy that is a trophy,
Speaker:if you go out with them, they're nice to show off, you might say,
Speaker:and nice to be with and they can interact with friends and family and loved ones
Speaker:and they have a prestige.
Speaker:You're looking for somebody that's also inspired by something,
Speaker:not some desperate person that's depressed at home.
Speaker:So you're looking for the empowerment in all areas when you're trying to find a
Speaker:mate. So the question is, if you don't have empowerment in all those areas,
Speaker:why would the mate want you? What are you offering them? You know,
Speaker:it's utilitarian. I hate to say it, but it is.
Speaker:People want to live in the fantasy it's all romantic,
Speaker:but the truth is people are utilitarian. They also want what's in for them.
Speaker:They're not going to go out and date somebody unless they think there's some
Speaker:return on the investment of their time.
Speaker:So financial reward is very valuable.
Speaker:It's a universal value that can be used in many areas. The more wealth you have,
Speaker:in fact, the wealth means, it comes from the etymological word, root weal,
Speaker:which means wellbeing or whole or health, health wise.
Speaker:So the socioeconomics as it goes up you have greater wealth and health.
Speaker:You also have probably better education.
Speaker:You probably have a greater job opportunities. There's so many areas,
Speaker:you probably select more if you have wealth on who you have as a spouse.
Speaker:You also have more social standing and more physical health and you can be
Speaker:inspired if you're doing a job that you love.
Speaker:If you're doing making money without meaning,
Speaker:well then you can end up in debauchery but if you have money with meaning,
Speaker:it can live in the philanthropy.
Speaker:So it's very important to then go and prioritize your life,
Speaker:have a value on doing something you love so you can't wait to get up in the
Speaker:morning and do it,
Speaker:do it something objectively where there's sustainable fair exchange.
Speaker:Take a portion of whatever you've earned.
Speaker:And I learned at 27 to automate my financial
Speaker:position, I started to take money, whatever I earned, a portion of it,
Speaker:and it went a minimum or a portion of whatever's greater and I put it into an
Speaker:asset accumulation. It really wasn't rocket science.
Speaker:I trained many people on this. It's so simple. In the Breakthrough Experience,
Speaker:I've had a little section on there on just finances sometimes.
Speaker:And I go in there and I, depending on the audience,
Speaker:the audiences have different needs in the group. So I'll go in,
Speaker:I'll do what I can to show them what they can do. Some simple things.
Speaker:They can start the ball rolling and start building their financial potential.
Speaker:And it's not that difficult. I remember watching a video by Munger,
Speaker:Charlie Munger, that's the, you know, partner with Warren Buffet.
Speaker:He said, you know,
Speaker:the Wall Street wants you to think it's so complex that they get ahold of your
Speaker:money. But he said, it's very simple. You buy assets
So what I did is I automated the purchase of assets on a weekly basis and my
Speaker:assets grew. And then the passive income grew,
Speaker:and eventually the passive income exceeded my active income.
Speaker:And that was really quite intriguing to watch this happen.
Speaker:It didn't happen overnight, it took a while,
Speaker:but the patience in watching it happen became invigorating.
Speaker:And then all of a sudden I'm getting to do what I love to do anyway,
Speaker:but I'm getting to do it not because I really have to,
Speaker:because I really love to doing it. And then the process of doing that,
Speaker:it sets you free from a lot of challenges that many people face all their life.
Speaker:And you can crescendo your life if you want,
Speaker:or you can be philanthropic if you want.
Speaker:So you want to give yourself permission to be fortunate,
Speaker:because you have more opportunities in life, more associations, more ideas,
Speaker:more, I mean, the people, I noticed that as my wealth went up,
Speaker:the people I hung out with. When I had $10, I hung out with tenaires.
Speaker:I had a hundred dollars, I hung out with a hundredaires, thousand dollars,
Speaker:thousandaires, million dollars, millionaires, deca million dollars,
Speaker:decamillionaires, 50 million, 50 millionaires, a billion, billionaires.
Speaker:As you rise in your wealth potential so do the opportunities of more
Speaker:influential people and more opportunities to have leadership position.
Speaker:That just goes on and on.
Speaker:So it pays off to value yourself enough
Speaker:and value wealth enough to become its master, not its slave.
Speaker:And the people that say they're either infatuated with money and they want to
Speaker:quickly gamble and get rich quick, or the people that resent money and say, Oh,
Speaker:I'm not into the money, they're not going to manage money,
Speaker:they're going to be run by money all their life.
Speaker:Anything you infatuate with or resent is going to run you.
Speaker:That's why in the Breakthrough Experience I teach you the Demartini Method on
Speaker:how to dissolve infatuations and resentments,
Speaker:because those are the two primary impulsive and instinctual distraction
Speaker:mechanisms that stop you from doing extraordinary things.
Speaker:Every weekend when I teach people the Breakthrough and I go through and I show
Speaker:them how to dissolve their impulses and instincts that distract them from being
Speaker:present and purposeful and prioritized, they go, Wow, my mind is clear.
Speaker:It's not got the noise and static.
Speaker:I'm now able to navigate towards what I want and not be affected by
Speaker:pleasing other people and worrying about what they think or angry at other
Speaker:people because they're trying to change me or whatever, opportunist.
Speaker:the infatuation resentments that people are trapped in, are dissolvable.
Speaker:I've worked 50 years on systems on how to dissolve all the obstacles that people
Speaker:face from doing something extraordinary with their life.
Speaker:If you're not seeing everything in your life on the way and you're seeing things
Speaker:in the way and you've got running stories about how you didn't get this or so
Speaker:one this way and you got all these narratives and stories,
Speaker:it's holding you back from being fortunate.
Speaker:Because fortunate is really a state of gratitude for what you have.
Speaker:And when you have gratitude for what you have, you get more to be grateful for.
Speaker:And that opens up the doorway for fortunate life, and
Speaker:Wealth means wellbeing. And wellbeing means whole.
Speaker:And allowing it and nothing's missing in your life.
Speaker:In Breakthrough I show you how nothing's missing in your life.
Speaker:Everything you think is missing is in a form you haven't honored yet.
Speaker:And so that's why I want people to come to the Breakthrough Experience and learn
Speaker:the method and develop their values and get clear because it's just going to
Speaker:give you a competitive advantage in life.
Speaker:The average person's going through life and missing out on the magnificence.
Speaker:And they could be doing something more extraordinary.
Speaker:And so that's why I took the time to do these little presentations each week to
Speaker:try to give some sort of education and also action steps.
Speaker:And to make your mind think a bit,
Speaker:to stretch outside the normal boundaries that it's probably living in.
Speaker:We many times subordinate to the moral hypocrisies of outside authorities,
Speaker:mother's, father's, preacher's, teachers.
Speaker:And they may or may not be financially fortunate, they may not be wealthy,
Speaker:they may not be financially independent.
Speaker:Be aware of where you're subordinating to,
Speaker:because whatever you subordinate to and inject into your life will probably
Speaker:impact your decisions. Some people call those limiting beliefs.
Speaker:And anytime you're trying to live outside your own values,
Speaker:you're going to end up thinking there's something wrong with you,
Speaker:because you're going to have futility. And you don't need to have futility.
Speaker:You can have utility.
Speaker:Utility means doing something that serves other people with sustainable fair
Speaker:Futility is trying to get something for nothing or trying to give something for
Speaker:nothing that eventually backfires. It's not sustainable.
Speaker:So I just wanted to take the time to do that and to encourage you
Speaker:to come to the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:Also go online and do the Value Determination process so you can live by
Speaker:priority. If you fill your day with high priority actions,
Speaker:you increase the probability of building your fortune.
Speaker:But if you're not doing high priority actions,
Speaker:your day's going to fill up with low priority distractions.
Speaker:You're going to devalue yourself. You're going to feel the amygdala,
Speaker:you're going to be wanting something for nothing or looking for fantasies or
Speaker:And you're going to overeat and do all the things that the amygdala does.
Speaker:All the addictions come from that. And that's not the way to master your life.
Speaker:That's the animal brain. And there's not a lot of fortune animals.
Speaker:You want the angelic brain, the human brain that's inspired.
Speaker:And that's what the Breakthrough Experience is about.
Speaker:That's what my method's about, that's what Value Determinations for.
Speaker:Everything I'm working towards and been teaching all these years is for that
Speaker:Let me help you do what I've helped thousands and thousands of people do.
Speaker:The things that I set out to do to help me master my life,
Speaker:the seven areas of life,
Speaker:I've been blessed to have all those areas empowering today.
Speaker:And what's interesting is, there's nothing there that's rocket science.
Speaker:It can be do, you can do it. It's not, not that difficult.
Speaker:And I'd love to show it to you and give you the opportunity that I've had in
Speaker:life because I took the time to figure it out and put it together.
Speaker:And I'd rather pass the torch to you because if I help other people get what
Speaker:they want to get in life, I get what I want to get in life. I,
Speaker:I love reading the letters of people that had extraordinary outcomes from the
Speaker:Breakthrough Experience. It's inspiring to me. It gives tears to my eyes,
Speaker:makes me want to go and do more Breakthroughs. That's
Speaker:I've been doing them for 34 almost years and I've been working on the material
Speaker:for 50 almost. So I love to share that with you.
Speaker:Why reinvent a wheel when you can take 50 years worth of understanding and
Speaker:summarize it and take it and run with it? You know,
Speaker:there's so many young people that are coming to the Breakthrough Experience
Speaker:today that are stepping on the shoulders that I took 50 years to learn and
Speaker:they're taking off with it,
Speaker:and they're going and doing things much faster than I was doing it.
Speaker:So please take advantage of that. Join me at the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:Do the Value Determination process. Give yourself permission to be fortunate.
Speaker:Give yourself permission to have your money work for you instead of you work for
Speaker:it all your life, and do something extraordinary with
Speaker:Nobody's going to get up in the morning and dedicate their life to your
Speaker:fulfillment. It's totally up to you. So this is Dr. Demartini,
Speaker:that's my message for the week,
Speaker:and hope to see you at the Breakthrough Experience.
Speaker:So I just know if I can share with you in 24 hours,
Speaker:I just spent 30 minutes with you,
Speaker:there I give you 24 hours of very powerful information that's right
Speaker:there on the spot change your life and you get to use it for the rest of your
Speaker:life. So I look forward to seeing you there. Thank you for joining me today.